
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S 4: Pocketnow Live, Ep. 7

good morning good afternoon good evening everybody and welcome to bucket now live episode number seven I am Anton denied managing editor for and i'm joined today by brandon minimun editor-in-chief of pocket now welcome brandon and over there and also with me is steven shank chief news editor good afternoon to you how's it going guys and also with me is adam doubt from Chicago Illinois who is bidding editor front pocket now welcome at him greetings and salutations so before I gotta hand it over to Brandon I understand he has just a couple of minutes to talk about something I just want to say that the Android world is much much happier today because yesterday we got the samsung galaxy or so basically the major players all have their devices their flagships out for this year we have the sony xperia z we have the HTC one we have the samsung galaxy s3 of course we're waiting on a motorola x phone and the other devices but with this I'm gonna hand over to Brandon for a short Steg way into our public hang out so please Brendan take it away yeah so we're going to be answering questions about the galaxy s4 and you know Michael and I were there and we saw the launch and there is an overall sense of disappointment and I've been trying to figure out why people are disappointed i mean the galaxy of sports thin it's light it's got a crazy high resolution camera and the screen is in my opinion better than the one and yet people are disappointed and I think they're disappointed because Samsung did what we were kind of fearing they played it safe they made a business a good business decision too I like how the verge said this kind of take what they did before and make it a little bit better like kind of like a galaxy s 3 s kind of like the iphone for us the problem is that so many people know the galaxy s3 so many people have the galaxy s3 that they're disappointed that the new one looks identical to the old one you know when you buy a new piece of technology and you bring it around the show your friends you kind of want them to notice and say hey that's different that's interesting they're going to do that with the HTC One they're not going to do that with the galaxy s4 maybe you'll turn on the screen and walk them through some of the cool features but it doesn't have that satisfying thing that you would get if you had an xperia z or an HTC one so I think that's why people are disappointed Samsung's going to send sell a ton of these phones um but you know people that have seen this phone so much are just disappointed including me and and and for me it's kind of like a decision for this year am I going to use the HTC One or am I going to use the the galaxy s4 and you know I i'm reviewing HTC One and so far so good it's just a dramatic difference in in design philosophy it's like this this feels premium the galaxy s4 feels cheap and light that so everybody who watched yesterday the live coverage of the samsung galaxy s4 event probably seen a major disappointment when we saw the first images of the galaxy s4 I am personally a little bit disappointed because I am sick of the design from last year and I have to put up with that for another year and for me it all comes down as with everybody is it the galaxy s4 or the HTC One but tonight we're going to talk about your options so without any further ado I will pick somebody and we'll talk about either the HTC One in case you have questions you can ask me either the s4 Brandon was yesterday there in New York can ask him or you can talk to Steven or Adam so I'm gonna talk to domenico because I know he has been trying hard last week to get online and I think he has pushed refreshing our Facebook and entrepreneurs like every second so nobody go please unmute yourself and welcome to this week's show I think I actually got RSI trying to like I think I broke my mouse so Phil tell me what do you want to talk about uh well I've actually got like three pages of notes on Randy I'm not gonna go through all of them but like damn yeah oh yeah we only have five to seven minutes per person so keep it to ya I'm going oh I'm gonna run through this and first off IR blasters when the hell did this become a good idea to have my own ass oh my god it's such a throwback I don't love the idea of these things a while ago I figured this out the reason people like remote controls their tactile you don't have to look at a remote control you know where the volume button is you know what you know the power button is if it's on your phone you have to like way so where is it no it's that one and of course the remote also also have that that slight dot on the five key on the middle right there's like a keyboard your composition and I don't think I do have my mouth all over there and i'm too lazy to go get them but if i use my nexus 4 as like an XBMC remote and i really hate using it because it's there's no tactile feedback you don't know when you're it it's just stupid it's not good for just sitting on the couch in with good-looking channels but macro capability could be a big deal you program it to you know start all your stuff turn the cable box TV switch the input yes like that the logitech remotes that could do macros I mean they were really popular they're really oh they're getting lucky effects phasing them out aren't they oh I had I had a harmony I had a harmony one a while back and they slow down so much mmm they become near unusable after time and it's so it's so crazy also I on these line of sight and it's just a true but it's a cheap feature probably cost you know a dollar in parts and you can have it there's room for I mean why not put it on there so if you need it if you don't need it no big guy that's not so much it'll be really funny to scare with people at work so when I was in Middle School I had a wristwatch with a removal on everybody had the one of those you turn off the TV someone would get attention because no one could ever figure out who was it was always the car those the guy with the watch yeah the next gonna watch it could have been anyone yeah the money go you can you can ask me about the HTC One I know you handle both the black and the white ones or you can ask Brandon about the galaxy s4 or you can ask Adam or Steven about whatever you wish I I would like to ask you about the the one Tony personally I've got the you've got the back when haven't you yes it's raining here right yeah I've handled both of them is like that's a nice time I've Hanna Beth and the black one looks so much better the black one looks indeed better but the problem with the black one is I'm gonna just take right now for I'm gonna lock the camera on me I'm going to take four fingers so let me wipe it off and show you what the problem is right now it should be clean relatively clean okay I'm grabbing four fingers and I'm touching it only once so check this out yeah that is a slight problem did you just said and if you turn it no I haven't I'm if my hand was in a cookie jar so if you touch the screen the screen looks like this yeah so that's that's one of the biggest problems and it's the same problem with the iphone 5 which looks exactly the same uh what uh so I got here is it just like like mini right sigh I personally don't like the design of the one like well that's something you why don't you like it and this this might be like my little tiny OCD things but it's like the power button is on the other side to where the microUSB is on the white one or the silver one the power button is black obviously for the IR blaster but the volume button is white the microUSB is not central on the bottom the capacitive buttons are terrible worse placement for a capacitive buttons I ever HTC logo it's just crap it's ah mr. it needs to die and wider HTC do this the closest light on the camera lens is like five times larger than the actual lens one at a time and I have to the two phones here which which have the power button placement differently so we have the iphone 5 and we have the HTC One an angle camera again when you hold the phone you hold it like this and of course it's easier for you to press here than to press here you should tell your answer that's handed so I'm right-handed okay you're left-handed then you will probably find it easier to work with the iphone 5 then with the HTC One most people are right-handed so for me it's easier to put to press this power button right here then to all over that place HTC logo is nice touch but it's just for branding purposes he couldn't have put it up there because there's a speaker so you'll just have to get used to that yeah lucky I won't be buying one but um uh they I I can't believe I got rid of the multitasking but and I mean this doubles happened then triple tap nonsense it is true what triple tap does something no no sorry isn't that what happened then long tap sorry yeah long Jeff that I wouldn't surprise me if the next one they'd or the next art that if her trip with that function and why not do you know it's so funny with with the HTC one of course they had this multitask interface with these 3d cars in space and it was like why are you changing something that works and then for the for the one they changed it again why do you change something that works I like I would love to hear the conversation in a boardroom you know Oh Google's doing a great job but you know I think we can do better because our customers want a better multitask experience are you kidding me everyone loves the stock Android multi task experience it's a great well isn't