HTC M8x, Galaxy Note 3 Neo, a $50 Moto and more - Pocketnow Weekly 080
HTC M8x, Galaxy Note 3 Neo, a $50 Moto and more - Pocketnow Weekly 080
like all the different types of rain in
Forrest Gump news in the mobile tech
space comes in a variety of forms
sometimes it's a big sloppy swirl around
a single device other times it's a
sprinkling of a groomer from all over
the landscape and other times most times
in fact it's a cocktail of rumor and
hard news spanning all four platforms
and all three major form factors but
it's especially true this week and we're
here to bring it to you episode 080 of
the pocket now weekly the once a week
audio podcast where we discuss mobile
technology smart phones tablets
wearables most things in between I'm
your host Michael Fisher editorial
director at pocket now and joining me
for today's show are the indefatigable
multimedia manager Jaime Rivero good
afternoon to you empathetic about what
is that inverse my addiction action here
grab your to Saurus fancy boy good
afternoon to you my friend how are you
oh I've had better days I've had worse
days I'm right in the middle but also
here proofreading a piece to go live
very soon pocketnow is leading champion
of headwear senior editor Taylor Martin
hey man hello and i feel kind of like i
don't deserve that title right now cuz
i'm not wearing a hat you're not wearing
a hat right now and you have a new
haircut which i understand is it makes
you look like a jarhead what does no I
actually don't know I'm just guessing it
would I don't know what your hair looks
like oh I just buzzed all off and yeah I
haven't when I had in two days I'm good
to know what the ventilating the cranium
like some kind of professional that's
not I'm not my ego was expanding in my
hats were getting a little tight if you
want to run cool you've got to run on
heavy fuel that's it I don't know what
that means but yes dire straits with
debris regarding hats I'm on parole for
time served I used the head for all of
high school used up to the baseball
baseball cap yeah I up to the point
where I just I can't see those things
anymore like seriously I get a headache
kind of using them I got to get you when
I got Tony a Red Sox cap i got to get
you a well yes Red Sox is fine they're
the champs I'll get you a USS Enterprise
cap haha
we've got a cover show together for that
to happen again I'm looking forward to
the next time that happens maybe they us
maybe next time yes yeah what are you
gonna buy me a pup head and I can buy
you nothing Oh jury I know that's mean I
know exactly I just made myself very sad
well listen guys I've been gone for a
week in Florida for a family vacation
and we're so we're here to catch up on
what's been happening and unfortunately
listeners we love the mail that you have
sent in as you know we make every effort
to get it on almost every show sadly
this is going to be one of the weeks
that we skip it because there's just too
much to talk about but I promise you we
will be getting to it hopefully next
week it's soon in any case so thank you
for your patience on that I've asked hi
Mae and Taylor to be especially familiar
with the rundown today which should be
fine because most of what's in the
rundown is stuff that they've either
commented on written originally or know
something about but guys what or bashed
in the pocket now Haley yeah exactly oh
by the way I don't know how long you've
been doing the pocket no daily roundup
this this format like you let into this
the what do you call it the pocket and
weekly review know the really the rehab
that's it yeah I don't know how long
you've been leading into that with an
assortment of tweets from your readers
or to comment yeah that's hilarious I'm
if you haven't seen it you first of all
you should watch the pocket of daily
because that's how I get most of my tech
news in the morning and I'm it just
kicked it off with a bunch of comments
just basically what assaulting your
delivery right so yeah there it's either
of my name not being able to pronounce
it or the fact that I speak too fast I
loved your response that is like as long
if you slowed it down by like eighty
percent we could hear you and you're
like what if you listen to like twenty
percent faster you can hear me better
seriously come on how else do you expect
me to keep it under three minutes it's a
good point and you know we could we
could learn something from you hi may I
here on the podcast that always goes
over time every time but yeah I admire
your mmm what brevity there we go that's
the word speaking of which while Taylor
is finishing proofreading his peace and
may be hitting the publish button who
knows we're going to jump into Android
Taylor are you okay for that yeah I'm
fine I'm trying to work through this
really long are we're actually gonna
talk about the your favorite phone the
one you most enjoyed reviewing oh yeah
by all means leave me out of this
discussion actually know that I find
that actually more interesting than than
the phone itself these are you let's
lift the veil on this mystery hi my tell
us what's going on here I still don't
understand I mean why would it be more
appealing to you so the Sony Xperia Z
ultra is now on sale at its Wi-Fi only
variant which would mean that instead of
paying six hundred eighty bucks for the
you know cell phone capable one you pay
four hundred fifty dollars now for this
I just I don't understand what the point
of this phone or tablet is what you can
pay you can buy three you could buy two
Nexus 7's for that amount or three for
the amount of the you know of the cell
phone capable one and have a happier
experience Taylor yeah I'm kind of in
the same boat on like I agree I don't
understand why it exists but I think
it's kind of compelling in that it's
actually just a tablet so it's bringing
the tablet size down into the phablet
category and it's just that to me is
interesting that doesn't necessarily
mean I want to buy it especially not for
the price the price is the the hard
selling point what is the ice yeah 550
barks 450 yeah yeah so when you compare
that to something like the g pad or the
nexus 7 or any of that stuff it's it's
it's expensive it's too expensive but in
the same respect it's a very premium
device the display is very high
resolution the the battery life is great
at least it was with with cellular
connectivity so without that it must be
even better they have a good the
processor as well yeah the performance
is mind-blowing the phone itself is a
powerhouse and in terms of build quality
and all that it's far superior to to the
nexus 7 the g pad or any of the other
Android tablets in the same smaller
category it's the hard
and build quality is phenomenal oh come
now great yes yeah but the problem I
have that is the size like if why carry
like you would not carry a phone and a
six inch tablet right like that to me
just doesn't quite make sense i mean i
guess she's time is it's right in that
same neighborhood as the seven answer
right yeah so whoa yes like i did a six
point four inch by the way it's six if
we have to if we're going to talk about
this kind of size discrepancy we do have
to note that it's almost six and a half
inches I know it sounds like splitting
hairs but that's you know that's
significant yeah and i did a size
comparison I mean it's far closer to the
size of the nexus 7 than it is say that
the note 3 sure and and if you're
carrying a phone that's like five inches
why carry a phone and a tablet that's
6.5 and like what if you don't want to
carry a phone that's like five inches
like what if now say well yeah yeah you
want to carry like the Moto X so so if
you're carrying like the z1 compact that
would be a great combination yeah yeah
we're like a Lumia 925 just a diversity
sake for the iphone yeah I mean if
you're doing that sort of mix-up that's
a very nice combination because the the
Z ultra would still fit and something
like a coat pocket or your pants pocket
if you have bagged your pants that i'm
wearing jinko xia i was about to say but
but but yet it is very slim and you can
fit it in a lot of pucks yeah so i think
what you're saying is that it's an it
would be an okay combination but not a
lot of people are going to go for that
given what the pricing the pricing and i
think the size and I think there's kind
of a balance that you need out of a
tablet and I think a 10 inch tablet for
many people as we've seen I'm writing
about this right now actually or this is
what I'm proofreading is that smaller
tablets are becoming far more popular
than we probably ever imagined because I
remember saying way back in the day that
small tablets were useless because they
weren't big enough to really make any
sort of or provide a benefit over a
smartphone but they were you know it was
just kind of this grey area that they
lived in and that's where this is now
like 7-inch tablets we we were okay with
then we like them and then the six inch
or 6.5
area is kind of a it's a weasel weird
yeah yeah but let me tell you though I
think I'm going to say something here
that I think is true and I didn't come
to this realization till just now if I
were given the option between the new
Nexus 7 and this the sony xperia z ultra
tablet i would probably go for the sony
product because i'm not losing that much
screen real estate and i really really
like the improvement in industrial
design from my perspective and the build
quality and the waterproofness we can't
discount that as well yeah I can agree
with you in that I would actually own
this if if and only if it came in a
google play edition variant oh and
probably well right I mean the phone
does I hope so that'd be great and it
would be cheaper maybe not actually
maybe not they're not usually cheap
addictively agreed and then I was like
yes yeah but I would actually probably
do a last-minute audible and change um
my car mod because because actually the
the 6.5 inch x64 form factor or 6.4
actually fits my stereo space a little
better so there you go so we have to
mention here that this is in Japan right
now we don't have any international
release right now right yeah so okay if
you're amped on this I think that I
think this is a cool thing I think I
wrote a piece actually when the Z ultra
was announced that was something the
headline was something like let's call
the Xperia Z ultra what it is a tablet
that makes phone calls because that's
what it is now that I can't make it's a
Tony tap it's a Tony Tony it's a Tony
phone yet yeah so I don't know I think
that it's a good thing I don't see any
reason why it shouldn't exist my only
beef would be my only thing i would
change would be like I wish they had
just done gone this way in the first
place because I don't see what real
benefit the phone offers other than
cellular connectivity and making you
look ridiculous when you talk on it this
should we talk about the other so many
product that's in the block here I think
this one's going to appeal to a few more
people right honey the Xperia z2 I
I still at freak for example I really
haven't held the xperia z1 yet I did
love the ZL that I had that I reviewed
but the z2 is interesting because it's
it's pretty much a z1 and just about
everything it's got almost the same
specifications up to the dock the only
difference is that this phone so what we
have is now leaks of the photos of it
compared to the z1 and first of all
we're getting is a taller phone and a
slimmer phone but it's really the same
phone one of the other of one of the
rumors that's been talked about probably
by the end of last week was that there
was a plastic panel instead of a glass
panel so I'm just thinking that this is
just a carrier variant of the z1 for
some region we just don't know which one
yet well it might be I mean when
t-mobile requested alterations to the
z1s it was a plastic chassis not a not
you know it didn't affect the glass on
the outside I don't believe yeah maybe
that's a carrier very but it would be a
different different request I'm looking
at the pictures right now the blurry cam
photos and you know I got to be honest
unless they're really big like the Z
ultra we just talked about Sony and how
it's all kind of bleed together to me
they're all really fairly slim they all
have a sort of pronounced mid played on
the sides they've got that big old
button that I don't think looks very
good and compared to the tablets and
maybe you guys are going to think I'm
wrong here they always look a little too
