
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Know When to Galaxy Fold 'em | #PNWeekly 346

the weekly is supported by the Oregon State University eCampus do you want to take the fast track to your career in computing you can earn your computer science degree 100% online from Oregon State and tap into unlimited career opportunities in any field learn more at eCampus Oregon State dot edu slash how come with me and you'll be world he's been editing that video for the last couple of hours that song is so stuck in our heads oh you're not gonna put this in the video it's karaoke time hello everybody and welcome to the weekly recorded in Barcelona Spain that's right we are here in Barcelona for Mobile World Congress and this episode has been recorded on February 22nd 2019 now we're hot off the heels of Samsung's unpacked event which happened in San Francisco and on this episode I made of Etta and myself are going to talk unpacked the crazy and cool galaxy fold and the new Galaxy S 10 line obviously you can see I'm using the galaxy s 10 plus and hi Mae has his own we are going to be doing those reviews very soon there is a quick note that I want to give all of you I will be repeating this a couple of times during the episode this is a new format that we're trying out for the podcast instead of a bunch of different topics we're going to hone in on one at the most maybe two or three different topics perhaps all related where we can talk at length about them for about 45 minutes we want to know what you think about this kind of format as we have been kind of shifting to it over the last number of episodes and you can let us know your thoughts using the hashtag P and weekly on Twitter and of course if you're watching the YouTube version of the podcast you can let us know what you think in the comment sections down below alright well with all that said let's unpack everything that Samsung threw in our faces this past week all right Samsung unpacked I would actually venture oh yeah my phone's over there but that's okay I would actually venture to say that it's okay I mean it's it's only gonna end up being a distraction because I like it so much well we'll get to that in a little bit Samsung unpacked is it a stretch for me to say that this might have been the most enjoyable unpacked that we've ever been to oh I loved it I've been granted I'm I'm in a different place in my life compared to every other unpacked I've ever been to I like this one a lot this one was this one there's a very good time I think my favorite unpack was the Galaxy Note 7 note 7 okay so Galaxy Note 7 and then the s8 were for me the best unpacks mmm-hmm for me the note 7 because where's that one for the stupidest thing it happened in the there's this place close to Penn Station I forget what the name of that place is right in between B and H and Penn Station okay I forget the name of that place Madison Square Garden no no it's another building I the link it's not the Lincoln Center that was for the s8 okay the reason why I like that one was the choreography that that the guys that were gonna do the hands-on with us the choreography that they did to set up the tables for the beginning of the hands-on was epic I also remember the Lincoln Center that was a great venue I was a fantastic venue actually yeah and so so for me the note 7 was because of you know we had just come out sorry that wasn't the note 7 that was actually the note 8 and so we had just come out of the Proms of the note 7 and so you know DJ Koch comes onstage apologizes and apologizes in such a heartfelt manner they also had that video packet yes yes I love that I love that how genuine that was yes and so that plus the choreography that so I was talking to the people who did the heads on it they were like dude we've been tested we would try to do this for a week we never got it right until today nice that was the first one and then the second one was the SAT because of the Lincoln Center the hands-on was fantastic we had perfect lighting that wasn't really it's I think it's the only time we've ever had good hands-on videos or events because we were able to actually yeah cuz you we there was that huge window with all the natural light coming in yeah and then we were able to go outside for spiels and all that stuff yeah but then but then and then if you remember it you know the people the guys that were holding the phones for our hands-on they started at the front and then they all raised their phones and then they started walking out uh and for us to follow them that was really cool that was that was really cool but I would give this one a close third okay for how they introduced the galaxy fold that's exactly what how how you dim the lights there's no ladies and gentlemen there's no nothing it's just they got right into with oh my god that was so cool there was a certain stride that I felt like all the presenters and everybody had during the show where they knew that they were they were hitting just this great new moment in tech yeah and yes with the galaxy fold but also there was this level of confidence on stage about the s10 line and I just feel like yeah I was just sitting there I was engrossed yeah because I was actually excited about everything that they had they figured everything was great up until the moment and I have that recorded on video if you need it for this uh-huh the moment were was like it's $1,980 the reaction of people was like and then they power through it no no he tried to power through it and people started laughing oh yeah yeah people started laughing that reaction was hilarious my ig story of that particular shot just has the word Oh so let's talk about the Galaxy fold then one last thing I wanted to mention though is that um not to not to get into the weeds with this particular piece of info but I kind of weeds I had a bit of a situation where I wasn't sure if I was going to get a review Union I had to sort of like sleuth around to figure out what was going on and in that amount of time I actually had to do my videos old-school style but I loved that man did great okay here I felt like the first few years of my career where you're on a show floor and you have to do all of this content in one spot with potentially terrible lighting very bad conditions not potentially of course it's terrible lighting and you're you thought was right that one was way better than most stuff yeah and but you forget about things like it's one of the main reasons why we shifted away from doing that because we always forgot