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LG V30: Best Headphone Audio, Hands Down!

if you're familiar with the V series of LG phones one of the premier features we look forward to testing is the headphone quad DAC and amp system our hands-on with the V 30 we're currently using pre-release hardware and software so we'll have to wait just a bit for a full real audio review but we're already seeing or hearing actually phenomenal performance we recently tested the V 20 against a premium standalone music player and it was really the only phone which could give this Pheo a run for its money in our early testing the V 30 is shaping up to be a worthy successor this multistage signal processing helps reduce noise and produce a high fidelity audio output this year more manufacturers are delivering Tru 32-bit playback thanks to improvements from Qualcomm on Snapdragon chipsets no longer such a rarity LG faces more competition pumping out a clean signal but where this phone still stands alone is with an incredible amp which is aware of the quality of headphones you use it's important to properly drive nicer headphones with a powerful signal but you also don't want to overdrive consumer grade headphones the V 30 detects the hardware and will intelligently scale amp output to match the connected audio device sure 3.5 millimeter jacks might seem old-fashioned to some manufacturers but we're still able to teach these jacks a few new tricks we're holding off on posting our charts and graphs until we're closer to a consumer release but early impressions are very positive this phone produces quality nearing the limits of my home recording equipments ability to further detect differences and more testing is required but LG seems to be engaging in less audio manipulation when the phone is set to a flat EQ plus we have a few more options to manipulate playback for folks who like tweaking bass and treble settings we don't get the same techy cool features found on HTC or Samsung phones that customize via ear scanning tricks but the core experience of powering headphones with a punchy amp is a significant step above the rest of the flagship phone pack this year we'll be answering all your questions soon full charts and graphs on headphone performance a few speaker samples so you can see how it stacks up against the competition and we're all dying to know if LG is going to have a partnership setup with a company like BMO to make sure we've got some nice headphones in the box we'll have more to report soon and if listening to music podcasts videos or game audio on the go is an important feature to you we think you're gonna like what we'll have to show you as always thanks so much for watching be sure to subscribe for our full LG v30 coverage and help us out with a share on your favorite social networks for pocket now I'm Juan Carlos back now some gadget guy on Twitter and Instagram and I will catch you all on the next video
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