
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Microsoft Build, Apple Watch, Sony Xperia Z3+? | Pocketnow Weekly 146

for those of you with more refined entertainment tastes you'll know what I'm talking about you go to the theater the usher to your seats you open your play bill and you find a hastily enclosed slip of paper saying the part of Michael Fisher tonight will be played by understudy Adam doubt you go through a range of emotions anger confusion curiosity and then quickly back to anger Michael will return next week but seeing as how this is the first in a hundred and forty five weeks that he was not able to host the show he wanted to leave it in the most reliable and experienced hands he knew they unfortunately did not answer the phone so he called me all jokes aside let's get this puppy rolling LG has a new phone microsoft is building it build and we're all having a good time here on the pocket now weekly that is not the script that I was supposed to be reading I have lost the script that I was supposed to be reading and that is what you get when Ricky macaques make rookie mistakes so I'm just going to go ahead and toss it over to Steven Steven how are you doing today I am all behind is going off the rails motif we have going on so far for the podcast you're also doing this thing for three years Jesus a hundred not six weeks since obviously I guess never thought to think about it this is episode 146 of the pocket no weekly if you can believe that and it only took a hundred and forty five episodes for me to knock off Fisher and take his spot hi Otto from Indiana and the only pocket no member that I've actually ever met in person are you doing this evening I'm doing good have been rushing around the city but I am finally here and able to relax I'm doing pretty good rushing around the city shooting footage for reviewers that must mean that you are a pocket now reviewer so this this is all good things we're having we're having some good times here so let's just go ahead and Stephen if you could could tell her tell our viewing audience which is undoubtedly rapidly plummeting how they can interact with us on the show well so the theory anyway is that we would like you to come and watch us will we do this live on google hangouts and you can submit questions in the Q&A other viewers will upload the ones they like the best and then we will you know address those on the air and if we don't get to yours we always have email you can write us in and ask questions that we will try to address on future shows of course since we're all kind of you know not having Michael behind the helm here we're kind of flying by the seat of our pants here we'll try to remember to check the Q&A throughout the show I have a feeling it might slip through the cracks as we get caught up with everything I want to talk about but we're gonna do our best so if you got something interesting please ask it if we don't address it send us an email will do it in a later show but one way or another we want to hear from you guys so please participate and just watch us live I mean the high quality version later is great but you should be tuning in now although if you're not already the sort of call to participate really isn't helping so hmm well well done Stephen we got more medium somehow I don't know you know considering everything that has happened last Oh two and a half minutes I'm going to go ahead and call that well done so now Before we jump into the news I do have one little piece of business that we need to discuss for the past 18 months at my job I've been encouraged to broaden my horizons and learn new things and so I am going to extend the same challenge to all of our listeners and to challenge yourself to learn something new with a free 10-day trial of Linda calm that's right this podcast is brought to you by Linda calm and it is used by millions of people around the world it has over 3,000 courses on topics like web development photography visual design and business as well as software training like Excel WordPress and photoshop all of their courses are taught by experts and new courses are added to the site every week whether you want to invest in a new hobby ask your boss for a raise find a new job or improve upon your current skills in 2015 has something for everyone so give them a look at Linda calm / pocket now once again that's ly and DA calm / pocketnow do we have like I know linda has sponsored us in the past do we have like a contractual obligation with LD West that only Michael I mean king of the suspender holster only Michael can promote the LD West holster and we're not allowed to make sure that if he's not the one behind it well I mean I would not be surprised much done every show so I mean that would be a pretty easy cut contract to fulfill but no Ashley as it turns out it's just Linda's turn so we appreciate Linda as much as we appreciate our friends from Canada god bless so um so I guess there was some news happening this week huh now I just want to give her so this week nothing actually happened I know it was crazy it was dead I mean I don't even know what we're gonna talk about for the next next time he minutes what I do know is that Michael and friends spent about an hour on the high seas just a couple of days ago discussing the LG g4 everything you could possibly want to know about that phone is in episode number 145 of the pocket now weekly we're going to talk just real briefly I just want to ping the other folks here on the podcast and see if they have any impressions of the LG g4 but we're just going that's going to be a little like a little on the light side today so let's start with you hi Otto what did you think about the LG g4 I really like it so far it's the camera looks fantastic which i think is one of the biggest things that most manufacturers need to start you know working on more and more with their phones so camera looks really good screen from what i hear is fantastic Steven you got a hands-on with it so I'm sure you know that better than either of us but looks really nice yeah I was happy with what I saw I only got to play with it briefly as we we shot some pics for the hands-on video but the camera interface was fantastic the the manual mode lots of on-screen adjustments really easy to reach I don't know about how the imaging performance is going to hold up at least we did some early tests and we push this thing hard in all fairness we were checking out the raw mode in the the full resolution and zooming in all the way on that we could see some color noise here and there but again this was you know an early test and we really did not know what we were doing just sort of diving right in so I think this needs some more in-depth analysis but it felt great I don't mind the shape that's a little more angular than the the g3 was only have to briefly look at the leatherbacks but they were definitely very attractive I don't know if I want to feel that seam down the middle the whole time and I am still not quite used to the the rear control thing but that I'm sure is super easy to get used to but it's an attractive offering i'll give LG that and i like how they're slowly moving this uh the the g series launch event earlier and earlier in the year and next year i wonder if it's finally going to be you know because the week after week we're gonna get the one m10 galaxy s7 and the g5 one after another that will be interesting that would be something but i think there's one thing that that we haven't mentioned yet that our listeners will probably particularly enjoy and that's the removable battery and the micro SD storage which both of the other flagships that we've seen this year droplet at all so I mean that that could that could be a big thing for LG that in and of itself but I'm not really convinced about the whole zipper up the back thing maybe that's just me it seems it seems very 2010 dallin but I don't know one thing about the battery that I didn't get to mention in the hands-on and I not sure if LG mentioned at the actual launch event the company said how it was going to make a big push towards but you know the idea of removable battery sounds great if a man who actually has a second battery they're carrying around ready to swap in when the first one dies it's very you like know the options there but I question how many people actually do this but LG said it's really going to encourage people to be buying these second batteries and it might have some promotional deals or something where it makes them available but it really wants people to get behind this idea of you can you know in just a matter of seconds swap the phone out with a full fully charged battery ready to go and with wireless not i mean the supports there but wireless charging isn't built in the same way it is with like the galaxy s6 that that could be a big deal towards making this thing a you have phones will last you through day and night topic of a weekend debate just a couple of weekends ago actually um so let's uh let's move on from LG because like i said they they talk the they