
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

MWC 2013 Is Almost Over, Thoughts With Our Viewers - Pocketnow Live, Episode 5

good evening good afternoon good morning everybody this is Anton front pocket now should be enjoyed my Michael in person and also from the USA by Taylor welcome everybody this is episode number four I believe of the Hangout this is a special number five I getting five fingers is number five yeah from the front hang up it's the post mwc 2013 edition up and I'm going to take this opportunity to thank everybody on the bucket mouth move back at home and you guys for watching for following for all your support it's been a great show but more on that later and I guess michael has an announcement to make uh he does oh that's right I completely forgot I don't afford this so we were at we didn't even tell Taylor this to tell her Tyler doesn't know it's gone we were at the grocery store around the corner and his cheek man but we're in Barcelona for mwc 2013 and Tony asked if I wanted to pick up some more coke zero which we've been drinking a bit of for some reason whatever might you guess it for my diet which I should also be on but instead I was like no yeah well actually the student was like well why don't we pick up a coke coca-cola light and I was like well alright but what does that diet and he's like no it's cook or later my what looks like it looks like diet coke and I was like no tae Kuk sucks I don't want any of that and I was like this is different and I think we're gonna witness a historical moment is going to be a live tasting of this so what did you Oh what did you tell me so I said that Coke Zero taste like I can't say the word yeah and coke like tastes exactly like regular codes that Coke light tastes exactly like regular coca-cola I'm not talking about code I look up like that sounds like complete and utter BS to me and this is my first drummer okolo hey let's see how it goes live and this is scintillating stuff well you know it's not all right it's not as bad as diet coke i will give you this fungus better that's enough it takes him almost exactly like Coke Zero no come 00 okay enough with the off topic steer what do you what do you have for us um I don't know it's been a whirlwind day so uh no no no are you back in the states today what oh it's just been one thing after another it's not really all work but it's just what a crazy well does not the world is not spinning in the u.s. it's only spinning in Barcelona yeah okay go ahead pick somebody livestock wait we do want to know if we do want to mention that the focus of the night yeah please do Young's mwc I was thinking about that oh I kind of wanted to start it off by asking you guys with your favorite things you saw there have been I just oh I think that we can we can tell you at least one each but for for the entire image you should check our YouTube channel tomorrow because we're wrapping this up we're the with guess what it's up five not a top three what we're out of top three whatever a tough sum total of the top that means should i start with reduced are you go ahead and start so i am i am most excited that's right here i am most excited about the bad film infinity but of course i'm always as I started off my video every year I'm excited about the Phantom whether if it's the bad for one that that's come to already infinity but I go home with a major want and never end up getting that because it's if it's huge price so it's at rages but I like the build quality I like the concept and i think that's that's for me the most exciting thing that happened here yes what was actually exciting to be present for because I've seen Johnny do a hands-on with a pet from one phone to and I'm like oh well we have completed a trilogy yeah exactly cheers um yeah I bashed that thing yesterday not now because it's bad i love the idea but the price is just awful i read your editorial and i have to tell you and we're going to talk about that action in the pocket now weekly tomorrow yeah regret if Brandon wants to debate it bring on your your exciting stuff and then huh let's talk with the people the first Sony product I've ever been excited by in the mobile space oh yeah that Xperia tablet Z is beautiful you can't really tell so our connection is a little wonky reader so Taylor and points will freeze and it's funny you froze exactly terror with it but at my satisfaction face yeah that Xperia tablet Z I have to say I have never been as impressed by a sony products basing that thing was absolutely gorgeous so I i will i will discuss that more and i have a feeling i'll read some editorials on it will get review unit and stuff but the fact that it packs all that beauty into that tiny tiny frame and still manages to pack a 600 million power battery and waterproof sixth house and a waterproof rating because it yeah is it 600 did i go back i still manages to put them to pack a 50 ml and our double a no no really that's my most exciting thing Tony's telling me to shut the hell up as we have no time yeah in a subtle way failure real quick what's what's your your most exciting thing of NW c and then we'll get to you guys um well i haven't been able to watch a lot of videos I've been slaving away over making videos so yeah I think probably it's not new it wasn't announced to mwc but the yotaphone is it's just awesome totally totally we would love the concept I love the concept of being able to display everything on the back of the phone without ever having to worry about battery draining you know it's just it's a unique idea and a lot of people are actually starting to do that now so or Lucy so before we proceed I have one common question I've seen popping up on comments is staler standing during the Hangout yes I'm standing I'm staying I have a standing desk and it's awesome I built it and I stand most the time so I'm good and and with that please choose from the below gentlemen I'm not seeing whether they are ladies too I'm guessing not yet probably not bring it up um Damon Damon crop I haven't seen you here so i'm gonna choose you I may have just not seen you before but how's it going hey good Amy yes we grant loudoun baby yeah I kept in one of these hangouts so I'm extremely explain it to be here actually you get to have you here yeah thank you for joining so I'm gonna keep this this going this since this is a mwc kind of wrap up hang out what what have you seen this really just I guess that you can't live without or if there's anything there's nothing then tell us what the most of a certain thing you've seen is well the thing that really clearly will see Xperia tablet Z yes it looks so great and I heard it's also waterproof it is mmm yeah that's really awesome thing it just one after eight notes all that stuff it's really awesome and I would really like to get one but isn't it anything when you build a product that beautiful you don't expect it to be terribly durable right you don't expect to be like to be able to take it into the shower with you and like you in that episode of like the newsroom or whatever let's get get a rain down yeah no it's totally that uh on that exact note I would go even further and I would ask you what is your main disappointment at mwc I made to Portland that must be the um what was it I'm with ya I think it was Ian the note 8.0 oh why is that oh I think I think the thing is pretty useless it's it's just a bit too big in global horrible HEPA have an earpiece so you can actually make holes with that but but why would you hold such a big thing up to a year well I am the best person to answer to that I just gonna I'm a huge fan of the concept and I was completely all the time complaining about the lack of such product see I'm currently rocking the note 2 courtesy of michael and i like to have an in-between device which which I could use both as a phone as a tablet the note 2 is not there yet but a 7 inch or eight incher is the proper form factor for a tablet and it also allows me to talk on the phone while while not holding it in front of my face or using any Bluetooth yeah jutt so I think that that's that's my main reason that's my main point and the galaxy note 8.0 and the sousaphone bed what else we had which wich has this enabled there was comment or tweet insist on reminding us all the time there is some galaxy tab unit yes so I'm excited as per to your question regarding us it will probably be unavailable on the US versions there's nothing confirmed so I'm probably just just speculating here and I can see that probably carriers are at full format but don't take my word for we'll just see what happens you know I gotta say I think that having seen some of the other products here at mwc not that it blew me away like that but the no date I understand why it exists but the biggest disappointment for me in it was its design language in that it does look like kind of a blown-up galaxy s3 and that's yi not the best thing ever its mother ugly tablet but also totally say much I mean you do you agree or do you like the design mmm I'm not a big fan of either Sonya just yes you said it just looks like a blown-up s3 mmhmm yeah and it makes it Tony made a good point earlier today that it says that maybe says something about the important coming design of the galaxy s4 I i hope i really hope that samsung will just draw a line and the note 8 will be the last the gadget to wear the same design language as the galaxy s3 the galaxy note 2 to the tab 10.1 the note 8.0 vs ramany and all the other phones and tablets from 2013 a 2012 I'm hoping they'll change it or else people will get probably sick of that and that's a bad point for samsung it might be yeah oh my Ponemah I'm already sick of that a sign I've just seen it so often now it's nothing new nothing special anymore they should really go something good I hope