this or forgot that and people complain in the comments and it's not intentionally just got a limited time you've got stories of people just pushing you around as you're trying to film like the video gets all wonky and everything that's the reason I stopped using monopod for events just because people are pushing you around yeah and when you least expect that boom your cameras on the floor yeah I'm very close to my equipment and I'm I haven't I'm I'm really babying everything I actually learned from Hayato strapped the camera to your belt Oh tress draft the monopod that strap that comes with it yeah strap it to your belt okay that's what to do okay well just kudos to Samsung for such a great experience zone so I was able to do my video there and then I ended up getting my hands on review you know later thank goodness and kudos to to you guys but we did our unboxing so you could watch that here on the channel as well that was a good one but before we get into the s10 obviously we got to talk about the Galaxy fold let's do it my goodness um I want to flashback to the Samsung experience conference or the Developers Conference when they first showed off a fold I didn't even see that I saw the Justin clip where he shows it off and it's just all darkened and everything it doesn't look the final product does not look like what they showed their Ortiz they know I was expecting it to be thicker I was expecting it to look like a D s like a real D s agreed um my what what was presented there even without the Willy Wonka song was spectacular like I'm super excited for it because for once we're not just looking at a screen that bends and we're like oh you can get a tablet size there's actual thought put into this phone I'm super excited but for the wrong reasons the problem is we're most likely gonna get a review unit so it's not like if I'll have to cough money for it do you think they're going to be very stringent with it they'll give you most likely will though they'll just make it a loaner yet to return that's Rachel hey that's $2,000 that they could potentially lose like 30 times over it's just that okay so the problem is and that's why it's all the wrong reasons I feel that we're not we have to we have to definitely serve empathy with our with our viewers yeah in our listeners in the fact that come on man okay I like if if I didn't do what I do if I didn't do what I do I'd be like $2,000 like that I was in Don's and on the Don Esposito's video where we were talking about all the things you could buy for $2,000 hmm and I actually recorded a clip that I was gonna fit into the unboxing that we did 4,000 tacos by the way four thousand it depends on where man Chelsea markets you know oh the metric for that is always jackin the-box oh your your levels are way low it's just a joke we always use the same back in college man that's fine five bucks you're going to spend five but you could get ten tacos for that anyways sorry go ahead but the thing about it was um oh my god you could buy a not the most powerful but obviously a well spec MacBook for that yeah totally you can buy a one terabyte iPad pro with like absolutely everything you could think of which I wouldn't recommend but like the MacBook Pro I even made the analogy I'm like okay so you remember when the first iPhone was announced where Steve Jobs makes the analogy a phone will cost you this plus a plan an iPod will cost you this and so we're just gonna sell it at that premium because back then people don't remember that the most storage you could get was like 128 megabytes yes and then you had to buy an SD card that at most would go to one gigabyte and that one gigabyte card so that's one thing that Steve Jobs didn't mention if you wanted a 1 gigabyte card in 2007 it was $100 yeah but way high for storage exactly uh sacked then and so think about it you got a 4 gigabyte iPhone in an 8 gigabyte iPhone and so it for me the iPhone at 500 bucks plus a plan made sense because of the gigabytes because of the storage what justifies this product at that price and people are like it's new technology I'm like come on man flexible OLED zuv existed for what five six years but not ones that had that you're actually willingly folding and moving I totally agree with that fine I get that it's new technology I love and abang it to his video please watch his I hope it's already live yeah he filmed the full video where he's like stop complaining it's it's this is this is new technologies emerging you're gonna be a first adopters or ironically the ones who pay the most but you know it's funny he's not gonna fight it either like dude would you buy it is the question okay would you choose a Galaxy S 10 and an iPad pro over that I would only get the galaxy okay if I if I needed to spend my hard-earned money I would I will get an s10 I stem plus in but today I will get an s10 plus and wait to see what everybody else says about the galaxy fold and if I I I would definitely have friends you know what if the reviews are good if the reviews are good I have to try it still I need to have a friend who has it and I'm going to borrow it from them and I'm gonna use it for a little bit cuz that's the thing it's been a long time since I've actually had to worry about buying tech but in this case I'm putting myself in those shoes I'm not gonna buy it unless I actually spend time with it can't be a fresh $2,000 down the drain this is how I felt with the iPhone tennis max because when I started my own channel and working with you guys I well I had to buy that phone myself I felt very crappy spending all of that money on a phone all at once especially for an iPhone tennis max which I actually was not super excited to get right right you know no I I don't know for me the problem is is and we were talking with Donal I mean you could get a one plus 64 for $4.99 you can get an iPad the standard iPad because this is this the this galaxy fold is not even stylus capable it's not even a Galaxy Note to a certain degree and so that is a missed opportunity that is a totally missed opportunity which makes me wonder I was we were landing today and I was wondering what's gonna happen with the note going forward yeah because okay and the reason why I thought about that is because if you look at the galaxy s 10 plus it looks like the note they the corners are sharper a lot of them like this looks exactly like the note that comparisons gonna be funny and then I'm like huh could this be telling us something could this be telling us that the note is gonna change it's due