talk back home to get those days ago man right I know let's that's crazy so let's let's just go ahead and dive into the rundown Microsoft has had a little bit of news this week Steven you want us to want to walk us through that yeah build kicked off the two three days ago now it's a few day conference and they have lots of individual seminars a pair of keynote addresses on two different days but the main event was but is yesterday a multi losing track of these things yeah I think yesterday yesterday Microsoft shared a bunch of stuff that started off kind of Deb heavy and I mean this is a deaf event that's what we expected but they said wait into some of the more commercially accessible things it showed off some new features for Windows 10 from this is again for the dev side but it's very relevant to us because it could mean a lot broader app availability what Microsoft is going to do is make it super easy for developers of Android and iOS apps to port their existing software over to windows 10 cell in the Windows Store so users on PCs tablets and phones can i'll buy these and use them on their Microsoft devices this isn't quite the the sort of Android emulations as we've seen like blackberry play with where its unique a side load existing apks it's a little more hands-on than that but Microsoft is making it very easy for devs to take their code load it into Microsoft's tools and with just some you know tweaking on the edges here and there develop software that can be sold in the windows store without having to start from scratch so there's going to be like an Android backbone underneath the windows tens shiny Microsoft exterior that's going to let these apps to work with very little customization and I know you know considering the high or the high effort to develop for Windows Phone apps in the first place and the low number of users that sort of discouraging developers in the past reporting so this in making the bar of entry as low as possible is a really big deal are these promises in theory but I mean you know they they always say you could pour it over your apps with minimal effort and I just wonder how you know minimal actually is cuz I mean I'm not a developer I don't even play one on TV but it seems to me there's nothing in development that's minimal I mean I work for a software developer and and and you know the minimal things that we try to roll out into an upper a usually take you know weeks so I'm not sure hi an idea you don't have any real coding experience but do you have an opinion on the the minimality of the effort in porting Joel on here yeah we should get jail this is a joe topic no I yeah I have no coding background but uh well yeah fair enough okay like what you hear it it sounds really great and it sounds it sounds like Microsoft really expending the effort to get more apps into their platform by whatever means necessary and that's going to be a win for for windows man and v2 the mobile things are just half of the equation here Microsoft is also making it easy to bring existing win32 NetApp's to Windows 10 I mean of course you have to have background support there but also it's going to allow developers who do web-based stuff to package their apps and sell it through the windows store they can in app purchases and things that you normally wouldn't always get from a web app platform so there's a lot of different ways they're making easy to bring content to the platform right and and like I said that's that's going to spell a win for the users at the end of the day at least we hope so let's just let's just hope for the best and let's hope Microsoft knows what they're doing as far as that's concerned I didn't get to it today in the news but they released a new video about showing how easy it is to port this so really we should have watched that before doing this but well well check out a check out yeah well maybe there's an editorial in there somewhere so but in the meantime I'm going to call upon my fellow Spartans and we're going to talk about the death of the Spartan and long live the long live the edge browser so Stephen what's going on let's go on with his edge thing yeah I mean a project sparking is Microsoft's new browser effort for Windows 10 going to be replacing the long-standing Internet Explorer you can explore will still be there for you know apps that are services that really require this and this has been a thorn and I east side for the longest time you know companies holding on to ie seven eight all these deprecated versions because they have these internal services that absolutely rely on ie support so i use not going away but it's being replaced whereas the primary browser at least by spartan we've already gotten to play with it with a pc preview of a few weeks back it arrived in the latest Windows Phone Windows 10 preview and now it has a formal launch name it's going to be the Microsoft edge browser which I kind of suspect Microsoft just really likes the idea of having a Big E as the icon for its browser and it had Jepsen really this from a PR perspective alone it's got to have that e because that's what people click on the big blue be yeah when grandma goes to check her email she gets the e on the desktop that's what she knows seriously so I'm not a bi how my mom actually checks her email she only knows to look recognize the the browser icon on the desktop there yeah well you're you're probably talking about thirty percent of Windows users in the world here so I mean I definitely do not agree with or I don't disagree i should say with the rebranding of the web browser i did like the name spartan i thought that was a pretty cool name but at the end of the day if it's gonna be Microsoft edge then then as Microsoft realized it was going halo with everything I mean Cortana and then Spartan it's fun but I I'm a concerned that might have made the companies seem like I mean Microsoft it makes all its money on it working with business client server stuff Azure and it needs to seem I mean it tries to reject the stodgy image once in a while but maybe it felt like it was going too far into this gaming thing and wanted to do in class things up yeah I mean from a from a tech support background I'm i have i'm going to have nightmares about trying to explain to people yeah openedge no no not the edge of the screen the edge browser the you know you're just gonna end up calling it the big blue e so i think at the end of the day it really doesn't matter what the name is but i guess i can't think of a better name at this point so i guess we're just going to kind of run with that for now moving on what's uh what's next in the list we have Microsoft continuum which sounds a lot like continuity but is it continuity it's continuum and it has to use which is always fun so what is continuum either one of you can jump in on this one good I know it is my baby alright Steven continuum go didn't you above this is okay continuum something that Microsoft's been talking about since Windows Windows 10 first was announced last fall it's a technically summer but the big news here is about continuum for phones and what this means for users who want to take their smartphones and try a transitioning to a more desktop experience when it suits their needs it's an idea that it's been in the smartphone world for a while here that you could take your phone I mean it's essentially a computer it has all of the has tons of RAM these days lots of storage speedy processors by all analyses this should be as powerful as a at least powerful is like those little Intel HDMI sticks that can plug into a TV and turn it into a computer so why not plug your phone into the TV the idea is you hook your smartphone up to a monitor attached some peripherals keyboard mouse over Bluetooth and then you have a full desktop experience but it's being powered by your smartphone now this is going to exist with Windows 10 devices you're not going to be able to use it with existing Lumia models that upgrade to Windows 10 this is something that's going to require specific hardware to pull off but that will be coming in time and it looks really really promising um it's not quite because its hardware isn't available yet Microsoft had to do a simulated demo but it looks really polished you attach the phone to the monitor it pops up with the app too thanks to the universal app second part of Windows 10 you get a desktop looking at the UI isn't just a smartphone screen stretched out it looks like it would on a proper PC and you can also kinda have screen doubling you can have Stubing stuff on your phone with the phone UI at the same time you're working with this desktop UI on the monitor hugely ambitious I haven't seen anyone pull this off in a way that's streamlined that users want to use it doesn't require a lot of expensive new hardware and it's very well might happen we're going to be paying attention next couple months to see if Microsoft really makes this work as well as it promises to well that's pretty cool and you know on the one hand a lot of what this sounds like is the the the break