Nexus 4 Envy, BB10 Thoughts, MWC Predictions, Chats With Readers & More - Pocketnow Live Episode 3
Nexus 4 Envy, BB10 Thoughts, MWC Predictions, Chats With Readers & More - Pocketnow Live Episode 3
and we want to probably live hello
everybody and welcome to pocket now live
episode number three it's already been a
week it's friday we're here to talk to
you guys I am Anton denied or Tony
managing editor of and I
have the utmost pleasure of being joined
today by two of our newest team members
you're happy to have them on board first
one Taylor Martin senior editor hello
Taylor how's it going everyone and Adam
doubt contributing editor higher I has
everybody doing tonight it is good to
have you guys here and welcome everybody
who's been joining us everybody who's
watching us hopefully this is the first
time so disclaimer this is the first
time I am hosting the panel brand is
usually doing it so if if something's
wrong technically just blame it on me
but hopefully everything will go
smoothly and I would like also to ask
participants if we are not in a
conversation please mute your microphone
and unmute your microphones whenever we
will be talking to you so that the
camera stays locked on the person that
speaks and with this I'm gonna hand it
over to Taylor and Adam please guys
choose somebody to talk to take it away
Adam I'm gonna let you I'll break you in
quickly I usually give you a blast
through left to right when I'm in
trouble so all right all right I do that
uh see we got a Andrew looks like Andrew
benner I guess yeah hello Andrew better
how are you good excellent excellent
thank you if you could do something with
that back like we're seeing just a
silhouette of you if he could make a
position can you see that around white
phone in front of that's why that's why
I picked him because it was it was like
you know all all Superman villain kind
of thing going on goodnight a second
I'll turn the light on he didn't want
his face shown it's like that news story
where he oh that's a new thing and I
don't want my face shown either but here
me just a question Tony can I have my
monocle and mustache absolutely sweet
knock yourself out I'm having I'm having
live props as usual can't grow real
mustache so I'd stick with big ones what
and I just do Andras look better now
okay we'll come back Adam back to you
awesome awesome Andrew how is it how's
that bedroom what how how are you yeah
is there anything you want to talk about
anything on your mind really i wish i
had a nexus 4 and i wish i had a nexus 4
and i think my man Jaime Rivera it
wishes he had a nexus 4 in his country
they kill for that phone not yet in my
country but i would probably commit
something for it for fun like that yes i
love mine just I think Levi's got one
for sale I will trade you I will trade
you what he had there is that an iphone
yeah it's the IP you will trade a iphone
5 40 nexus 4 yes ok anybody got a nexus
4 for an iphone 5 for Justin that's a
pretty trade I'm getting that so what
are you from America ok alright cool me
I'm from I'm from Chicago so I got my
product placement Chicago Cubs going on
there so I see ya you Americans is it is
it basketball baseball hockey what is it
Chicago Cubs is baseball thanks i have a
reference to death that's a kid comin I
don't really get it either only watch
sports I care more about top gear and
stuff like that ok yeah do you hear
about that new york times uh versa top
gear versus Tesla thing what's your
position on that
who you think's blowing smoke up our
butts oh I don't know it I mean that you
know it's not officially out as a car
yet so it's hard to say you know like
what's actually going on it could be a
defective review unit the reviewer could
be foolish I mean it's hard to tell
really it is just don't drop the ash
bombs okay we're alive and we don't want
that s bombs or f bombs or anything
related just complete that up we can't
because this is live this is the the the
thing of the live show don't you get oh
you get to choose like edit stuff out
before you upload it it's uploading
automatically anyway I have a question I
want I have a question for you at the
end of this this conversation what do
you expect from mwc what are you looking
forward to seeing there um stuff that
doesn't suck for instance what does some
wouldn't i would i would like to see HTC
step their game up a little bit and
bring out something that could put him
back you know ahead of everybody else
cuz they had that spot a while ago and
what the whole what like I think last
year they were trying to rebuild their
brand by bringing the one series but
they fail because they had the one the
one x the one x+ the one sv the one be
it was like wait which one do i buy one
happy family yeah yeah not so much yeah
nobody really knew like what do I get
less is more exactly okay Andrew
anything else you want to add um I kind
of like to get a smart PC no smart PC
the surface Pro's anybody tried that yet
we are currently if not doing the
service pro so stay tuned for our full
review all right I will be I'm sure
you've seen a couple of our videos or
already I have Adam Lane he he's the one
who reviews it I I can't wait to get my
hands on that but by the time it gets to
my place here all the guys in the u.s.
