you're out on the town you're having fun
and your smartphone is the furthest
thing from your mind till you get home
and check your pockets and it's not
there it's happened to the best of us
even some relatively high ranking people
at Apple have left their brand new
prototype phones in bars I'm Joe Levi
for pocket now and here's how you can
use encryption to make your phone a
little bit more secure just in case it
gets lost somewhere along the way this
is my 2013 Nexus 7 I'm using this
because it is not rooted it's just a
regular stock out of the box with my own
settings and customizations on it and
apparently root gets in the way and
causes some problems that's why I'm not
showing you on my Nexus 5 but what we
need to do here is go into settings from
settings go down to security and in
security this is where you can set your
screen lock now for this to work it does
have to be either pin or password you
can't use pattern face unlock or swipe
to unlock because those are security at
all help maybe face lock is but you got
to have something a little bit more
secure now I've got this set to
automatically lock after 15 seconds so
after I it goes to sleep it'll turn off
I'm going to bump that up to a two
minutes that way I don't have to type in
my PIN all the time it's going to wait
two minutes after it goes to sleep power
button instantly locks I have turned off
as well so two minutes after I either
hit the power button or after it goes to
sleep it's going to lock and I'll have
to put the pin in again so down here
this is what we're looking at encrypt
tablet require a numeric pin or password
to decrypt your tablet each time you
power it on so we'll go in there now
this tells us all we need to know you
can't decrypt your tablet except by
performing a factory data reset so this
is something you want to try you want to
make sure that you want to do this
because you cannot go back without
wiping so keep that in mind it does take
a long time sometimes an hour or more
and you have to start with a charged
battery I'm pretty close up here but we
also have to be plugged in so come over
here and I'll get my USB cord which I
have plugged into a power outlet go
ahead and plug that in this should then
light up and allow me to encrypt tablet
it asks me for my pin which I'll do over
here once that is done we get another
warning and then we'll go ahead and
encrypt tablet we get that nice little
Android with a tool belt and then the
screen goes blank it's doing its first
of several reboots here right after that
long boot sequence came up I now have
this encrypting screen that says wait
while your tablet is being encrypted and
it does give me a very handy percentage
indicator in this case I am four percent
complete and I've got my little Andy -
Android with a tool belt on down here
again or is that cogs I don't know what
it is exactly but cool little thing that
I haven't seen before in all of my
travels with Android we'll go ahead and
let it do its thing and we'll be back to
show you the progress so after about 45
minutes is past the system rebooted and
now I'm met with this my little I'm
pretty sure that's a cog rather than a
tool belt it's asking me now to type my
password so I'll go ahead and do that I
have a nice tapi sound while I type that
we'll hit done that point we see the cog
again screen goes blank and we're coming
back up to yet another reboot so what
you can see here when we power on the
device we're asked for our password to
decrypt the storage now this password
and the pin are kind of separate things
one let's you into the device and one
lets you into the storage so that you
can have access to it let's go ahead and
type in our password here after we do
that the device will restart that's
where the decryption happens not at the
PIN pad so this is a power on encrypt
decrypt that's primarily for time it
saves you time by not having to do this
encrypt decrypt sequence every time you
turn the screen on and off just when you
turn the device on and off still a very
very good thing to do team that up with
a nice secure pin or some other type of
security to keep your data on your
device all taken care of so that people
who shouldn't have access to it don't so
that's how you encrypt your phone so
that it's extra secure just in case it
gets lost along the way if you want to
keep the contents away from prying eyes
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pocket now and I am at Joe Levi thanks
very much for watching we will catch you
next time
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