they'll come up with something decent with the s4 at anything like that i had we land at f3 to begin with yeah yeah any time you throw in fake brush metal I'm not really on board so anybody out there any closing thoughts mmm no okay then thank you very much for joining us and please do come back next week when hopefully everything will be back according to the normal schedule on Fridays right written in first facebook continues to people yes and and if you will go ahead and drop on out so someone else can join in and talk with us who or else Taylor's gonna kick you up try not to be rude but I'll have to kick you out thank you thank you seriously thank you all right one of you guys you're choosing next well before we tie want to say this uh if Tony's mother has whipped this up and we're having this this is called zakuska yeah and it is a spread that you put on bread and other items from Romania and it's amazing you should look it up and make it cuz it's great of course it will never be this good but you can never be this kind hi mama in case you're watching the Olympics of it I will happily pick someone I will pick the person there's a person with a young with a meme like icon there like someone dead center it's like with some impact fun yeah but also something guys in order to keep things transparent and fair to everybody I'd like to kindly ask you to switch on your webcam because everybody's doing it and we need to be fair to everybody or a better doing it so if we don't have video okay let me drop next one right then there's a person who looks like he has a lightsaber over is low yeah I've been hiding that never done probably i got curtain that's half of drama yes or maybe he's a generator or maybe it could be less who's this person let's please sleazy over and let us know what um Marcos yes can area oh well it's it's my window yeah I have my window in the back so that I can i yeah alright just make the noise especially that's coming to you live Roberto om Barcelona so how you guys been in Barcelona how well he'll have been we've been we've been very busy as you can probably tell by by our eyes and our faces in the last couple of videos yeah but wouldn't somebody say in the comment seems like Michaels faces they're getting me out of there were many many many comments okay I probably couldn't quote all of them because of you know rating issues but yeah it's been it's been a tough couple of days but you know the interesting thing is that we do this because we love to do it and this is the pleasant kind of exhaustion yes well I would like that I would like to have a job like you guys because I really like mobile technology and everything and you guys get to see everything that before us so that's one of the things that I like about your job you know what I'll say to that is that it's this that's awesome to hear and remembering that about being a viewer for so many years is what is what keeps me from kind of complaining too much yeah because it's easy to like your feet start to hurt in your walkin bunch o LG hours and the food a lot of lies to my ankles are like this so I'm just be this one it's actually kind of medically present it but uh but also like well as long as you keep in mind the fact that we get to see all these cool things yeah you need to do a movie yeah that's that's pretty cool thank you for reminding us yeah how was the show from from your perspective from from the other side of the camera or from the other side of the monitor um it was really good i was expecting more stuff like you know the nokia tablet that was rumored aim but the windows the windows for I mean the windows 8 PureView I was waiting for that too I like the note paper you know I even dusted off my 808 PureView and we were just brainstorming with Michael how to introduce the video the 808 PureView versus the 1010 PureView and have one shots to make about comparisons to make and then it was electron you know what's what the disappointment came early for us because we were waiting in line yeah like the second people in line to get into the for which we woke up with like five a.m. in the morning and we traveled by by moonlight video of us like walk into the transition that pitch dark and the guy that was ahead of us in line and tends to report a lot of Nokia stuff and he had the inside kind of school so he was like yeah man they're not gonna have it's not gonna happen it was still slightly mostly judgment good but yeah I really like the note April no and but mostly the best thing I thought it was showed in the in the mobile world congress was um the spare seat tablet and Padfone infinity mmm nice double nice don't know last week we both agree sorry yeah yeah we did disregarding price yeah yeah hey I complained about the price and i received i think an honest either comment or or or tweet and if you come to think of it the person was right one thousand dollars for a high-end full HD phone plus a full HD tablet of course it's not a standalone tablet and but but if you have to think of it that way it is justifiable there's also just at all but if I think that the ipad that the iphone 5 costs one thousand dollars in my country but we've been used to like 9999 I 199 again and I i don't know i would broadly bay 649 8740 999 but 1,000 is too much yes well the the conversion was about thirteen hundred dollars also it's 1000 euros boogie a brother you guys will get it in the states you get a little yeah it's gonna be around the 1100 1 1100 domar it won't ever launcher it won't ever launched in the states now salad and I got the carrier of course right not probably not even international the only way you'd be able to get is through like negri or someone like that yeah yeah but then the steel bolt probably on the upper end of eight or nine hundred hours the next the next full-size trade show we attend won't be until August probably unless we do ctia so I want to ask Marco is it my init is mark of yet Marco's with ms sorry Marcos that's all right sir I want to ask Marco's since the next big event will attend will probably be march 14th yes the visual well are you are you excited for that or are you waiting for something else that's more exciting to you um I'm actually going to get the HTC one more even knowing what Samsung is preparing yes I'm a I'm a die-hard HTC fun iphone like like I said on the last time that I was here I oh I own the original evil the evo 3d HTC evo 4g LTE and i'm getting the HTC one regardless of what Samsung has three were a shift why didn't you get the shift Oh theater going on me I didn't put our consider it to be like you know I really don't like the key though physical keyboard that much okay a lot of passes time marcos any closing thoughts um I was yeah I was hoping a lot more from the show and I was really disappointed about nokia and all that they have really cool stuff to show up you know the xperia c tablet the path phone but what what I find ridiculous is this phone fat they have the 7-inch something the phone oh okay I mean this is getting out of control I mean hello to the notes who is like the perfect size for size broad public not to go i will disagree the note 2 is the perfect-sized large smartphone but the 78 inch form factor is about the perfect sized tablet so they are bringing the head the earpiece to the perfect size tablet and this is I think the niche product I think it isn't he protector Jose I hear that your face was never never entered but but they're free for people the dialer on the phone it looks redic it looks like yes but when you're not rocking when you're rocking a thump at you no longer have to have your phone you on the bus if you carry a jacket with a pocket like this way no I can fit that in my jacket and I can do the demo right more in my internal what I do the best no because I know but there is the problem I carry an ipad mini now instead of two phones so i used to carry two phones every day and now i carry in an ipad mini and a nexus fork but i can't put this in any of my pockets on anything it doesn't fit in my coat pocket my pants pocket nothing so I have to just carry it in my hand all the time like this right here it is why that's wider that's a lot wider the Nexus 7 is a different story I get that thing in my back pocket um so an 8-inch tablet that ah I don't know but I'm yet but holding it to your head that's the that's what really kids me it's it's almost as ridiculous looking at someone holding up a tablet to take a picture or something right it's ridiculous yeah I'm people people already make fun of me saying that I have a TV as a phone so do you have no triple I de waxed yeah the note to you know I had two phones your age Oh your captain to founders we got we got a few other to go we have to keep moving on down to me to be fair with everybody so Marcos thank you very much for joining us we're waiting for you next week on Friday all right then I hope to see you guys again too okay here uh I will pick a him him okay because the guy with the cap in my yellow t-shirt I'm sorry I'm standing three feet / um meters away I don't know names I can see like this tall tiny avatars I'm gonna slaughter this name um Walid why what I don't even know while he Camille we can hear you you have to unleash your self there is an icon on the top right corner which top right it's read it should be great ok hi hey that is how bad that slaughter your name uh Wally I got it ok yes I query from Owen my chili I'm from Yemen but i'm living in Malaysia and I'm a very big fan of you guys and so excuse me if I have any English mistakes you sound as good as I do I have mistakes to you all the time like Michaels being a constantly checking my grammar and spelling so how are you feeling about mwc what is your top device if you were to buy something which was only announced at mwc with what