
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place 3.0 Eases iOS Freedom And WSJ's iPhone 5 Rumors Are In - iReview

2011-07-10 version 3 brings wireless and simple jailbreaks for all of us immortals the Wall Street Journal seems to have another control leak of the argument 5 in 15 million rifle fires have always been ordered for production all this and more coming up right now hello everybody I'm hi Natalie that and welcome to the pocket now I review the show would go through all this week school and they're not so cool inside the world of Apple's iOS devices let's start this week off with the cool jailbreakers have all the fun they pretty much can do whatever they want with their iphones uh except making it go to work for them pretty much all you can do is install whatever you want from Cydia and make it do things that currently apple doesn't want it to do so if you help back on jailbreaking in the past because it was too complicated you'll be happy to know that comex on the death team have already released version 3 of jailbreakme com all you have to do is navigate from your mobile safari browser to and then once in there just tap on free just like if you were downloading an application and you'll see your device downloading an app called cydia which is the app store for jailbreakers and it's a simple download it's pretty quick and once that happens that's it your device is jailbroken and well before you ask me why should you jailbreak just to have an idea 1 million people three devices just on the first day that jailbreakme com was available it works currently for the iphone for the 3gs the ipod touch 3rd and 4th generation and the ipad and yes even the ipad 2 if you're rocking iOS 4.3 point 3 and well applications like for example swipe the keyboard that's so famous on android work for jailbreakers only so why not you're not really losing anything let's face at Apple uses the wall street journal for their controlled leaks every time they do so their stocks skyrocket and this is the case where Apple stock is currently climbing more than 20 points because the Wall Street Journal is reporting that the next generation iphone 5 will bring a radically new design it'll be thinner and lighter which comes in conflict with current rumors that will be similar to the iphone 4 aside from that it will bring an 8 megapixel camera and also bring that dual Qualcomm chip that will allow cdma and gsm services within the same device so we can expect with next-generation device to work on all carriers pretty much not really sure what to expect for tmobile but aside from that well rumors have it that Apple will be releasing the neck serration device in September that does line up with rumors now what's interesting is that Apple's rumors also have it that it'll can the ipod touch and bring a cheaper iPhone now other rumors out there have it that Apple is working on a cheaper iPhone that only works through 3g n allows voice over IP calls so it's really interesting to see what Apple will do with the next-generation iphone and if a cheaper iPhone will also make it again Wall Street Journal reports sure almost confirmed so we'll see what happens and well the top rumor mill off Apple's already ordered 50 million iPhones to be manufactured by pegatron not Megatron pegatron which is the same manufacturer that built the verizon iphones for a September release interesting to see that 50 million iPhones will be manufactured only by one company because you know apple also uses Foxconn so I wonder how many iPhones is Apple planning to produce for their September release it's really interesting to see what we can expect from here on because apples been behaving really weird lately AT&T is currently conducting a survey to customers asking them whether they want a slide-out keyboard on the next generation iphone really weird and aside from that it seems that Apple's also filing a patent for a stylus even though Steve Jobs even claimed in Macworld 2007 that nobody wants a stylus you had a point Steve but it's really you know sometimes you really need it for things like an iPad on certain applications for notes so we'll see what happens in the end with these rumors and while Apple's App Store's barely three years old and Apple is already celebrating 15 billion downloads interesting to see that four hundred thousand applications are already being offered for the iPhone under thousand applications for the iPad and well currently the App Store works in 90 countries and serves more than 200 million iOS devices really interesting congratulations Apple on this new milestone and well 2.5 bill dollars have already been paid to developers so you can see why there's so much frenzy over iOS devices especially by developers I mean that's where they're making money not the same case in the past I mean the App Store is really not a groundbreaking already existed in the past but I guess Apple is the one that's really been able to pull it off smartly well that does it for the coolest continue on with the not so cool the cat and mouse game continues has just been released with version 3.0 and Apple is already made official that they'll be releasing a patch to cancel the PDF exploit that allows to work obviously that'll have to happen on a future release so as long as you don't upgrade your iphone to you the next generation iOS you'll pretty much have your device jailbroken but if that next generation Iowa's version is iOS 5 you'd be crazy not to upgrade so sad news because iOS 5 is really compelling to upgrade to so anyways that's the way this happens and whoa I OS 5 beta 2 continues on with more bugs though this time it's getting hotter than ever why because the developer is already claiming that Apple's iOS 5 beta 2 was responsible for his sync cable burning out on his iphone 4 and well there are so many ways for a sync cable to you know lose wiring if you don't know how to handle it correctly so we're not really sure what to expect here but Apple everybody's waiting for that beta 3 I mean I'm tired of my iPad tool resetting itself all the time I mean you should figure out what to do man release candidate gold master beta 3 whatever you want just bring out a new release that handles all these bugs man that's it for today's show thank you very much for watching I'm high middle you better remember to give us a thumbs up if you liked what you saw that's it for now you you
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