for a change you know I still think they should make a way cuz now that you can buy a spends separately that there should be cost compatibility yeah because it does feel like the one thing missing from this phone I totally agree but so we were like okay so you could buy a standard iPad for 400 bucks you can buy you know you can buy the one plus 60 why that's a thousand bucks right there why would you pay twice that amount and then you know for me there are certain concerns like don't get me wrong I saw the video and I it was until the moment that I sign it's not but come with me thing it was it was that was the presentation plus the hands-on of the very Josh to the Josh guy Josh oh man how happy tech free Santosh we feel we feel so bad for you dude we could see you tremble in that demo but we get it now we go through that stuff to work I was like wall through the demo like he was very nervous but he killed it too he killed it but it's not until you see the demo you start doing something in the external display and then you open like I'm like okay I really like this like I really like the idea it's still not something I made its still a solution exactly yes but tell me visually like aesthetically it looks really really nice yes it's not just a phone it's not just a device made for the sake of the form-factor it still has Samsung DNA yeah it's very much a Samsung looking device through and through well it but I have to tell you I have to say probably the one reason why I'm not totally stoked to spend the money on it is because in the main orientation that I would use it all the time it has a lower quality display that's the other thing okay so there are there are a few caveats to going for this product obviously one is the curse of the early adopter it's the one reason why I would never buy this product out of my money the curse of the early adopter the second one would be the form factor this is the return of holsters you're not gonna put that thing in your pocket I would you're not come on man I would stubbornly put it in these skinny jeans I'm wearing right now and would you use it in a specific angle with a purpose or what I mean it's I I would be stubborn enough I'm not gonna bust out the LD west even though even though Fisher has given me one I do have one are you serious yeah yes oh my god Michael Fisher if you're watching this where's that new light pole replacement thing that he's wearing there's like yeah strap for his leg I'm like this has to be Michael like I hadn't see his face I just walk into a room and I see a guy with a pair of jeans and with that thing strapped on his leg and I'm like this is asked to be Fisher think of like a knife holster on your thigh but it's for other stuff it's a toolbox yes wow it's really a pouch it's like where's your drill man where's the screwdriver I would be stubborn enough to still use the galaxy phone no matter what pants I'm using no matter what pockets I have I'm granted we are in the era where men are allowed to have like small sling bags now but the the thing is I just in the one way that I would have to use it most of the time I'm not gonna be happy with that that is the third problem yeah the third caveat is why is that external screen so small I mean that's the one place where I felt they had what I mean why are we I'm not gonna unfold that thing every time I need to do so no I'm just not no and then I'm trying to understand like that hole cut out that they did for the cameras on the old one display yeah when it's open I'm like really unless you can sort of like fold it in a little so I can stand because they didn't show that cuz does the can the fold go at an a at a degree night there are so many questions about sag that way we don't know like one thing a lot is so certain insiders so apparently certain publications were able to see this product yeah because I was actually walking out so I filmed the daily from I filmed the daily from from the from the venue and so as I'm strapping things up there's a specific first that I'm not gonna mention it was on the phone was probably with his editor and he was saying yeah they just showed it off apparently it seems that you can't fully open it like there's a certain curve to it it's there's a certain curve to it ah so it becomes a G flex sort I my VIP my video just sort of expounding upon the ideas behind the galaxy fold it's not new bananaphone it's not out it's my video where I sort of speculate on the phone is not out yet but I will I'll do a quick spoiler alert if you're gonna go to my channel watch it there is one user I'm that I'm that user who can't wait to use this phone for gaming I'm super excited for the how how are you gonna play with that you launched it you launched it on the dumb display then you open it up and you got like a big old thing to play a game on that actually makes me really excited that's the only application that I think super excites me about that but I have everything else it's gonna be it's it's it's gonna be an adjustment period that I think most users will not be able to fathom let alone spend $2,000 to still have a learning curve dude I mean obviously there there are people that spend $17,000 or an apple on an Apple watch edition the gold one the first one so I you know I'm not gonna say that Samsung is going stupid with the price now Apple wins that one I'd still think that you're right and I'd still think that the price makes sense for what it's trying to do but or and not but and I don't it's still ridiculous for most users I don't I listen the moment they said luxury smartphone of their everyone was like you know what that means so we have a subpar display on the back yeah we've got a really good flexible display on the front that on the inside it has a sound on the inside add six cameras um two batteries twelve gigabytes of RAM triple multitasking like now here's the question and scratch myself here's the question I want to ask you do you actually do duo multis asking right now is the question like even an answer for YouTube you know it's I'm not saying it's a bad thing like every now and then I'll be navigating from point A to point B and I want my map to be at the front and to see something at the bottom yes but it's not like like these are all cool things to do that the average person will never go back to that's the problem okay yeah I think I think the pertinent question here is obviously listeners and viewers are you going to use this phone to as greatest potential and I guess my my preface to that is do you even