thick to me like the compact looks a
little thick to me this is e2 looks a
little I don't mean to thicken the sense
of like oh it's so thick but relative
like I said compared to the tablets
which are really thin from a well you
know the tablets are ridiculous no I
wish them but I wish the phones were
that way as well I mean maybe they would
be too fragile in that case and I'm a
you might disagree with me because you
wrote an editorial making the opposite
point right yeah
I mean I wouldn't mind the thicker phone
like a letter a little room and yeah I
really wouldn't mind I I guess that I
it's not that I disagree with you guys I
just I really like Sony's design lately
I just wish there you I would evolve
into something different time look on
screen shots and like yeah that's way
familiar isn't it yeah it's it's the
problem is I've I so I've been using
that you I since the expiry s and it's
it's not a bad you I it's just starting
to look dated I would rather use stock
Android on a sony design phone yes then
then having that you I seriously but
it's not an ugly you I I think you're
not it's just aging a little bit it's
it's just aging is that weird I mean are
we just unreasonable about this because
I feel like I've been saying this a lot
of course who have we been beating up
most on this guy's Sampson thank you
weapon of on Sam's I'm for TouchWiz for
so long because we're so tired of
looking at it but then before that we
did it to iOS and before that I'm sure
we did it to some other OEM I can't
think oh it was probably the earlier
sense yes exactly the CC sense so are we
I I wonder if a study could be conducted
that would generate any usable data
about the relative fickleness of the
tech press compared to the actual tech
consumers yeah well real people are this
of this fickle I don't when one good
example would be the launch of the first
iPad alright we fully bashed it all the
industry everybody everybody was
disappointed by the first iPad and when
you least expect that apple sold a
million in 10 days you know it was
pandemonium at that launch of the first
iPad yeah and you know it's just to give
you an idea of course of course the tech
press determines a lot of things and
yeah but we do it the thing is obviously
we are we are in a little bubble where
we can actually compare everything right
uh where as everybody else doesn't and
depending on the marketing that will
really determine if they're gonna buy or
not I guess or the availability yeah
well that's the Sony news of the week
this should be this is fuel for
excitement for for a lot of Sony fans
and for the industry as a whole we're
still trying to get our hands on the z1
compact for
review by the way listeners and we are
also slated to receive a z1s a lot of
reviews have already gone up on that one
will be second wave on that or or
something similar but I'm looking
forward to it because I think this will
be my first opportunity in a very long
time to review a t mobile device so I'm
looking forward to see how their network
improvements have gone in my area so if
any event he I'm really looking forward
to that this is something I've wanted to
explore for a while you know it's john
legere is doing his crazy stuff the
carrier is working to change a lot of
things in the industry and yet i have
not been able to participate in any of
that because frankly it just doesn't
work where I live and I know I'm not
lying on that please can I correct you
um yeah yeah he tweeted the
pronunciation of his name the other day
oh it's not Legere no it's ledger a
ledger no kidding yeah he tweeted
because he said it was something like um
he said the pronunciation of my last
name is ledger sort of like AT&T is
about to jump off the ledge or something
like that Wow yeah I'm with me I'm gonna
need to tweet the pronunciation of my
name I need to him yeah I don't think
there are enough ours in the in the
tweet space yeah can you tweet your
pronunciation not the pronunciation but
your specific pronunciation yeah
negative I have done I mean I don't have
to unfollow John ledger pretty soon not
because it's not cool but because it
kind of like all that account does is
retweet people who are like I just left
t-mobile hashtag breakup hashtag but
like the same exact but I'm like I don't
need to see your picture of you in the a
in the t-mobile store like I'm you know
we don't need to do that anyway let's
let's move on we're not talking on
tmobile right now we're talking about a
manufacturer that of course we're big
fans of here at least two of us i think
motorola 3x three of us okay Motorola is
unsatisfied with the moto g's freaking
groundbreaking price point of 179
apparently because the company has
dennis woodside the CEO and a recent
interview with who's this trusted
reviews has been talking about the idea
of a smartphone more affordable than the
Moto G so the exact quote is why can't
these devices be 50 bucks there's
no reason that can't happen so we're
going to push that so no mean good on
him I know this is awesome now we have
seen this right we've seen this in the
in another platform on windows phone
with the Lumia 525 20 15 25 yeah the
other day it was available for twenty
dollars or thirty dollars with a
contract yeah I feel like buying ten of
those and just giving them away in the
neighborhood for Christmas it's like
that's cheaper than your average
Christmas gift so it's so ridiculous
kidney do you really feel like doing
that because I felt like doing that yeah
I think I talked about this when we were
I wanted to do that moto g vs lumia 520
video that i did a couple weeks back
Anna it was so cheap that I just wanted
to run down to the microsoft store and
get it and when Nokia told us that they
could give us one to review a loner you
know there was a strange little part of
me inside that kind of felt disappointed
I was like but I wanted to go buy one
like just just the novelty of going out
to buy something that cheap that
shouldn't be that cheap is it that in
and of itself is exciting right yeah
definitely crazy so imagine we see
something like this on the Android side
Motorola has proved they can do low
price excellent performance with the
Moto G do you think that they can
maintain that though down to the fifty
dollar price point what do you think
Jaime well in the case of KitKat that
actually opens the it gives you the
ability to do that it's capable of
running great on lesser hardware right
so you know it does open the door for
let you know KitKat and motorola are
gonna kill the spec race if they
continue this route if they can they can
figure out how to pump some more money
in their marketing and they do push that
fifty dollar phone on whatever
Snapdragon processor you want that
doesn't have to be beefed up not much
RAM at least they guessed as long as
they give us expandable storage if they
can figure that out that's gonna be a
hit I mean fifty dollars that's not
available that's that's like when the
nexus 7 was first announced I just went
ballistic trying to buy it I don't know
I didn't need it just because it costs
200 bucks exactly seriously ya know
exactly if something gets cheap enough
to where you are bowled over by how
cheap it is and it's not some stupid
black friday sale or whatever like that
itself is an incentive to buy it's crazy
i'm sure there's like finance students
out there are have a better handle on
this i'm sure there's a term for this
i'm just kind of riffing but I was so
taken by the Moto G that I decided to
keep it for as long as motorola would
let us keep it just because event you
know how it is eventually we're gonna
have to doing after the buzz will have
to do a throwback if we keep it for
three years whatever but you know I was
like how can I trick this out so I was
shopping for colored backs on it the
other day because you know the colored
cases that they announced yeah well
clove has him and I was like I want to
get a different color for this thing so
I can me and then I was like no idiot
you you have a moto x so why don't you
think about looking at those new options
that just launched and that's of course
the next topic not run down I'm about to
say I will do you need my shipping
address for your current moto extra this
is I'm jealous I'm sure you I'm sure
you're gonna get a I'm sure you're gonna
get a wooden variant do you know how
badly I wanted I just gonna get a black
front with ebony back and black accents
I want that's not black accents no no no
no I wouldn't do that that's two more x
I feel like if you do black accents like
you're wasting that customization level
yeah I felt the same way when I was
going through moto maker with it but
nothing else look nice you know it was
nice but Evan a skill silver looks nice
with ebony yeah looks cheesy it didn't
like it easynote didn't listen anyway I
wanted to do blue I wanted to do and
then you know what what it is though on
moto maker when the ebony one is
spinning around that wood is really dark
and it kind of I'm a little worried
there's no frickin shallow i am i'm a
little worried that people would be able
to tell that it's a wooden phone that
it'll be too dark that you that you'll
have to come home look so then I'm like
oh sure get the bamboo one oh no it's
got a white trim on the back oh but I
kind of a black face but then it's like
black front white trim bamboo back me I
don't wanna do that I don't like the way
I don't like the way silver looks on it
you're you're weird you're weird and
moto moto maker shouldn't sound
shouldn't be called moto maker should be
pimped my phone or something like
Oh sent my phone service well then I
started getting intrigued by the walnut
because the walnut slightly lighter but
that's that would just doesn't have as
much character is 70 if you ask me Oh
ebony is stronger by the way it's a
stronger would yeah it is mm-hmm I'd
love to see a mahogany one me too now
interestingly they they have used I'm
confused sorry mahogany is stronger I
don't know again sarva well they have
these more rare this is strength and
wonder if anybody's asked about this
because or if I just got something wrong
at the Moto X event but when they were
announced the wooden prototypes we saw
where evony bamboo what signal teak
ebony BAM boutique and cherry but the
cherry has been replaced by walnut and I
wonder why that is I think the cherry
was made out of cedar or no is cheriya
would type in the in the united states
by the way is not enough i mean it it
might sound like an idiot is cherry
already like representing thing is the
thing is cedar is so red i don't know
what else she could be redder than cedar
like all the doors in my apartment or
read our cedar they're like beyond red
and that's like very that's a very light
and it's not a strong wood ya see when
you actually search for Moto X cherry
you get a lot of returns for the cherry
cherry red and Taylor's just dropped a
link into the chat with his super Google
skills yeah red cherry wood grain dark
cherry wood grain yeah I mean cherry
trees right yeah all right yeah yeah we
don't see those we don't see those down
here listen to all of us listen that
like we're so did we r such tech heads
that we can't remember what trees are
like exist yeah like if you had a class
of that in high school come on man I
learned those things because I actually
worked with what when I was a teenager
but not because that's like the average
to the TV might know my father's a
genius would woodworker like for real I
should know these things and I don't
anyway the pricing on the Moto X is it a
little nice surprise the bamboo one had
a little bit of sticker shock was $15
premium above but these are all just a
$25 extra a hundred-dollar premium
initially oh that's right it was a
hundred and it was 100 but now it's ya
see five bucks extra which i think is
great and so it makes me just regret
buying mine
ok the question is gentlemen do would
you really pay for a wooden phone yes
heck yeah absolutely without you that's
a question we're like we're audibly
drooling over here I may we have been
for 10 minutes but am I am I the only
non believer here no and you you're not
but I explain your position that I don't
know what looks like wood on a phone I
guess I would just have to hold the
phone and if for example Michael you've
held the wooden phones yeah do they feel
different no they feel the same because
they have a they have a finish on them
that you know supposedly protects the