would you buy well i guess i will because I'm a very big fan of nokia so i guess i will go for the nokia lumia 720 and and why not the lower end model which is cheaper I mean it's because of Windows Phone 8 it's as fluid as the 720 um actually I'm here I'm using the nokia 920 uh-huh yes all the way when I that when you're lucky you can get that in your country i cannot get that in mind no I mean actually I'm not living in Yemen I'm leaving in Malaysia yeah but you can get there eating in here yeah it says it's not that really expensive actually oh then you need to send me a tweet and I will probably ask you to send me what I should sure why not go on go ahead i'm using blackberry as well oh really don't tell me you're using the the z okay good good what um the bold or the curve that this is a the bold the morning yeah 998 997 909 9700 nice and it would slow music also at night let me ask you a question but what is your um what is the best thing about you free to be carrying two phones like why do you do it use the blackberry for some things on the Windows Phone for something else I mean actually blackberry here it's like a must you know it is like we have to get another phone and at the same time you have to get blackberry because Asian people they love blackberry so much so is it because of the of the fact that many other people use it or are you actually having friends with whom you can BBM actually because of the BBM okay i chose with that and what why not I don't know facebook chat or skype chat or viber or or any other chat application which which I mean bbms is ok for being among library using whatsapp is there for you so why not that well I even I asked myself that the first time I came here but I don't know what is that I mean the specialist um the special thing about that like very bad people they love it so much here I mean I guess because of the year the BB and so that isn't good oh my god are you wearing a fc barcelona cap yes he had to know the final score of the match this evening because when I walked in the hotel it was 104 we are what would i watch the the first half and then I'm gonna get ready to go ah no I don't want this guy i mean i don't want to take it off I mean I'm a very big fan of Barcelona but actually guys I wanted to join you rather than watching the match thank you very much for an idea that we are honored i guess uh i think nah I don't know just kidding I had scores you got this course for me yeah I'll had scores pulled up on google mouth so you can see that i don't know if you can you two to one um 30 regional real madrid okay then kick me out of it oh yeah suppose desk I remember also a certain time with sire okay good the blackberry they're carrying a blackberry this will be my last question on the subject so it's kind of a necessity and will you you find yourself do you think it is likely that you will upgrade to the blackberry z10 or when when your time with that blackberry is up do you think that you and/or your friends will change to a different platform entirely Luke which well actually and i don't think i will go for a blackberry after this because i guess one black but it's just enough and i don't really feel comfortable with the new software ah interesting I don't happy I don't find it it's a very strong platform you know I tell you what I think in my opinion sure sure have you have you used it in a retail store yet or is it just the video that you see anything um I just like I saw it in the videos and then I just like boy buy it so I failed to impress you and you might you might choose to jump ship when your time of the blackberry's over that's good I like to get them the powers of a cable who use a blackberry today because you know it's you guys who I think library is targeting with the z10 and without without you so do I really are in trouble Yeah right and guys I kind of have a question here go on please go on about the windows phone 8 um what what do you think is going to make it like different in the future I mean what I can see that windows 7 and windows 8 it's like the same what we call it like the same interface yeah it's like nothing special about it you know even I think windows 9 will be the same okay in which particular order you want us to answer like are they going to edit it more in the future or it will be like that for like the end of the luck good who should answer first hmm who should answer first anyone okay go I will say that if that Microsoft will probably try to learn a lesson from apple and if they hold on to the look and feel of Windows Phone as it is so tightly for so many years Apple has been getting criticized for this for a long time and I think Microsoft if they learn from that experience they will not they will they will do some changes I don't think I don't have a whole lot of confidence that they will learn so I think windows phone will look very much the same for a little while okay then my two cents are that the Microsoft is very fond of the X Metro UI they've been working so hard to become something different an alternative and user experience with all the tiles and the hubs and the toasts and they've invested not only money but time and effort and becoming different so they're not going to ditch that they've adopted that wood windows 8 with rt so I think that the line as far as user experience and user interfaces concern is going to be the same what will make it different probably but in I won't say anything with Chad will regret that ok that's just hypothetically speaking um they will slowly start to gain market share and as soon as they get a solid brand recognition that's gonna be like a launching pad for them platform yeah that was a much better answer than mine either let's seal it up I don't know if I can um I have not really been a fan of Windows Phone and I don't like the way it looks I don't like to met you I and I hope that Microsoft can change it make it a little more interesting in my problem was initially that it was boring it wasn't fun to use and it's still not very fun to use and that was kind of their goal is they didn't want to make it fun to use they wanted to make it different in that it didn't people weren't tied to their phones they were saving us from ourselves and the fact that they started with that mentality and I think I think now that they're kind of back tracking just a little bit too got it kind of get more interest in it I think they've might but I'm not really holding my breath if anything I think they should at least add some customization to it a little more than being able to rearrange tiles resize them maybe a full color palette I don't understand why that's such a hard thing to do custom colors rather than a preset 20 some colors and I don't know maybe multiple pages but not in you know your your left to right scrolling pages but maybe tabs or something better way to organize your home screen there are ways that they could do this but I'm really not confident that they will I'm glad with Android eyes windows though yeah no not necessarily that but I don't like the idea of having you know just everything on this one long scrollable there's nothing main feature I mean you don't have to hop back and forth you just scrolling you have everything there at the glance like switching and thrown and gun flipping and I say that I say I don't like that and then here on my Nexus 7 I have what is called action launcher i did a video on it and if I scroll here I've got a list here we go okay here we go I say that but they're just adaptations that can be made that that I think would make it a lot better just a little more interesting to use because right now it's not very compelling it's just kind of it's there the live tiles I know some of you really love live tiles I never really found them that useful and I think lastly I think one thing they really need to focus on is notifications because more than anything that was my biggest issue with the whole entire platform is that once the notification comes there's really no way to tell unless you look at all your lap tiles to see what's that's that thing where it's like yeah if that doesn't come some time in twenty twelve i'm basically like i would bet anyone any amount of money that by hurting yeah yeah that's my man yeah yeah okay so there are your three answers actually if you don't mind I have a little bit of input Oh welcoming guys yea sorry I'm photobombing I was just outside shoveling six inches of snow and now I'm here job to our listeners to whom we are not talking to please mute your microphone till until we do talk to you welcome Adam doubt our newest member of the team who joined the team together with Taylor he is contributing editor welcome Adam hi there so I just I wanted to chime in on the question since it's actually right up my alley with the article that I'm writing this way so why I'm here I can I can I can I I can throw in some to sickness but i have a huge dilemma should I treat you like a listener rieger or should I feed you like a colleague what state your intentions I intend to answer the question sir good if I may know what yeah so this are the this week actually tomorrow I will be publishing an article that's all about the mysterious windows blue and which is depending on what theory you believe is the adoption of the quicker iterate iterative update cycle of windows rather than two to four years between updates now they're looking at an update cycle of more 12 to 18 months very similar to what OS X has been doing for the last teen years so now it's my theory I'm hoping that eventually these iterative updates will bring all their platforms together in a more unified ecosystem right now they all just kind of look the same but they don't really act the same so my my hope is that one day they will be able to say here's