between Windows 7 and Windows 8 when when when Windows 8 Phone started coming out microsoft said basically the same thing that the hardware in the old phones wasn't going to be compatible with you know the the new windows 8 stuff that was coming out so that's why they pushed out windows seven point eight which left off like a lot of the NFC stuff and now i'm going to say the same thing here that I said that back then is how can how dare they not ship out NFC coils to you know manually solder into the back of our windows seven phones we're going to be doing that right and you know the same thing here is you know how dare you not not ship out updated processors so that we can connect our window or my lumia 920 do I keep thinking about are there any windows phone models that currently have hardware hdmi out I don't I know like I don't know of any of us on my hand so tell or something but at the same time I love this idea I love the idea of taking your phone and setting it down and connecting a of a keyboard and a mouse and a monitor and just let the phone be the box I mean that's really all you have to do you have all your local storage right in fact I think this was the subject of another I don't know if it's a weekend debate but it was an editorial that I wrote about a windows-based padfone which is not dissimilar to what we're talking about here where you take the phone you plug it into a tablet and it becomes a tablet you take the tablet you plug into a keyboard it comes a laptop I because it's it's not dissimilar here so I'm going to go ahead and take credit for this so hi Otto do you have a whole lot of windows experience in and building upon that would you ever use your phone as a as a netbook if you will well I don't I don't have much experience with windows on the desktop i have used Windows Phone quite a bit in the past and I really like the interface really the big thing that's kept me from switching from Android to Windows Phone is pretty much the same thing I feel like the same reason for most people is just the the apps are just not quite there in comparison but no I love the idea I feel like this is what I feel like this is what Microsoft has been sort of wanting to do with Windows Phone for the very beginning is you know make it as similar to the desktop as possible so that way once you introduce a feature like this you know it's it's hopefully pretty seamless pretty easy and everything should hopefully just you know blend right in together I just wonder how many people are going to get the hardware in their homes really take advantage of this I mean I guess it makes sense if you're connecting to a TV but if you need the keyboard the mouse like a desktop sighs computer monitor it's gonna seem a little weird sitting around with Lily nothing attached to it most time sure you come home you can drop your your phone in I guess we'll see cradles and things to make the the process super easy but it's gonna be weird like unused hardware that most of the time has nothing two to drive it do you think people will really set stuff like that up I think it's got a lot like like the ramen community on Android where it's really not something that most people are gonna buy an android for just the way that most people are not going to buy I windows fell for this feature but you know the power users that want it it's gonna be cool to have I heard that as ramen feature when you first set it and got really hungry and excited all at the same time oh let's not talk about food i'm still remember at indian cuisine from earlier today uh so in general yeah i think is that definitely the type of thing i don't think people are going to seek out windows phones just so they could say yeah i can take it to a hotel and use a laptop at the same time it's one of those have it but not need it type things which is which is pretty cool and speaking of having it but not needing it but before we move on though I can see that right possibly being big for businesses I mean I'm certainly people who have if they take their laptops around at work they'll have a monitor keyboard stuff you put it in the docking station exact same thing where you just carry your primary device with you and plug it in or ever there's no station where you need it so in certain use cases this could be big and I think it's definitely an evolving technology and it's an evolving culture as well so there's going to be it's gonna be a lot of work a lot of a lot of effort a lot of a lot of nose to the grindstone and I'm out of analogy so we're just going to go ahead and move on to the Giant the giant hallo helmet as i like to call it or the microsoft the return of the hollow lens so hi Otto I'm gonna throw this one over to you did you do your homework do you know what's going on with this I really have not had much time that's kind of why I'm quiet right now is I've been trying to read all this stuff I've been busy with a couple videos watching this whole presentation was not a lot of blood I mean I I got out of at the end but there was so much Azure cloud coding at the beginning yeah you're excused for not back evening up with this well to be fair I didn't know much about it until i got the rundown so but anyway so all right so Stephen you can pin apps to the wall from what I understand is that is that what's going on here yeah Microsoft brought out hollow lens again we saw this a couple months back at the was a late January event when we first were introduced to the hardware but it was still pretty rough around the edges this time it was a lot closer to I think the final experience we're going to get we had users out on stage wearing the thing completely untethered they're walking around that's it's the device it's scanning the environment it's getting its building an augmented reality map of the room and then it allows them to take these regular windows 10 apps you're not going to need anything special for hollow lens and they can view it in a window I mean it's called windows after all you it in a window that can sort of be pinned up to walls and he sort of stays there like a a real poster or something would on a wall on your house you could walk around come back to it you can just take a command and the hollow lens will then have the app the window pop off the wall and follow behind you so it's an interesting merger of the the window desktop environment we're familiar with and something closer to actual physical windows and it's all very interesting and compelling and we went to play with this for ourselves and that's also one of the big things here is a Microsoft brought along hololens units for these steps to try out of bills we're going to be getting a lot of first-hand reports probably in the ages and weeks to come also showed off some cool ways you can interact with Internet of Things devices had a little robot on stage but the key bit there was how I doesn't you don't need to have every device in your house having a full spatial awareness because it comes to piggyback off the hololens the hollow lens develops this 3d sense of where everything is and then you can relay that information to other devices so they can cut down on their complexity and that raises for debility and all sorts of good things that will make Internet things as exciting as it promises to be yeah that didn't seem really cool they I think they specifically mentioned if i remember correctly they were talking about you could have a like a robot that would use the data collected by the hollow lens and they would actually be able to navigate the room without having me its own onboard sensors so that's that seems pretty that seems pretty sweet and I just III don't think I'm alone here when I say I want r2d2 to serve me drinks and so I follow lens can get me closer to that I'm on board are you what I was causing trouble you what c-3po he's a good a bedient droid now that's true but he is whiny hmm so when I was at CES earlier this year just my last day I was just kind of wandering around and I saw this little booth with a robot that was kind of fenced-in to the to the display area and the the entire purpose of the robot was this you can you can add different different modules to him to make him do different things of course you buy those and uh yes sir assuming we're that's where they're gonna get most of their money but the one that they were demonstrating the feature they were demonstrating was that the little robot can go to a mini fridge you can add an attachment to your fridge to where he can he can grab a soda can bring it straight to you he hands it to you does a little spin and he you know goes about on his way didn't they have that exact same I swear to God there was a drink serving of robot and revenge the Nerds does anybody remember that yeah yeah we've been waiting for this for a while thank god it's finally happening thank you thank you my future Oh 25 years so then the next thing in our rundown it's our it's actually our last piece of Microsoft news um I'm not excited about this at all oh I don't know I don't know if you guys are excited