wood from moisture and such a thing like
that so they feel a lot like the regular
ol backs because all the bags girls
saying whether their weave or not in my
experience is untrue I think they feel
the same you know the matte finish feels
significantly more premium than the
weave oh I can't again with that I don't
know I feel the same in my friend I'm
never go to the AT&T store and check
that out oh by the way I haven't both
well I have one of them but I've had
both we have different fingers well you
know we've we've soft touch fingers the
two they're just different well I guess
the point being is for example I am a
fan of what I am a fan of wooden touches
and vehicles and like when I buy
furniture and stuff for me what nexans
are extremely important for me to buy
something and I am the type of guy
that's willing to pay extra money for a
good wooden finish I just I guess I
guess again my problem like with the
pebble and we're gonna talk about that
later on is the fact that I would rather
I have to that's one of those things
that I have to try to have to try out
and but the cool thing is again with
moto maker you give it a try you don't
like it 15 days return it also in that
same vein hi MA in the comments on this
article we have a user called 775 summit
who asked who said i wish i could get
the wood back for the phone i currently
have I would think I could snap the back
off and put a new wood back on possibly
well of course that's not really the
case but Stephen shank then responded no
promises but Motorola Mobility was asked
by another user william warren are you
going to swap out plastic backs for wood
? ? ? to which motorola mobility replied
stay tuned for more updates mm-hmm is
that a sty social media response but no
that's a stock social yeah I know but
motorist witter account is actually
pretty cool though like they engaged
like humans they don't you know they
don't always just fart out crap I don't
know what that means I don't know what
that means yeah but I could name a
couple of companies that do just
everyone falls into that trap at some
point anyway speaking of which before I
forget this two things number one I'm
very disappointed that this moto maker
news has come out that these wooden
phones are available now because it's
the same week that my favorite the star
trek uniform ever is being recreated by
a custom costume maker and it costs like
a thousand dollars so i feel very
difficult choice to make and by the way
it's all fake money i don't have that
much money just lying around of course
i'm gonna be indebted rest of my life
but more importantly speaking of AT&T
who was the I'm sorry you just have me
in shock you're paying a thousand
dollars for Star Trek costs technically
I'm technically I'm not because I can't
but I want to you understand i want to
pay for that and i want to pay for them
the wooden Moto X you know I thought
that the amount of Barcelona jerseys
that I had was was weird you know we're
all we're all fanatics about something
Jaime right Taylor look at Taylor he's
obsessed with cement mixers right can we
make that a thing can we make you
obsessed with cement trucks I don't know
why I just it seems like something you'd
be into I don't know yeah yeah you know
sometimes gets min and I just I just
can't I got us drop everything i'm doing
and watches ya see one on the road and I
followed her around watch it too if I
get some stains on my car like oh that's
my car no no um you you don't want to
upgrade your house or apartment to the
enterprise apartment now for thirty
three thousand dollar very sadly i just
i just put a sort of Doge like status
update up on twitter and like there was
a lot there's a lot of changes going on
in everywhere in my life and one of them
is going to be my living situation come
this fall my perfect living situation is
going to be going to be broken up but
that's just the rigors of time and you
know that's how life goes yeah well I'm
coming to hate my office so mmm i'd
still love my death booth hey before I
forget again AT&T the ones who are
motomaker where the moto maker exclusive
at first is actually providing the
bandwidth for this podcast not through
any arrangement not through any kind of
sponsorship but because my household
internet crashed right before the
podcast time so we're on a hot spot on
an 80 device and that's great because
things really give your you sound like
you're in on ludus seriously yeah isn't
it that's it that's the type of stuff
that I deal with god I love LTE I mean I
couldn't be doing this on verizon yes I
could probably be doing this on sprint
but I'm just eighteen t was the first
thing I had some sugar let's do it it's
great i'm i'm actually gonna tell you
that that was my fault i did that on
purpose just you sent a bullet through
cuz i have a hot box cuz i'm getting
interview for free no I'd sent that so I
could actually finish the editorial in
which I pics i didn't do thanks and
finally to close this out on the moto
maker i did I was so obsessed and at one
point I really did think I was going to
drop that grand on a Star Trek uniform
that I was like maybe they'll give us a
review you know maybe we can just like
play with a review unit so just yeah I
was like why not you know I can't hurt
to ask so I just fired up in emails like
hey Motorola's a long shot but are you
guys got any of those they didn't even
bother to answer like who is this chump
no no sir you can't have anything at
samples I am I found someone who wants
to buy my moto x I'm gonna try to sell
one and by the ebony and nice 32
gigabytes you're trying to sell the one
that says Casper tech right no no that
one does is somewhere on its way to me
now oh that's right oh my god but we
have so much on this alright so that's
the last thing we're going to talk one
of the Moto X this week or possibly
early next week because of these delays
caused by the winter storm in the
Northeast we are going to have a moto x
durability report from Taylor Martin
we're also going to have a moto
after the buzz which many of you have
been asking for some of you argued it
should have gone up before the note 3
after the buzz I can't really disagree
with you that was my fault I was just a
schedule mix up so that was my bad so
yeah from from what Brandon tells me my
Moto X which he sent back to me is going
to be in great condition for the the
durability report because he dropped it
several times Oh have you have you any
idea what it's like ok so I have to film
a throwback of the first generation
iphone which i am currently filming
between today and tomorrow I just I'm
trying to hide everything that brandon
did to that phone he is like the the
worst when it comes to phones he was
like yeah I'm not like Jaime he was
telling me I was like you dropped my
phone he's like yeah I'm not like Jaime
I don't I don't baby poems I just he
said I think they should be able to you
know handle a little uh loose Brandon
was the first one to film the durability
report and I was like man this is like
perfect for you match made in place yeah
match bait heaven I remember at one
point at one foot brand that was like
hey I've got this inspire 4G here that I
don't need you want to know those were
the diet those were the days where it
was really hard for us to get phones and
some like oh sure come on send it over
oh my god when he sends a damn phone he
writes this piece of paper it says enjoy
it I'm like God cuz it's just destroyed
it was yeah I want to say in this vein
that when I dropped to the Moto X on the
sidewalk not number of months ago and I
tweeted about her nose all sad face and
was like the epitome of first world
problems I busted it up and more than
one person tweeted back at me like hey
if that was a Lumia that thing would
look a lot better well I dropped my
lumia 1020 on some pretty hard concrete
on this vacation and let me tell you
what that thing don't look much better
than the Moto X it got beat up and that
stinks because we just did a durability
report on that that's a problem you
can't update a video after its up I mean
YouTube's gotta figure out a way to do
that you know yeah well you can with
vimeo you can release an updated version
of the same video god that's cool that's
so cool i wish vimeo was bigger but if
it were bigger more jerks to be on and
blah blah blah blah blah we have to move
the Moto X is not the only device with
an X in the name that we're going to
talk about this week we want to briefly
touch on the fact that a device from HTC
called the m8 x appeared in a government
database Taylor you want to tell us
about that one I'm not really sure you
do you're excited about see Jaime thank
you for stepping up thank you so the
problem is m8 x and this happened with
the HTC One there was an m7 X as well
it's just the variant so these do these
news come from Indonesia and it's it's
been submitted for government approval
as the m8 x but obviously it's probably
the same phone there are no specifics no
details just a different name and what
I'm guessing is again we're just getting
a carrier variant just like would happen
with the m7 X at some point I like
Stephen speculation here is like this
could be anything from a mini version of
the m82 a cheaper plastic body version
but heck maybe the X is just padding
because the database didn't like two
character names that's one I love that
absolutely there that's one or the fact
that it probably just have just has
different radios I mean the one we don't
know if the oneplus or whatever the ma
is gonna be called is gonna bring
lte-advanced it most likely will but we
don't know do you think all in one plus
i think so i think they're gonna keep
that the one name for a long time and I
like it I like it I mean we had the 1x
the one asked the one what was the other
way don't forget we have the one x+ as
well and the other one Express OPEN sv
oh god so good let's have them let's
have the one the one plus the 1 minus
the 1 x and divided you know you know
you don't want to call it the two HTC 20
I'm worried about is is where the the
video of HTC CEO on stage starting an m8
chant is that that's all I want em am7
well that's that rumor I hope that we
see some stuff there's I was sort of
expecting that we might see some rumors
on that launching maybe around februari
or something like that because it this
wouldn't this one the one was announced
last year right there's
you recall it being very cold or New
York City and like snowing at the event
yeah yes and I think it came out in
March yes announcement New York City HTC
one says what event februari 19 2013 so
you know that would be cool if we had
that same kind of staggered thing here
because then we get HTC One or HTC to
whatever in February we probably get
galaxy s5 in March or whatever but the
rumors are all over the place on this
nothing's reliable on and the rumors
yesterday on the galaxy s5 from how
what's this eldar Morrison did I
pronounce that right I took my
headphones off and I couldn't hear you
he tweeted that the sorry buddy but he
tweeted that the phone will be announced
the galaxy s file on februari 23rd
witches in mwc all right um yeah and
that will get it in April which makes a
lot of sense you know it kind of matches
both rumors together of an April launch
and a februari launch you know it's just
not going to be launched in February's
going to be announced and then give it
two months give or take it'll be
interesting to see let's talk about
Samsung really quickly to close this out
there's two other things in the category
the galaxy note 3 neo renders have
appeared do you guys like this naming
convention for variants of Samsung
models I kind of like it because they
did this with the achieve s neo I just
release one phone like Samsung I can't
do that is they got to be you know they
got to stay true to their Samsung roots
uh that just drives me up the wall like
why why do you need a neo like state
they need some sort of six month update
that nobody's going to buy so what's the
story on this this is a slimmed down
version of the phablet with a usable six
core SOC yeah what else has gone as a a
unique camera flash set up like it it's
the same position but it's it's notably
different because yeah because the the
note 3 has the camera in the flesh yet
in the hump with with a little ring
around it this doesn't have right so
just lash in the hump it's just a camera
and not like what but then the only spec
boost is actually that processor then