this what we're complaining about the galaxy s social events change enough why if the city is a guy Steven please what cities with the galaxy are the galaxy s4 now we're complaining they didn't change enough that it's just an iterative advancement of the last one I mean she is the HTC One disgusting yeah I mean you can change things you can change you can have a relatively major upgrade without bread like Cheney things that aren't broken like the multitasking isn't broken what what is the point of changing it's fast it's fluid yeah yeah there's and it's it's good I can see three and a half things of my multitasking here on my Nexus 4 and it's like whereas on the like 1x you see was at one and a half you can't even really see to you see nine on the one but it's their miniature and it yeah it's it's not glanceable either i mean it's signage in mod 10 that's that's that's what I'm talking big money goes like any any last thoughts uh yeah NFC is region dependent ultrapixel camera is a bit meh sense is still sense what else mismatched colors is yeah and beats I'm Don beats actually actually a.g beatz is a great addition and everybody who has followed me knows that I'm not a fan of beads Oh was like boom sound boom sound is good yes whom sound is good but that's due to beat if you disable be you will see that the phone sounds like crap so if the beats audio works perfectly for enhancing the speakerphone capabilities of the HTC One once you plug in your high-end headphones regardless of make and model it will just distort the music to such an extent that you will not be able to listen to it anymore because you're going to throw up I mean if I was able to drop the mic up would have just done that when I did that but I come on it something it's on the mic stand so it's it's pretty impossible for this but no yeah that's me kind of knows what I'm saying it sounds like I'm a massive HTC hater I'm really not i want HTC to succeed I have owned many HTC's in the past I'll probably are many in the future it's there's so many things that didn't need to be changed yeah and it's sort of changing for change sake and the upset I didn't like this yeah I didn't like this with the s2 in the s3 i just changed things not they just change them to be different not to benefit in any way possible any way whatsoever the only know what yeah go ahead wreck sorry i'm just gonna say i mean that's a good point like with this galaxy s4 thing they fixed problems that don't exist never well I never thought to myself when taking a picture I wish I could put my head in a little heart never left or no would ruin the picture I always think that but Brandon didn't you didn't you ever want to send a photo album someone like from wherever you were already the world how are they 30 but i want to send one to you as just 30 bucks here you go you know i just texted yeah there's a hoot who's talking to who i'm welcome fuse night i'm talking right now and i think if you very much domenico for joining us in a statement weekend and the beginning of next week i will compare the camera of the the HTC one with the 808 PureView with the notes to with the iphone 5 it's going to be a killer and Brandon's going to have his full review up summer around wednesday but until then we'll have lots of more comparison so thank you very much for joining us and please come back next week alright i look forward to about them see you guys but i have with this i'm going to hand it over to brandon so that he can choose somebody to talk to all right all right let's go to the dream couple here hahaha dream team how's it going guys hello guys what's good so what do you want to talk about HTC One galaxy s low res um yeah that's good so what do you want to talk about each one galaxy s not just a one has external speakers I okay I I will have to detect right now and okay silence and order has been restored okay um so yeah I mean we can talk about whichever one I mean I mention both of them but you guys have Kevin talking already about kind of both my feelings on the s4 so which one are you going to get uh if either of them are probably gonna get the 1i am I am NOT I'm not horribly impressed by the s4 is there something that the s4 has that you wish the one would have whoa and I can help you here it's a word which started with CNN's bday uh yeah the camera would be probably that camera is probably better on the s4 i'm not sure but um I do kind of like the whole dual camera thing if you could actually change the frame that it's in i think that the little stamp thing is kind of tacky but really yeah you can change the frame to like a fish eye and like so you'd use that you really would work in what situation have you ever thought I want to put my face on this picture of this mountain update here you know I don't think for a picture but like if you were it would it would definitely be like a niche kind of use but if you were like doing say a video tour of some place or something you could like use your good camera in the back to film wherever you are and then use the front to fill yourself talking about the place for video chat that would be yeah that miracles well I know exactly where I would use the that feature at for instance at the galaxy s4 event I will take a picture and there will be a picture of the s4 looking like yes free and then the corner it will be a face of me like Victor so that's it I'm curious to see if we're gonna see this feature pop up on other phones you know the XDA guys yank the Kiowa tribe porting it it might be a hardware limitation on older phones I'm really not sure how they're configured but I can see how it it might not work let's not forget that LG announced this feature before samsung 40 LG optimus G bro well you know I think I think I think 2 gigs of RAM is about the only hardware limitation that could be a problem with that whole that whole thing um which I remote most flagships these days have two gigs of RAM so I think yeah I think they can probably brought on with XDA supports does removable storage and removable battery matter to you uh yes and no I I like having the option of removable battery but at the same time I I never liked III never swapped out the battery on my s3 when I had that or anything like that have you ever met a guy have you ever met a good thing I just owe you so much good all right what why did they go Steven boo Oh is they the only time I ever actually swapped out the battery on my phone is when there's been a serious power outage for a couple days straight I mean if I'm going to be able to charge it within a day or two I'm not gonna bother popping in a spare it's it's easier not to have to gladys air battery Langer I mean they're expensive so why did you have one uh I had two of the same phone so I guess pulled the battery out of the other oh yeah yeah the only time I've swap the battery eyes when i had my i had an HTC Inspire for a while and the battery life on that thing was terrible so I I ordered a second battery from amazon then I have a question for you last week yeah we have talked about the fact that you are a professional photographer and that you don't need such a great camera now that she's seen the HTC one sample images and we've got a couple of comparisons live and a couple of comparisons coming next week and you've seen all about the s4 what is it for you um I can honestly say if you weren't doing a comparison with the HTC One camera then there's nothing wrong with it but if you're looking at it and then somebody else's pictures right up next to it you'd notice a difference so you're saying as long as you don't compare your images with other images you're good yeah if your goal is to be oh my pictures are better than yours more high-quality you're not going to win if you're taking pictures for the sake of pictures your camera's fine and you still haven't answered my question is it the one already s4 for you never was it's still probably going to be the s4 just because it had better colors in it is well one thing with the HTC camera it was really washed out in the colors yeah and having accurate colors is a really big factor to me it's got a really good low-light performance so if you saw that um right I watched Meyers me well not that good teaser not that good but back to you at a low light really yep looks pretty good in michael's videos i saw how you see online there it's it's like back and forth I've seen review saying as not good low-light performance and some saying it is the highest iso is on it the highest iso know all the settings i have made were automatic but i will start waking via the camera options to a certain extent that's exactly what the highest iso I know it will not come with your view I think the highest is generally about 800 1600 should be the standard highest and nowadays burns yeah you have to 1600 um I have a question I just got to ask this why does and and this might be a stupid question about on the it is why are people so obsessed with low light performance do you really take pictures at night a lot wife is so yeah I I'm actually more of a concert photographer so I do pictures in really low settings or if you're out with your friends at a bar or something and everybody knows that bars are not very well lit and things are going on and you need to blackmail your friends later you need really good evidence of that far as I go to a warehouse lighting so it's not Brandon everybody knows that good things happen in the dark come on now it's one when the world comes alive at night all right a good answer to the to the question yeah let me let me