about that I mean Stephen do you wanna give us like 30 seconds on this office add-ins thing because I honestly didn't even know office had Adams I never use them do you use Microsoft Office a lot are you a microsoft office like a ton but what uber I don't know I was not I'm an open office guy i did not even aware of this functionality but yes you can apparently add-in it's like they're plugins to office that can either be for like industrial purposes and be a company has a good way it likes its forms prepared it has a plug-in that makes it super easy maybe it's something that helps you search through all your documents you organize them better but third parties can add this functionality office in the past that's been for the the pc desktop version of office but as office grows to be in the cloud on tablets and things doesn't make much sense for these atoms to only work with one version so when Windows 10 and office 2016 the add-ins I keep on calling the plugins or add-ons a dinner function across all these platform lines what works in the PC work on the iPad vice versa yadda yadda if you use them before they're going to get better if you didn't care them up before you're still not gonna care about them that's about it I think this is fantastic news for people that are not on this podcast so let's go ahead and move on uh so the Apple watch might not be so nice on the iphone's battery so there was a lot of I'm just gonna go ahead run with this one because why not because the apple the Apple watch has taken some criticism that its battery life wasn't all that great well now it turns out that it might that might be a transmittable disease over to the iPhone itself because it seems that the eye of the I the Apple watch I keep lying to call the i watch the Apple watch app seems to not be so kind to the iphones to the iphone's battery there were some reports saying that the iphone was performing great because they never had to look at the screen it was all on the watch but then there are other users that were complaining about battery life on the iphone and it would seems to possibly be due to this iphone companion app that makes the watch go so i think that's I that sounds bad it sounds bad I think it's a little bit too early to tell I think the software you can always try to improve management in the future I don't think it says a deal-breaker necessarily right now i know i know we none of us here really have experience with the Apple watch except for me who stayed up til 230 warm the other day which is the fur style i can say that in the wild nice mom but i mean i know i know at least hi Otto and I have experience with wearables in general now I haven't noticed any type of drop off when it comes to performance at least with either Android wear or with pebble hi Otto have you seen any type of have you noticed any performance issues like that with your with your own phones batteries with a wearable connected I have a little bit it's nothing terribly noticeable but you know typically if I have my moto 360 connected to a phone it usually ends up being like a five or ten percent decrease overall which is it up and sort of what you'd expect I'm curious though do you guys normally keep Bluetooth enabled on your phones because okay yeah when I don't even when I don't have all that I'm using it yeah even when I don't have a watch I keep bluetooth on I don't know why I probably shouldn't actually but I mean my car's bluetooth and I've got a lot of like portable Bluetooth speakers that I use so it kind of makes sense for me to leave it on all the time so it kind of depends on your your own individual use case but um but yeah I mean in general I would think that that the loss of battery life would probably made up for in the fact that you don't look at your phone as often um I mean I go hours and hours at a time which granted sounds really bad but I mean I go hours at a time without actually looking at my phone because you know I've got all the notifications coming to my watch I don't you sound really bad not down sounds it sounds bad in a social way like you know I don't know it just yeah it's just done yeah but anyway um so as it turns out it's it's really too early to tell I think so the Apple you know will definitely keep an eye on the story and see what what the Apple watch does with iphone batteries in the long term especially with our own unit and I'm sure that's a detail that Michael will be paying particular attention to another detail that he'll be paying attention to is this taptic engine that is included with the watch but it seems that that's um that's not exactly a blowing up a lot of skirts recently isn't that right Steven I have no idea what that's supposed to mean well it's that it's a the taptic engine is uh is I guess is faulty on some some Apple watches that were being produced so we've heard the taptic engine is the the tap haptic feedback component of the Apple watch that makes it vibrate it makes it you know the touch force touch for stocks that you can tap on the phone you know transmitted app to your friend the taptic engine is the receiver part that generates the motion that they end up feeling and rather than a little weight on the end of a motor that spins around and like a vibrator in the phone this thing has a little weight that slides back and forth so it can create a linear motion and reportedly there were problems with this that it wasn't functioning as intended but supposedly none of these faulty ones ever ended up reaching distribution channels it may have impacted availability to an extent which may be why you're having trouble finding an Apple watch or your shipments taking a little bit longer to get to you then you would have liked but it doesn't seem like it's something that us and users should be too worried about okay alright well that's that's that's that's that's a relief because there's another they're actually getting the taptic engine from two different distributors if I if I remember correctly so what they did was they kind of kick the kick the one to the curb and told the other one you're gonna have to double your production hope that's not a problem good job it's very that's what they call a diversified portfolio of equipment may I don't actually I don't know if that's what they call it or not but that's what they should call let's go with that yeah so we're going to go with their diversified portfolio nidek it looks like is the is the company that's ramping up production to make up for the for the failures that of the other taptic engines and we just had one little last piece of apple news i'll go ahead and grab onto this one because this is probably about as interesting as the office add-ins one but it seems that siri is is getting a bit of a makeover so that's nice it's interesting because Syria was probably the the first the first voice assistant you know the one that really you know put voice assistance on the map I guess would be would be fair to say and since then it's like Apple puts took Syria out of the box said hey everybody here's Siri put her down and then completely forgot that she existed because there hasn't been a whole lot of advancement in the in the in serie since she debuted what for 34 years ago something like that and so now it seems that they are updating they are updating Siri they're giving her a whole new back-end component which is a it's it's it's this system called me so switch is used by Twitter and ebay and you know if you can tweet about it and you can buy it used it's gotta be good makeover is the right word for this because it doesn't sound like anything on the the user facing side is going to change this is like you said all backend stuff that will improve series responsiveness and ability to scale with users but you won't notice anything it's not going to start responding to your queries differently we did see some news about that or least rumors with Apple supposedly patenting this feature that would make Siri a little more conversational in its tone I think it was about driving directions how it would give you more contextual stuff like instead of turn left in 500 feet because who can picture how far Python defeat is to any accuracy it's like look for the orange building up on your right and you know look out for that and make your turn Ben so that was there could be some changes to how you interact with Siri but separate from this upgrade now in all fairness I am a geocacher so i can actually asked to make 500 feet pretty well but anyway I mean that proves the rule yeah so uh but in general I think they're trying to make Siri better you know which is a good thing their house will bless their little hearts because you know Google now and Cortana are pretty much wiping the floor with Siri at least as as far as I'm concerned so and we Amazon's working on with Amazon if somebody's working on their own sort of Siri knock off and nobody have one of these guys they've got that uh that Emma's the pedestal thing that yeah thnkx Oh Prosecco that's what it is I take it where yeah you can find