everything is
sir it's got only two gigs of ram it's
got only 16 gigs of storage i believe
about the displays at 720p or 1080p that
I that's a good question all it's still
debatable they're not mentioning if this
is an else so there was a rumor
initially that this was an LCD and that
actually matches with the previous
rumors before the launch of the galaxy
note 3 that there were like seven
different variants of the phone remember
we were yeah we were yeah we were
expecting for there to be an active
variant of the galaxy note 3 so yes I
remember that would have been awesome so
you know that's the thing we still don't
know the only reason that neo would make
sense is if it did something better than
the note 3 and we are wondering if this
is like the sort of a galaxy note 3
active variant but we don't know it's
it's just really hard to tell if they're
going to take a step down in the specs
like this and I'm not a speck head you
know me but this looks like a
significant decrease in power and the
note line is the premium line so why
would you taint that you know why well
why wouldn't you just do MIT the stylus
and then build a large screen device
with mid-range specs and oh wait they
did they add we call it a mega you know
call it a dozen devices like that but
don't ruin the note and like the whole
galaxy brand name has just been like oh
my god there's so many what so here's
the thing Sam mobile it says it will
sport a 5.5 5-inch 720p Super AMOLED
display okay and in a cigarette camera
so yeah so lower resolution camera 720p
AMOLED display when you do this like it
wow it's not right it's not like it's
why don't you just relaunch the galaxy
note 2 sure exactly oh you're just
diluting the the premium nature of the
brand he's also was the cataract what's
the counter-argument is it like what
people want to be able to afford a note
and some people can't afford the
top-line notes we're gonna make a lower
end note but but there are devices
already fulfilling that segment and the
note brand is now going to be less you
know let's lustrous as a result I think
it's just like okay so if they took on
maybe the same sort of
system that the car market has where you
have this one phone and then you have a
step up from it so instead of just
having a bump in storage space you had a
bump in maybe the processor a bump in
camera resolution at bomb like an
overall upgrade for more money instead
of just more storage maybe I can
understand doing something like this but
this is like they release a foam and
then they release a variant of that foam
and then they release another variant
that's kind of the same as the other
very but it's a little different I mean
it's just like they release 30 variants
of the same phone and they can't be
making a lot of money off of say this
version of it it's just it doesn't make
sense to me because now yeah there's a
bit of interesting speculation in the
comments where someone named kelvin
maximus is saying it will combine with
other galaxy note 3 variants to let
Samsung say the note 3 sold in millions
I mean that's an interesting like bit of
PR but I already they can say that
because the node family is so robust
right now they can they can tweak those
numbers however they want yes nothing
like yes sir knows he eat he's got a
good point i mean the iphone they don't
tell you i phone was the one that sold
boat you know they just tell you we sold
a million iphones in a week but they
don't tell you if it's the 4s or or the
575 s so it is a good point there
they're trying to dilute the brand and
that's a good idea again i guess the
problem is this is not significantly
different than the note 3 it when it
comes to sighs i'm like why don't you
just give me a galaxy s you know for you
no one could with the NDI with the
decisive is coming right in like two
months the s5 is gonna be here so it's
like yeah what yeah if this came at a
significantly lower price maybe it would
make sense but add now well yeah yeah
but ya like like two or three hundred
dollars but we are looking at six
hundred euro in belgium yeah so 811 US
dollars for conversion so it's not a
direct thing because it never is when
you're jumping from country to country
but right but it's compared to 750 euro
for the actual no three
yeah I mean it's that's not a big much
roms to do yeah and and just a tiny
other little thing like why it matters i
don't know but the trim around the
outside is not aligned like all the
other note divided it's smooth and it
appears to be yeah which is true so what
do you think listeners you know we've
bedded this around a lot obviously we
don't really understand it if there's a
compelling business reason that you can
see for this that makes sense to you
please leave in the comments below
because you know sometimes we like to be
no dolls when we actually feel like we
know some but i think i speak for all
three of us when um when I say we don't
understand this move right we don't know
it so please help us understand if
anybody out there understands please
help us understand finally closing out
the android categories new samsung UI
the phone version of the tablet the
magazine ux we saw on the new notes and
tabs at CES the new smart phone UI has
leaked courtesy well what we think is
courtesy of leaks we talked a little bit
about this last week and it looks a
whole lot like that magazine you I it
looks just like some weird combination
of magazine you I google now and Windows
Phone 8 and I don't know what I think
about it from these screenshots what do
you guys how do you feel Samsung is just
looking for a different company to sue
them i guess i mean it's not that much
like it is something new ok so the
talent looks a lot like windows which is
cool i like so freaking probably one of
the things that I don't like about
Windows is the staleness I like the fact
that Samsung uses different elements to
make it look a little more elegant um
but you know then again I like it I like
to change I hey we've been dealing with
the same type of Android for years why
not try something different I mean this
UI is is I'm trying to remember how old
it is well know the basic the basic home
screen of Android with different screens
and the app tray and everything so I
love my yeah I don't know the fact that
they're trying something different me
too me too and it was dumb to great
effect on the tablet I think we haven't
spent a lot of time with them but i
think we all like
on the big screen yeah yeah lazy what
did last week I did an editorial on the
magazine UX and it was Samsung's
magazine UX hot or not and yeah I went
over it yeah I went over all the
different parts of it and explained it
in great detail and I think they really
it the look and appearance and
everything of how magazine UX works is
great I like it but there's a problem
instead of Samsung just going back to
the drawing board and fixing all the
problems with TouchWiz and everything
all they did was put more on top of
TouchWiz well we don't know that that's
the case it is with this with the
smartphone version but not with the
smartphone version but with magazine UX
on the tablet all they did was add more
on to touch with so they're adding more
to something we've been saying needs to
be slimmed down for ages because really
if you want to get rid of magazine UX
you can you can use just the tablet UI
like okay now but but I mean if she did
the same thing with with Sense 5 they
you know sit the previous versions of
sense were over engineered there were
big ol three Diablos and then HTC fixed
all that but they did add more in the
form of blinkfeed the gallery stuff you
know they added a lot more but the the
performance was so good and it was so
cohesive and style that I was a success
I think I thought it was different it
was very different in that since four
and since five were different from the
core like they look different they yeah
yeah they added some features to it but
they didn't just plop a new thing on top
of what was already there they took out
the UI and put in a new one samsung all
they've done here is like oh you don't
like the UI or we're going to just add
something on top of it and leave the old
you I there too so it's it's like we're
complaining because it's so bloated and
it's so clunky and they just keep adding
and adding and adding and adding without
taking out the stuff that nobody wants
or cares about they just add an ad math
and that's the problem with magazine UX
now is that going to be the same on the
handset side the screenshots seem to
think or see them to lead to that but I
have no idea what do you think I'm gonna
I'm gonna I'm gonna ask you guys a
and this has to do a lot with a note 3
neo as well I mean with kitkat you do
have that advantage I mean you guys have
been using kit kat i haven't used it yet
um because you probably don't notice it
different because it just works well um
but I do wonder how TouchWiz is going to
behave on a much slimmer operating
system that's probably that's probably
one of my biggest questions I you know I
do know that they're swapping one thing
on top of the other um I guess so here's
the big problem with the wood TouchWiz
how many people do you know out there
don't have a galaxy phone it is just so
popular how do you prove these people
how do you prove to these people that
they need to change their UI uh how do
you make the case as Samsung that's how
do you tell Samson listen your UI is
tailored it's dated but you're selling
millions of galaxies phone it's like we
talked about before it's like we yeah
we're very more much more fickle than
the average consumer exam and the air
Schumer's already fickle yeah yeah so I
guess I guess that if Samsung is doing
it I guess it has a lot to do with the
fact that kid cat is probably so slim
that they're capable of doing it without
bogging down and absolute end from what
we see we've seen at CES that's largely
true there's very little response lag in
the the tablet versions of this at least
in the tabs in the notes it's a little
different and that's a good thing
because remember how much how many
pixels were being powered by that
processor yeah and a 12.2 inch display
as well were those those were Snapdragon
processors as well well or residence
we're that because there's the two
variants right there's the exodus yeah
so this is hard to note on Snapdragon
TouchWiz lately has been pretty good but
on if you get these if the new galaxy s5
or whatever has an egg's nose chip
inside yeah yeah that's I'm just gonna
stop there well it's good because we
have to stop there with Android to or
we're over time as usual but we expected
that was such a news heavy show let's
say we move into Windows Phone we have a
new story from January 17th indicating
that maybe after
for months the microsoft nokia deal is
getting ready to wrap up now for months
that's not a lot of time for an
acquisition of this size I think it took
a lot longer than that for some carrier
mergers to happen here in the States but
these are different types of companies
but here's the story in a statement this
week which was last week nokia advised
investors that its next financial report
is going to be a little different on
account of microsoft's purchase of
course specifically it intends to label
a smartphone arm that microsoft's
acquiring as discontinued operations and
going forward it will only report on its
other business interests so that's
there's no surprise in there whatsoever
but all it means for us is that we're
going to be keeping our ears open as
stephen says until then in hopes of
catching some official news Nokia's
report is due on the 23rd so it's due
tomorrow morrow yeah cool I'm looking
forward to hearing more about that it's
really going to be interesting to see
what Microsoft does with the hardware
arm that they've acquired speaking of
Microsoft we have a slight well I don't
know if this is a correction much as it
is and as much as an update last week we
talked about Microsoft possibly spending
the very large figures to entice
manufacturer interest in Windows Phone
that's what it was right and and these
are very interesting news because um so
a lot of people and this is the constant
comment of Microsoft having so much
money to throw it whatever they do that
they're just gonna do it and a lot of
people have assumed or the rumors there
that Microsoft paid a billion dollars to
get OEMs to you know adopt Windows Phone