use tablets in general I think it's the tablet user that can see the benefit of this dude and in so here's the thing I find myself always carrying an iPad pro but the reasons why I use it again in my review is very clear they're not conventional I've fallen in love with adobe spark and I use it every day for our thumbnails I've fallen in love with OneNote and I use the Apple pencil i sub utilize the Apple pencil into making it my highlighter but I could use a galaxy note for that I could use it galaxy tab as for for that I can as any other one like it doesn't have to be an iPad pro um but then other than that dude aside from day one which is my journaling app I don't really use day one it's fantastic okay yeah I've heard of that and I've thought about using I'm not saying it's worth every penny because it's like $50 to the computer I'm like oh no way I am like galaxy fu no but but you know it's it's AI tablets oh and the other thing as you noticed yesterday I use it as my speaker yes my portable speaker because the speakers are freaking awesome but then other than that it's like it's not a product you need do you need a SmartWatch note do you need do you need a tablet no and I think that that is the biggest problem as for the selling point of this that I think is so the biggest problem for the selling point of this device is that the fact that you don't need a tablet the fact that it's not something that you actually that will actually solve anything for you there's nothing this is literally like what's what's uh what's a car brand that you would see as like you never need it but it's a status a Porsche okay Porsche I was thinking Lambo no but but if you think about it like in the case of the yeah a Lambo or whatever of these brands or this is this this might actually be the Bugatti Veyron now don't get me wrong we've seen virtues cost the loss a lot more than this empanada business now for a reason so so here's the problem it's like you're telling me that you're creating a foldable product to give me a tablet when the TAT when people don't really use tablets don't use tablets and it doesn't really matter if you some for 50 dollars like Amazon or for 200 bucks like Amazon or for 399 like Apple it doesn't matter people don't buy them yeah you know and you usually what do people do they buy cheap tablets for their kids hmm for them to play oh don't give this phone to your kids that's the thing so I was like okay so one thing there one very interesting thing happened with the launch of the galaxy s 10 and it's not that I'm trying to segue it's just probably what I like the most about the s10 is the price tag yes we're gonna get into that a lot we're gonna get into that a lot but it's like they slapped Apple it's like we're not selling anything at your price yeah and our plus variant is the same price of your smaller and 10s that that's great yeah I got the tennis max but if we iterate I was not happy to but if they would have been like okay it's $12.99 for the Galaxy f12 love for the F so I guess those are all the leaks those are all the leaks and I go to them every day sorry but yeah think about it $12.99 I mean it's the oh it's the or the price of the tennis max mm-hmm if it was that price if they would have priced it at the same level of the tennis max that would have like immediately the like that would have been like here Apple but that's that's gonna be second gen this is gonna this is the proof-of-concept high high price low low sales but the high price makes it fun to the next generation okay you know what the funny part is dear Samsung feel free to use this video just like you use philosophy Carter's videos use this at the next unpacked and quotas over as the coat me as the naysayer who thinks that this product is a you know is a solution in search of a problem and then next year they're gonna pull a galaxy know like we I was like what's the Galaxy Note 4 and now I can't live without that damn thing that's true that is true um that being said I'm really looking forward to what the notes gonna bring o I because looking forward to the note now more than ever exactly because of everything that we've seen at unpacked not only what the galaxy fold but with these phones this one there you have in your hand right now and mines over there this is the galaxy s ten plus so it made sense obviously that out of three different phones the review units that we would get would be the ones yeah most things yeah so yes we have been using the galaxy s 10 plus ever since we both have been on planes we're actually in Barcelona right now getting ready for Mobile World Congress we have spent plane rides with this so far which is why which is a good use case scenario but that being said general thoughts on the phone so far before we get into the general thoughts about the line itself I just like the fact that it feels like the note 9 it really does it's like if you're carrying a note 9 a little lighter though a little lighter I love the color I the screen is great I obviously it's it's it's an even better it's an even better Roland um I've been playing with the camera a lot I I need to do more I've been more using the screen more because I downloaded a buttload of anime for my flight so I've just been watching it and a lot of YouTube so the viewing experience has been amazing the cameras I'm looking forward to use okay so so my initial impressions are photography is surprisingly better than I expected question-there front facing camera recently got a really good score in DX Oh mark no okay okay so go to my Instagram there's a photo of me holding this phone um holding this phone and that photo initially was just like Josh let me rs10 I'll take a selfie with your s10 of me holding my attend ya know the D are completely blown out behind me I tried every single setting completely blown out arm then I pulled out the iPhone 10's snap perfect shot yeah and I'm and I would I'm willing to bet that the pixel three would be the same I and I had the pixel three right there damn I didn't think of that okay but but did you get the email so we just got an email they're asking us to hold our but there's no embargo which is great like we could pull reviews whenever we want um but we got asked to take our times because during this weekend we should be getting an update to fix it then of things okay fair enough yeah question there am i correct my my memory does the front-facing camera have no post processing the way that the pixel of the iPhones do it doesn't have multi frame process I haven't