something else I don't know but is it sits like a thing it's like a Serie it actually looks a lot like this and you sits on a table and you ask it you know how many cups are in the court and it says usually goes our song but anyway so that's pretty much does it for does it for Apple and we do have some non LG g4 stuff to talk about starting with Sony uh Steven what's going on with Sony sales there it looks maybe like it's not so good well they haven't been selling a lot more phones that have in the past in the mobile industry as in pretty much every industry growth is the word and if you're not out doing yourself on a yearly basis you are failing and that's pretty much what Sony did this past year is it sold just about as many phones as it did the year before now we see you know quarterly changes have more phones and the holiday time and all and sort of this dry spell in the late winter early spring but year-round it really didn't make much of a dent the problem though is what Sony sees happening in this coming year in that rather than things staying the same or even getting better it only expects them to go down now this isn't necessarily a capital B bad thing because Sony seems like it wants this to happen it's going to stop trying to sell as many phones as they had in the past but it wants to have the phones and it does sell bringing more money for the company so that's going to see it move away from not that it already had a huge lineup of budget phones with very slim margins to begin with but supposedly it's going to sell fewer of those concentrating more on the more profitable models like flagship Xperia z4 but it's still tough forecasting a drop of like twenty three percent which is not insubstantial I think it added up to 89 million fewer phones over the course of the year so it I don't know if somebody's may be considering backing away from phones entirely a few years from now whether this trend continues it's not it doesn't give me a lot of hope I'll say that right right but but I mean there is a there is some news that that comes off of that about the z4 in the z3 plus is it that's kind of uh that's yeah yeah yeah well it's a plus so plus means better right doesn't even it should or bigger you never know with smartphones its max mean more memories max mean phablet size with this plus mean bigger battery yeah yeah yeah so buck adopt but so we heard that the that the Sun easy for was coming to Japan only if I remember correctly but now there seems to be rumors that there's going to be a z3 plus which may or may not be the same thing as the z4 but for a world market weird that so many good things this way I mean obviously it has to release a flagship for international markets and with it I'll be the z4 or something or the z4 under a different name or something very similar same internals maybe Sully different aesthetics we don't know and the latest idea is that it would be the z3 plus and I know the specifics on this rumor here and unless we heard they talked about maybe a launched in May so hopefully we'll get the truth about this soon but I don't like the idea of I mean I know that these the z2 z3 another z4 haven't been the the you just differences between them they're very iterative steps and so many upgrading components here and there but I like idea of branding this thing in the same family as the z3 is going to be confusing to shoppers yeah absolutely uh but at the same time you know if they're now it was there an announcement about the z4 maybe hi Otto can speak to this as well because I honest the cz for stuff went completely by me because you know I work for a lot in Japan exactly now was there an announcement from about the z4 that said specifically it's it's Japan or bust or I mean did they leave that open or how did that how did that go down exactly why why would we be looking at a z3 plus worldwide with a z4 in Japan only does does that make sense to either one of you I was running announcements about when I saw the best release for the z4 I didn't see anything specifically saying specifically saying it would only be going to Japan yeah but at the same time that's the only place they have said that it's coming so we really don't know what's going on that's right so so it just falls into the general weird category i think is what we're what we're all pretty much in agreement on there and then but it turns out that despite declining sales for sony smartphones or at least mart phones thats a sony on them what about the smart phones that have sony in them this is the great thing about being a big conglomerate being a samsung and LG or a Sony your smartphones aren't selling that good maybe your dishwashers are and your bottom line is still nice Sony its phones may not be flying off the shelves but the parts that it makes sure go into a lot of other popular phones and specifically we're talking about the imaging modules the camera sensors that appear in all sorts of phones from if there's a smartphone from a manufacturer and they're specifically naming who's making the camera sensor in it nine times out of ten if you're calling it out it's because it's a sony sensor and sometimes apparently making cash in this hand over foot so even if it's not you know succeeding in the whole phone arena as well as it would might like to it can still do okay helping other people and it's like samsung making screens for devices or fabricating chips for apple it's you make money off other or microsoft and its patents and getting money from eunice android phones its everyone makes a little money from somebody else it's a little less sexy but you know it it fills up the bank accounts so i guess no problems with exactly and and if as long as we're keeping the coffers full i think that's really what's important especially if we're it happened to work for Sony so let's see moving on we've got some new names for some Samsung devices I'm not sure why this is really exciting but let's do so many news stories a day some exciting as other is but they're interesting God darn it all right well let's you know let we've got actually a couple of different a couple of different Samsung rumors here so why don't we just go ahead and talk about them and see what's going on what's up with this new code name for the note 5 well obviously we'll be getting a note 5 sometime later this year presumably around IFA in early September we haven't heard much about the devices hardware so far besides the fact that Mike had this stupid I res not quite I guess it's for K class but 38 something by 20 something ultra HD screen stupid in a good way I take it is there any other kind well not according to my wife um but they don't covered some mmm I feel like I was cutting someone off there no continue uh we found some model numbers that look like they're going to be for the in the note 5 is sort of follow in the same scheme and building off with a note for was and tied them we've also come up with a code name project no bowl of course this is not how the phone will launch you'll be the galaxy note 5 unless something radical happens inside Samsung and everyone goes crazy but will probably be hearing this name a little over the next few months as leaks mention it we start learning more about the actual hardware capabilities uh and also we heard some of pick up some news about model numbers and look like they could be something galaxy s6 see they are the SMG 928 series devices they had the suffixes that show these are coming to multiple carriers both US International and 928 we haven't seen before but the 920 is the galaxy s6 the 925 is the galaxy s6 edge so it's not a huge stretch of imagination that the 928 will be something like that what it is though no one really seems to know and I guess my instinct went to this could be another active especially with the galaxy s6 not formally waterproof and we had heard a little bit about possible plans for an active including some really exciting rumors that could bring back microSD expansion but I believe we had a model number tied to that already it wasn't yes so I left with those strong guess of what this could be I would love to see an galaxy s6 active personally I mean I was really excited when the s5 came out being waterproof kind of a yeah the SI the South being waterproof was qui efforts active wasn't that exciting not like ps4 it was yeah and I was I was disappointed to find out that the Essex was not waterproof cuz you know I'm an outdoorsy kind of person I you know I'm outside during the summer and you know cuz i live in chicago so during the winter I'm never outside if at all possible e um but you know during the summer spring fall i'm outside as much as I'm inside you know when I I'm not sleeping i should say so I mean I love the fact i love the idea of a rugged phone that could stand up to you know being stuck out in the rain or being dropped into a puddle or something like that so I would be excited to see a galaxy galaxy s6 active I believe we've seen some promising results from informal like it's not informal but non-official waterproofing test me