and Frankish I which I don't know who he
is but you know he's a Microsoft
executive it on Twitter that know that
they go into co marketing deals which I
consider to be even worse than whatever
you want whatever you would want from
Microsoft their marketing ad company is
terrible but you've said as much yeah I
am serious i have never seen more
ridiculous ads in my life than
microsoft's windows phone ads and
specifically the latest milk ads are
just terrible all this will be changing
maybe for the better maybe for the word
know what
better yeah no no yeah but the confirmed
or he says that those one you know those
billion dollar figures are not true
they're not doing this you know change
on this initial tweet this is this tweet
was great it was like reality check and
do we need to do co-marketing with
partners you bet but these numbers are
complete fiction then there's a big
range between a lot of bigwigs including
paul theroux and you know freed and did
I propose that correctly yeah and here's
a deal how many om's having has learned
said yeah so he could talk how many OEMs
do you know have adopted Windows Phone
in the last couple of months I could
even say a year I mean the last HTC
windows phone was that sprint phone that
you reviewed that was terrible yeah what
yep and then that samsung phone that you
review that was terrible as well for
sprint yeah but we do have some you know
we have rumors of a new samsung windows
phone we have rumors of Sony actually
confirmed rumors I think of Sony's
interest in building windows phones so
it's not you know it's not a completely
stagnant pool they have this huge
distraction of this impending merger to
you know that that's going on so I don't
know that paired with all the flack it's
getting for all its marketing efforts
yeah yeah it's it's a tough a tough
space to try to grow in and of course
where we're now in the the lull after
the major nokia world announcement we
just got a bunch of devices dumped on
the world and now we're in the the post
nokia world pre-merger completion low
and so that's just going to be the way
it is for a while but microsoft just
wanted to include the fact in the
podcast that yes Microsoft did address
that and they dispute it they say it's
not true and well that'll be it until
the next room are we here I guess
dual-mode Android Windows Phones guys I
want to hear about this Jaime I want you
to tell us about this device and then
Taylor I want you to tell us about how
it's not real make sense well first of
all this you know this duel mode phone
is so it is an android phone it was
launched by this korean company that i'm
trying to remember the name bluebird
Bluebird yeah so they launched this this
phone but it's it's like a sort of an
enterprise phone because yeah it does
run Android but the problem is that even
though they say that it looks like
Windows one is not really with those
phone it's really windows invented 8am
held like can you imagine me going to my
dad right now being like what Dad I'm
gonna give you a new a new windows have
been the date handheld phone it's so
confusing that I'm a can't even say it
serious know it reminds me the old days
of Windows Mobile like you know when
there's a name very similar to this in
the windows family that I can't remember
about it maybe it was one of the c/e
versions for mobile I don't know it was
but yeah so the device but there's even
more to this because you can't switch on
the fly right Hey no no you have to so
this is like a ruggedized phone that
it's focused for business you know I
don't even think that it's gonna make
the light of day when it comes to retail
now and and from what from my
understanding you can't really swap the
OSS immediately I just they don't
specify how long it takes for you to
reboot that thing or how exactly is that
it's not a dual-boot phone yeah because
the capacitive buttons on the bottom are
actually different down each iteration
so these are different Hardware variants
of the same phone right yeah yeah they
have the same specs they just have
different capacitive buttons and you
have to order them as a corporate
they're not ever going to be retail
devices okay they're their corporate
devices for enterprise solutions for
something like home depot or something
to that effect so this is totally bogus
like this not that the headline is
because i love stevens headline
dual-mode Android Windows Phone ish
handset a reality is not that you know
it's not what we think of it's not a
dual booting handset that we've been
fantasizing about and I'm talking about
for ages it's yeah you choose one of the
other at point of sale it's probably
never going to make to retail there's a
lot like that motorola xt windows line
for sprint but but I so I guess that
that makes the device itself much less
interesting but what is Windows Embedded
8 handheld Taylor I'm glad you asked
good luck test but gives you my windows
have been 28 handheld for you yeah cuz I
spent a lot of time yesterday
researching and trying to dig through
and find out exactly what Windows
Embedded 8 handheld is yeah and yeah and
finally um it's basically okay so
Windows Embedded is has been around for
ages and Windows Embedded handheld has
been around for ages last like before
this update which actually came out to
manufacturers and around October Windows
Embedded was Windows Embedded handheld
was based on windows mobile 6.5 so it's
been around and I've probably used it
myself at some point through one of my
retail jobs but it was just kind of you
know windows mobile it was antiquated so
they brought Windows Embedded mobile or
handheld up to speed with Windows Phone
8 it's built on Windows Phone 8 it looks
like Windows homemade but the enterprise
customer that purchased these purchases
handphones ah the enterprise like this
whole word is like just killing me the
enterprise customers to purchase this
handheld from a manufacturer can have
the UI customized to their needs so if
you look at the headline image that I
used for that article the home depot
actually has a custom windows phone
interface it looks like you're stuck in
like an amazon app or something like
that like the Windows Phone Amazon act
like they've designed their own thing
with custom tiles and it looks like
Windows Home that looks like a Windows
Phone app really but that's the UI is
what you're saying yeah and it's never
meant to be a consumer product it's a
purely enterprise and it's mainly
targeted at retail associates like floor
level people who are selling things and
the best way to think of Windows
Embedded 8 handheld is to think of it
like you walk into an apple store and
every employee there has an iphone with
a card like a magnetic stripe reader on
it so if you want to check out at any
time if you don't have an iphone
yourself and can't check out yourself
you find the nearest associate that's
not working with someone and you say hey
i wanna
hi this is really great you swipe a card
and you walk out yeah and this makes a
ton of sense because I think the last
time I was in the microsoft store what
were they using for their handheld check
out stuff like it wasn't a windows phone
wasn't wasn't it like an old clunky
windows windows mobile 6.5 thing yeah
yeah yeah so that makes a lot of sense
for for that I've do you know that's
just one application I'm it's a shame on
you Microsoft's shame on you why don't
you use your updated hardware like this
is great with their old generation i
remember in when Apple stores first came
out they had windows ce e devices and I
remember that back so like but but this
is great because Windows has a long
history of B of having this massive
business this enterprise arm and if been
taken forever for the for the UI update
and some of that but tell her what's the
core I mean what this is built on the
same core windows phone 8 yeah it is
built on Windows Phone 8 of not just the
core it is built on Windows Phone 8 and
you can run any of your windows phone 8
apps so long as the administrators allow
it has allowed it yeah yeah and you can
also run off the shelf Windows Phone
apps so Microsoft Lync acha office 365
dynamics for retail and all of those
other ones that you can't purchase as a
consumer but as an enterprise user or
with government contract and don't worry
cuz you don't worry listeners if you had
never listened to those applications
before neither had I you know I want one
of these I want to rip so so basically
you're not ever gonna see like a sales
associate that's using Windows Embedded
8 handheld using a Lumia device or today
it's going to come from Motorola
Solutions intermatic Honeywell ingenico
and blue bird yeah so on so they're
their specific devices and the hardware
is always going to be ruggedized the
hardware is going to have magnetic
stripe readers built in so it's not
going to be like a square dongle you
plug in very cold phone itself will have
a stripe reader barcode scanners all
kinds of other stuff this is so this is
cool no but oddly enough I we heard a
news story about what six months ago or
something that Delta was equipping all
of their flight crews with Windows
Phones it was like one of the bigger
windows phone orders of the time
and I guess that happened with like
Lumia 925 or somebody I don't know what
it was it was or eight 20s but it's
funny to me that that happened and now
this has come out and now i'm just
picturing some delta a by buying exact
being like you know god this would have
been way better and now we're stuck with
these linked ah microsoft I think this
feels like a really an important gap and
thank you for all your research your leg
work there Taylor and helping us figure
out what the f this is and yeah when I
started yesterday I had no idea it's so
cool it love this is like that where you
learn like from you've no nothing and
then by the time you're done with the
piece you know enough ram that's so cool
yeah you have to make myself an expert
on things i have no idea what it looks
like the most fun part of the job i love
doing that I don't get to do any more
I'm it just two videos now frown on face
hey last thing in Windows most exciting
thing in Windows even though I'm not a
super halo nerd ever we've talked about
this have either of you guys played halo
nope um which which part of halo which
is halo any of them I believe them you
don't like you're not too amped on him
no no but not at all you get I'm on the
podcast to the wrong people yeah I don't
like any of the halos I've been replaced
I love the halos anyway the concept of
halo is the science fiction game series
written for Xbox it's the flagship line
or was for a long time the flagship
Microsoft gaming experience and there is
a piece of artificial intelligence
within halo called Cortana which
represented by a beautiful holographic
woman but she's actually a computer and
she has a wonderful voice that I don't
know who the voice actress is I should
have found that out and I will while Jim
Taylor is that right Jen Taylor wow
you're awesome at that did you write
this story or you just you just looking
at a point he's looking like it's in the
piece as you were saying that it said so
I was reading supposed to be gently
return return to the role or oh by the
system speaking voice probably should
have trusted Stephen who have looked
that up yes well this is great so this
isn't just great news if you're a stupid
nerd like me right it's it's it's
microsoft intelligently leveraging one
of their more popular platforms or
products i guess you could call the
Cortana voice
using it to drive attention toward
Windows Phone they tried to do this with
Xbox games and xbox video and the Xbox
brand as a whole with Windows Phone
integration but because Windows Phones
game catalog is not terribly compelling
still it didn't really work right so get
it yes might be a little bit of a detail
but the fact that everyone knows what
Google now is everyone knows what
syria's and the fact that Microsoft is
now going to have resumed presumably a
compelling alternative to those services
and it's going to call it Cortana is
pretty cool I don't think this is a game
changer i think is it just a very smart
move go ahead I mean the only cool thing
about calling that thing Cortana is that
at least you know the name doesn't mean
your backside in Japanese what like Siri
yeah Syrians but I didn't know that ya
know how about that yeah wonder one
Cortana means and you know the Turkish
no no seriously but I hope they keep it