gone that far I don't think they've ever put it in the front-facing camera no I don't think so because he's right the dynamic range on the front-facing camera does need work it doesn't need tuning it does need to know that said when you know as far as the subject is in focus the details are fine oh so if there's nothing like if you're not shooting with like a white or you know like what he's like a lip background what he looks like right now this is called dynamic range that yeah that you know and and so it's it's now but it's very hard for cameras to get it right of course and I and I'll tell you this much like it doesn't matter what professional camera you have it's very difficult think about it is that's when you get pixels and iPhone tennis the the iPhone 10s the iPhone 10 was trash but the iPhone 10s like they really really tweaked that yeah they really learned how to because that's the thing smart phones the laws of physics don't allow then simply don't allow for amazing dr dynamic range on that tiny little sensor it's very dense which is why multiframe processing which is why pros post-processing has become computational photography there go that which is why it has become so more so I'm I'm not giving the phone a pass I don't I don't like the dr on the front definitely not I love the 4k on the front even if the DRS bad at least again sales are high yes but try to remember what doesn't work in 4k I tried I tried still stabilization it's not the steady shot it's not it's not the same still steady shot doesn't work regardless on the front camera yeah exactly but it had but there is a stabilization okay and as I was telling you when we were coming in the cab one thing that super stable mode actually is working on the wide-angle for me that was surprising but I need to see that certainly happening okay so viewers and listen well listeners you won't be able to see this well we'll figure out a way to show you but see if you move into into video and you remove the the super civilization you crop in oh you crop in and then when you enable stabilization the super steady mode you crop out oh so it's using the wide-angle and most likely what it's doing because it's 16 mega play 16 megapixels right on the wide yes yeah on the white it's probably cropping from that and playing some crazy amount it's like a GoPro that's it's using the same strategy as the GoPro it's just it's smart exactly it's pretty smart I'm not gonna lie and as long as the quality is still high you got your stabilization yeah and this pretty much means that there no reason why the s10 he doesn't have that well because it has a white angle yeah yeah well and we don't know we I didn't play enough with the s10 II to know but that means that like I should have it should have it should have it it should have it and I'm not gonna lie the s10 II wasn't my favorite I I would I was I was hoping that they gave me a choice to pick one but now well let's let's talk a little bit more about that white angle there there are a bunch of lenses on the back here you get telephoto you get ultra wide you get the regular sensor and you I remember when you became a believer in the white angle on I want to say I forget what your phone it was I think was the g6 there's the g6 right did you say we were here in Barcelona yeah and you were trying to get a picture in one of the many alleyways where there's not a lot of space yeah and you got it using that white angle yeah that's when you became a believer I remember you were talking about that now we have it on so many other phones and it's now on a Samsung which it's just so exciting yeah because LG we love you you were pioneer come on you guys have to step it up because everybody else Huawei Samsung probably next year who knows Apple might put one on their phone too what's gonna happen at that point this wide-angle craziness is gonna be part of 2019 but you know I think that LG has been doing it right the problem is they're just in photography it's like it's so g4 I am hoping that they do something with the g8 I doubted given the rumors and the leaks um but that's really the problem with LG I mean they wish they were stubborn and not adopting larger of microns on their on their sensors and their post profit like I think LG was the company that invented post-processing yeah I think so I would I would say that LG was yeah cuz when they were the first company where we noticed it because there was a g-force oh yeah the over sharpening and no aggressive noise reduction so the g3 was the one that was like terrible aggressive noise reduction and over sharpening and then they came out with the g4 and it's like wow like beautiful dynamic range changed great color but we knew that it was a subpar sensor that's the first time that we saw a subpar hardware being well tweaked by software yeah the prob the problem is that for when was the G for 2014 I think so so five years ago it made a lot of sense it's just can we please move away from 2014 is there 14 2015 something like that yes obviously every other company picked up on it and took it forward yeah % well I mean across the board here we're very happy that the wide angle is there and like we like like I made just mentioned it is also on the s10 II which is actually the lowest tier of the s10 line still has a wide ankle yeah thank God someone's finally realizing telephone is not that useful I use it a lot I do love telephoto for I love street photography okay I love street photography and for me it's like right now that I've been playing with that wide-angle lens on the on the g h5 i do miss the the i do miss the very height the tightness of a telephoto of a long lens not now sorry not of a long lens but just the less you know of a 15 millimeter of a 20 millimeter yeah it's just there are certain times when you're on the street where that becomes so convenient you don't have to zoom into anything you know you have the advantage that your aperture is fixed and so I don't know and I honestly believe that for most people out there telephoto was just a means to an end to get good portrait modes which wasn't good well yeah which wasn't even perfect which was I think most people out there will adopt the wide-angle at a faster rate than they ever did well in LG proved that you could do a portrait shot with a wide-angle yeah they did it with the g7 and so you know if you're gonna just process the photo to get that effect anyway just use the ones in to a certain degree I think that LG did the better job oh really I you know I love that the