Learn How To Do Practically Anything With eHow - Windows Phone 7 App Roundup 7 Nov 2011
Learn How To Do Practically Anything With eHow - Windows Phone 7 App Roundup 7 Nov 2011
hey everyone danny webster for parking
now calm and this is another episode of
the windows phone 7 app roundup in which
review five applications in 30 seconds
each so let's get to it he how is a free
application bail in the windows
marketplace allows you to find out how
to do something either around the house
or whatever you like so let's say I was
to search for tie a tie okay so here we
found one that says how to tie a tie
symmetrically so you can click on there
and it will give us information about
how to tie a tie so we can view the
step-by-step instructions by going over
here can be the instructions and if we
ever also need items to complete this
task and do that there and view those
items so here it gives a detailed
description on how to tie a tie if you
have trouble getting out of bed in the
morning talking alarm clock is a free
application available windows
marketplace will help you do that so
here I can view the current time I can
also go down to settings and change many
different features if i want i can add a
new alarm so you just click on there we
can add an alarm let's just choose the
days that we want we can save this and
now the alarm will be set we can just
turn it on there and now we can go to
settings we can change the alarm we can
change the display settings can also
change the voice weather information and
add animation so if I why I can change
which colors I like and what kind of
background I want to have Silvio's phone
is a free application of on the windows
marketplace it will turn your windows
phone 7 device into somewhat of a
desktop like display so here it can also
play games if it like i can go to paint
and i can paint kind of like on a pc so
we can just close that out I can't have
you Virtual Earth which is a big
navigation which is a big optimize
mapping program so we can just close out
of this and there I can view the website
and close out of this so I can go down
to this little lightning bolt right here
which is kind of like my computer I can
view my computer my documents and it's
kind of similar to a PC gmaps is a light
and paid for application villain windows
marketplace that will give you google
navigation features on your Windows
Phone 7 device so we can go down to
settings and we can change something so
want to change it to a different layer
so we can go here and now I can just
view the weather we can have you the map
view go down here you can change it to
hybrid so we can view all of that so now
I'll give me a satellite view I can zoom
in or zoom out so if i zoom far enough
out i can really traffic information
will show me what the traffic is like
around in my area i can also view
current temperature
I can change that to Fahrenheit if I
lock in the settings skee ball is a free
application of Illinois those
marketplaces it's just like the carnival
game you play at a fair or whatnot so
here if I want to play this round I can
just shoot the ball into one of these
pockets up here and the more points I
get the more tickets I can redeem at the
end of the game so we'll just continue
playing this one real quickly okay so
when the game is done it'll ask me if I
want to redeem my tickets or play again
right now I have 70 ticket so I can go
to redeem tickets and I can view the
prices of these other items right now
I've only purchased the duck so this has
been another episode of the windows
phone 7 app roundup and you like our
videos make sure you give us a thumbs up
and also leave some comments down below
to get the download information for all
these applications just follow the link
in the description to director
pocketnow.com where we stored the
microsoft tags and also these in links
thanks for watching
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