what it is on a PC here's what it is on a phone here's what it is on tablet and it's all the same nobody else does that right now so that's my theory that's true but but will it all look as it as it currently does will it all maintain the current modern UI because I guess so I think if they will continue to alienate a large number of people and people like me who's who say Taylor I don't care that my live tiles aren't terribly useful I like them because they're pretty right you will continue to make us what okay to the platform but I think the vast majority of people might continue to be turned off by it so I I hope that they do introduce more customizations in response to you Adam um there is a phone that is coming from I'm eight I don't know if you saw that will be running Windows 8 that Windows Phone 8 but Windows 8 well as an what processor yeah then I got that too yeah I was supposed to write an editorial about it today but I didn't get to what was it announced is it here in Barcelona I don't know hold on I can drop you the link find out a dress that's gonna be useless to just drop an email does anymore we missed that were pissed okay while you did that I'd like to ask you whether since we are at a special edition and since we don't like five minutes late and we're lot we've been joined by a lot of people can we go over the one hour limit like I don't know 115 120 130 I've got somewhere to be shortly but yes I'm good so what does everybody else is good I'm good yeah let's let's do a one hour 30 minutes the special edition okay fine by me um I'm gonna choose Nathaniel Smith he looked a little bored he's got his hand up he looks a little Smith he looks a little Smith looks a little bored yeah hello everyone was it go on at good yeah okay um I'm gonna continue with the theme what is the most disappointing thing from Mobile World Congress this year for you yeah I love it I'm more disappointed with everything all the time and I'll probably say the night note 8.0 in their doubt a new note nice i think we even like to to to hate it to love it so Oh Brad I believe your best argument what's the most disappointing thing about the name pointer well I just think it's just like you know that it's sort of too big to be a phone and you know like where would you carry it around with you if you were to take as a daily driver where were you can hear it everywhere you go you're gonna get two different answers and it's gonna do something before yeah Tony would put it in this in his pocket so don't know don't think of it as a phone it's not a phone it's a tablet with phone functionality and all tablets on the market have phone functionality the only difference is that you'll have to use probably the speakerphone or a bluetooth headset that's an another accessory with the note 8 window or the fonepad you just bring it up to your ear if you want to but you can use all the other options so I'm just looking at it as a convenience feature which is there if you need it and I need it so I'm having internet would you carry a phone as well no no that's gonna be my only yeah that's gonna be my only device because I'm so in the just one less Ellen rabba I only carry a phone and the tablet at the same time because I'm more productive on the tablet and then I'm talking on the phone so then why bring the phone when I can talk on the same device on which I'm more productive I want I do want to get back to you too is gonna be allowed to bake tomorrow I've been covering ensure with chimney for you know all week and about whatever lies once or twice a day Tony who's using the galaxy note to a manageable size compared to this note 8 it's like I can use this one-handed I hate this how are you gonna get to note any one hand the same way I can't use this back to you yeah yeah but I'm just wondering where would you actually carry if it was to be your daily driver in my jacket pocket in my jeans pocket I mean anywhere in my car in my other front seat yeah there's enough yeah absolutely yeah it'll get banned i right okay well we did a size comparison right we had on the video we have the ipad mini again now I'm don't remember it very well because we've seen too many devices isn't the note 8 significantly bigger than this nexus 7 a little bit bigger but not extremely huge and it's it's an eight-point Oh device the next is a seven point 0 device I can compare Nexus 7 and ipad mini yeah anyone or Rob that person then we know yeah all right I have lecture 7 but I thought you'd bring out without eight I have no date here I agree you know you know I couldn't carry the note is driving but here but Tony I think your point is like it's a feature why not why not have it right absolutely if you can have it let's have it I've made that argument management young when defending like other manufacturers voice control vs I'm like yeah it sucks but it's there so why not use it yet in the same respect i would love that i would love to be able to answer calls on my ipad mini and text using my actual number not just by message and voice I was like to be able to be able to actually place a call using the number that's tied to that using my pet but not hold it up to my head that's the big is better with it dinner that is an option so you can either hold it to your head either use a speakerphone or either use a bluetooth headset you don't have to hold it like that who likes choice why do we want choice but I will gladly hold it to my head I mean I have no I mean I have big hands I mean yeah I wanna hang out really here let me snap a picture too while I'm at it thank you for for resurrecting a debate that will never end at least you got a lot of laughs out of it any any closing thoughts there what was your favorite device what what has been each of your favorite devices that you've seen so far well we can't answer that earlier you probably haven't been online we're gonna do a wrap-up no problem we're going to wrap up tomorrow so we're not going to give away everything my favorite is the Padfone infinity and minus the Xperia tablet Z and you will yeah we will do the record here where we wants to do a pocket on weekly tomorrow if you are a podcast listener see I am like to stop yes good good thank you look at you fit on the bucket i guess the redheaded stepchild in the fuckin now empire um I said yotaphone was my favorite but it wasn't technically announced at Mobile World Congress those 40 so I'll go ahead and say that um the Padfone infinity it's nice it's just the price I like the concept of it exactly need us so like would you use it up like a month or so here's my thing I think and I've said this for at least an early since I started doing this so three years maybe a little longer that I've said that a foam eventually will power everything so you hold up a phone you you dock it into your computer and the touch screen is the trackpad your docket in a tablet it powers that you dock it here it powers this you know and I feel that that that might eventually happen probably not but it might and that's something I've always wanted so when they announced the PadFone I'm like whoa this is something I've been saying for a long time and I hear it as a step closer I mr. just mr. complete your your which I agree with you completely about the only OS which allows you to do that as Android because once you doc the phone inside of tablet it switches to the tablet layout them to great way to take advantage of that of course a boom to what is not showy when it's not doing you screenshots of calculators and note making application alright so we talked about this earlier today to about the PadFone and like tony was like it does it not excite you the PadFone and I'm like it would have excited me like 10 years ago and this is why because like I think 10 or 10 or 15 years ago my concept of cost and technology of us Taylor was your here's this here's the small device I'm going to plug it into this big device and it's going to become a bigger one but I'm gonna take it number cleared in putting a smaller on whatever ya know but I think as our understanding of technology has grown and as our technology is wrong we could come move this cloud based model where it kind of no longer matters what device or it should no longer matter what device you're carrying whether it's your smartphone your tiny phone your your phablet or your tablet or your desktop you should be able to access all of it via cloud-based solution instead of manually taking this piece of hardware plugging it into this other piece of hardware like a VCR I think as sous is kind of like 10 years 10 years ago in there drinking are you saying I'm primitive I think primitive yeah yeah I think you're hidden I'm not gonna stop you right there guys thank you very much for joining us you come back next week yeah I'm gonna say you put you guys doing this bright and keep up I've really enjoyed this thank you a pleco much for them on behalf of the entire theme keep going back connected thank you and and seek I'm sure I be sure to remember to drop out or I'll have to kick you when you I'm gonna exit now till I guys yeah who's next I have to say that with a smile on my face but Michaels next he is indeed unless we're going Adam is Adams uh is he some are you gonna answer my question is he I guess he can't be speaker than they were already so far behind and we need to kick him out if he's a guest no no yeah let's choose I would so as not to waste any more time wow there's a cheeky there's a guy with great picture quality and not a noisy background all the way to the right therefore difficult to describe this person just fo r / yeah I've no idea who you're talking about oh is it terrible it's actually you Taylor how do you not notice that it's been a long week oh he's okay Benjamin with with whom we have talked i believe on the very