people have submitted the galaxy s6 to torture beyond what it should be able to survive and it sounds like it's doing okay even without capital w waterproofing so you very okay getting the rain on it but oak Oh none let's not let's not go too far they're all right so what do we got next in our in our rundown oh the the s6 and the RAM Stephen tell us about the s6 and what it's doing with its Ram s6 galathea 6 has quite a bit of RAM 3 gigabytes which is about as much as you can expect from your average flagship at the mind we are seeing four but none of the big manufacturers have gotten behind that with their their hero devices so with a 3g Quebec device you would think that the phone could kind of let apps go crazy they can stay in the background doesn't have to kill them because you're not going to you know run though on RAM when you start multitasking while that's the way you assume this might work apparently that hasn't exactly been the case for the galaxy s6 and you just have seen the phone aggressively managing available ram to the point that is removing apps from ram when there's it doesn't appear to be a reason why it should like it's trying to keep more space free than actually needs to uh it sounds annoying but not at all like something that Samsung couldn't fix if this is a bug if this is an intended operation this seems like exactly sort of thing we'll see addressed in the future firmware upgrade so I wouldn't lose too much sleep over this hi Otto your uh you know you're you're a device reviewer so you're you're no stranger to putting phones and other devices through their numerous stress tests does samsung have a point here is there it does samsung or is it is this a good thing that they might be you know kind of hovering over the diner just waiting to grab their plate just as soon as I that last bit a bit of fish I don't think so something I always tell people at my day job selling phones is to uh yeah everybody always asks do i need to use these task killers and you know all those different apps that are all generally doing the same essential purpose of just wiping everything off your phone and I usually tell people to just not use those because they end up closing too many apps that don't need closing and then the system has to reopen them it just it yeah but flip side to that I find myself manually closing apps all the time not because I'm worried about available RAM or performance but because every once in a while I'll go to pick up my phone at the end of the day and I'm a relatively light user I'm here like Adams that I'm not checking my phone constantly especially when I'm at my office and get my emails and everything my desktop but yeah I'm used to having like you know eighty seventy percent battery life at left at the end of the day every once in a while though it'll be down at like 30 cuz there's one app that I went away from and it kept running in the background and it ate like eighty percent of my battery so I'm always aggressively killing them just so they don't run in and run down the battery now say I do it just because I'm OCD I don't like heavy and you know what this is I'm like the anti palm user considered and I grew up loving webos and the cards and everything like that I never kept cards that I wasn't using I always dismissed it when people are like your best see my boy and I'm just like I know but why I'm not using them so let's just get rid of it so I guess I maybe I'm a little bit on samsung side in this particular case you know you're not using it out of here we don't need you we don't want you here we don't we don't serve your kind here especially when they say in a really stupid voice like this yeah what accent is that supposed to be I don't even know but it's it's it's it's a it's a it's a punk accent is what it is it's a pizza yeah we we don't need you here anyway maybe it's at it could be a Chicago accent for all I know but anyway so yeah I guess I'm kind of on samsung side and and hi Otto is not and I can get I we don't even know this is what it's supposed to be doing this could very well be glitchy operation and doesn't seem to be affecting everyone so this might be like an edge case no pun intended that will be addressed right right but I mean moving on to to brighter things the one app that I do love to have running all the time as Google now and it looks like Google now is uh is expanding its functionality even more than how awesome it already is so what do we got here we got some we got some new stuff that it's deal with these days is that right yeah you're going to start seeing new cards from a lot of third-party apps that integrate with now and allow you to pull up information from them right through nows interface google started making available an API earlier this year and now i think in fact 7d apps that can take advantage of this all sorts of things from like a reservation hotel making stuff to restaurant reviews to music it's just gonna make the now experienced a lot richer and we're going to see this list of supported apps keep growing in the months to come so and in the meantime google is sucking your privacy right out the window so cuz now is going to know what I music i'm listening to and i can't deal with that so anyway I'm just came so but yeah so that there's actually a whole list of there's actually a whole list of new apps if you go to the source link of this particular we're not going to get into all of them they're Spotify I think there's ober open tables in their mom but I know Stephen we're coming up on a hard stop for you so we're just gonna get to our one last present you that you're looking at the clock because I wasn't huh yeah so speaking of time how's that for a segue we got a high and high-end Android wear device coming now let's uh let's hear all about this steven and we'll let you go after that yeah we heard was like a month or so ago tag heuer luxury watch manufacturer was rumored to be developing a SmartWatch and we got the announcement than a couple the next day after the rumor landed but it was super light on details it's a tag heuer Google and Intel are creating this SmartWatch and just didn't say anything after that so it was I mean it's exciting because it's going to be a luxury brand and especially with the Apple watch out now that's a market that's pretty much untapped in the the Android wear field so we got the big news back then was confirmation that yes this is an Android wear device and not some exotic Samsung ties anything and now we got the new detail that supposedly this thing is going to sell for about fourteen hundred dollars which is clearly more expensive than all the Android wear devices out there it's not nearly a sky high though as the apple watch edition 5,000 with 10,000 starting for that yeah 10,000 starting price you could you could buy 10 you could buy 10 of those and still not say looking stuffers just give them what looks expensive Apple watch but still it's pretty pricey for for an Android wear device so I'm sorry oh by all means probably comparable to instead of the apple watch edition may be getting the normal Apple watch the steel one with a real fancy a link strap on there because what you're going to get this is the the shell that exists for it I already about their tag heuer model regular watch and they're just gonna like take the frame of that rip out all them nice little gears and in the jeweled operation thing they're put in an LCD screen put in an Intel processor and this is going to be it's gonna look like a regular watch that's what it is on the outside but have a you know LCD screen and it's going to operate with Android devices we had I think you have some log info they're talking about this fall october or november so it's still quite a ways out but this could be one of the more attractive Android wear devices to come around this holiday season especially when you consider that it'll be working with your android device but it'll be working for quite a long time with your Android device 40 hours of battery life that I'm gonna do that especially based on an existing walks design it's going i mean regular watches by and large are a lot slimmer than smartwatches so i don't know where they're shoving that battery but right i mean 40 hours that's that's that's pretty crazy i mean i think i think hi Otto and I have both experienced the oh my god my phone my watch is down to ten percent I need to hurry home type of situation the train can't move fast enough in those particular cases but but 40 hours I mean and I think it also opens up the the floor for a general discussion about you know the the battery life of smartwatches I don't want to get too deep into it but I know since hi Otto and I have both had the the Moto 360 and a couple of other wearables hi Anna where are you when it comes to like battery life of a watch are you a multi-day person or I suggest are you okay with a one day with a one-day performance my battery my watch never lasts me pass today um I don't necessarily mind that but I would definitely like to not have to worry about charging