pull this up if I can find it or you might want to help here is um we went to a concert remember this is a family-friendly podcast yes okay just checking we went to a concert last year and I had a Galaxy Nexus at the time and everybody was complaining about the camera but I mean it we got that's not guy showed very well on the webcam but we got a pretty good picture that's pretty sweet going I took that and here's some shameless advertising dbrand made this for me this is my logo for my photography and they sent me three of them and is and since since we're talking about shameless advertising how about we introduce the following thing everybody who talks to us say your twitter account for everybody to see here and follow you so please go on I don't you soon oh my Twitter you yeah I'm Debbie doodle you can find it through him he'll tag me yeah and I'm just I had to humans my name any final thought you guys had their um yeah anything uh nothing necessarily other than I wasn't necessarily impressed with the s4 other the camera was nice in comparison but other than that it's kind of like if you match the note 2 and the s3 together is what makes me think of yeah actually is I just have one last question for you guys so to me throughout the entire presentation last night it can ever everything nude for the most part you know they think I think they kind of brought the s3 into 2013 yeah they they put a 1080p 5-inch screen on it like a lot of the other flagships out there but everything else pretty much looked like software improvement so do you think and after Samsung I saw earlier Samsung is going to be bringing a lot of those new updates to the s3 so do you think there's going to be a real reason for as three users to upgrade knowing that most these new features will be on the s3 just just make sure to mention the order in which you want this to answer um whoever you want first it doesn't matter that that cleats the Anarchy YouTube all right well Thomas are you me first uh I think that a hardcore Samsung fans will probably upgrade to the s4 just like hardcore iphone fans always get the latest iPhone if you are not a hardcore fan but you are on a contract on either carrier in the US or around the world for two years there's no use for you to ditch your contract and go with the s for sure it has a full HD resolution sure it's higher resolution a screen sure it's a faster processor but at the end of the day it's it's the same phone with jelly bean we are at the point where you no longer need the horsepower so I think fans will upgrade non-fans but just the regular smartphone users wouldn't will not upgrade right yeah yeah i think i think the galaxy s3 was kind of an inspirational I don't know if that's the word an aspirational device it was a kind of device where it was the highest end smartphone and you really wanted it and all your friends really wanted it and everyone got it and there's still that group of people that don't have a samsung smartphone yet and the galaxy s4 is very consumer a very consumer focused and it'll get all those other people interested but at the same time is going to alienate everyone that got this aspirational phone um what do you think should i bend step on it in I think it's problematic seeing the s3 get all the software because really the s4 like we've been saying the hardware it's a little bit better but all these features I must have spent ninety percent of the time last night talking about the software stuff and when it comes to existing devices that I think it is going to take some of the the Thunder out of the s4 so like tony was saying it's going to be about whether or not you have the opportunity to upgrade if you don't you're not going to feel compelled to you sell your s3 getting this for but if you can choose between them you're going to go with the higher end one yeah sure and I don't doubt um i would say i'm gonna build off of what stephen and brandon were saying that you know if you have an s3 since it is ninety percent software then the s3 can very well handle it and may very well get those updates then I think it's more of an opportunity to get another flagship phone out there that isn't a year old that people that don't own samsung phones will want and the s3 owners will be content knowing that the s4 isn't all that much better so you know I don't think it's really a left behind type thing I think it's just more of a you know let let's get another phone out there that's it's more iterative from a hardware standpoint and you're right most of the stuff was was software upgrades and as long as the s3 gets them i think everybody wins yeah and most normal humans don't have this decision every year of what phone i'm going to get the technology obsessed all of us do but most people two years they wait and they'll have the galaxy s3 and say the four is not that big of a deal i'm going to wait for the 5c what is just one asterix i think that the features will definitely come to previous samsung phones but they will not come immediately not gonna be stupid to shoot themselves and foot there will be a probably three four five six months period after which they will start delivering the the features two older phones and this is where the community comes in with with your custom roms so there you have all your answers agree yeah yeah yeah thank you thank you very much for joining us and please come back next week well do that I and III have an obligation and this is my fault I take full responsibility domenico lamberti was here the first one and he didn't manage to say his Twitter account so I'm gonna pimp him out right now if you like the first person you talk to us he's mobile underscore Dom on Twitter and with this I'm gonna hand it over to Steven check today who has not spoke yet why don't we get what are your names here um Wilfredo Wilfredo unmute yourself and say hi Lou hello okay else we can hear you Howard how's it going okay hi I'm on further from the Dominican Republic my English is not perfect so take it easy on me please are you a neighborhood denisa who is smiling ear to ear on black she's the one who got me in here so she is my friend yeah bring all your friends to the hang up today sir all right okay hey what are you been the liking more the galaxy s4 here you think the HTC One has what it takes I am missing the ds3 since the launch date and I totally love it so yeah I know that the HTC One is a great form but I'm just some some farm boy so the s4 is the one I'm going to get were you disappointed at all by the announcement yesterday do you think Samsung did enough with the s4 I knew it won't it was not gonna bid to different because the history was just a huge success worldwide but he got what he have to to to have like this the bigger scream the bigger battery and the better camera and it's the same size so for me is a win if I had a 5 inch displays in a bigger body I will I will be disappointed but it's the same size so I mean I like it so are you are you on a two-year contract are you going to pay full price for galaxy for know I always my false the global model unlocked so I I'd rather have a contract so that's why I like that the global model because I have I get all the updates directly from Samson I don't have to to wait for my carrier to approve it you know yeah alright are you gonna sell your Galaxy s3 i'm gonna sell it to my sister she has a galaxy that's me man why don't bite it hurt yeah why don't you stick with the S free and buy your sister ds4 machines the best Russia ha was mine before i got the s3 so she always kept my my older devices my others and a half twerk yeah yeah I my other two sister also have the the gs3 and she they asked me if the gs4 was worthy of upgrading and I tell him to wait for the gs5 because all of them is worse for you to buy my friend yes because from Han is not necessary but for me I take a lot of pictures because I do a lot of mountain biking and I like to take pictures and I use a lot my camera I love the gs3 camera but I know that the s4 is going to be a lot better but will afraid of what you have to consider is if you can get your sister to buy an s4 and you get an s4 and your other sister gets an s4 get Denise I get her an s4 and then get like your mom and dad as for us to you can do groups found a big party vanessa is a HTC fun I've been trying fight with her over the gs3 and the HTC but she she loved HTC so I don't know when she's gonna wondering about the millions samsung cells from the S devices come again and we are wondering about the million of devices samsung cells from every s flagship every year if you buy one and all your sisters by one and family buys one here in the Dominican Republic ecstasy is is not that popular you know here is more of iphone and galaxies that's all you see I'm blackberries because we are not that rich of a country so a lot of people here use still use back baby but they're upgrading to iphone some galaxies because here you don't hear like android and iphone you hear more like galaxy in iphone you see it's the door i'm definitely that the brand access who has built is very strong compared to HTC and the other brands you know the galaxy my father's knows the brand galaxy you don't know that I Android and nothing but he know that that is a galaxy phone that's exactly what same so I wanted to happen yeah yeah a new galaxy are you are you at all disappointed early weeks of the galaxy s4 showed this kind of textured backing which actually turned out to just be like the optimus G where it's completely smooth you don't use a case on your phone it