true to character though and not make it
this this oh just like a dot I don't
yeah yeah I don't know how cortana speed
like i don't know her persona government
you got a little bit of an edge like
she's like smart she's a quip or two
every now and then yeah that's fine as
long as they don't just like go out of
their way to make it more snarky or
something like that that would just ya
know i really hope they don't mess that
up but remember unfortunately we're at
this we're still at this point in voice
interface technology where you know they
can't have jen taylor come in and just
record every possible phrase that she
could ever utter like they have to you
know record all the phonemes in the
whatever you call him and if it come to
this so she's still gonna sound I would
think much more robotic than than the
actual scripted vo game files you know
yeah because she's not doing full
Synesis pre-scripted exactly she's doing
she's reading the sickness is out yes
he's reading sentences out that cover
each sound each consonant combination
invalid yeah yeah but says it yeah why
was I it what bus runs dog you know just
random words in a sentence the human
torch was denied a bank loan yes what I
mean why can't we get Scarlett Johansson
onda she did such a fabulous
Owen heard have you seen her I haven't
spike jonze felt I need to go see it I
haven't seen it either because coach
because she's a fantastic lady but she
is not Cortana Jen Taylor is not to be
questioned everyone all right not on
this show anger all right huge Scarlett
Scarlett so all right yeah if you want
in on this and you have ways of getting
into microsoft developer beta apparently
it'll launch on lumia devices this april
all right what do think about that great
time senator linea device cuz i do have
access why do they started recording a
long time ago it's a really good point
yeah we're talking like in future tense
perdon after I I really really really
want to see that even if it's under NDA
which will be and we can't like do
reporting on it until a certain time I
just want to see it I want to use it
because this has been a huge glaring
hole in Windows Phone the voice
interface sucks and I use it all the
time on other platforms okay that's and
a windows phone what say we cover
quickly iOS news hi May what do you
think you use s voice oh god no actually
I'm a galaxy gear i do because i have no
choice but we'll talk about moving I
know let's move to iOS please so one of
the biggest rumors that we have this is
very interesting because we have this
leak of the car interface that we should
expect for iOS well iOS 4.1 beta is
expected to bring this whole new car
interface and it's just funny because a
lot of people are speculating that this
could probably be just an application
that was leaked and not really the car
interface but you know everybody that
has access to iOS 7 point me know some
point when beta is has access to it I
haven't loaded it on my phone because I
haven't had the time um but yeah i'll
confirm that eventually but it you know
it's just the new car you why it's just
the the differences that they offer i
just i don't understand i thought that
this was gonna be more of something that
was going to come on dashboards like
what's happening with android and audie
and all these companies in the open not
a motive
ions and not you know the phone having a
navigation UI which is there are a ton
of third-party applications that already
do that so you know I don't really know
what to expect or what solids' it looks
very simplistic it looks very nice but
we've seen from everybody else already
HTC does a really good one Oh what an
automotive interface yeah Taylor what do
you think about this year the other car
guy um I don't have anything to add like
I just I don't know what to make of it
it doesn't look terribly interesting or
impressive or unique or it just looks
like something that you've seen a
million times from examine but from
other companies now by Apple exactly it
doesn't look like anything that we
haven't already seen by competitors and
even applications you can already
install in your iphone so I don't think
that's like hot stuff yeah it's it I had
this on I think the original moto droid
or motorola droid yeah so like it came
with a driving mode that did exactly
this back in 2010 2009 mmm so ok cool
Apple that's great now the difference
here is that iOS in the car is also a
different thing yeah iOS will soon have
car integration because actually you
know in other words iOS yeah like you
have the called iowa's in the car where
a car comes with iOS integration built
in but that's s that's good actually I
was wrong but but this I don't know I
guess go ahead it's still no different
than then the navigation you already
have built into your carts effort uses
Apple maps like okay great oh my god
like I can't get excited over that you
know like yeah like I said I guess I was
expecting something that wasn't a phone
in her face I was expecting like the
real deal something that is really going
to compete with Android on cars that's
really what i was expecting that's what
it's been talked about ever since the
launch of iowa seven initially then we
still haven't really gotten it so I
guess we should expect for the bit you
know for iOS 7.1 will be launched in a
month I believe yeah um let's see what
we get I I'm sorry I'm just for me iOS 7
has been uh it's it's been good but it's
you know they're there are times where
do you have this problem well you have
an iphone 5c right uh Michael yes I've
got one every time that you install an
application does your phone reset on you
every time that I install a mobile
application yeah or one these update
does your phone were set on you do you
know what I I'm ashamed to say I me that
I don't know because it's been a very
long time since I picked up that device
I don't blame you but it's just for me
iOS 7 has been like a total like if they
went back to the drawing board and
weren't really clear what they were
doing and they just threw it out there
and a lot of people are disappointed
with it you know I'm not sure yeah I
tried to move back into it and then when
I ran into some trouble with google
integration because we use you know
double security and all the stuff and I
was like you know this just isn't worth
the hassle so that I can have not enough
room to type on on a device only come
anyway uh this is good I think we're
going to be able to figure out this iOS
and the car thing a little better later
when we get our review units in of the
new lincoln navigator you know yeah yeah
the dodge durango we're not doing that i
wish we got a few units of cars that
would be fun see i would be in heaven I
know you would I know it would make your
whole day we need a car's tab next to
wearables up there we're about to get to
wearables but before we get there let's
talk very briefly about blackberry a so
this is important news oh hai mei you
stir you know oh my god You cheeky
bastard so I actually I'm glad you did
that because I wanted to omit this from
the rundown we were so packed full news
I wanted to get rid of oh my gosh we
shouldn't talk with us but the more I
tried to delete it the more it wanted to
stay in the rundown because this is
mogley significant news this is the most
surprising news I've seen in weeks let
me help you let's delete it live now
another matter
it's real this is really important so I
don't understand how these numbers work
out this has not been reported on widely
this has been reported on by gsmarena
and what's their source what is their
source DoD is a mill the defense
information systems agency at any rate
apparently the net result of this is
that 80,000 new blackberry units have
been ordered by DoD so the actual
verbatim text is the program currently
supports 1,800 unclassified mobile
devices including ipad 3 and 4 iphone 4
5 4 s and 5 samsung 10 dot 1 tablets and
samsung 3s I know what that is and
Motorola RAZR devices with participation
from the combatant commands services and
agencies throughout the DoD and here it
is the program also supports 80,000
blackberry phones so that despite choice
like i don't i don't know i mean this
this to me doesn't say like if 80,000
new units were ordered it says the
program supports that number of devices
I don't know but apparently it's real
news because the whole blackberry stock
went up like a lot on this announcement
so was this just a story from like 2008
that accidentally took a break like bump
to the top somebody's feed or something
like it sounds like it right but yeah I
think that's what I think of every time
I've seen this headline yeah I don't
know I'm trying to read the initial
report and it's not making all that much
sense to me so I don't know but in any
case this was important enough like I
said to bump the stock and everyone is
perceiving this as pretty good news for
blackberry so I have to believe that
that it is a substantial order and that
the majority of that is new units and
that it's blackberry 10 which is the
important part I don't know if any of
those assumptions are accurate because I
get my sense of any of these stories but
the numbers don't line up to be but if
it's true if it's if if if I'm just dumb
and I can't understand it this is great
news for blackberry in a time where
we're not seeing a lot of great news at
a blackberry so I mean it is but in the
same respect 80,000 blackberries
very small number like if you're looking
for like maybe maybe for an enterprise
perspective or from an enterprise
perspective it might be a significant
thing but I mean in the long our grand
scheme of things is this a big major
thing for blackberry because I feel like
as far as government agencies goes that
this might be you know kind of a normal
thing at least 80,000 might be the
initial order phandroid is is
speculating on that the commitment
sounds like it has the potential to add
more handsets over time says phandroid
and not a chance once they start using
them no I just rue you know I think I
actually think the opposite i really
think blackberry 10 has some compelling
stuff in it particularly for people who
are just going to use them as messaging
devices guys maybe this is because I've
just been obsessively watching the news
room which is set in 2011 and where
blackberries are prevalent I don't know
maybe it's because I've got this cute n
sitting here loaded up with Android apps
that I actually like a lot maybe this is
just this is because this is just
because the leash aquis resigned and
therefore the government is now
interested exactly right they got rid of
that they got rid of the BS position
yeah let's bring them back in the fold
Michael you are the exact opposite of a
fair-weather fan you're exactly right
you're exactly right if you love into
the doldrums and yeah you are down on
your luck and you're beaten up by the
world and in the gutter I am instantly
your biggest fan just I'm still I'm
still cracking up at your editorial
which was it our Christmas wish list the
contrarian edition I'm like yeah that's
right it's like because everyone knows
someone who wants to be you know who who
doesn't want to be part of the
successful crowd the contrarian edition
of like blackberry q10 hey I would have
liked it if I woke up to a blackberry
q10 under my christmas tree i would have
liked it a lot so we working out of set
fire to the tree Gerak's nope Santa's
not listening shall we move on to
mom dad hey hey hey hey what hey Willie
we have uh if Nora attracts him he's
real okay okay he hit all those cookies
that when you it's exactly right he
drank all that scotch anyway sad has
leave Maloney's busy let's jump into
wearables which I don't think we have a
sound effect for so hey wearables what
should be the sound effect for wearables
if you've listened to the this far into
the podcast you should let us know the
clanky sound of the pebble de pelo metal
bands vibrating yeah by the way i'm lee
getting my pebble service i'm finally
getting a warranty replace because the
busted screen so wait you're gonna get
the replace then you're not gonna get a
pebble steel I should man where we've
gone over this i got a thousand-dollar
uniform that I can't buy like what do
you think um I'm gonna wait for the
somebody in it and I'm gonna like it for
two weeks and send it back Taylor you
told us that what was the name of the
double CD CEO um Steve at your casa Eric
I told you the hair is gonna send those
