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HTC HD2 with Windows Phone 7 vs. Samsung Focus

hey guys it's Brian a minimun from pocket navcom by now you probably know that the HTC hd2 can remarkably run Windows Phone 7 in its full glory but just how good is it we're going to compare it to a Samsung Focus a device that natively runs Windows Phone 7 and see how fast the hd2 running Windows Phone 7 actually is so let's get to it alright and we're gonna bring over the Samsung Focus here and obviously the Samsung Focus here has been used a lot more than the HD 2 there's a lot more programs in memory so keep that in mind also keep in mind that we haven't downloaded any third-party apps on the HTC hd2 out of the box when you flash Windows Phone 7 onto the HD 2 you don't get any of the live services like Xbox Zune and the marketplace there is a way around that but it's a little bit shady so we really haven't done it yet but we're just going to compare sort of the built-in applications and the overall performance so you can determine if you want to load Windows Phone 7 on your HD 2 we think you should it's really cool ok so let's get started we're just going to move around on the screens here and check general performance as you can see right off the bed in terms of just the fidelity of the picture now the Super AMOLED screen on the Samsung Focus makes the black stand out better but the HD 2 is kind of like the HD 7 meaning it has an LCD screen meaning that it's probably going to ship with the white background because it doesn't really need to have the black background since it doesn't have the the Super AMOLED display so we can swipe to the right see the built-in apps performance is pretty darn good let's go into the web and see how that is we're gonna launch Internet Explorer at the same time here and see which goes faster they're both connected to Wi-Fi and as you can see pocket now is already loaded here on the hd2 we're just gonna revert back to Google so we can sort of have it have a fresh start here then we'll do likewise on the on the focus here we go all right and here we go and let's check screen rotation speed run zoom out a little bit here and let's see which device can do it fastest Wow the hd2 actually did it fast there remarkable the hd2 a device not built for Windows Phone 7 actually is rotating the screen faster than the Samsung Focus but we should probably close all these windows here let's just make sure we're doing it as equally as possible we're just gonna try that again see if the results are different so look HD 2 is faster again that is really remarkable unmistakeably faster let's go to on both and see which gets there first we should be able to just dial it in here we're gonna go to the mobile version first and then we will go into the full desktop view with all the images and everything like that so looks like it was about equal there go down to the bottom of the page click the desktop version boom alright so this is the the graphic intense version of the site lots of pictures text really curious to see there over the exact same Wi-Fi network see which one gets there first the hd2 is ahead and here comes the focus catching up it looks like too early to tell just watching the progress bars here at the top of the screen the HD 2 is definitely ahead up if one the HD to beat has samsung focus and loading this website this is really interesting to see so very very good Internet performance let's check the sort of pinch-to-zoom silky smooth on both they're both obviously support multi-touch that was probably my fault that it kind of skipped around check screen rotation speed now again the HD 2 is beating the Samsung Focus that is amazing so let's move down the page a little bit more just flick down see if we get any checkerboards gotta say the screen sensitivity on the samsung focus is better it's responding to my touch i'm having to do some double taps at times to get it to work so now let's bunt balance into another application let's jump into the calendar here and so we're gonna try to do at the same time calendar every one two three go okay they were loaded exactly at the time so no difference there swipe to the right let's go into what else can we do here that's sort of a the same on both devices let's go into settings and take a look if there's a difference between the build version between these two devices so we're going to scroll down to the bottom here and go about and it identifies itself as the lis of 70 go to more info we're running Windows Windows Phone 7 seven point zero point seven zero zero four and over here on the Samsung Focus we're also running the same version of Windows Phone 7 so again it's the same it's the same version between these two devices let's move around here on the page here see what else we can do try not to go into things that have you know for example pictures of that as pictures loaded let's see how long it takes to open up the camera app so here's the camera button here camera button is over here so press it at the same time that the hd2 is slightly faster unloading the camera application that is very very interesting so as you can see here there's no really downside to running a Windows Phone 7 on your HD to accept that lack of live services the performance is just fantastic in fact it's beating the the Samsung Focus in most of these tests so again we'll post a link back to the full instructions that we posted previously on how to get Windows Phone 7 on your HD to again we think that the HD 2 is probably the most versatile smartphone ever created you can run Android me go ubuntu Windows Phone 7 Windows Mobile on this phone as if they were natively made for this device and all some devices is turning out to be even well over a year after its release so if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and thanks for watching that's it for now
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