looks like does that ever bother you how it kind of accumulates grime and fingerprints there's another gift I got first I caught the the gs3 in white and I really like it and then I saw it to one of my sister and got the blue one and this one gets a lot of third but I really i love the noise Oh plastic and you hate that because you like the HTC finish but i love how how durable it is in and the way looks for me it's beautiful it's beautiful make your background what's your eye wallpaper on there it's really nice it's the nexus 10 wallpaper oh yeah it looks very very good I am podcasting right now from my galaxy tab no 10 / 10 samsung all the way give an exercise no no I have a nexus Galaxy Tab 7.0 tapped are you are you considering getting the note 8.0 what do you think about that I really like it but I have to know tempo into 1001 so I really don't need it you don't want to talk on the phone using your tablet come on am I the only wanna make sure that excuse me i want i want to tell you something a few months ago i got myself a Galaxy Nexus because they were running sheep on their own ebay and I I wanted to try the deck stock Android sperience but once I got the Galaxy Nexus the I mean with the latest Android version a and the galaxy s3 with that we know all the version I could I can do so much more with the ds3 dun dun day than with the Galaxy Nexus I how is a stock and a more clean and very may be faster but I think that we did with a gs3 I can do out of the box I can do much more than with the Galaxy Nexus and that's why I I saw my my next my galaxy nexus okay yo Fredo do you have any questions for for either of the guys yeah I have a question for minimum he will he do you have held at GS for right yep ok and the sides it looks like like metal it is practic plastic or is it is real mail it's plastic but it looks like metal right it looks like no it's just like it's like the galaxy s3 I mean if you look at the right way on the three it looks like matt oh but it's not yeah it's the same califor and VOT vest looks good on the back okay that was my question so thank you for letting me time no thank you very much for joining us and please do come back don't let the nest I drag you in you know who work yeah yeah and what's your twitter twitter handle Oh research oh yes antigen I'm not bad i already use twitter to follow you guys but I read it on tweet and do nothing with my Twitter account you see a couple of followers don't hurt so take this opportunity and pimp yourself it's worth it would be in the end we'll thread so w l wi l f r eb yes that's right good thank you very much again and with this I'm gonna hand it over to mr. Adam down ok let's go with sim Floyd jr. stand forth and be recognized hello you hear me yes my 20 guys maybe we are afternoon whatever it is where you are boring Thank You Julius thank you I had a question related to all this not jagan 600 processor phones out my read article today saying that be the US version of galaxy s4 will be snide giant 600 allegedly allegedly sure no one seems to be saying anything anymore about the optimus g pro which is also standard eigen 600 are very many phones out right now they have that processor so I heard on the UM the webcast last night the pocket I work live cast is not about be as for event you guys are talking about the camera on HTC One and the camera s4 but no one said anything about the camera on the g pro and i'm curious as to how competitive FL ashley is when it relates to those are the two phones well unfortunately we don't have the g pro yet in our labs for a review do so whatever we would say about the g pro would be speculation and that wouldn't be fair I have handled the g pro in barcelona at mwc i like the phone but i didn't manage to take the shots and compare them with the note too that I wrecked competitor so once we have the g pro in our labs for a review make sure you'll see a lot of camera comparisons ok because I do remember when you were there that you did a video on the phones to know if you have any information related to the similarity is a difference isn't because I mean the g pro Justin now so they're going to get a lot of the same features that s for has for his camera so they haven't even strangely they announced it before Samsung so it's it was announced on the 14th yesterday but like six hours before samsung announced their their features so no one has anything that they can impart at all there are there are a couple of reviews out there early reviews I'm looking at the engadget review i'm looking for camera samples i don't see them but i have seen them somewhere so there is they're out there if you want to just take a peek at some oh here they are um ok i guess like you can just search google for a optimus g pro review and gadget and see what see what you think for yourself they're all they're ok they're not great they're they're kind of lackluster in terms of color and clarity not Clara sharpness I think that she pro in general is gets been a little bit lackluster in my mind it's just a stepping stone until we see the bg2 sometime later this summer we'll see that's what I wanted to know because the g pro has all the basic specs that HTC one is that the s4 has and allowed to same features but no one is saying anything and it's coming out at the same time in the US i said it also i kept on saying it that the g pro has the potential to beat the No to at least until August when we will see the note 3 but it has no chance against a smaller phone like a financial 4.7 I'm not sure they are competing in the same market I'm sorry I think the 5-inch was a mistake for the for the g pro if they wanted to get the attention at the the one and the g4 getting they had to have a design those are really compelling the LG really needed to stay below 25 inch mark but see I wonder about that because everyone has a note to everyone has a note too so there is obviously a market for it so I understand why is so great I guess because the samsung's name I guess that's all it is that's a thing for LG it feels like it's their phablet not their next next high-end smartphone so they have that and the G going forward instead of just one really standout smartphone-sized high-end device I think the optimus g pro is what ever the optimist view and view to should have been at the beginning because those were just failed attempts at having a valid competitor for the note and the note 2 and now i think they're trying to catch up in the phablet market while working on the optimus g2 to compete against the s4 summer and autumn or late summer so just saving face and putting a placeholder and basically hmm ok thank you any any other questions you have related to the s4 the one or unrelated to these no that's all I have you guys have been asking questions right which you have anything made from a consumer perspective you want to ask me well I would like to ask you the following thing what would it take for you because obviously I've heard lots of people saying that they are disappointed with the s4 now I'm gonna put it this way what would it take for you to buy the s4 over the HTC One because I'm guessing that you're in the HTC one category 2 or actually no i have a HTC phone and typically speaking we were just talking about switching the battery out I've had to buy an additional battery for it ok put it this way what would it take for you to buy the HTC One against the hds for um 30 100 million for our battery it's expandable memory well put a 32 gigabyte accountable let me sign in it and that would pretty much do it because it's beautiful I mean it's gorgeous compared to this what I mean normally no one can deny that I don't think it can so if they had expandable storage and a huge battery there will be no question everybody else any questions no I just wanted to throw point out oh my water I know I just want to let you know I tweeted you a couple of links since I yeah I have really no knowledge about the LG for myself I tweeted you a couple of links to a camera pic sample and video sample from the LG optimus pro so maybe that'll help you out so thank you I these gateways thank you sure and right now I have locked my camera on you so that people can see your door handle that's where you can find simply jr. villain follow him a few if you think he has interesting thoughts and we do we think we think he does thank you very much for joining us and help you thank you ok so yeah hey Tony have a question for you yeah sure please go on so I was surprised to know that the HTC One is wedged in between the this top and bottom layer there's this I think it's plastic it's awesome echo yes I have think you're at that okay thank you echoes are like my kryptonite so what on your black model what is it what is sandwiched in in the center is that plat like a black plastic on yours yes it is plastic let me block camera and interesting it's so like what's the word it's so sneaky isn't it because you think like this is a metal and glass phone but it's got it was not a big deal and it does have some plastic there it's uh I think HTC did whatever they did with the droid DNA were on the sides and on the top there's that red rubbery plastic thing and they went with the same plastic thing it's not rubbish and it's not red but it's definitely not battle neither on the sides nor the top and on the bottom Roger that whose turn is it I think it's my turn go on I will choose Lucien hello hello hello how are you are you doing well just chilling at home actually it's my first time on a podcast I wanted to be the first Romanian to talk to