review units us us like us so exactly us
nobody i see you guys gets him I can
move my domicile come on I don't we
should how I wish maybe eight review
units they're planning on sending us
probably one yeah because they're like
everything that every border banner that
they have is like limited stock so yeah
I'm can't wait but I actually don't know
which I mean tell are you cheek fine so
we'll do this in order of seniority just
straight to me oh yeah how do you want
or over talking seniority with a pebble
because then i win no in pocket now do
you want to review it Taylor yeah I'd
love to reply would really want to
review it to this is weird cuz usually
guys listeners usually there's why
there's a distinct like difference like
I'm like do you want to review that
until is like no looks like a piece and
I'm like okay sweet I really want to
review this and so usually it works out
that way and I'm is like hey guys kind
of review something like now takes 80
days to get to you yeah I take a
challenge you to a street race sounds
awesome i will have my bicycle ready
so let's okay Taylor you're on street
race stick shift to get deal yeah I mean
only if you move to the United States
can you please do that to just make
things easier on us what are you even
driving no I know we're not doing this
we're not talking about cars in this
podcast what do you drive Hyman nobody
cares nobody cares about that they don't
exist over there that's right Oh see
fancy see this is what happens now you
feel bad Taylor because now you want one
one month with pebble chronicles on the
non-delivery I may tell us about your
experience you non-believer have you
been converted into the wearable world
tell us I'm trying to convince you to
send me a pebble steel how does that
sound that's a good point I love that
you used instagrams at images as your
inline pictures that's my anthem that's
awesome so go go tell me no I guess I
you know I remember when the first
pebble came out we were at CES and you
were going crazy to go to that event and
I was like now let's do something else
right from for me a SmartWatch has
always been like why would I want to get
notified about something in my wrist
when my phone is just in my pocket and I
could just pull it out and you know the
more that I start so I the reason why I
got a pebble was because I moved to a
new place and my watch has disappeared
interesting hmm so I for all four of my
watches disappeared and so obviously i
need to needed to buy one but you know
my taste has become a little more fancy
and i noticed that all the watches that
i wanted were in the line of over the
pebble and pricing and so I was like
wait a second why am I going to pay this
amount for watch or even pay because i
was actually willing to buy a Nike Fuel
band or a Fitbit I was like why am I
gonna pay for these things if I could
just you know get a pebble for almost
the same price and so that's really the
reason why I got it but I didn't really
get it because I was compelled to buy it
I was it for me it just became a
no-brainer and so far it's probably been
one of the best experience I best
experiences I've had um because first of
all I i I've a lot I have to commute
from my apartment to my office to
my family's place where I usually eat
you know I just I have to do a lot of
driving and it's just cool to not have
to pull the phone out to check a
notification I just I look at my watch
if it's something important that I pull
over and if it's not that I just
continue driving oh it's taylor okay so
let's just continue i do that i do i do
that all the time um so I wore my he
knows yeah see how it feels Taylor yes
no I I guess that there is a compelling
reason to own a SmartWatch uh not
everybody will agree obviously the
pebble the original pebble wasn't for
everyone not everybody liked the design
if I would have known that the pebble
was plastic that you know the casing not
the band but the casing was plastic I
would have probably thought twice for
the price but you know now that I see
the pebble steel I'm like okay this is a
compelling I would have probably waited
but i'm not i don't regret buying the
original pebble i think that it's going
to be a good fitness tool connected to
RunKeeper for example um but again I I
feel that it's is it worth hundred fifty
dollars i do feel it is because i've
been using watches for years and to be i
was with you none of the four watches
that i had i bought these were gifts to
me ok because i don't believe in buying
jewelry i think that it's a way to waste
money and so this is actually the only
reason i would buy a watch if it was
something that was useful to me and
that's really what I've learned from the
pebble and the time that I've used it
that's awesome and I'm glad that it was
a positive experience I not just because
it was a peasant pebble I'd be saying
that with for any watch i mean i just i
think these devices a lot of people
think these devices are flash in the pan
and no i'm not willing to like
completely disagree with that I mean it
could very well be but I don't think
that's true I think there's a lot of
excitement particularly around pebble
because they've found a way to do a
limited set of things very well yeah now
with pebble steel starting to solve some
of the issues with the first run device
looking a little cheap yeah but at great
cost though I mean I'm not sure that's
the thing I I wanted to pull the trigger
on a pebble steel the other day and I
agree with you I just don't know if the
ye you know oh I I actually I actually
don't I didn't so I I had a problem
agreeing with the original price of the
pebble especially because it's plastic
but I do find two hundred fifty dollars
to be fair for the pebble steel I mean
how much if you wanted to buy a casio
edifice right now I'm talking about like
the high-end casio which is a cheap
watch it's not really a high-end watch
it'll cost you two hundred and fifty
dollars so why would i pay 250 dollars
for an edifice where i could just buy a
pebble seriously it's a good point i
mean again it goes back to the fact that
this is a useful watch that actually
looks very good it looks elegant I like
it I like it Taylor you're still wearing
yours mine's about you got repaired
we're waiting for pebble steel rear
Joe's still got his even well Brandon
ordered a pebble steel and I think even
Tony ordered one right I don't like Tony
no no I think he did I think he did
that's news to me I know if you order to
steal that he ordered a pebble Oh some
kind I'd be surprised if Tony got it got
a SmartWatch do know here we go from
nine days ago too much time at the ER
this is when they were icing him down
from his fever so I've ordered a pebble
steel why high fever maybe or maybe just
to have enough reasons to counter your
excitement or maybe I'll love it and
then he says that he makes a comparison
that I cannot read on the air which is
very very funny yeah so this is great
i'm looking forward to hearing what he
thinks about it you know this whole team
is going to be going to be pebble
where's in a while and then we'll have
the lone galaxy gear proponent over here
in the corner that's me and we have some
good news on the galaxy gear in to
forums stephen shank what what what else
is what gonna ruin your your segway oh
good i never know what ya know what i
was just gonna say that i'm up so
stressing over look at my favorite
pebble watch apps video that i made it's
not in the rundown that makes me
incredibly sad Oh Fran on face i'm sorry
i'll probably didn't even watch that
video either did you i did watch that
one lady didn't oh I did too because
that's how I got holding out taste
from uvalde out messing up all the time
yeah that's when you were in throwing
Eric no is my favorite watch apps for
Android the one available to you he has
it's you know a scene that now I've been
on vacation evenings see whatever all
I'm gonna say is anybody with a pebble
out there right now spend the five
dollars and get the application tasker
and the application pebble tasker and
thank me later because you can do so
much crap with your pebble I know I want
my pebble to be fixed now I not annoyed
cuz it's broken okay let's go and talk
about the galaxy gear here because we're
coming to the end of the show but I want
to talk about this the footboard that
we've seen min youum which I believe
Taylor you've done a video or two on
that I've done a video and I'm actually
currently using it as of two days ago
menu on is that weirdo keyboard with
three rows of offset letters and a bunch
of it looks just completely unusable to
me I one line keyboard so it's a qwerty
keyboard that's squished down into a
single row of letters right and and it
doesn't require accuracy and it works
really well which seems like the perfect
fit for something like a really limited
screen real estate like like a smart
phone a smart watch rather and I had
been thinking about this as I've been
using the galaxy gear more and and
putting up with the size of the note 3
in my pocket so I can do it and that's
how much I like the gear and I've but
the S voice interface sucks of course
and also you can't dictate a reply if to
use stored replies and text so you do
have to take your phone out of your
pocket if you want a custom reply and i
was thinking like what keyboard would
work on here like you can't fit a
capacitive keyboard on here and expect
it to work well or a full qwerty
keyboard so many would seem to be the
right solution Taylor what's your
confidence level on this on such a small
screen do you think you could use it
well it was funny to me that that
everybody ran this is news now obviously
they just uploaded a new video and it's
pretty cool it's a good demonstration
but whole day and you main menu on a
platter minimum yeah yeah yeah but their
original video the one that I was
talking about when I made my video
months ago when I first tried menu I'm
part of their whole idea was to change
the way that we use a keyboard to use it
on different form factors and one of the
things they had was a very tiny keyboard
that they used I think like a pencil to
type with him and it was tiny just dots
and and they were typing just perfectly
fine and and that's one of the reasons
this keyboard was designed not to
revolutionize the way we type on our
phones but to revolutionize the way we
type on devices that are to come in the
future so we should have expected this
is what you're saying you did it yeah
like yeah yeah yeah Oh Kevin they said
specifically like like they're like
we're gonna do this thing and then this
thing came out and then it was like they
did this thing yeah that's exactly what
it like they showed it before not
necessarily on the Galaxy gear like they
have here Rob we so if there's in this
video looks I'm not gonna run it right
now because I can't spare the bandwidth
but I mean it certainly seems to be
quite effective I'm looking forward to
trying it out even though custom
keyboards like this i'm not a big fan of
you know yeah i was about to say I mean
is a good question Michael this is
something I don't know yeah um when
these custom replies for the galaxy gear
can you create custom replies and select
them later really good question i think
you don't know if you can or not I
should know but I don't because honestly
I mean there are certain types of
messages that I would want to reply on
the go or this makes sense for me to
want to use my SmartWatch to reply
something yeah I guess I would rather
just have a scroll down list of the
things that I would want or consider
regular replies and not have to type
something you know I mean I want to be
able to dictate replies I want to be
able to just speak my reply cuz i do
that half the time on my hand said
anyway do you yeah exactly that's so
that's that would be even smarter that
would be the best way to do this now
obviously wouldn't be able to do with a
pebble or anything that's not equipped
with a microphone but man it would be
great to use it on the gear yeah I can't
which the one boob going about 10 that's
actually the one thing I wish pebble
steel had and that's a microphone yeah
same here I
guess the the one usage that I really
want from the gear is imagining myself
getting a phone call driving and just
responding it from my wrist and continue
driving and talking to my wrist I guess
what what you can create custom text
replies using pebble tasker and tasker