the portrait shots from the g7 they look the most natural hmmm okay I still remember the ones that the Google phones used to do where you had to like lens blur that was like to do that little movement just to get that blur of the background that was natural anyway but yeah why didn't go all across the board so let's talk about the other phones as well we have the s10 plus that's what we're testing and that's where our reviews will be coming from and yeah whatever comparisons and whatnot we're gonna have a lot of compare since my Azam still have a regular s10 and in in my speculation video of regarding that phone I said that it would be the phone for most users be s10 yes you think I think so because they're gonna be a lot of discerning users out there who don't know if they want to spend the extra hundred dollars on a bigger screen and a bigger battery which is really all the as 10 plus provides but the size difference is it's not that big to be fully honest with you I don't understand why the s10 exists I think it I don't think it's for those core users I mean it's like I would I would have rather the s10 II would be the s10 and then just the s10 plus I don't understand the purpose of the s10 I mean like the differences are so meager in between either that I think that that's the phone that's gonna flop out of all three people are either gonna go for the larger one because you either want it for bragging rights for you wanted for convenience and you go for the s10 II and because Samsung's philosophy with these phones is that it doesn't matter which one you pick you're supposed to get the same amount of battery life you're supposed to get the same quality display and it's just a few minor things that are not being provided with the s10 II there's a huge dip in battery between yeah same size in size yes but it's a full HD Plus display no not on the not on the regular as on the on the yeah on the he on the it's it's full HD and so according to Samsung and they would like I even asked twice during the briefing you're telling me that if you're offering me 10 hours on one I'll get 10 hours on all three they're like yes the battery size differences are only to compensate for being able to achieve that amount of time given the hardware I don't know I just think okay here's here's here's here's even further speculation this is not something that can ever be confirmed until it actually happens the s10 Yi is the phone that will get discounted faster than the other two so three months from now the SNT is gonna be $600 while the s10 and the s10 plus remaining you think about it man I mean you have to you'd get a cheap it's not crappy but you'd get it you get a ya IPS LCD at 780 P on an iPhone 10 R yeah like literally this this Galaxy S 10 is out to compete against the 10r yeah it's the same price as the 10r which is what I'm saying that's the reason why I still exists is because that fills that gap while the s10 a is the one that's gonna get a lower price faster than the other two yeah so I think four to six months from now when the está knee is $500 get it I think it's Jo I yeah just get it I don't it like again I for me my favorite was the SME it feels the vest and if I get the same experience as in the case of the s10 plus than why and that's the reason I'm like why does the galaxy s10 exist like I was at the hands-on sorry I was at the briefing and honestly I I was scrolling through my footage just to be able to put the hands on together and I'm like crap I didn't record anything for the s10 because I you just forget it like you forget that it exists I hate that you brought that up because when I went to the experience zone and then I went to edit my video at the same problem exactly so see that's the problem it's either you want the bragging rights of one or the convenience of the other but the one in the middle for just 100 bucks more yeah I mean for just a hundred bucks more compare that to the iPhone 10 into the tenant at the tennis and the tennis max where the differences are actually a little more drastic but so is the actual price yeah so I mean the ratio or rather relative to his competition it provides you a little bit more without asking for too much and then thank God for that and then you've got the case where this galaxy SN plus is priced at the same price as the 10s yeah so that's the thing it does and that's what we mean by it's a competitive price a lot of the view oh yeah I saw the comments yeah and it's true I'm not I'm not justifying $1,000 for anything yeah I'm just saying that I would rather like I would rather pay for this than pay for the iPhone 10s for the same thousand with all 10s max for that matter oh sorry I'm gonna bellyache about that forever but see nice they don't have to buy this is the perfect reaction this is the perfect reaction because you Lee you and I live in a bubble we don't buy our phones but then in your case you did go out and buy that phone and it was like damn it I was on vacation when I bought that phone too I was like don't want my money like in two different way anyway one final thought before we wrap up in the next five or so by the way this is sort of a this is a format that we're trying out where we only talk about one key topic at length so something a little bit more focused you might have noticed viewers and listeners that we have been sort of bringing down the number of topics every single week and we're trying to get it down to as minimal as possible with the maximum amount of content still so about a 45 minute podcasts what we're kind of looking for here let us know what you think on Twitter hash tag PN weekly and also in the comments on the YouTube video okay you had never tried up until this point Samsung wine no thoughts on that's what I wanted it feels the same it feels the same ie it's it's different eigen iconography I so I was expecting that more of the controls would be at the bottom is the promise of one hand that use did there are still apps that have their controls at the top oh wow I mean that's Android yeah that's Android well no no but I mean come on if you're gonna throw this skin on top but you know what's what's the purpose if allowed to serve that purpose I honestly visually I so I I do love the dark mode I actually like that you could sit on that you can set it on by depending on the time of day I don't like the fact that the always-on display is now not always on oh well so what what are the parameters behind it because I don't I still don't get it yeah but I think I love how it looks