my colleagues will probably already have
some opinion let it and you already know
what to expect
yeah well what would you use the surface
pro 4 would it be a replacement for you
or a tablet or what would it be I mean
at that price point it's hard to justify
just having an extra device ID by how to
take over my current computer to sell
the laptop i have now and just by that
do you think if compared compares to
your computer I mean as in raw
horsepower and what you can achieve on
your computer oh I think for what I do
on my computer I think yet could I mean
I used to game a lot but now I don't so
much so it's that's not really the
problem ok good thank you very much for
dropping young I will be rude but it's
not rudeness I will kick you out so that
more people can join us but we are
waiting for you next week hope you'll
join us again sorry take care bye bye
see ya thank you Andrew all right okay
Taylor your turn all right well I would
choose this chris guy but there's no
video I don't even know if he's with us
can't tell close I'm gonna go with uh is
it dominicano I've spoken with you on
twitter some so I guess you have the
floor yeah yeah the money cause
irregular yo I think we're going for
life props yeah I think if we're going
for live props here Tony oh what oh yeah
okay see something because the camera
will then switch back to you yeah you
gotta speak uh hey man how's it going oh
yeah I hit me up yeah we can now very
cow alright so I don't have any left I
just knowed you can be mum that's pretty
awesome you know yeah yeah i guess i got
i was gonna say like well done to you
guys like Adam and Taylor well done
thank you and I just you probably snot I
just tweeted a Casper saying he's
definitely been loving them that's my
alter ego that's my alter ego what would
I do names aha ya see me I work my
question for you guys
if there was anything no not current
where were you that oh no I I work on
the weekend so I really have no life so
this is this is the pinnacle of a week
right now so and then it could be a hell
of a lot worse it's gonna be so my
question is at the I said about four or
so my enough platform so there's
obviously there's selfish by Yolo
there's a bun to mobile are there's um
actually I'm gonna count blackberry and
windows phone 8 in these of those for
which you guys like succeed oh no I
don't do in which particular order do
you watch the answer uh Anton Adam
Taylor okay so let me see if I got your
question straight mm-hmm out of the less
popular platforms the startups open
webOS you bun to blackberry and you also
added Windows Phone to that list yeah
okay definitely Windows Phone hands down
and if I was to make a top than Windows
Phone will be my first choice then I'd
go with the most definitely the
blackberry 10 OS then you bun to and
then open webOS it yet would that be
because of their more established a
faker system so now that nothing to
Shelly windows phone is definitely an
older platform on the market it has a
larger ecosystem but it is a more stable
it's a more bug a free platform it's it
offers you that that certainty that you
can rely on your phone which which I'm
not sure I can say the same for a bunch
of phone or open webOS phone or even the
blackberry phone which which still has
some bugs and its initial iteration I
mean they with the whole kernel based to
Windows Phone 8 they did find their fair
amount of problem they didn't know so so
Adam yes all right um well this is def
reading because he's a webos guy and the
windows phone
this is insanely tough question everyone
is a weber west guy you cannot put that
label anyone that's true that's true arm
what would I like to secede or what do I
realistically think will succeed that's
two very different questions right now I
gotta say windows phone 8 is probably
going to I think to a point they've
already succeeded in that you know they
definitely have my chair they definitely
have market sure not a whole hell of a
lot but they do have um so I'm going to
put that on top of my list so and then
after that uh it's I that I think is
going to succeed i'll probably go
blackberry i just think they have too
much of an established user base to go
away i think a bunt too is I don't know
it's way out there it's a hobbyist
platform on PCs let alone what it's
going to be in mobile you know they say
hey it's the exact same thing as being
on a bunch of computer I don't see it
and I do frankly don't like using the
bunch of computers so good luck with
that guys and then finally open webOS um
I just I really as much as I would like
to think that it's going to take the
world by storm and its just oh man I
just you're gonna make me say this in
public aren't you uh yeah it's gonna be
a hobbyist mobile platform pretty much
for the rest of its existence and now
that HP has moved on to Android even HP
even you know if I if I told you that I
was going to you know promote this other
kid as opposed to my son to you know
lead off on a baseball team what would
that tell you about my confidence in my
own kid oh my god so yeah that's pretty
much my list hey man come like februari
21st i'm having a bun to phone going on
this I don't carry and you're not the
only one I think I think this service is
gonna drop no matter how big canonical
is their servers are gonna rock Taylor's
waving like crazy go on today dump it
yeah all right so um
pretty much summed up most of what I was
actually going to say but I as much as I