and simple text replies hey Wow imagine
that saying hi babe just say and before
we move on to the last bit of the story
we're still staying on the Galaxy gear I
want to make my semi-monthly
announcement that if you feel compelled
to comment on a SmartWatch story please
keep the content relevant to what is
being discussed in the story don't use
it as yet another opportunity to foist a
piece of anti SmartWatch propaganda on
the world again I am so tired of every
SmartWatch piece having someone who
insists on coming around saying I just
don't see the point like so though we've
been omitted we've we've written too
many editorials about with the point of
smartwatches and somebody will do in the
comments here and that's okay that's
what comments are for sorry I'm not that
bent out of shape I just haven't gotten
angry voice on the show yet and it had
to happen so I'm sorry Leslie he was he
seems angry if it was pre show that was
way angry voice pretty sure you were
left and right um I just want to add in
terms of on this minimal vein is a very
funny um um um I just want to add that
this is like the fourth time I've tried
minimum the first three times i switched
away from the keyboard and anger because
it was just so frustrating to use yeah
and I've been using it for two days now
and it's it's actually much much more
accurate and the last time i used it
they had added a full keyboard for you
know typing in search queries and
passwords and 10th or things like that
because obviously those are a little
more difficult when you have to pick
each individual letter so you have a
full keyboard in there I don't know how
that plays into the SmartWatch thing but
I'm just saying that it kind of takes
time I've tried pretty much every single
keyboard out there except for probably I
think it's called flex key I haven't
tried that one
cuz I just haven't had the time sure but
it's something I've really been
interested in I mean I did several
pieces on alternative are alternative
types of keyboards like the dial one
that made everybody's head hurt and yes
things are weird III just like it and
out of all the I guess non-traditional
keyboards I've used minimum is probably
the most accurate and compelling so
having fun a SmartWatch yeah yeah yeah I
think it's really worth looking into if
you're interested in that sort of thing
and it takes time like like I hate it
when people say I tried it for a few
minutes and I hated it so switch away he
obviously takes different you've been
using a qwerty keyboard a standard way
your entire life you have to give it a
little time and after two days already
I'm you know moving along very well with
it I'm done this like am i weird for
wanting for wanting t9 on a SmartWatch
keyboard probably I thought I can still
fly on d 9 like it gave me what was the
last time you picked up a dumb phone and
tried to like shoot a text I could still
like own anyone on t nine I think I'm
doing in my head right now I'm like my
little vinegar is the coolest guy in the
world like I could do that fast yeah I
was slowly nine but I don't know I mean
I just think on a watch I think this is
what this keyboard was built for I think
it's great for this you just have to get
used to it you have to break free of the
thought that you have to hit every
letter perfectly yeah you have to let
loose and just like with predictive text
it very much is yeah because you have to
learn to trust it and if you trust it
it'll usually work pretty well unless
it's a samsung keyboard in which case
it'll suck actually what I've actually
come to realize as they it's more like
dictation than predictive text because
you have to think about the word as
you're typing it not you know like when
you're doing dictation you have to think
about the words that you're gonna say
next yeah before you say them so you
have to think ahead of what you're gonna
say you actually have to think about how
to type some things like especially if
you're used to like swiping something
out I mean I've been doing that for
years and I just kind of hit the high
points it's and it usually picks out
what I want but on this
where you're so close and so tight it I
found it's easy to just kind of skip
over a letter or get the order of the
letters wrong because you're not moving
up and down you're just moving laterally
how do you type how do you type we've
put high made to sleep hope I think we
have is he live hi I lost you guys there
for about a second oh alright but let's
just want to say like you yeah if you
think it's cool give it a try if not
then you know leave it be don't just
bash it because you're just willing to
try new technology good advice all the
way around I agree and rounding out the
wearables category the Samsung Galaxy
gear what is my biggest complaint about
the galaxy gear everyone compatibility
that is right you have to use it with a
samsung device i am not a fan of
integrating a galaxy device into my life
that's just not a good fit for me it
doesn't mean it's a bad device means
it's not good for me but i love the
galaxy gear so i wanted to use it yeah
and and a lot of things it's just not as
force so when I want to use the galaxy
gear i want to use it with another
device maybe a moto x maybe on occasion
and the other android device i have
lying around but i have been able to do
that until now to find people over at
XDA developers have come up with a
solution for pairing the galaxy gear to
a nexus 5 there are other asserted
reports of others being able to pair to
an HTC one and so on and a lot of the
functionality comes over here we
apparently all the operations are pretty
straightforward says Steven shank if you
want to do this there's no a DB or
anything of that nature required and
just installing some applications yeah
which sounds awesome which is why there
is currently a nexus 5 enroute to me
thank you taylor so that i can try this
out damn it just for Michael get that to
me by monday yeah before 7pm today okay
it'll be on your way analyst with you
what do you lose you lose s voice which
I think we can all agree is not a big
loss and in the same vein weather is
broken there also some reports that the
music player functionality is broken
these are apps i almost never use this
would be a pretty good fit for me that
said the camera call functionality and
general notifications are working says
Stevens story so
you may still be able to squeeze a
decent smart much experience out of this
hack job this sounds awesome and I kind
of have tried shoot yeah it can ask two
questions yes one uh-huh will we see a
potential galaxy gear pairing with the
nexus 5 from one michael fisher and the
near future we may we may very well see
that yes I don't think we'd I don't
think we'd be spending fedex money to
just to like keep me happy I'm non
galaxy gear stuff ya know I have to send
that to you for another nexus oriented
video we have to don't forget about that
you have to announce that is the second
question uh-huh how long do you think it
will be before samsung says um this
ain't cool rose and are cool at all yeah
you know but what can they block it
though I mean I don't think that usually
good it just takes a software update man
I mean they don't get out how to block
the pebble from their galaxy phone so
well they didn't that's just a
compatibility I'm sure they can do it
with like one string of code and like
yeah but whatever eating don't expect
the up dirt though what if you just
don't accept the update and we run into
the situation where the folks at XDA are
coding custom roms for the galaxy gear
that keeps it safe now they're gonna do
the app but they're gonna do the animal
things--it they're gonna do the apple
thing there yeah does run android yeah
version of Mildred yeah okay I mean it's
a customer it's not a full version it
was a custom version like you can tap
twice and hold and you get the the
Android multitasking bar okay and people
of sideload and android apps on it like
yeah it's android so who I wasn't sure I
thought it was a I read somewhere else
that it wasn't maybe it was before the
gear was official probably okay I'm sure
you know I'm sure there's some new ones
that I'm missing there I'm sure I should
be adding more color to that statement
but I just I mean just androids far as
I'm concerned it's very versatile I've
seen people running full-size apps on it
and such like when I was sitting next to
brian klug from a non tech at that event
he was running like I think he was
running like speed test on his galaxy
gear who's really sucks it's some crazy
full smartphone app on his gear and I
was like man you are awesome that right
i guess that's is great so hopefully
we'll have some more on that maybe at
some point hi May if we get that gear is
from eighteen t by the way this
mine but if we get another gear in the
house if it works well enough I might
actually consider buying my own gear and
if that happens I may have to tell you
what I'll let you borrow it for a little
while so you can suitors so nice of you
so nicely well but the new gear is
supposed to be launched with the galaxy
s5 so cross your fingers oh yeah that's
right yeah that's right yeah whoo yeah I
want to see that too oh I'm so excited I
love watches ah I don't know why but I
just got like this crazy image of brian
klug running speed tests like like
reading like speed test results in
binary or something like that guy just
see ya she blows my mind like that oh my
god we got to watch out yeah I wanted up
on the show to talk flex a while back
and actually maybe this isn't this is
real news yeah the Flex is coming to
AT&T we knew that so yeah maybe we can
have them on to talk flex after we get
the 18 to version anyway okay guys it's
been over 90 minutes we've covered a
really really thick rundown we can't do
listener mail because we have to go my
voice is getting there and i think i'm
going to ask you gents if you need any
if you have any points to make before we
get out the house Taylor um come back to
me I didn't cuss started all right I'm a
you haven't spoken in a little bit I
feel like we've been neglecting you over
there because maybe because you're drunk
think we lost them so yeah I was just
looking up the headaches tracking for
that moto x and it's still m.i.a so wow
that's too bad it was but uh yeah I'm
candidate for the weekend we've lost
Jaime Jaime has scrolling dots over his
face so we've lost time eh that is sad
news I would love to have him have mom
for the sayonara but of course we know
we know who hi Mei is and we were happy
to have him on the show as always Taylor
thank you for joining me thanks for
having me i feel like uh that's always I
feel like a staple these days you would
you rather would I get out co-host I
don't know what happened something
magical though thank you everyone again
tired of finding two people every week
yeah it's just easier this way I wish I
could do more podcast every week to be
honest with you I don't wish I could
edit more of them i wish i could do them
more because the
fun anyway Thank You Taylor for joining
me hi mate one last try you burnt you
around I'm here buddy sorry you're
talking off the call so you've arrived
just in time to say goodbye to our loyal
listeners yeah you dropped up again oh
that's great alright everyone that's
going to do it today for the episode 080
of the pocket and weekly thanks for
joining us you can find us on twitter
casper tech cas ber tek jaime Rivera hi
mate underscore Rivera captain two
phones you can also follow pocket now
officially Twitter Instagram Facebook
Google+ and you can share opinions with
other listeners online at forums hey if you enjoy the
podcast we love a review on xbox music
stitcher or itunes or anywhere else
reviews can be left and if you have a
topic question or suggestion for the
show we just want to say hi we are
watching that inbox at podcast at and we'll get to your
listener mail again soon thank you
sincerely for listening and we will see
you next week anyway we're gonna we're
gonna call that a goodbye so hey
everyone that's going to do it for
episode 8 0080 of the weekly for 2013 no
let's just do that again and with that I
think we're gonna close out this episode
that is going to do it for the now yeah
it's this save this script that's two
weeks old I'm reading it like an idiot
all right stop it everybody that's going
to do it for us today that is going to
wrap up my third attempt
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