hey guys it's jeff Farina with
pocketnow.com if you start unboxing of
the HTC Wildfire we were able to
actually start the device up and give
you a brief look at HTC Sense well in
this video we're going to dive in a
little bit further and give you a tour
of what sense has to offer in terms of
being a android operating system skin
and we're also going to look at some of
the preloaded software on the HTC
Wildfire device so without further ado
let's go ahead and get started alright
and we are back and we're going to start
off our series on the HTC Wildfire by
giving you a brief intro to the software
that is loaded on this device now the
device itself comes with android 2.1
which is also known as Eclair and as you
can see here it's running HTC Sense over
the android OS now for those of you who
haven't used HTC Sense before it is a
custom skin that has been developed by
HTC for Android and it gives you some
different options as well as some home
screen features so I can show you right
here to scrolling left and right you're
going to get 27 different home screens
with HTC sense now the advantage here is
if you've used an HTC device in the past
it's still going to stay consistent to
that however if you have an using HTC
device in the past this is going to be
new to you a phone button down here as
well as the menu button and this plus
button these are exclusive to HTC Sense
the phone is pretty self-explanatory it
brings up the phone option pressing the
menu button will bring up your menu here
which will allow you to scroll through
all of your various apps you have on
your system and then going to the plus
button will allow you to add a shortcut
whether it be a widget and a folder etc
rather than just a long press you see
sense is also known for this nice clock
and weather widget you see here which
gives you a big flip clock as well as
the brief weather forecast you can
actually tap on the clock to get a few
different settings such as an alarm
clock motor a desk clock type of mode
you can also get your world clock so you
basically add your different cities your
alarms stopwatch and your timer now
there is one difference with HTC sense
or better yet with Android on this
device than a lot of the newer Android
devices you do not have the ability to
and live wallpapers and I believe that's
because of the processor devices on the
HTC hero have also been updated to
android 2.1 and still do not have the
ability to do the live wallpapers and
this is very similar to that once again
most likely because of the process are
coming in only five hundred twenty eight
megahertz using a live wallpaper will
definitely dedicate some of that cpu so
by sacrificing the ability to have live
wallpapers HTC has kept the processor
somewhat up to spec in terms of the apps
don't run incredibly slow however if you
do have a live wallpaper you would
definitely see a difference now because
its uses HTC Sense HTC is going to
incorporate many of their own widgets as
well that includes stocks news weather
even a music player now showing you some
of those are up the bat is going to be
the music player application itself with
a widget itself which is much better
than the Android music players by
default that's one of the big complaints
with Android as the music player this
widget you're seeing down here is the
HTC music player if we actually go ahead
and click on this it will bring up the
player itself and as you can see it
gives you the cover art type style you
can actually flow through pretty easily
this definitely runs better than the
stock Android music player going back to
the home screen we can continue to
scroll toward the right you have your
stocks widget here these are the default
it will give you you can change these
though to it ever fits your portfolio or
whatever you want to follow for that
matter now you can also pinch in to get
a helicopter type view now going back to
the opposite side of our home screen we
have the HTC news widget now as you see
here it is a typical size widget which
will give you all of your new stories
you can actually just scroll right
through select a widget and it will
actually bring up that story for you to
read in its detail going back to the
home screen that you can actually change
which feeds by pressing the all stories
and it allows you to change which feeds
you want to pull from as you see here we
have the cnet seeing gadgets the yahoo
is you can even add many more though if
you'd like you can do it based on RSS as
well so it's incense an RSS reader as
well now we also have the HTC mail
widget which will basically show your
email right on the screen as well as you
can see here this gives the ability to
actually write a response directly from
your home screen and sense
a much faster way to respond to email
you just type who compose the message
and then you just press the send button
and off it goes you're also going to
have the HTC bookmark widget which is
once again pretty straightforward you
can see here it gives you some of your
favorite bookmarks and these are the
default standards that it's going to
come preset with you just scroll up and
down you can actually choose the window
that you want to go to so for example we
can press the google page right there
and now it's actually to bring us right
to google com pretty fast and simple it
eliminates the need of having open up a
browser and type in the address every
time and you get the added benefit of
being visual a little bit of eye candy
for you as you can see right there now
of course that doesn't mean that you are
stuck having to use the HTC widgets you
do have to use HTC Sense but you can
load some of the widgets from the market
and any pre-loaded widgets from Android
are also going to be included for
example the power manager here which is
a Android stock widget you can use that
in conjunction with the HTC calendar
breakout widget as I have on that screen
there which means that for the most part
your standard Android experience will
live in harmony with HTC sense while
many people may say that sense does slow
down the OS because it is in fact a skin
and it's a very intense skin it does
also give you the added benefit of some
of the productivity features like this
calendar widget here as well as the
well-regarded clock that you see on the
home screen now the on-screen keyboard
because it is a 3.2 inch screen of
course has to be modified to fit that
screen as you can see here it's very
similar to the HTC hero on sprint it's
very similar to that keyboard if it's
the screen perfectly it's actually very
easy to type on very similar to the
iphone in terms of the accuracy really
very few errors are had when typing a
long message or a quick message for that
matter one great thing about sense is
that it's going to incorporate your
Facebook and your Twitter contacts with
your standard address book so that when
someone calls you if they have a
Facebook page it will actually show
their picture and it may even show their
status updates or their recent twitter
updates in the contacts profile itself
now you're also going to have the
addition of what's called apps sharing
if we go into the menu here as you can
see app sharing this gives you the
ability to actually recommend an app to
a friend so you can actually as you see
a tease of two to two apps that are
currently on this device
Facebook and Twitter so you can actually
pick Twitter and you can share it via
Facebook friend stream which is the HTC
custom stream to see your feeds from
facebook and twitter you can send it
through the gmail application through
the standard mail application as well as
to a text message etc etc even on
twitter if you want it to that's a
pretty cool feature you know being able
to show your friends what apps you use
and which ones they should download
especially if they're new to android and
that's going to conclude our part one of
the software overview of the HTC
Wildfire which comes pre-loaded with
sense which is the OS skin make sure you
stay tuned for our coming hardware
update as well as the software overview
part 2 which will incorporate a browser
test as well as some of the different
social networking applications on a
speed test compared to one of these
devices big brother the HTC EVO as
always please leave us a thumbs up thank
you everyone for watching
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