want webos to succeed it's what he said
is probably not HP doesn't even really
believe in open webOS anymore so windows
phone 8 really has I guess an edge on
pretty much every other up-and-coming
platform if I wanted one so the non
practical me said there was one going to
succeed it would be can I Canonical's
ubuntu phone OS and what is it bunting
for android where you have dual booting
and to android and ubuntu but the
reasonable me says windows for me yeah i
wanna greet in i was a blackberry 10 guy
to begin with that's my first smartphone
was a blackberry and i would love to see
them succeed but they really kind of I
don't know they they let the fizzle just
kind of died they built it up built it
up built it up delayed it built it up
delayed it built it up too late it and
then it was just kind of like oh you
caught up you didn't really leapfrog
anyway just just got up you gave to go
into noni well you gave two phones
ownership one it's it's nice but it's
only a I would I like to I would like to
just say one second if you guys are
joining the Hangout and mute your
microphones until we talk to you because
uh it's gonna be an anarchy otherwise
thank you hmm i was gonna say just
before um I get kicked out and go and
there is an apple although wasn't up on
the google play store and it's called
the ubuntu phone experience i'm going to
try and show us on camera and it gives
you the favorites bar from the above all
oh nice nice let me let me switch my
camera to you so those stays there okay
yeah yeah i feel like my favorites my
favorite apps just talking if you to go
right to the bottom it goes to your home
you go to top and you can if you drive
all the way to the side it just takes
you to home so if say if i was in and
that pier by dragging from the side to
get the Wi-Fi carry on going it takes me
back home nice you should link that to
me on twitter
well place it down it's in taken down
man oh really yeah I I don't know if
there's a DMCA request or anything but
I'm i made a video at it on my youtube
channel youtube com /d Dom you guys
should say check it out um but dis
YouTube pimp there yeah absolutely
that's that's huge pimpin here that's
right i am i made a video for mine and i
was writing the notes to go in the
description I said I'd link it and I was
like ha it's gone missing don't ask I'll
scrolling through the apps on my phone
and the place I was like it's not here
it's like this is on my phone i'm using
it where is it gone and like the
developer doesn't seem to be seen
anything but um there is something else
like that out there i don't know if it's
quite the same but there's something
very similar to that i'll have to look
it up i'll post it on Twitter later
today I behind it yeah I was all excited
I grabbed my gs3 I'm like oh where is
that F where is that and you're like
it's gonna like oh go many good thank
you very much for joining us welcome to
we're expecting you next week to your
you're a regular so you should have a a
spot right here with the guys yes thank
you very much see you next night hey
guys my way I love the shades bro and I
think that it's time for me to pick
somebody is that right okay believe so
let's talk to Reese luck would if I said
your name right you need to unmute your
microphone what happened good afternoon
good afternoon whoa where are you from
I'm from I was saving the episode yes
you were that guy I knew that your name
was was was familiar to me how is it
going it's going great it's going great
I just like to say welcome to the hook
to the team to the new girl ice great to
have here um thank you much thank you
there I'm the man with the button all
right and we needed that on Friday last
Friday yeah in the first episode I was
really excited for blackberry tan and I
actually got the chance to test it out
a in a local phone shop and and it's
good but it's not quite there yet I
don't q what is it the reefs that you
don't like about it it's it's a learning
curve unlike other phones like iOS with
us phone ad and rivage you just pick
them up and use them whereas with all of
the swiping on blackberry 10 it takes a
while to get used to it understand the
gestures and it's somewhat more
complicated especially for a novice user
let any play devil's advocate for a
second wouldn't you agree the evil
android/ios as well as Windows Phone
have had a certain learning curve in the
early days in the first releases I mean
blackberry 10 is a complete new platform
it's supposed to have a learning curve
the question is how long that curve is
yeah yeah i agree i would say learning
curve is quite is quite steep especially
with the day app recent apps be an only
thing i can't i can i think it makes
sense but i think limiting a user to a
apps is it's going to be quite a problem
for a lot of people especially people
who multitask and for example with
social media now you're watching a
YouTube video you want to check between
Facebook Twitter and all of your the
social apps eventually you're going to
come to a cross point where you've got
to close an app which is going to become
a pain especially just the power users
which is where I think blackberry is
going to have that downfall good good
good now if you would choose between
let's say blackberry and windows phone
seven points something so not windows
phone 8 but previous 2 windows phone 8
what would you you think i'll probably
go with blackberry with library and if