I love how it looks like I just won yes but you set this phone on its able it looks like everything you know which is what I liked about the previous always how this play was always odd like let's the let's call it ambient display which would be the other approach it does feel like the software on this or even the sensors on this phone are very jumpy like yeah it's it's always thinking that it's in your hand and if it's in your hand then who cares right I'm going to show you anything because you're gonna turn it on anyway right right like lit the the lift awake stuff I hate that on any device by the way I don't I love it on the iPhone I can't stand it because when I pick up the phone I just want to do I am at command I turn you on it's the same thing yeah it's the same thing with you asking accepting a knife to be able to be able to put a box of product like sorry sorry sorry mister Sparta I have sharp nails I actually like it and I did a couple of tweaks when I was on the plane ride over that I've enjoyed a lot um just like on the 1 plus 60 which has the 1 + slate font there's the samsung 1 font and I feel like a lot of people are going to miss out on that you should totally turn it on it makes the entire operating system look more unique and it makes the entire operating system look even clean I had no idea there was the cool boy I had no idea yeah it varies on that for C so that font is there and when I saw that I was judged to that fun I was really enjoying what everything looked like all the setting it on right now yes font size and stuff so if you have the darién you go to on Samsung one I think it looks great I think that's a great looking fine um so that already made it look kind of different I don't know why that's not default yeah right this is looking a little better and then changing the size of the elements because one thing I will say is Samsung one does seem a little bit bloated it's a little bit more cartoony the way that original Samsung knew I was yeah just lower the size a little bit things will start looking a little bit more utilitarian I just I don't notice the difference banana previous UI I do also think though remember how everybody would complain about the stutters yeah TouchWiz oh my god I haven't said that's why TouchWiz I've not felt one no no unless you try to open mix view accident I actually have not hit the Bigsby button one I have a couple of times um but no I it's just pie and and there are things where I'm like why Samsung like really like example huh Bigsby home god that's the that's know there are worse but like this when you press the volume buttons it gives you the indicator at the top instead of on the side like the pixel is doing one plus is doing it like it's it's that's a weird part that is a good point Samsung still suffers from some of the old tropes you open up an app folder and all the icons are at the top of the screen yeah meanwhile like you said that oneplus whether they call it again oxygen OS yeah puts all the icons on the bottom row so cuz that's where you your finger fingers drifting and so again visually there are options for you to fully disable animations without needing to go to accessibility okay but I was like so it's funny you disable animations and it still is like if it were a fade to black effect where you press and it's not like wah where it's boom boom boom no so it's it does this like sort of fade between one and the other and I'm like so you say you're telling me that reduce animations means switch animation - yeah a different type yeah I I guess the point I was gonna make what Samsung one is for people like us who are really into the software of our phones and we're very experienced with them like we can see where the holes are we can see where the design flaws are but I don't know my mom my mom and dad they use Galaxy s8 7 so try remember exactly I can't tell anymore because they put cases on them and they're so bulky like but they use they use those and they know exactly what to do in that version of Samsung UI Samsung one's gonna achieve that also it's easier enough for most people to just sort of like I don't know run around I still think so I don't know I love that the edge menus are there I I do love there are certain things like the notification shade but then other than that I've like there are things it the problem is I've been using the may 20 Pro and the iPhone 10's for too long and so I'm spoiled by things like facial recognition showing me my notifications oh yeah like cuz I you know if anybody that they slept feena's will know the last thing you want is for your notifications to be visible on your lock screen but you don't want to fully switch them off so what you do is on the iPhone it's just so convenient it will not show you it'll just show you've got notifications but it won't show you anything until it sees your face that and so the only Android phone that has that it's the mate 20 Pro okay that's but when you do facial recognition on there you have to tap the note the notification icons to bring them all up learn which one on samsung one no it doesn't have for me it's like great oh you have it that way so let's see see it's showing you all my notification tu there's a way I'll show you on mine later let's see what you but it still requires you tap dammit they won't just appear once it so long as so long as it's like I don't want them to be hitting I'm sorry third world problems I will go through my settings and see cuz I don't have that I don't have that at all show me all right any final thoughts that you have on these phones I know that our reviews are gonna be coming out sometime soon but any like any hot takes you can give our viewers and listeners they're all clamoring for it the views are actually going up on the videos right now because people are the residual effect of everyone realizing that the s tens were announced they want to know some hot takes for the people who are on the podcast okay oh I the hot take is a question to you okay um as much as I love my note 9 May 24 okay mount goodbye yeah um so right now obviously I have my reservations over the review process of the XO mark probably like okay so I love the phone I love my experience so far I'm just trying to understand why there is no 42 megapixel camera on this thing 48 4 or 48 or whatever like pretty much everybody else is coming out with now like I think that that is the missed opportunity with this phone I don't know that Samsung has because they're calling it professional-grade cameras and oh