you because to talk to you live but some some some guy beat me to it last time because I miss ya you are the second Romanian to join us ya know I I'm pretty disappointed with the the dress for me being as free user I'm actually talking to you with my s free I expected more from Samsung not only software wise but hardware wise I know what will be my next phone because I'm a I'm a phone geek like you guys but I think I'm gonna stick to the s3 or now what else do you think they could have done hardware as a student I see you yeah I don't know use some kind of premium material also not as in specifications Hardware but as an aspect yes yes yes SS I had the dice one ds2 now ds3 plastic I I expected something more I expected for them to mature at that the that material wise well let's let's talk about that for a second the choice of a plastic and metal why do you think Samsung keeps doing plastic phones like what's what's in it for them it's been hugely successful for them they were just talking about how it reduces manufacturer boss and let some scale I mean it's working for that they have the sales numbers to back it up yeah I think that and the fact that they want to make light slim phones not heavy the hand you can make light and slim pounds not heavy and here the t1 it's a very thin phone and it's a very light phone and did not to mention the iphone 5 similarly so you don't have to go with plastic do you know with aluminum yeah i agree with you told me but i don't know what's there what's there are what their angle I I remember reading a statement from a samsung official they were exactly talking about this and they implied at one point that they are using plastic because of yield rates because even if they used aluminum they would not be able to handle the amount of orders and production necessary to fill all the gaps in the market so I think for samsung is probably a a solution which is right there for them to grab and they don't want to change anything it's I have to have it a plastic phone for for me to sell millions even though people want something better this is what I'm going with I think private password for it yeah pregnant do you think that that's why LG Nexus 4 is is not available I mean they can handle the how shall I put it they they can handle the cell the sales you know what I mean the sales or the production the production the production you can find them we Romania is very it's very hard to find and very very expensive well don't forget that Romania doesn't have an official google play store yeah yeah that's the point yeah you're right right I also kind of wonder um you know when I when I'm thinking back and don't get me wrong I'm kind of the noob here so I haven't had phones raining down on me for like all my in my entire life but what I'm thinking back to the phones that I've owned you know the pretty much pre X you know one two three before and you know the veer and the s4 the s3 the Lumia all of all the phones that I've had that have had removable batteries have all been plastic and all the other phones that I've heard of that word metal or glass they never had anything removable they never had a removable back they never had a removable you know battery or anything like that I just wonder if from a manufacturing standpoint maybe plastic is necessary to not destroy the phone trying to remove the battery or something like that I have no idea really but OT droid has a removable metal battery compartment which one has happened today the originals or what okay that's interesting and xperia x1 x2 right if you're looking at those videos on on how manufacturers are producing these phones whether we're talking about the iphone or the HTC one they are showing you off that they are basically carving out the chances of the phone from one piece of huge aluminum so they are trying to eliminate moving pieces because it's easier to bring you just like with the macbooks air or pro they're carving it out from a single slab of aluminum and that's probably the reason why and it's just exactly the same case with the Lumias they are made from one single piece of polycarbonate and that doesn't allow them for for having a removable battery because they want to eliminate the tolerances okay yeah that's a good that's my kind of a dream but I don't know if it can't come true Lumia phone with android the heart the build quality is extraordinary at luminous but that will never be sadly I'll never that wannabe I have a question for you Lucien before you go um how do you think the CEO of HTC felt yesterday as he was hearing about the galaxy s4 I don't know if you if you if you are scared because I don't think the galaxy s4 is a lot better we've reached a point where hardware and in my opinion haha and this stuff doesn't matter it might in my opinion design matters now because the technology is so high that all the phones are the same small differences and not really I know you get I have the gs3 my girlfriend has the 1x no difference in speed big difference I mean the only difference is in camera The One X is not really good but I think something will win because they have a powerful marketing but that's all yeah Marshall marketing is really important and it's coming down the hardware as you say I mean the specifications of outpaced what software can do I mean we have octa core processors and two gigabytes of RAM it's kind of like it was with the desktop you know when we had quad-core and then and then some computers have any core processors six core processors and there's really not that big of a difference between what you can do with a dual-core desktop and a quad-core desktop unless you're doing extreme things like video rendering but no one's doing your idea whispering on their phone you know so it's it's it's a very strange time day to day use what do you what do we use our phones Twitter whatsapp Facebook and I don't know watch a YouTube video you can do that with every every phone available on the market high-end I mean and not not iron with the gs2 gs3 it's no really no difference between them from yeah very true it is true I mean I you know meet me and Michael always talked about this he'll do a video comparison or her launch a browser on one phone and then the other and then he'll say that was perfectly equal and I'll say bike what are you talking about the other phone was like point five seconds faster and he says yeah yeah but but that's a funny thing do you care about point five seconds or does it make no difference to you uh why I care because I'm like you I I see the small small things but a regular user I don't know the difference between the gs3 and the the 1x in my country as prices is 60 80 euros it's it I don't want to pay 80 euros 40 45 seconds five seconds nope hahaha yea big point if I'm not a hardcore user if I'm a regular user that that makes total sense what you're good thank you very much for joining us do you have any last thoughts no I'm just happy I could talk to you guys and I wish you a cool hangout thank you very much you're before you go let's know everybody where they can find you on Twitter go back atcha 1989 asked see like my home from our b ec e a and then the number yes yeah one night 1989 1989 great thank you very much amazing you come back next week have a nice hang out like that yes thank you and whose turn is it right now I think it's my third what is it my turn your turn it's your turn Tony awesome okay I would like to talk to somebody who looks appears to be from the UK David block please unmute your microphone from the dog right hi good evening where are you from chesta in the UK great one mil to me why do you think about the s4 or what do you want to talk about I was going to ask really um would you get the s4 or would you wait till the note 3 00 those two are in complete different markets now the s4 is reaching a 5-inch screen so that makes me probably think that the note free will reach almost close to six inches so they are in do different markets if you're asking me personally I'm going to choose between these two the HTC one hmm so there's a sister but here's here's an interesting thing what would you choose if you have the option for something the size of the note 2 but with this Exynos 5 octa and all the new software well the note 3 we can anticipate that the note 3 will have the same Exynos 5 octa processor but it will clock at higher speeds it's like history teaches us as free versus no to it's happened again s4 vs no 3 it will have the same specification slightly higher it will have a 1080p screen a slightly faster processor same RAM and probably some new S Pen features and the software features yeah agreed yeah Oh interesting a lot actually can I talk about something for a sec Tony 4.7 inches is going against the grain for further for the one but for me it's still a little too tall I still I think everyone that is obsessed with tech fantasizes literally as dreams about it of a 4.3 inch phone that has a high res display that that is given the same premium treatment as like the one and the galaxy s4 just that sweet spot that smaller size how are you doing with the 4.7 inch Tony do you think that the I mean you're used to the note 2 so this must be like I I have huge hands and the I cannot use the S free the den 02 with one hand I am stretching to use the HTC One with one hand but the sweet spot for me whether you like it or not is the 4-inch it happens to be the iphone 5 right now but it was a 4 4.3 inch around there in the end the past you so that's my sweet spot because I don't want to watch videos like from