it every single night which is why I'm looking forward to getting the pebble time steel once that comes out oh it's gonna be very nice Steven did have you you haven't had any wearables as far as I know uh Martian which just has a little less mana regular water right last for quite a while but you're not getting anywhere it's just like a notification watch you're not getting any apps or proper Android wear stuff so that lasts a while but that's because it's not so much ok I did you just pull out like it like a Casio me a Casio watch Mickey Mouse or at least a Mickey Mouse watch or something so alright Steven I'm not going to keep you any longer because I know you need to you need to scurry so before you go why don't you tell everybody where they can hear from you on twitter which helped by the way happened twice last week you've tweeted two times in a single day i was impressed so where can we find you on the on the on the on the internets stephen shank at those go at Stephen shank on the on the twitter i do i do Twitter's you are a social media maven Stephen well I thank you for for coming on and walking us through the through the news because we we couldn't have done it without you so sorry I can't stick around longer but I'm sure you guys are going to knock out these reader emails so yeah we're gonna we're gonna have some good time talking to the readers so that'll be that'll be fun I will let you go do your do your stuff so thank you thank you very much Steven take it easy fellas please zoom in alright hi Otto so we are going to now ordinarily at this point in the show we would look over at the Q&A section and see what's going on over there but hang else has abandoned us and we don't have a Q&A section maybe users are posting to it and probably most of those cues are who is this guy and where is Michael but we don't see it I don't know why I'm very sorry listeners with it's awesome that you're tuning in and watching us but we can't we can't see any of your any of your questions and comments so we're just going to go straight into listener mail we have three pieces that we chose hi Otto I'm going to go ahead and grab the first one I want you to be ready to get the the second one so the first piece of email we have comes from Tim I'm gonna go with kuja k uja tea and it says dear pocket now to enjoy the podcast love all the input down to the point of the email I love this brevity it's it's wonderful me and my friends also all got the HTC one m7 when it came out phone still grade but they have lollipop update and I don't my friends are on sprint and that have terrible service but they have timely updates I'm on Verizon I have great service but my updates are insanely slow so which would you rather have great service and a terrible update times or terrible service and quick updates hi Otto I throw it to you I would honestly i would i would take the former i'd much rather have better service and and stick with the software that's already give to me I've always I've always gone of the assumption you should never really expect updates on your phone just because no matter how much they carry or manufacturer will promise the update it's not necessarily gonna happen and even if it does it's probably projected time schedule so I I would always go with service over over the software on my phone absolutely true and I'm definitely on the same page I mean it doesn't matter if I have lollipop if I can't make a freaking phone call sorry or if I can't surf the internet or whatever and not to mention I learned back in my days with palm never buy a phone based on what they promise it will do buy it for what it does right now so I think it's actually a pretty a pretty quick answer for us a you know definitely get you know get the reliability of the service first if you get the software update that's a bonus so at least that's where we that's where we stand Tim thanks for writing in and Hyatt oh I'm gonna throw it to you yeah this next one comes from Greg vote who was nice enough to let us know how you pronounce his last name since it's spelled a little bit differently than i would have thought vote would be it says in the next month or so i'll be purchasing my first android phone and have decided on the galaxy alpha which i'll be buying used and using on AT&T next next work next week i'm assuming the question i have is which version should i buy should i get the AT&T version that's designed to work on att's next network next work net work I'm thinking network I'm thinking about supposed to be network and that's just really bad autocorrect yes so he's wanting to know if he should get the AT&T model or get the international version which has no carrier bloat and other features like download Booster as well as an unlocked bootloader so that he can deal with custom roms in the future thank you in advance for your input on this decision Greg vote set from my blackberry 10 smartphone I think that's the actually most important part I'm period of the email there that he's coming from a blackberry and these enemies moving over to the galaxy alpha so where do you you stand on this particular issue hi Otto I think the galaxy elf is a good phone I don't know that it's exactly the number one phone i'd recommend right now especially on a TNT's network where they have a lot of good phones to choose from but it's still a it's a great phone it's really nice size and I'm assuming that's probably one of the reasons why Greg is wanting to get the alpha versus something like the bigger s6 or the note series arm so especially if you're coming from a blackberry 10 I feel like and and this being your first Android you're probably not going to notice any of the huge differences between something like say the galaxy alpha and again one of the newer and faster phones like the s6 I think it should you know be a good choice what about international vs 18t that one really i would say at the i would say the biggest buying decision with that since he mentioned custom roms and the unlock bootloader on the international version um if he thinks that routing and throwing roms on there is gonna be something important to him then obviously the international version is gonna be the only way to go unless the unless somebody's unlocked the bootloader in the ett model and i just don't know about it um if you I if you don't care about routing I would definitely say just to get the one that's made for your carrier you're gonna have the best service and the best compatibility that way yeah and also I also wonder how how willing AT&T would be to service a device that is you know meant for international like if anything should happen to it if it starts to malfunction or whatever are you gonna have to go with Samsung's tech support on that one or it can you take at your local AT&T store um and I personally think that I've never custom robbed so you know I'm definitely not an authority on this particular subject but I get the feeling that custom roms are are very much one of those things that really sounds like a cool thing to try until you actually try to do it and then you realize well this is a major pain and I never want to do this again um and that could just be me I don't know there's probably Android people that are screaming at their screens right now saying I'm a moron and I'm not gonna argue with you but yeah personally I think I'm i would probably if it were me if I'm making this buying decision myself I'm gonna go with the ATT variant just because like you said it's it's it's made for the network and I think at the end of the day I'm not worried about that much bloatware although it is a samsung device so uh you know maybe we want to keep as much of that off as possible but I I gotta go with the AT&T version yeah does the nice thing to keep in mind is that if the if the bloatware bothers you that badly you can always you know either hide it or disable it or sometimes even uninstall it so it's not the other world if it has a couple of extra apps on there right right so yeah so I'm thinking our consensus is let's go with let's go with AT&T mr. vote and you can get off that blackberry unless of course you enjoy it in which case man you just keep on keeping on all right so this next piece of of mail comes from Paul Stevenson it says hi Michael and Steven neither which are actually on the podcast right now sorry about that every phone is a compromise as we know and every podcast is a compromise as well what feature is at the top of your shopping list an absolute must for your next personal phone and why tough ain't it me Qi charging baby I put in the baby part but hoping I'm predicting a new feature for the 2015 Moto X great job guys kind regards so hi Otto what is at the top of your list and actually we had a poll um about this very question not too long ago but but what's at the what's at the top of your smartphone shopping list for me probably the biggest thing is just good battery life I was inclined to say speakers and I just wrote piece on that a couple of days ago I really like having great speakers on my phone