that's a tall order well they're saying pro-grade because it has all the cameras yeah that yeah but but then you've got the XO mark pretty much giving this phone the same scores them as the huawei mate 20 fro yeah well I bet that comparison I I can't wait to do that comparison I like all right let's see what Pro great really is you know that's the way we do it that that comparison I can kind of see be they're kind of matched in that sense because it has the same amount of features as the same amount of focal lengths yeah I can see that yes I do think I did get a little disappointed knowing that this one didn't have the 48 megapixel Sony IMX sensors that I saw on the honor I mean think about it $500 phones have that like right now I just did the vivo v15 Pro and it's got that same sensor Oh in China in China and then we've got the Xiaomi me 9mm the honour of you 20 though and then then the me 9 got I'm not saying the pic megapixels matter or anything sampling there's a really good job with their software it's just alright if this is gonna be the vanguard phone the yes it's the new galaxy that was a missed opportunity and and I'm trying to give Samsung the benefit of the doubt here because they do have specific tuning to their sensors and if they were to move to a new 48 megapixel Sony IMX I wonder if just the R&D just wasn't there yet they're gonna have wait for the note you know what I mean that's a good point yeah they just go wait for the note or they even have the rumors were that Samsung has their own version of that sensor yes that's what house yeah I heard there was gonna be an I so so yeah but it's not like there have there has been like an equivalent of an ISO cell for every Sony sensor that's been launched or at least the most popular ones and and you can't like I guess there is proof that they can be just as good if you remember the s8 mm-hm you couldn't tell if you had an ISO cell or a Sony yeah it was different sensory they ran out of sensors in the same way that they don't want you to be able to tell that you have a neck cenotes or a Qualcomm chip you know and then you know this new XO nose is eight nanometer yeah it's about seven seven and there's eight yeah that spec she was so funny no no dude I and I apologize like our my hands-on video was not just terrible lighting I don't think I've ever been to a presentation that's been more convoluted like like just trying to understand the differences between these three phones is one thing and then you go to impact that you get the galaxy Folles than the galaxy active and the galaxies fit you know it's a lot of stuff I'm shocked that Samsung doesn't choose to make separate events for their stuff it's just two unpacks I just couldn't imagine a separate event just for the wearables well no I mean they would have the Galaxy S ten on its own deserves its own its own event yes and the oxy fold and then the Galaxy fold the Fed that you know deserves its own event so I don't know I am I'm looking forward to seeing the comparison to that Sony I am x10 so just answer your question I I hope that the note has something equivalent to it because I would love to see what Samsung can do with that but right now looking back on the interview 20 no it's not a phone I use every day and no it's not a phone that I would recommend to everybody but when you use that sensor to its to its fullest potential it is a joy you just use that ultra clarity AI mode and you have super sharp photos I'm actually trying to do something special with that phone while here in Barcelona so you can look forward to that speaking of which we're gonna go ahead and get into Barcelona after this podcast it's time for all of the stuff that's gonna happen at Mobile World Congress so you know give we'd we apologize in advance for Sunday oh that's right oh my god there's so many videos are scheduled to go out on Sunday it's crazy it's gonna be crazy it's gonna be crazy but uh spoiler alert I saw a lot of cool stuff Oh fair that that week in New York was worth it there there's one product in particular that I did you know that my colleagues are like you actually like that thing and I'm like I think that that's like the hottest thing so probably the only thing that's standing in between me to love this thing is that particular product that video doesn't go live until until Monday okay you're gonna tell me what that is well I'll tell you what you get off camera speaking of getting off camera we're gonna go ahead and go into our outro Oh before I do that again make sure you let us know how you feel about this particular format where we just keep it very focused on one maybe two at the most three topics and we went a little bit over 45 minutes but that's about how long we would want this to be anyway so let us know what you think about this format on Twitter hashtag P and weekly and also in the comments on the YouTube channel we apologize for our faces and just my demeanor right now I am so tired we went from it's i-i've been like moving around all this time just to just to not do this it was unpacked like two hours of sleep came here so forgive us for our energy levels but I think that we were able to do quite a bit so so let us know what you think of this format and I'm gonna get right into our outro and on that note that is it for the weekly we hope you enjoyed this episode and look forward to all of our coverage of Mobile World Congress our theme music is bloom by Minerva courtesy of a royalty-free license with Argo Fox you can learn more about it in the episodes description follow our crew on Twitter our producer Jules Wong is at point Jules Jaime is at Jaime underscore Lavetta and i mjv tag team you know me i'm JV i love tech and i love to drink tea pocket now is that pocket now on twitter facebook Instagram and YouTube in English and espanol where you can find more news on the pocket now daily and pas canal Adagio every single weekday catch up on what the weekly is talking about at slash podcast also make sure you make your voices heard by emailing us podcast at we would certainly appreciate your feedback the reviews and ratings on places like Google Apple Spotify overcast or really wherever you might be streaming us because without you we wouldn't have been able to make this show for your eyes and ears for now seven years straight we're gonna see you at MWC next week and we'll talk about everything that is happening here in Barcelona Spain at Mobile World Congress see you on our next episode you
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