one foot away that for me it's most important that I can reach with my thumb to the top left corner I can I can show you right now because the camera is here I want to reach here and I cannot reach here with the HTC One see this is my hand and I just this is here's the edge of the screen and I just can't reach there I have to change this version and then that there yeah David what's what's the ideal screen size for you um as big as you can get I mean I don't really mind one hand usage anything like that I quite like a big screen is I'm using an iphone for the moment I think screens just way too small I have a question for you because I know exactly how you're feeling right now and why you're saying this I I've been in your shoes in Barcelona I've been using the note tooth as my show device and imagine this scenario you have the note 2 or a slightly bigger or a slightly smaller screen phone and you have it in your left hand or in your right hand regardless the other hand is busy carrying a bag or carrying something else and you have to tweet answer or reply to an email what do you do you have to stop put everything down free up your other hand grabbed the phone and then use the other hand it is a good point actually and I don't know I just maybe maybe 4.3 inches that there's two or something like that yeah I guess wanted to interject for a second here we've been hearing a lot lately about 4.3 inch 720p screens which in the past were a rarity I think the resound had one but nothing else right now there's are another HTC that's going to have it that is a nice photo cone that Ian thing that's quite gonna have a its main streaming to be 4.3 720p so maybe we're finally going to see a high-end phone with a petite high resolution screen someone's going to do it because people are listening to us fishing and playing that that's all that we want slight topic change I got to bring this up I know we're getting to the end of the Hat and end of the Hangout one of the problems with the galaxy s4 launch is that there are so many features talked about really cool stuff like being able to use it with your glove on got pushed under the rug and the Lumia 920 I think does the the allows you to work glove and use the phone but like I think the the galaxy is forcing me the first android phone correct me if I'm wrong that has that capability aside from the Lumia 920 you say yeah and this is a question or sure yeah yeah is it is this it will the question I guess the question is is this a really cool I mean you guys don't seem that excited about it i think that's cool because i hate having to take off my glove on a fruit all day even though brings coming is a Charlie for ya do I care no I guess was shopping for gloves literally everything the store was selling or he had no special finger to work on any capacitors for you really ya know what that's so funny because the last time I checked for that like the crappiest gloves had it and then there were like really expensive ones that had it but now you're saying that they're starting to like build them in I also saw they sell tickets like a little it's like a nail polish is paint onto any pair of gloves and it makes it up straight don't inhale that you'll lose a tech years off your life well I usually do questions um another one is I don't really get the HTC one I don't you see one if you do that explain as in how don't you get it why is metal such an attractive thing what why what what's so bad about plastic let me answer using a question myself have you held a Maedel phone no then please do hold a metal phone in your left hand hold a plastic phone in your right hand and there you have your answer it's all about the bill while the ends metal speaks premium that is it is it doesn't it has marble marble or granite would be great I was interesting characteristic of a metal phone and if you use an iphone 5 you know this when you pick up the phone it's cool to the touch and it's just awesome but the reverse of that when you start using the phone because metal conducts temperature right it becomes really hot but then when you pick it up and it's cool how cool is that Tony when you pick up the one it's like a slab of like coolness in your hand yeah it is it is cool they are both cool but there's also something to be said for there's also something to be said for bulk you know I know everybody wants thinner and lighter but you know there is something to be said for having just a little bit of weight in your hand that you can actually hey I'm holding the phone you don't have to like constantly look at your hand and remind yourself that you're actually holding something so I like metal too did you see when I was showing you Haley Troy yeah peel peel view yeah this this is a huge hefty phone which is huge bulky and it feels really good in hand and it's polycarbonate Tony will be talking about the 808 in 15 years as the bent always I'm time I'm gonna retire and I will still snap pictures in the park with the 808 PureView and trying to convince you youngsters that it's the best camera phone on the market David thank you very much for joining us please tell us where we can find you on twitter i missed a unique 1000 oh that's a cool handle wait nice thank you very much for joining us and we do car next week yes by this whoever's next please pick somebody do we have tennis anymore we have 27 minutes left okay I'll see how about stuttered uh-oh you're waving at me um how about on you shin hello hey nice nice to be here I voice try to go to her but it was a yeast always for so it's my first time here 60 Bob yeah I'm possibly your youngest viewer how are you 13 probably so you probably a same family yeah I've been watching you what since for 2011 so it's been a long time that's awesome as well were you actually born in the 2000s now 1999 oh thank god okay you can stay so what do you think about the idea for this is do like a dinosaur like a new bachelor image we've got a crazy echo here Code Red the guys kiss for know what I mean to be honest I don't really like it I mean I mean sure the screen is 1080p but i don't i don't really get some some design language of hyper glazing and plastics I think I much prefer a phone like HTC One X ok Ivan actually you haven't felt the HTC One but I'm sure it's great I mean oh I love doing a heck of it at least sudden you like the look of the one at least compared to other these older than one aksam last year's bones the HTC One um I don't know it's sort of mixed between 95 and a blackberry z10 a lot of I don't like either of these devices it's not my favorite I love my one ex I mean it looks great if you're great in the hand and the can was great as well I was about to ask you what do you think about the camera I mean we can all agree here that the camera on the HTC one's if you ask me sucks you at linden it's mediocre because he's more durable I mean you know I don't really get HTC thing I've ultrapixels I mean it's just for many pixels plus some software I think added absorb not sure how it will compare against the HTC One X so I have used the galaxy s three as well and a galaxy note 2 but i think the 1x takes much better pictures than gia both of those samsung devices oh then you have to check out our comparison on pocket now where we compared each you one x with the 60s freeze and the iphone 4s at that and you'll see what I'm talking about but again what's four years if they do it's rough for you if you argue very important for you yeah I mean I'm not a heavy camera user or anything but you know I felt like to say good pictures and I think but rather my previous film des gardius to I think ucc's 1x does the job much better to all all other things being equal I mean you said you're not a big camera guy but just because everything else we're seeing now expects that are so similar Sam breast that's going to push one model for the top not for me no I mean if your camera's let's say well it's not if i'm buying a phone and one cameras eight megapixels and the other is a 13-megapixel i don't really mind where I go I wouldn't really mind about how many megapixel it is you know not sort of more care about you know does it have removable battery does it have microSD expansion slow sort of more those who day-to-day things that actually matter you see guys I can't really understand absolutely trying to wrap my head around this why is removable battery important I mean do all of you carry a spare battery in your wallets I mean whenever you run out of power they just grab your new battery and you shove it in there or just another gimmick Tony um let me tell you one thing when I'm my galaxy s2 the battery life is pretty good but it started getting worse and I'm like Michael where there's um or Galaxy Nexus from verizon uh I couldn't get through a day without having two batteries um but it offers that bad and I think move about trees of oniony you really need it I mean you know if you compare the galaxy s3 to the HTC One X you know HTC says they can't include a removable battery because if you know to make it thinner look at more better but Samsung does the job equally well and you know it gives you much more features so what do we my opinion besides just seeing it whips off a battery out you can always put in an extended sure it'll make the phone thicker but we'll give you another thousand how we have ours so much the best that's a valid point yeah that's that's about the only battle of coins which I accept plus you know if you keep using a battery i mean the life span we eventually get short and you'll need to buy another battery