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Marketplace Pick: Tasks 1001

hey everyone danny webster here from and if you're the type of person that likes to keep an organized list of your events or chores coming up then this may be the program for you and if you're not that type of person then this program might also be for you because it will help you keep your life a little bit more organized so the perm is called task 1001 and as you can see i have a list of events here that i need to get done so i've already done a few of these ones in the red and they've already passed so if I want to clear one of them all i have to do is click on here and it will either open it up so i can view all the details and make sure that i got it all correct hit cancel and then I just hit complete and the chore is done so right here it says lunch with Kate so a cool thing about this program is you can actually integrate your contacts in with it so I want to call my contact all i have to do is click on this contact button and it will actually call her so I'm just going to complete this task because I've already done it and let's see i already did the work so i'm just going to go to cancel and complete that task okay so as you saw i deleted the task but it actually came back up and that's because this is a revolving task so you can actually assign things to occur every certain day of the month or any specific day of the week so i can also have done this task I'll clear this one complete and I need to go to the library today so I'm not going to clear that but I can also go into some pretty good sorting features so if we want to sort all my task I can sort it by priority and as you see work is the most critical so that went to the top I can sort it by subject and it will sort it by the alphabet can sort it by begin date sort of by end date I can also sort it in groups so if I have a specific category I can sort it by that and as you can see I have different categories here cleaning friends library and work so I can also expand them if I'd like and I can also go to filter and this allows me to see my active tasks and completed tasks so I can also go here and go back to sort because I like to see the normal list and now I have all my other tasks that I've seen that I've already completed so if I want to create a new task I just click here on this new button and a test subject let's see what do I want to do I need to write an email to someone okay so click OK and it's pretty big it's pretty important so I'm going to click hi and makeba active the start date will be today click OK and to link I'm actually going to link it to one of my contacts and let's see who do I want to send an email to I'm going to send it to let's send it to Jeff so there now I've linked my contact now if I want to set a reminder just in case I do forget I could set the hour let's see I'm going to make it for around eight o'clock tonight perfect click OK and now if i want i can add a note so if i wanted to i can type in his email address but it's already linked up with the contact and click ok I need to go back to filter because I'm already on my completed test I'm gonna go back to my active tasks and as you can see it says right email and it has a little ! next to it and I can also click on my contact and as you can see it will show up as Jeff and this is another marketplace pick and the program is called task 1001 and the full version does cost six dollars and ninety-nine cents but you can download a 15-day trial version and this is another marketplace pink where we take some fun and interesting applications on windows mobile marketplace thanks for watching
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