second edition of the podcast hi Benjamin at leas unmute your microphone and uh I'll just leave Michael hello gentlemen how's it going today great oh good yeah was the first or second podcast I was the second or third on just wanted to see talk to you guys see how everything was going first of all I wanted to congratulate Taylor for coming over from phoneDog I music I've read some ear stuff watch some of your videos and enjoy enjoy listening to some of your videos and reading some of your your editorials so congratulations on coming over so you joined a great team I did like you didn't thank you it's been an awesome two weeks so far oh good what plus weeks longer than a half i'm almost 32 priceless I feel like it's because the seduction lasted so much longer yeah I mean we were emailing for like a month about this yeah like hey man you wanna come on they were excited at first and then actually join the team they're like oh yeah Taylor whatever yeah 40 times more often than I currently do before they work for us yeah he we talked every day now he's just like oh i'll text i'm back in like 10 hours I should give you guys less busy yes you should now um anyway Benjamin this is my first time Bobby welcome welcome aboard how's it going good I apologize for the screaming child then back around there's nothing to apologize about this is as scheduled as it gets oh don't worry about it I'm drinking tea from a Stein so I am drinking coffee at own mostly local and what angry and what were you doing Michael were you eating like a cracker dipped in peanut butter what were you doing there oh you came on after the sicu scott was discussed this is oh I'm sorry I missed that not all right this is what's made by Tony's mother this is called zakuska chuckles cut the Cuzco correctly from the nausea household lodge this letter yes and it's a wonderful spread I won't bore you with the ingredients but Tony's mother made it and it is incredible I rather recommend yeah it sounds fantastic you just keep every time I see you you're looking back and your non more taking another one been in andover take it more and it looks fantastic but it will you guys talked about your greatest you know things that you enjoyed what were your biggest disappointments nope you guys already in which particular order you want us a nicer oh I guess it doesn't really matter whoever whoever knows i guess for sure while the other people can think about it well it definitely know for sure but let's let's let's go over to tater he probably also knows for sure yes I'm PureView there wasn't enough PureView and that's what's really don't know that's everybody I think yeah yeah I want I want I want a true Windows Phone PureView camera um so and I don't have that I can also add to that I i can add two more things I wasn't expecting HTC and Samsung to have nothing on display I mean I know there was the HTC One event and I accepted that but I expected HTC to have at least a mid-range android or and Windows Phone and I expected Samsung to have aside from the note 8.0 something i don't know the s3 mini to the ace free the g o5 wanted ever just something different but that didn't happen so that's my number to disappointment yeah and there's nothing that that eclipse is the disappointment i felt in them the lack of a nokia of a high-end uh well for lack of a better word a true PureView Windows Phone device um because i didn't expect as much from mwc i feel because you know the trend toward individual manufacturer conferences is unavoidable it's right in front of our faces at CES said we had to stretch a little bit more than we had to hear there was a little more here to see there was some cool stuff here but not near as much as that has been a previous year yeah yeah you know if you come into it with with that realization there's it's more difficult to be disappointed unless you go to an okay event at little dark outside and you really want them to come with the hotness and they don't yeah that's kind of what it seemed like it seemed like with the you know the previous dreams in the previous data that was coming out there seemed like there was a lot more interesting stuff like like like you know feed after feet after feeders like holy crap look at this look at that look at that it seemed like there was that stuff started at the beginning and then it really started to like level out and it kind of went downhill a little bit unfortunately i knows what kind of was released I I mean I'm that may just be my opinion but what do you guys think i have a tricky question for Michael if you knew that there will be known that yeah whatever a period with this phone would you have woken up at five a.m. in the morning to go to the room yeah um me honest any cheap I would have but I would have been a whole lot more reluctant to get out of bed and we might not have done this the truth is you know you can if you look at the pattern of the case of which nokia has been releasing stuff maybe it was a little unrealistic for me to be so excited that maybe we were going to see this now because it the 920 still has life in it that would have been instantly crushed the minute to release any information about this and we might have gotten lucky has policy wrong I mean the highest-end Lumia phone is the 920 which was announced as a u.s. device so rakia is pushing the 920 is pushing the Lumia brand on the US market so announcing you in a European event even if it's nwc wouldn't make sense so if there would be an upgrade I would firmly expect it to be unveiled in the US can I talk about that person concept that that's an interesting thought that makes sense the distribution model for the 920 we heard this is not press release material ok we heard this in line from someone who's familiar with ugh the matter I'd yeah the most rewarding that well good yes everyone sign up the thing was that we heard that that the Lumia 920 was part of a package deal that when AT&T agreed to be the exclusive provider for the Lumia 900 they also signed on to the 920 with Nokia already knew they were going to build and when the 920 failed to feel to move in as many numbers as the oh if they thought you know it was a disappointment but it was sort of it was sort of expected after the 900 also kind of failed to me on those numbers and so all of our kind of anger at nokia and microsoft for what we thought was them choosing a one exclusive carrier in the states again with the 920 may have been entirely unfounded it may have been a seguir old agreement yeah so we really it served as an illustration to me that we really for as much as the rumors as we get and for all that kind of information we give we don't always know what's going on and sometimes rumors are all wrong and they're so high 5s Benjamin any closing thoughts I just wanted to I mean real quickly if you guys could go over one thing that you're really excited about that's already been released earlier that's going to be released here soon personally for me google glass when that drops I'm going to be first in order i'm getting it i don't care honestly google take my money honestly when it comes down to that is there something that you guys that's coming out either you know phone tablet technology related that you're looking forward to just real quick that is a good read f3 on the top of my head cuz I've got them all last year won an ipad 1 an iphone booya pebble and leap motion i tweeted about her yeah tweeted about it earlier today here you want a pebble I got one oh come on come on Wisty i just got a craigslist reply for something i was selling Oh on your pebble on what Apple yeah we see if i can get ya don't mind us just go on listing is yeah mine's been sitting on my stoop in boston for like what a week my yeast yeah III paid on ebay a little bit of a premium because I was not a Kickstarter but it wasn't as much as some of the other ones that come out but anyway certainly much change the subject down here in put Taylor on the line for a long long time it's it's pretty awesome it's totally changed the way I use my cell phone it's more of like a gateway device instead of like you know like a notification where you pull it out okay who do I got it's just a all right I'm gonna see if I could reply to them and if not I'll just it's like I'll just disregard it and and all and I'll pull it up later so it's been amazing it's totally the future I see it totally be in the future that's a personal area in it I am personally looking forward for the galaxy s4 not because of the phone itself but because I am expecting samsung to unveil it so that i can make a decision between the one and the s4 so does that be a good comparison you're not interested in the LG optimus g pro now the optimus g pro is the at the moment the perfect replacement and my look for dino too I'm never using yet bad Michael's face yeah things anything I'm like what is he talking I was a huge fan boy so that's that's is this is mine so yeah um I will say for me that the the things that Taylor mentioned before is what I'm most forward to right now Taylor's gone yeah it's over finish left the room when we started throw my headphones walk away Oh yotaphone has taken as taken center seat for me this week at least next week off some different but the specifications that's that's the one thing is what is the specs well I think you don't you know me well enough by now I don't give a damn about the specs with Dean I know you don't yeah so here's the thing the fact that it happens to be a device that is not yet another iterative Android upgrade like I expect the galaxy s4 to me if the galaxy s4 launches with the same design language as the 3 i'm just kind of like i'm going to pull a tailor i'm just going to disappear in the middle of our life good Adam you're still with us I don't know yes I am sir