for it yes they don't want you to my batteries they want you to buy new phones you know being 13 you Cory but whatever you want that's kind of obvious that's very fair come you review units I mean hot swap phones all the time but I'm stuck with this oh so do you have any questions for anybody on the team um yeah Brandon please don't what matters to you the most the camera the processor or the screen cuz I know you're a pixel PP I found evil way to slice on about it oh jeez i would say that i care a little bit more about the screen than i do the camera but they're very very close and the processor is that so much the processor I think it's more about how responsive it is and if there's any lag at all i just get extremely upset and I cry and I go home to my mother right so you know I'm just wondering when you review the HTC One X you know did you really like it that much because you're on your full review you said had great potential but a fair amount of Tegra 3 lakh antisense skin / they yeah in fact that's funny you mention that I'm about to do a HTC one vs 1 x comparison and I'm trying to flash the newest jelly bean firmware the official jelly bean firmware from HTC onto it and I'm really curious if jelly bean fixes the lag situation because if it does that makes the 1x still a really good phone I mean that screen oh yeah I'm assuming you're considering the 1x um yeah I'm yeah obviously I do have a galaxy s three as well comparing the screen with the HTC One mg comp it's like comparing a dinosaur to account you can't the HTC One X wins 10 times over but if I if I tell you the Mai Mai 1x is running jelly bean at the moment and I have compared it with ice cream sandwich and everything is buttery smooth the one thing i'm mike plain about is the widgets um you know placing widgets opening up with just sometimes a bit laggy but most of the time I really don't experience like it's very smooth well that's good to hear okay before before we part to tell everybody where they can find you on Twitter I don't have to answer you know have twitter well then maybe next time when you'll join us you will have one and then we can pimp your twitter account out well I need a Google+ because of you guys I don't even a facebook control but i don't i'm not really into social networking finally somebody's thank you very much for joining us i'll come back next week thank you Tony have a nice day I festive I see yet about ah I'm gonna go with danessa um the neighbor you want just you were just itching to get online well you know I did I saw how you doing hello guys how you guys doing I'm doing great not too bad not too bad so what do you think about the as far i know you're an HTC fan but any chance we could win you over well I've always said if I ever go to Samsung it will be because of the galaxy note and I other galaxies cuz i was i was watching that your guys hang out and then on the net on the other window i was watching the unveiling of the samsung and I didn't like it because of the same thing that everyone is saying is that the sign I was hoping for something sit like to completely blow my mind I mean the phone is good I like the new little gimmicks that they have everything is looking good but the phone is basically the same when Brandon said that the border that looked like metal wasn't metal I was like oh man because i was i was hoping for something to be completely different but there was no difference and it's still good for but there's not the phone for me what about the Xperia Z are you are you uh oh yes absolutely I think before I was the I was an HTC fangirl I was one-hundred-percent sony ericsson before it turned into plain Sony and I thought the commune waterproof phone and the dust proof and everything was really great I think the phone is amazing I will totally get it just for the phone just for the fun of not having so way to run into into someplace if it's training to use my phone that's very cool what I thought you wanted tweet from the shower like Michael Fisher with the Kyocera torque yes I did not want to read that tweet when he said that was like whoa ta I wanted to reply at one point but then again I i deleted whatever i wrote and I said no I'll bash yes exactly i wanted to say something I get it what I'm over friend to get out of the shower cuz no just no but I'm Finnegan I think Tony is coming out with very good phones a tablet is the one thing that absolutely owned me over I wanted to have it right there right like right at that moment I wanted to buy it but then again it's just that little thing that is waterproof I think the is looking it's really smooth as far as I've seen in all the videos but you never know it's just this brand new technology to put that way so come out with phones that are waterproof and stuff so I'm not one of the present convinced with that but I think they're really really good phones and tablets you can I caution you for something up the experience z is less organ Amish than the ZL and not many people talk about the ZL and we're gonna have a review soon but the CEO has soft touch plastic on the back compared to this glass and hard edges of the Z so make sure you consider the ZL as well yes absolutely I think it looks better to be completely honest the only thing that when we obey about the the phone it was that it was waterproof and as Taylor said that thing that thing actually bothers me the way you have to like open each for every flap yeah yeah it's I think it's a little annoying but okay it's nothing that you get used to it well you cancel email phone waterproof if you don't cover up all the holes yeah they're talking about it though with this like water resistant coating is going to be all over the circuit boards I don't know how it's going to work I mean Liquipel batteries and screens yeah that doesn't seem like it's a very smart idea but this thing no copy the technology or the idea from this one company that was created i think it was like a year or two ago that you could send your phone and having me like but have it this haven't tried having this code of something like Silicon agility to make it waterproof I thought that was amazing I was actually thinking about it but then it's too much money and then now they came out with waterproof long at least resistance danessa do you have any questions for everybody or anybody on the team well um so Brandon what cuz I I keep writing your tweets and you said something about the proud processor in the phone in general like it sounded like you weren't so hyped and so excited for the phone and then you just got punched in the face with the entire event is that really that much of a disappointment I mean I I think that we were all expecting some awesome amazing surprise and we have to kind of stop expecting that because 12 months is not enough time to innovate to such a high degree I made a comment about the processor and they weren't talking about the processor but the octa-core was in there and I you know we got a wink and a nudge from one of the PR guys and like it felt exactly the same as the galaxy s3 and so it was just you know you think it'd be a little bit faster but it it was pretty much which is not terrible but I didn't blow me way I am currently working on muting everybody who joined ok no more echo I think you guys how we can't hear you did I move mute you do yes you did yeah say something ok okay you're back okay well um yeah that's the thing because it was so much hype that's why I didn't want to get all excited or read any of the rumors or anything because I knew it was going to blow me away or like most important thing is that just because there's something there were so many rumors about it that you're your spectators will be up here and then the reality will be back down here with all the rumors so I think yeah you got hit by reality I guess and that's why I didn't want to get all excited with this event but still at phone but I just felt like the entire thing which is more gimmicks and software things more than the phone itself it was a gimmick we were just talking about this a few minutes ago just because you can do something doesn't mean you you can like they were like have you ever wanted to record sound with a picture and everyone was like no and they were like great well we just we have available within a few months from now somebody somebody is going to say you know what just forget it I'm gonna do I'm create an app and somebody on a regular Android phone or whatever I mean OS phone is gonna download an app and be able to take a picture with a main camera and at the same time take a picture with this from camera somehow somebody's going to figure it out and then is gonna be like an old gaming and it was all for nothing exactly there's going to be app that can do that not only that but did you notice how one of their headline features as s translate which is an app that does real-time translation there are tons of apps that do that just because Samsung decided we're going to include one all that great but still it's something that you already have in your phone and if you don't you just have to like download it from the logo Play Store and that's it yeah and the Viking within these I have had a very long and difficult relationship with s voice so if s translate is anything like s voice oh my god Adams going to be asking where the bathroom is when he's trying to order his dinner seriously I mean it's like and I tweeted this out last night I said that kid better double-check triple-check his tickets before it gets into the bus to Taipei so yeah cool well