How to Root Your Galaxy Nexus Without Unlocking the Bootloader
How to Root Your Galaxy Nexus Without Unlocking the Bootloader
some of the cooler things that we talked
about on Pocket now at least Android
related stuff requires that you have
root permissions on your Android powered
phone or tablet that's not terribly
difficult but it does require that you
unlock your bootloader or does it today
I want to show you a way that you can
route your Galaxy Nexus without
unlocking your bootloader it's not for
that faint of heart but hopefully it
won't be too bad for you let's go take a
look first of all let's throw out some
credit this is based on an article that
was posted on xda-developers by e Frant
who gives credit to binary bi n4r why
that's liek for binary I think basically
what they've done is they put together
an ADB restore that kind of is an
exploit and kind of does some cool stuff
so what you're gonna need of course is a
computer because this involves ADB and
some commands you're gonna need your
Galaxy Nexus you're going to need a USB
cable micro USB plug into your computer
you're gonna need some patience you're
gonna need the Android SDK so yeah
that's that's the main stuff let's get
to it next thing you're gonna do is
download some files or one file on a zip
from the XDA post I'll have a link to
that over at you're going
to put that somewhere easily accessible
then you're gonna come over to your
Android powered device your Galaxy Nexus
in this case we're gonna open up
developer options that's in settings
we're gonna turn those on yes we know we
want to do that and we are going to
enable USB debugging just like that say
yes again that's gonna let us use adb
that Android debugging bridge to do some
of this stuff next we're gonna push some
files over step number four we want to
get this fake backup started so we're
gonna paste that in again adb is our
friend here we're gonna run the restore
command and pass to it the fake backup a
b which is this file right here but we
don't want to hit restore on our device
we just
want to enter this and then press the
return key to make sure that's correct
just enter the command in the command
prompt on your PC press Enter okay
command entered and enter there we go
now I look down here on my Nexus you'll
notice I've got this full restore prompt
I do not want to hit restore my data at
this point I want to leave it right here
very important step
so the next thing step 5 is we're going
to run an ADB shell command with a nice
while loop inside it and that is going
to look just like this now essentially
what we're doing here is we're running
the exploit while that's running we want
to hit restore on on our on our device
on our Galaxy Nexus so let's go ahead
hit enter it's running now let's it
restore restore is starting once it's
finished which it looks like it is then
I want to reboot my device so it's all
done at that point all right to do this
I want to do an ADB reboot so again I'm
going to copy and I'm going to paste
just to make this easy and once I've
done that my device turns off it comes
up and you'll notice I do not have an
unlock down here ok so it's still just
regular bootloader locked all that fun
stuff I still have some time to go so
all kinds of fun once it's rebooted I'll
by the way when this reboots it's gonna
be running in in debug mode that are in
emulator mode rather so it's gonna be
really laggy the screens gonna flicker
don't worry about that that's normal we
just want to get to adb shell once it's
booted back up I have a black screen on
my device I don't know if that's what
I'm supposed to have or not but I'm
gonna go ahead and try and invoke this
adb shell see what I get I do have
access to the device even though I don't
have anything on the screen in fact it's
an octave thort some people call that
the hash key or the pound symbol
it's the octothorpe you can look it up
now that's a good thing
because once I've completed step eight
my prompt should be an octave Thorpe and
not a dollar sign if it's a dollar sign
it didn't work go back to step four try
again okay
now what we want to do is Mount our
system partition as readwrite and that
again we're going to just copy and paste
here we're gonna mount - Oh space
remount comma our W space - T our type
is going to be ext4 and this is what
we're going to mount so we'll go ahead
and enter on that we're all mounted next
thing we're gonna copy su over to our
system folder just like that next we are
gonna change permissions on that to zero
six seven five five just like that we're
up to step twelve if you're following
along at this point we're going to set
up a symbolic link to su or rather
symbolically link su to X bin slash su
and that's not how you do it you right
click and hit paste by the way guys
okay so symbolically created next we're
going to copy our super user apk over to
our system folder so that's now done
let's try and change mod this guy so
that we can do what we need to with it
this time that worked just fine next if
you're following along we're on step 15
we're going to delete the file that our
exploit created which is a file called
local dot prop in our data folder again
copy and paste that from our article and
there we go next up step 16 we are going
to exit this now you may need to exit
twice sometimes you have to exit out of
your super user and then exit back but
in this case I just had to do just one
so that's good
step 16 complete step 17 is we need to
type the following it might not be
necessary on the Galaxy Nexus but it is
on other phones that use this so we're
gonna go ahead and do it anyway this is
simply an ATV shelled to sink sink sink
and there we go it has sunk sunk sunk
next up we're going to reboot again and
I hope this will take us out of emulator
mode step 19 now says done you should
now have root without having to unlock
your bootloader if you want to unlock
now you can without wiping anything so
in this post again that will have linked
at there is a link to a
bootloader unlocker
that you can use once you've gone
through this whole exploit and
essentially it's just gonna unlock your
phone without doing a wipe if you do
that the regular OAM unlock that'll
unlock your bootloader but it it's also
gonna wipe everything you can relock it
it's also going to wipe everything so if
you don't want to do that then you can
go ahead and install this and then go
through all of the process so all kinds
of fun now if we didn't have root access
after doing all of that we have another
step we can do so let's go ahead and
fire up our device here and see what we
have shall we now probably the easiest
way to see if we have root is to launch
up an Android terminal window so that's
what I've done here you can download any
one of dozens of terminal apps from the
market or the the Play Store I'm an old
school guy that way so now what you'll
see is I'm at a dollar sign prompt and
if you remember when we talked about
that it doesn't mean much so how can we
come over here and find out if we've got
super user access we type in su and we
hit enter it sits and thinks and then
hey look at this we've got a super user
request let's allow that and now if you
notice we have an octa thorpe symbol so
yes indeed we do have super user we do
have root access on our device so there
we go we can now do all the cool stuff
install all the cool apps without going
through and om or unlocking the
not really OEM unlocking but unlocking
the bootloader that's that's what we've
been able to do here
big long a hairy Wow all kinds of
craziness we didn't have to use step 10
B in this process which changes the
owner of super user
luckily yay so if we did we'd have to go
back and do steps 10 through 19 again
but that shows us we can do it we're
done we can now enjoy route and super
user and all kinds of stuff and we
haven't had to wipe or unlock or
anything like that
whoo all right for the full instructions
head over to we're gonna
give you the the brief rundown there
we're also gonna link over to the
article at xda-developers comm which is
where we were copying and pasting
everything from that's where the files
are gonna be for you to download and
copy over onto the device using ADB so
you can run through the exploits and
whatnot did you like what you see if so
please give us a big thumbs up it's
always kind of scary to go through and
do all kinds of untested stuff at least
untested by us on our devices but we do
it so you don't have to be as scared or
as worried about it if you like us doing
that and yeah big thumbs up right there
for potentially breaking my device but I
didn't yay
if you have any questions or comments
head over to it and leave
a comment for us the link to the article
is gonna be right down there if you're
watching this on YouTube of course if
you're watching this video on pocket now
you're probably already there so you can
just leave a comment down below we like
having all of the conversations over
there so everybody's all in one place
not scattered between PocketNow and
YouTube and who knows where else you
could be thanks very much for watching
for pocket now I'm Joe Levi
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