leave you answer oh uh technology coming up this year I speak now oh thank you i appreciate Thea oh yeah I didn't mean to I didn't mean to leave you out no no it's not you it's mike antonio anyway it's true no actually it is you once you want you tell us in which position you are in right now as a guest or as a editor will will be able to treat you accordingly i am as an editor I thought I made that clear my oh me please do answer the question okay Oh what am I looking forward to how about a webos TV by LG know those there what webos toaster yeah well I've already had one of those so the guard wirelessly yeah yeah that's it that's exactly it uh no i'm probably i'm probably looking forward to the s4 i'm a big s3 fan and I you know I would probably switch back to it yeah I know I would probably switch back to the fight if I hadn't gotten the 7.8 update on my lumia 900 I would be using the s3 right now so that's what it boils down to the other day my wife said was looking to go you know get a new phone she said why don't I just use your samsung since you're not using and I said now let's go to ATT because I want so I'm looking forward to the s4 I want to see what they're gonna bring at the table beyond that I've I don't know google glass whatever pebble whatever i'm just i'm so mad about the the toys i just i got in a big argument on twitter a couple days ago about google glass and just why I just don't I don't see it I don't get it the price points that I've heard of like sub $1,500 okay it's gonna have to be like sub three hundred dollars if it's even get my radar so I don't know I just I'm so mad about the whole thing so so funny because I want to engage like I want to engage with you Adam you know five of the things you brought up and exactly happened how much do you disagree but yeah you know what's funny I want to do it on the hang up but I know we don't have the time yeah and and it's look so lovely by the way Adam to see your face because I've never ever talked to you outside of Twitter before so thank you yeah unfortunately it's my face that you're seeing so anyway we're gonna move on ribbon thank you very much for joining us and please do come back whatever you can yeah I will you guys all take care keep doing what you're doing keep us all informed because you uh you know you keep my Twitter feed around them for sure so keep it up you very much for that thanks for you guys oh ok yeah to see you Taylor see Adam yep see ya who's next yeah well first time we got left we have environment we had like 25 minutes okays great okay so i gotta pick this person here oh i can't see you here portland uh it's me kyle from friends ah can you hear me guys yes yeah yeah right just the two two quick things because before engaging about mwc thirsting first thing I have to disagree completely with you and coca-cola light tastes nothing like coca-cola I'm not saying it's bad but it tastes nothing like coca-cola so I wanted to point it out and I'm European so I know I know yeah yeah but I wanted to say something about my collection because i went to the United litem last last summer and and tasted their coca-cola and it's really different from from ours so just about that interesting we should have a whole hangar about this thing anyway song angles the the second quick thing I wanted to 22 Taylor is a I hope higher to bring his girlfriend because we're going to need wait wait wait will you don't like it weekly sausage yeah exactly anyway can't see how to hear is here yeah yeah he's here for break up break Devin along and then we'll switch to you by popular request so about them mwc I wanted to make you you all happy because when you when you mentioned your favorite devices I was like agreeing with all of you because the is it the PadFone of the phone pad I'm just on my way they're confusing the headphone is the one with the phone fits in the tablet yeah doc zone pad is very yeah that would be a big Tibet so the PadFone the the Xperia Z tablet and also the Euro phone even though it's not really a mem debussy exclusive there are all you know very innovative products even though the bat phone is not a new concept it's still the only product like this in the market so it's pretty good to see that they're hanging on this one and stop you right there because i have a question like on your topic okay the grad has been around for this is the third iteration yes 30 iteration two years yeah okay yeah yeah why do you think it hasn't picked up I mean I agree with you it's a perfect perfect idea but it still hasn't big I mean I haven't seen a bad film one two or three in in real life ever I haven't of you everybody only one except for our follower Denmark have you ever seen a padfone ad ever no no so the idea is so good what's wrong with the bad film that people don't buy it aside or probably that's the reason for the price I thought is it's right like I think I think the product is maybe you know two different people don't we don't really know what to do with it because we are only getting you know tablets since maybe two years inside of every homes now a lot of families there are not tech savvy but they have an iPad they have an Android tablet because less Christmas you you had to buy one so I think for many people the fact of owning a tablet is something new and this product is is in the in the same you know lead but excuse me isn't the same me but it's still different so and the price tag off obviously sets it apart from the anybody back to open it II well actually I think as you mentioned earlier the price if you consider everything is kind of right for the product is I mean it's easy is it right why so much yeah it is too much because because of all you can find in market but considering all what you buy I mean I would actually consider it to to buy it at this point at this price but i don't think i will ever see it in the shop actually I never seen any any pet phone in a in a in a shop Anna and I kind of visit a shopper I wanna once the time sir yeah I've to me it's it's kind of like a ghost product you see that in at conventions but you never see it in real life like it's only a prototype and it's never sold but I would be curious to see the numbers of that of your message oh yeah I like that too yeah yeah there's actually another product like it it was launched in a kddi i think it was uh I can't remember was something like spider or something was a it was a phone that would work fit in a tablet it would run a little netbook you like I said earlier um the screen was actually the trackpad on a little netbook okay and it was a had a game in controller I mean it was mhmmm that idea to the max in there so she kinda had that I saw with them you know with Motorola what is the atrix yeah the atrix that's it it was kind of same idea hbu dock it and you have a laptop but yeah but the bat phone is more another day yeah in Nevada and and and this phone specs are really beefy it's like it's a droid DNA actually it's a 5-inch full-hd qualicum 600 so really it's a really good good device but yeah the price points probably a hip problem is not a problem with the price a sous basically set the standard for bringing down the price of tablets um because they were the first ones to hit the 400 mark what the the e the eee pad transformer it was four hundred dollars for the I guess 16 gigabyte model and 500 for 32 and then you add a keyboard dock and you get a tablet with a keyboard dock cheaper than the cheapest ipad or even motorola or Samsung tablets at the time were six seven eight hundred dollars some of them were nine hundred dollars on that exact know Taylor I would like to ask you for a zit fine unbiased observer and the pseudo analyst not in the wrong way how much do you think how much do you think out of those 1000 euros is for the phone and how much is for the tablet considering that the tablet is just a huge battery this late and some speakers right I I mentioned this in the article I wrote yesterday and I got bashed for it I got people were just like you're crazy why are you making this comparison and I can't really say in Euros because I don't know how much a phone costs in Euros oh there's no way dollars go with ya the conversion was for thirteen hundred dollars a thousand euros about a thirteen hundred dollars so i was thirteen twenty nine and i would imagine about seven maybe eight hundred of that is for a phone so you have what five six hundred dollars left over no living I mean why why why would it be so costly so expensive a plastic thing which it has a 1080p display and nothing else except the battery and some speakers yeah five hundred dollars for a display battery speakers and maybe a few ports USB port and something I mean it's a little bit when union when they make this device right here a full fledge tablet for two hundred dollars or 250 or 300 with connectivity we processor memory motherboard and everything everything it doesn't even make sense so I said I made the comparison that you could get a nexus 4 to Nexus 7's I was a it was a 32 gig now 32 gig 16 gig nexus 4 2 32 gig Nexus 7 and a 16 gig nexus 10 for the same price right what of the PadFone how can you not see this as absurd yeah yeah well that's what I was saying if people were saying that the comparison was off base but whatever well because it's because there is a very specific use case for the issues padfone and that very specific use case will appeal to approximately 1400 the market yes for the people who comment on your yeah I mean I know a different prices I'm so tired of talking about the platform do we never talk ya know we will let the damn problem in the future wrap it up Taylor because yeah I lindell miss if it were seven hundred dollars for the phone and even 150 for the dock which was that's the price that a sous charges for the the