hey everyone Danny websphere from Park
medicom and today I'm gonna show you a
cool little application that will allow
you to save your passwords on your
windows mobile device and this program
is called slim passwords and the program
is pretty simple it will ask you to
designate a password for this specific
program and then assign a folder in
which your passwords will be saved okay
so as you can see we have a few
passwords on here so we can just go into
them and actually gives you a few
options for them so if I wanted to look
at my financial online stock account I
can just click here and will give you my
username my email address it'll it'll
give my password i can click on this
little checkbox to show my password
which is pretty simple and it will also
give me the URL for that specific
password if i click on this little
button up here will actually show it on
the on the today screen so i'm just
going to go back into the program okay
so i'll go to another account let's say
i wanted to look at my facebook account
and as you can see it gives my email
address and my password and click on the
show password again and it can also go
down here two more and it could edit or
delete it so we go back and if i want to
add a new password it's really simple to
just click on here and add new so I'm
just going to save the password for my
I'm going to add a category computing or
something like that username don't need
we'll just see my name and then my
password without need an email so just
click on the password and we'll just
designate a password here and we can
also edit URLs but since this is just a
computer we don't really need to do that
so click done and it will load up with
my list of password so as you can see it
says computing laptop so if I click on
more I can actually load or create a
file so if i wanted to save this these
passwords to another file i can do that
just click on here and let's say I want
to stay it saved into my storage card
just quick and simple and click select
and then I can create a new password
store file and a new password then will
actually save it onto my storage card so
just click cancel and that's good
because if you want to use this program
on a different device it's a quick and
easy just to exchange the passwords so
if I click on more again I can go into
the options and if I want to update the
list after three characters i can do
that or i can make it more or less so i
can change it two characters or three
characters will automatically save once
I've input that many characters and this
program also generate its own passwords
so if i wanted to click on here i can
click on this one it will actually give
me a way to generate my own passwords so
just click accept accept again so this
is slim passwords and the program is
free on windows mobile marketplace and
this is another marketplace pick where
we find some of the most productive
applications on windows mobile
marketplace thanks for watching
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