hey everyone danny webster here from
park now calm and with boating season
being just around the corner it seemed
logical to show an application that you
can use while you're boating so this
program called suis NAB and it's free on
windows mobile marketplace and it's
pretty simple as you can see we get our
latitude and longitude as well as their
ETA to our way points and our current
time if at any point you have someone
that falls overboard all you have to do
is hit this button here Man Overboard
and it locks on to a waypoint and it
also shows you how many satellites
you're locked onto I'm locked on 27
right now as you can see in this bottom
corner so we can go to sail and this
shows you your speed over ground your
course over ground in this course and
nautical miles and your distance to
Waypoint and you're burying to Waypoint
so if I was moving you would actually
see degrees and this is my distance to
my way point so 60.0 9 nautical miles
and we can transfer to another way point
if I want all I've just click here and
it will go to my next Waypoint so Man
Overboard to I'm just click no and you
can go to route and this gives you a
little display if you're moving it shows
you an arrow in which direction you're
traveling you can also zoom in and zoom
out and it shows your radius of 0.5
nautical miles i can zoom out and that
will change so now it's that one and
vector of one minute so when you're
moving you'll see an arrow that's in a
vector of one minute and you can go on
some of the settings so you can show
speed vectors show waypoints and set
your current time so look like okay we
can also select anyway point we want so
all i have to do is like click and hold
and i can get about information or add a
waypoint so if i know the exact
longitude and latitude of that point i
can type it in here and it will set that
way point and give you directions on how
to get there so I'm just go okay you can
also go here let's see I can view all my
way points so I have four in here right
now and as you see there right here I
can also save if I want or I can edit
I can go to that way point and remove
can also file and I can save these if i
want so it stays as a WP file and i can
load back into the application so this
is another marketplace pick and it's
prayers called sweet AB and you can find
that on windows mobile marketplace and
the application is free thanks for
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