thank you for joining us here your twitter handle is located there Tony clicked on our luck yeah I'm loving my screen on her right there she is awesome there's not at the pronunciation of my name on there next to my name cuz people have trouble with it what's your heart it was fine Anna but that doesn't matter for your Twitter handle so thank you very much for joining us and as always please come back next week yes take care Peppa I uh Brandon your turn again did you hear that it was a vibration and from the sound of it was the HTC One yes every time I get a notification from the one I get a heart attack it's it's like whoa what OH anyway all right I gotta go see I guess I'm Brandon email now um let me click on I don't know the order that that these things have happened that guy's waving his hands Muhammad hello Muhammad unmute your microphone so you have some music on okay hello how are you doing how are you doing okay do you think sing songs fall down early and are still out look doing okay crazy okay just for one second everybody please mute your microphones if you are not part of the team and if we are not currently talking to you thank you very much and Brandon backe we have killed the echo good yes i was asking i mean do you think that mmm do you think said you know I feel like Samsung kind of started as a brand for the enthusiast right and they they grew fast and with these awesome products these beautiful products they stuck to the AMOLED screen their phones are fast and and and now it's like Samsung is like a consumer brand and they want to get phones in the hands of mom and dad and grandma and grandpa because we're all already carrying them does that that bother you do you think that's that's a reasonable thing to do according to the brand they will only look at how number of device will sell that's that's why they're there a brand and they want to sell the phone number of phones that's what mattered to them but according to anybody who is buying a device it's up to their what what they want but I don't think anything else what kind of phone are you using now I am a phone junkie so basically I have nexus 4 and then s2 another captain to phones but I almost like one week back i sold my note 2 I had s3 I had iphone 4s to whatever or not why do you have two phones right now this is my official phone office phone and this is my personal device so why do you have to get them separate this is just you want to keep your personal information on one and no I like switching phones basically I maximum life period of phone that I have is three to six months maximum in India you have to buy the phone outright it's not there is no way to contract anybody the this this there is no contract policy here you just have to buy them really yeah whoa you have to bite them completely and then sell it so that's how it works and you are basically all on prepaid or pay-as-you-go it depends they're both prepaid and postpaid as well but most of them only the the new contract policy started with the iPhone 5 iPhone iPhone series but still its way call what a contract to buy em hmm do you think we were talking about ameletta second ago samsung sticking with AMOLED and HTC is sticking with LCD which do you think I'm imagining by your phone choice you like amoled a little bit more basically in India the number of manly Samsung's you know cell phone very fast Urso whatever the phone that comes out we'll come to India faster than us basically to for example s4 will launch exactly the time when it is launched everywhere so it will be faster than us and I like amyloid and i buy most of the samsung phone I don't like HTC basically because the then is not one you have to processor device or anything it's also a resale value if you like if you are a phone junkie the resale value of the phone also matters and Samsung has a good resale value in India very good what what is your next phone going to be I am thinking of three phones still not yet decided one is s for motorola x series and then note 3 so i have to decide on this 3 have you is the x is interesting because it's so it's such like a it's so early with the axis probably gonna be until the summer what do you did you see the rumors today that the X might be a brand name for a customizable phone yeah I checked out the most likely fresh every hour so I read a lot of blogs including yours always been there so I don't know it seems to be interesting to customize your own phone with the whatever you want but still it's early to comment on it yes how I wonder how serious the customization options are going to be if it's just your storage or you already have that I mean right in an iphone and any size you want now if they give you like the option for three gigs of ram or something that nobody's doing yeah that's compelling but I don't know if that's what we're talking about here hi cut I'm kind of nervous about that if I mean when we review a phone there's like one or two models if we get like a motor elects the the two gig of two gigs of RAM model before give your am out of a kit yeah we're gonna like remem everybody's gonna review one phone on the team and there's still gonna be two left unreviewed yeah that's right hey it depends I mean do you have any questions for for us so I have a common question one is I think one is the Michael Fisher reviewed this camera of his tc1 and other cameras so HTC one camera was looking lot better in terms of picture that you have attached on your side so that was the end of interesting seeing to be an ultrapixel camera and then a second one is to Mike Brandon about his choice of why he thought octa was not performing well kind of his review on what he saw in galaxy s4 okay I'm gonna answer on Michaels behalf he didn't draw a conclusion we will draw a conclusion in the review which will happen next week until then I'm going to do some more 1 comparisons against some other phones and based on all of these findings Brandon's going to review the one and the conclusion for the camera is going to be in that review and I'm going to hand it over to brandons answer your question yeah about the opticore processor it's it's it's really a lot of marketing because what you have is you have two sets of processing cores both quad-core ones i believe a 15 and one's a 7 and so you're never using literally eight cores at the same time you're easier either using one cluster or the other and so it's no wonder really that the performance of the quad of using one of you know that the the better quad-core cluster will equal or be a little bit better than the performance of a galaxy s4 which had a very similar cluster of four cores in a slightly slower processor but like I was just kind of disappointed because you expect from one generation to the next to be a significant upgrade and performance but that just wasn't the case for well I was scrolling around a web page with lots of images I was doing some pinch to zoom and for most people it would be like extremely fast but for me I did notice a little bit of white white space and a little bit of the text not clearing up you know instantly so that's why I'm in the video that the lighting conditions were awful because at the events lighting conditions are awful but did you manage to see pixels on that screen there's no way kidding me man I I think it will be a review in it anyway my other question is uh I thought about this uh I don't know your membrane email email to one of us if you remember yeah send an email to live at everybody who cannot join us can reach us there I'm gonna lock my screen on you because uh where are you you're right here because you have your twitter handle right there and I'm gonna thank you for joining us and please do come back next week thank you for having me remember that I think we are at the end of this week's episode number seven thank you very much everybody who has joined us everybody who wanted to join us and didn't manage to we are sorry we are trying to talk to everybody out there but we are kind of tight we managed to do one hour 30 and with this many people but please do come back next week I want to thank ran the minimum for joining us today Thank You Brennan thank you Tony doing it I'm about the special round table thingy next I will just in a second you know what you will tell them after i also thank Stephen thank you very much Steven great to be here and thank you very much Adam doubt absolutely my pressure and Brandon take the floor so we kind of got into this habit of recording these hangouts when like we want to talk about something anyway and something that we kind of want to talk about on the team to help sort of drive our editorial and just that you know we're obsessed with this stuff is to talk about seriously galaxy s4 vs HTC One the pros and the cons of each which one we're personally looking forward to so we're going to do a special actually closed hang out you might open it at the end we haven't really determine that yet next week Tony what they are we doing that we know it will be most probably after your HTC One review so if that goes up on Wednesday I'm thinking that we should do it somewhere around Thursday so that we can have a basis of discussion all right awesome so it's going to be all gs4 vs HTC One all hang out long so it is going to be epic and with that again thank you very much everybody for joining us and please come next week and with that i mentioned denied joined by brand the minimum stephen shank adam doubt we thank you very much once again key thing here is
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