because yes you can always use headphones or external speakers but at the end of the day you know you're not always gonna be using those and I like to watch youtube videos friends and co-workers and that's it's nice to have good speakers for that but the even even though the speakers on my on my m9 are really nice the bad life is not as good as some other phones and speakers don't really do much good if your bet if your phone dies while you're trying to use it so if this is very true so um okay good I was gonna say the alcatel idol 3 um actually kind of gives me both of those it's got really good battery life and actually very good speakers but and I see like five plus hours of screen on time for that pump yeah yeah five and a half is the best I've gotten so far wow that's pretty that's pretty nice i actually tweeted to one of the one of the guys at alcatel i said you missed an opportunity with the idol because i actually designed a logo that that says i do L but it was it said the same thing upside down so if you like turn the logo upside down about such an idol I just like such a missed opportunity but actually I'm I would actually love to get my hands on that alcatel phone one of these days but um the the one the one question I actually had about the alcatel idol which actually segways nice way into my answer this question is how's the camera on that on that phone it's you know it given the price tag it's not terrible you have you have to keep in mind it's a two hundred fifty dollar phone sure so it's not terrible but it's also not that it's definitely the weakest point of the phone okay all right well that's that's that's good to know because in my particular case the camera is one of the first things that I'm gonna look at now I don't really know why this is just a little you know Adam doubt insider I'm not much of a photographer um you know I I I don't have a very good I when it comes to photographs and I always seem to miss the moment but I just I I want to have a great camera experience if at all possible because I want it to make up for my flaws and so I take a ton of pictures of my kids and I take a bunch of pictures of like stuff that I find that's funny and I posted on Instagram all the time and I just I want a camera that makes up for the fact that I kind of suck at it I mean I don't think that's too much to ask so for me a camera is is number one on my list I'll plug in a phone if I have to you know in regards to the Qi charging although I I think I'm very well documented when I say I love cheat charging but yeah when it comes to everything at the end of the day I'm looking for a solid camera experience and everything else is secondary to me so I guess following that you'd have to give it to like performance you know maybe is like a close second would be performance you know there's no point in having a great camera if you can't use the phone because it's a laggy piece but I guess yeah that's just kind of how I that's just kind of how I look at it so what's my curiosity hi Anna what's what's number two on your list after you after you get good battery life no number two after the battery life is definitely the speakers um definitely speakers I really like to have a nice camera but at the same time for the past three years now I've carried HTC one's and moto X's and I've dealt with really terrible cameras lowers the bar a little bit doesn't it okay I'm pretty used to do you know trading that away for in exchange for good speakers so okay well and I know that you're a bit of an audio file and you know you you're into the music scene so I could definitely see how that would be that would be important to you so you know we actually blasted through all three of those emails really quickly and so as it turns out I did actually grab a fourth one just in case perfect I just need to find it here it would have come from the sea in keeping with your love of brevity is this the one no that's not the one oh gosh where did I put this last one I emailed it to you too high you know so you check your email two three no I emailed you one not there it is oh here we go here we go project pride well we're talking about project fee right yeah so okay so project I think it's I think it's Phi not fee yes yeah this email comes from Andrew kuntz who was also nice enough to provide a this is an inside joke listeners so but he was nice enough to provide the pronunciation of his last name I personally wouldn't have gone there but man that'd be awkward wait so this email says hey pocket down team longtime listener first-time writing in so one of the main selling points of project Phi is the ability of your Nexus 6 to seamlessly transition from wireless towers to Wi-Fi connections depending on which connection is better my question is does better mean stronger connection or faster connection love everything you guys are doing keep it up yada yada yada that's literally what the email says yada yada yada you guys are great Andrew Andrew Coons just like the author um now if I had I I don't know specifically and I actually there's very little details about project Phi out there now so I don't think that we could really speak with any authority on here but what i can do is as a customer experience designer because that's kind of look at what i do on my day job how I interpret better would mean a stronger more reliable connection it doesn't matter to me if you have a super fast connection is going to be dropping out all the time and I think that actually kind of defeats the purpose of project Phi if you have a super fast connection that's dropping out what's the point of seamlessly switching back and forth so if it were me and if I were making that decision I would make it with the stronger more reliable connection what about you hiya so for my understanding it's actually not related to your your internet access is so your internet access at all it's um it's actually switching between your your wireless network and the Wi-Fi for phone calls if I oh okay that looks great so it's it's all just Wi-Fi calling basically and and a problem with Wi-Fi calling on t-mobile and on sprint is that if you make a Wi-Fi call and then you leave that Wi-Fi network the call will drop instead of switching to your cellular network so project 5 will not do exactly so it's basically just supposed to make sure you don't drop your signal you don't have any you don't have any kind of reduced signal or quality or anything so I would say also stronger connection is the the end goal here okay yeah so I mean at the end of the day it probably doesn't take a super fast connection to make it well actually maybe it does too make a Wi-Fi call but yes you definitely want to be stronger because otherwise you're going to be bouncing back and forth that's going to be a bad experience overall so i'll tell you what andrew we will keep our eye on this and as more details emerge we will be certain to report them to you but for the moment I think we're going to go with I'm sorry I just glanced again in the signature for the moment we're going to know with the with the stronger connection not the faster connection and maybe we'll get to the the signature and b-roll but I certainly hope not uh but anyway I think we got we got all the news of the week we got we got the LG g4 we've got microsoft build we've got apple we covered the whole spectrum here we got four pieces of listener mail that's right kind of what's coming for right there and so I think that is going to start to wrap up the show did you have any final thoughts for us I ought to or no I did not okay well then I'm going to go ahead and say that's going to do it for this episode of the pocket not wheelie weekly produced by Jules long studying his craft and protecting perfecting his technique at greenpoint zero and of course spinning slick tunes at werf at work also be sure to find my able co-hosts on the twitters steven is getting in some hot voiceover action at Steven shank and hi Otto is bemoaning low quality audio while at the same time holding his phone upside down at hi Otto Huesman I can be found talking tech and pimping my own podcast tech beard that's te kbe ard dot com atdec technology pocketnow is also on twitter instagram facebook and google+ and it all comes together like a palm pre in its touchstone at and they would join a podcast even though I was hosting at these helping spread far and wide like a monkey riding backwards on a pig meme share with your friends who love mobile technology and share with strangers by leaving a review on iTunes stitcher xbox pocket casts wherever podcasts are heard on web or in the world on our way out the door we like to thank our hosts at wer s where jules wong is able ii twisting his knobs and sliding his faders and we like to thank our sponsor at that's ly and da calm / pocket now and most importantly we thank you so much for listening the pocket now weekly will be back with its regular host with more mobile tech talk and more Michael finisher and less hair next week
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