so you decided to jailbreak your iPhone
or your iPad and you later decided that
it just wasn't for you don't worry it's
an easy fix I'm Taylor Martin this is
and this is how you can undo break your
iPhone or your iPad
earlier this week I made a video on the
first five things you should do after
you jailbreak your iPhone
I went over some tweaks and mods such as
acceleration activator browser changer I
also explained that widgets and themes
can be applied and this is only the
beginning of cydia but jailbreaking
isn't for everyone you may have found
just after a few hours or maybe a couple
days that you don't like it and you
would rather go back to how things were
before I explained you to the video that
it's just as easy to go back as it is to
jailbreak for the first time all it
takes is a little bit of time and a
little bit of know-how
the first step to unjailbroken is to
open iTunes and plug in your iPhone
iTunes will then ask you whether you
want to create an iTunes backup rely on
iCloud to backup or restore and your
other general settings iTunes does not
allow you to backup to iCloud and iTunes
so you will have to go into your phone
to disable iCloud now if you feel lucky
and don't want to backup to iTunes feel
free but for redundancy purposes I
recommend backing up to both disabling
iCloud doesn't delete your backups it
simply allows you to create a local
backup and a cloud backup the backup
process will take just a couple of
minutes and then you will need to click
restore iPhone the restore process sets
the iPhone back to factory settings and
it takes just a couple of minutes as
well if there are any updates you will
need to first download the update which
could take a while and then the restore
process will take place after the
process completes your iphone will
reboot as it did the first time you have
turned it on and you will need to go
through the setup process once again you
can then restore from the iCloud backup
or your iTunes backup
either one works I chose iCloud simply
for preference choose the backup that
you want to restore and let it do its
thing it will take just a few more
minutes once the restore completes you
will be greeted by the setup menu from
there you will have to log into your
iCloud account again or you can skip
this step if you prefer to log in later
once you do you will be greeted with
your home screen and lots of icons that
are downloading the
on your connection this could take
several minutes but as you can see Cydia
is no longer installed and you are
officially unjailbroken if you go into
settings any mods or tweaks that you may
have applied are no longer there keep in
mind that this also works for iPods and
iPads the process is literally exactly
the same if you found this video helpful
be sure to click the like button below
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slash pocket now thanks for watching I'm
Taylor Martin and I will see you next
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