keyboard dock and for the last platform before they were paired it was 150 for that for the tablet dock and a hundred and fifty for the keyboard if i'm not mistaken if they stuck to that foreigner model 150 for the it would not work and and 700 or even eight hundred for the tablet I don't see why that wouldn't work but thirteen hundred dollars no I get a Chromebook pixel over that and I don't even want to buy a Chromebook pixel because it's so expensive done with that because thank you very much for joining us yeah can I have a just a few few less thing to say Greece but very quickly the American you have time for just two more calls and we're already it's about it's about that you really have to pick Domenico and Hayatou because there have been since the beginning as long as I am so they're being really waiting for a long time now so yeah I know what and so are others I'm always the dilemma I I want to talk with everybody some of you guys are keeping coming back which for which I thank you and some of the new guys we need to talk with everybody and I wish we could so difficult yeah we need to come up with a policy on this yeah anyway thanks for having me thank you all right here I guess it's my turn or Adam you're not gonna choose someone yeah Adam I'm some item I'm sorry yeah yeah but you go getta good about you hey I'm just a photo bomber don't even worry about me all right I'm gonna go with all the way to the right side we have zodiac Fang that somebody that is an awesome name is an awesome name let's hear how it sounds from his words from his mouth mouth um are you muted I hear you oh yeah there is we're over here Allah hi there how are you today how do you promise your first name of my name's James James what what is it ok everybody else XO new york oh right I'm not crazy here right damn I am I using name is over okay all right this is your craziest killing of James ever oh all right James what do you want to talk about oh well I'm actually tonight I've just started my Nexus far excellent I've Google themselves and I want to ask you all this question because I think there's kind of an important thing most of the mobile retailers when when you go into them if I go into the nexus 5 go and ask for the nexus 4 it's about 5 or 500 pounds for one whereas if you buy directly from Google themselves is in this country because I'm in the UK is about to I've just bought the eight gig one and that was too far T so I'm wanting to know do from that's fair that google is selling it directly at a cheap price than any of the phone retail is asking for when they're asking about 400 pounds for it you can see the same thing here in the US I'm t-mobile cells at four or five hundred dollars and it's 250 through google play I think the reason is google sells it add cost or right around cost but they Bank on getting the money back through google play purchases so not to mention eyeballs on ads as a result of those purchases and all that kind of stuff yep but I mean it can be frustrating I definitely get that completely but ID as if it didn't prevent you from buying one clearly but you got it from from google is that right Jane yeah just I just bought it from google tonight hey yeah I was 11 and I just busted so you should be with me by friday i'm hoping whoa well how does the song go you my mama always told me a better shop around I mean you just shopped around so good on you bro yeah yeah yeah you know it comes down to whether you whether you're going to make the right buying decision for yourself right and impulse purchasers who don't do a lot of research might actually go for the embracing you don't want to be whole price and you know it takes a very very small amount of effort to shop around a little bit before I made cuz cuz at the moment I've got the galaxy europa that's the phone i have at the moment but i'm wanting to get a better phone so i looked at reviews about on youtube i watch some of your reviews on different phones and they really helped me pick pick a good phone to for my next phone so that's why I've gone with the Nexus far because I did look around I did have a look all the different review sites like yourselves on youtube as well not really helped me make a decision awesome ebony hoe I just have one more question I would like to ask you all and we learn and it's to do with os's do you think that um then we we need because I feel because there are only free established os's on the planet of the moment which is iOS Android Windows Phone hey Reba gone but do you think that mark cream cheese need to have the ability to have more os's on offer because I fits a very stagnant market where you you only get free choices in most countries you you have to get iOS you have to get Android are you Eva have to get Windows Phone well I I will disagree with you from the very beginning I don't think windows hill is an established OS and don't bring on the hate mail I'm just talking numbers and numbers don't lie if you take market share and a brand recognition we have Windows Phone approximately at the same level as blackberry whether if its previous versions or blackberry 10 its BlackBerry so I'm saying that the probably there will be three key players but the third spot is not yet decided if whether if it will be windows phone with their sub five percent market share blackberry in the same boat for the newcomers sailfish Firefox or Mozilla or whatever is the yola Tizen it's it's there it's there when when there's such a small difference between a couple of os's you can't just really put it you can pretty probably trend but those often tend to be different from a zone to another and from the from you know what I say right yeah this do we need more than one great yeah why not yeah yeah my argument would be that if it's more if there's more OS is available that encourages creativity and innovation raised correctly if you if you just wrap around the players right it keeps the pressure on the existing platforms to actually innovate and to stay ahead of someone and not just become complacent and in third place or a fourth place for who and there's more options always for the end consumer but the problem is that because of the way the industry works right now because of our appt centric lifestyles you absolutely need to have a platform that has a significant app count and that is the huge challenge right now and I don't see any you know what I see first happening is a cultural shift away from the app mentality before I see a fourth platform coming up at me like yeah we got the app situation of the developers aren't gonna developer for flat fun so we're just not gonna do it yeah they're they're struggling to do it for to the foot little fuss already so right right the plan I'd like to love this do you think if the said 10 fails to take off do you think BlackBerry's finished read as an absolutely whenever busy then I think you can bind on don't say than another well yes agree which would you say that if if would you say that if no kids bring out his PureView phone do you think windows phone is finished as well well no no microphone throwing money at that problem as long as I've been saying it for a while Microsoft has a really nice setup with windows song because they earn revenue from Android through licensing from patent disputes they earn money on every android phone that's made by what 12 teen manufacturers so as long as androids around you'll see Microsoft throwing money at Windows Phone to try to make it successful too that's that's the way I see it but my question was if no cuz cuz i watched the last I heard you were saying basically no Q won't invest anymore in Windows Phone or even oh no we didn't in it so what meets they won't meet is it no what what we what we said is that Nokia is standing by in order to see whether to invest in a Windows 8 / RT tablet all right I know but what I'm saying is it because they want to bring out a proper PureView phone are they doing the same with that are they waiting to see if that works with a phone no no no regardless of the review Lumia or not windows phone and both windows phone as in microsoft and nokia will continue living for how long I don't know but it on the shorter term nothing gonna happen nothing bad okay that's how my questions unless you want you guys to Raven yeah yeah I agree and I know Taylor and Adam still have to let their piece but that was I just wanted to say there was a really good question that's a lessening I'll have to say this an awesome question yeah I'm done Thank You Barbra Jean yeah actually guys I gotta fly I got a suburban dad thing I gotta go run and do so as far as you know other platforms and right now I'd say the car culture says that there isn't much room it is much more than a hobbyist platform but you know who knows i mean it's it's an evolving culture and that's why it's that's why mobile technology is awesome so yeah sorry very awesome jolie my style 10,000 forget you like that nice they're like all right guys I gotta run high take care of any girl bombing us Taylor please do us the honor of picking the last call for today I have to do it because it is the second female that has ever been on here yeah yes sit denisa is that how it's pronounced I'm probably slaughtering your name oh hi guys it's danessa I'm gonna panic okay yes I couldn't tell wow I slaughter names I am the hater Slayer and the names later so all right so tell us what you found most interesting about Mobile World Congress this year well honestly to me I completely fell head over heels with the HTC One because well I'm I'm an HTC junkie I absolutely love love HTC they follow me on Twitter that's how much I love them and I never thought I mean I mean the idea of having this whole aluminum phone was just amazing and blew my mind and I have the sensational XL and I don't know I mean there's some places that I go to that I don't have signal and one of my friends told me that is because of that is because the back part of it is part Luminum so I'm kind of worried about that you guys think that's gonna play a role in it because that was the main reason why it's like not oh we're out there it made of aluminum because of the resin the reception problems I we've seen it in tablets um the ax sous transformer prime had Wi-Fi issues because it was all aluminum and I will say this HTC spoke to this at the at the unveiling in New York City they actually spent like 45 seconds talking about like we have this awesome design we have other manufacturers out there who built their phones out of aluminum there was a problem with reception we solved that problem so I don't know how much of that is hot air I don't know how much we are to to believe them but they actually did go out of their way to say we know there are concerns about this we fixed it so I is it correct danessa yes I would like to ask you something aside from the time that you are a die-hard HTC fab which I can totally accept why do you think the HTC water will be good and here's the question aren't you a little bit afraid of the four megapixel camera as as a typical user do you care about the size of your your pictures or the quality of your features I think I'm gonna get a lot of crap from people but I think the quality is more important because my camera on the oh my phone is 8 megapixels but the quality is not as good as you will get from it from a camera that is ignant megapixels and i think is one hundred percent quality over the size of the picture cuz if the picture can be huge and if it's still kind of smudging and it doesn't have that Chris quality i think it's just it's for nothing completely agree yeah brother yeah thanks Raph we actually had the opportunity to play with the HTC One mode yesterday yeah are you getting to work and think you're getting you the photo yeah Tony took a picture of me in very difficult lighting conditions as if she see by the way if you are a fan of agency you need to know this if you go to their events ever there are launch events those guys can light a room to make everyone look dead sexy it is amazing all right now you got not sure every human being in the room looks amazing but the problem is when you try and photograph any of their phones it is impossible because the room was like a club and they did that exact same thing here at mwc how Tony trying to take a picture of me is like I want to see how this camera performs and challenging lighting conditions and what happened oh well I could see a lots of pixels yeah there was there was some noise in the shadows when they they uploaded the video of the showcase for the HTC One and they were comparing Oh photo a photo be against competing against the picture from the HTC One and honestly I just don't buy it i think uh it's a marketing thing they always do that you always think oh my god this is amazing and then you get the product without waiting for other people to screw up and then you just you're stuck with your phone and you don't want to sell it because you just bought it yeah and that's why I'd rather buy phones when they've been on the market for more than a year cuz that's how you know for sure how's everything went wrong or good with the phone dinner I would like you to ask you something please open up your toolbox and let's give a huge clap to our second lady during the podcast thank you finally I wanted to join but I never could for some reason I've been watching on refreshing button um half hour later after you guys I will say one lesson you are absolutely right in that you can't find the you can't buy the buzz I we were at the Nokia event they were advertising their awesome camera on the Lumia 720 which looks to be a very good camera but the photos they were showing were simply incredible in it not because they faked them and they went out of the way to say these are not been altered but because they took them in the best possible conditions that wouldn't be the first time they fake something just I know and I do does like that why i went out of the way to say we didn't they thing is they took them the best possible conditions and you can do that with any camera you can make the previous camera look amazing if the conditions are right so you can't believe the bus you can't believe the hype you're absolutely right to wait and we have a series focused on exactly what's yelled after the bones of the culture I always do and another thing that's why my phone I bought it recently I bought it for Christmas last year and I actually came to regret it because later i was like oh I should have bought that HTC One X or the bionics plus or one of those phones because they were newer and everyone was going crazy over them but and they're practically the same price but I still love my phone even though a lot of people don't like the sensation Excel for some reason but i think this one runs smoothly is really fast even though it's not as good or better as other fault but I love my view Michael had the opportunity to play with the HTC One in New York when it was announced I haven't seen it yet I did do that yesterday and I played with it it's very fluid it looks good it's fast it's that's not the problem the problem is the s4 who even if it's going to be the same speed same specs it's going to have a higher resolution camera and Samsung we're gonna it's gonna capitalize on that and I think it all comes down to design versus design HTC one is a new design it's a great design so the question is what will the s4 ring and it's the four megapixel Zoe camera versus the rumored 13-megapixel whatever camera and the camera is on samsung devices are good they are yeah that's what I keep telling everyone if you want a cell phone for its camera you need to go with samsung or sony because Sony is really good weekend for the iPhone the iPhone also has a very good camera or not yeah yeah hello but I don't have a good relationship with Apple for some reason because I think they're really extremely pretentious with her prizes and their products I when the when iphone 5 first was announced I was like oh my god I can feel the wave of people oh my god i'ma get the iphone flagyl and then I actually expected something really big from it but in reality it was just the same phone but a little holler and I was completely I was extremely disappointing and I wasn't even planning on getting the phone ever that's that's the video but let's let's not bash the iphone users you probably think the same way about another company so everybody to each its own yeah so uh yeah that's that's about it any any closing thoughts anybody else cuz we need to wrap this up yep I gotta get going soon yeah so any any closing thoughts anybody who is finished with oh yes Jennifer's please my lady I think that that's it I'm sorry it was a pleasure to be in this hangout finally I had the opportunity and you guys are amazing i love pocket now ever since i was doing research on I think it was over a year ago that was doing research on phones and this channel was the one that blew me away and it's my favorite and as always um Tony and Michael I think you guys are amazing and the Eternity and i'll see you guys next week or the next hangout wings are you waiting for you thank you very much thank you for joining us thank you for joining I with that ladies and gentlemen I am again apologizing that we have not managed to talk to everybody even though we we went over 30 minutes so this might become a regular thing we're gonna change from one hour to 130 i think that's it inevitable we'll do it at one point i'm gonna leave barcelona tomorrow not before michael and i will hit the show floor for the last time we're gonna record some last minute video i just seemed like within a bernard not before recording a couple of more videos and the wrap up we're gonna have the pocket now podcast tomorrow foundation will tell them we're also going to shoot you want down we're gonna shoot yeah we should we're meeting with yola to have a look at sailfish tomorrow and we are maybe going to try and see that kyocera echo rip off that any service which we will keep a fair mind about but the way we react so again thank you very much everybody for for all your love we love you all your support Michael any thoughts no that's it I absolutely love it and I mirror Tony's thoughts that were star rating at you ty out I've especially you it's not because you didn't bring your girlfriend out it's just we didn't yes it's Dick if you ask all all the avatars down there it's because of gents I just worry about it but thanks for all the retweets no I know what I should do that yes if you want to follow the pocket now official please you're better than a year better yah you definitely follow pocket attitudes the definitely following captain two phones and cash / tech and debt technology and all of us but tony has not hit 1000 followers yet and we really like to get him to at least a thousand followers on twitter at anton denied you so don't you think we should do that do I think we should call upon our friends to make that happen is that a nton DNA gy on Twitter and maybe we can get them through past that threshold it'll be lovely because Tony likes it will never admit please like said he tweets all the time was like I'm but the entity is is more important than the mother person's your bucket now tweets that your main Twitter account pocketnow video on YouTube watch us read us and of course pocketknife calm Taylor please lead us out and end this broadcast once you had all right take care of the one thanks for tuning in and we will see you next time bye bye brings everyone
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