it's a windows phone 8 Windows Phone 8 I
thought upcoming yeah and although one
feature i really do like on the on the
barbie 10 is swiping thing that predicts
what you're saying i need upbeat
yeah I think that that's brilliant this
really good and I don't gotta tweak on
my iPhone that from jailbreaking it that
does the same thing oh we gotta
jailbreak user hey hey actually I got a
question for you if you don't mind up
just to pick the brain of a blackberry
fan uh given a choice between you know
some guy walks up to you and says here's
a z10 here's a cute n you can have a
physical keyboard or no physical
keyboard which do you take z10 I've
never been a fan of the keyboards are on
the flattery all that much I mean no
blasphemy okay it correct I agree with
you Adam blackberry's had the best ever
keyboards on this planet no no here we
use the pre three keyboard pretty tricky
boys pretty sweet you see these bones
it's like eight keys right there he
boards on blackberry were brilliant when
when the phones were was central to
emailing and texting whereas now as
froze have developed to internet
browsing I think that's big chunk of the
keyboard on the q10 just takes up too
much usable real estate I mean great if
you're going to send a lot of messages
and emails great for businesses as
blackberry originally intended so for
the main commercial market I think the
z10 is going to be a big player for
battery so long as they fix out the
issues especially with the a app thing I
think that's a really big flaw on that
response excellent point with my
previous publication that I worked with
I did a piece instead blackberry if
you're not first you're last and it was
because they were shooting to be the
third operating system obviously they
had sites to be the first eventually but
they said we're good enough to be the
third ecosystem okay cool but the
problem that I have with it is that I
explained in that article was that
they're not willing to give up the past
to put it all behind them and start
something totally new I agree with the
fact that that keyboards are kind of
dated now they don't really have a place
in the mark I mean I guess they have a
small little little space but but
big screens or what's in and like we're
really only halfway delivered on that so
I kind of agree there i would i would go
z10 I I would Barclay agree with you and
I don't want to turn this into a debate
between us but just the way in a little
bit I think blackberry doesn't really
want to get rid of its best because it's
as fast that established it on the
market i mean they still have 70 plus
million users out of which most of them
are probably businesses who either
haven't switched to other platforms or
haven't adopted yet to bring your own
device to the business and i think
they're trying to cater to exactly that
specific market I mean you imagine
you're a company with a hundred
employees still running a bit blackberry
bold line up and then BOOM blackberry 10
everybody's going to get the cute my
personal preference i would try a queue
i would totally track you I loved the
plight of the bold 9900 I loved all of
my blackberries that I've ever had but
it was just surprising that they're just
hanging on to that and nobody else is
nokia HTC motorola all of them are just
kind of getting rid of keyboards I think
Motorola has one more coming out I don't
know suppose Reese I have a question
last question for you what do you expect
from from mwc in two weeks from now what
is it a week from now I'm not so ready
I'm hoping somebody is going to come out
with something big but that's what we
all hope for for who and what I really
don't know what was your money on um I
don't know you guys in England you're
always betting bet on something and I'm
something big android-based something
big that the new android is coming well
I'm gonna put my money on so you'll
notice it but yeah yeah play good say
the odds are one to one something great
thank you very much for joining us and
you'll find us here every Friday to BM
if everything goes according to our plan
so thank you very much for dropping in
see what Tony doesn't want to tell you
is the reason he keeps asking about the
is cuz he just doesn't want to do
anything there he just wants to have
everybody tell him where to go look and
sir yeah he doesn't impose more but I'll
sleep in my hotel room and have michael
fisher run the floor like crazy camera
okay I know what you're looking forward
to yeah I know you do Adam your turn yes
sir I am gonna go with I'm gonna go with
Matthias I got Brandolini I'm gonna do
that for two reasons one because his
first name is Matthias yeah secondly
because he's no longer with us oh my god
oh he left oh my goodness okay I was
gonna say he looked like he was at work
so I wanted to hook him up um he's like
you already he'll come back all right
well you know what we got we've got
another guy who's waving his arms like
crazy Marco Marco's it's Perez go ahead
and go ahead and come on on come on
Marcos what's up guys hey hey hey
welcome um guys may not give me a son
here and I'm performing some vehicular
maintenance for him so I idea for the
interruption here so here you go
Michael's where are you from um I'm from
New Jersey right now but I was born a
good dominican republic great Adam back
to you okay so uh alright so what's up
I'm sorry I got really distracted here
so um all right so I'm gonna call Tony's
question what do you expect to see from
the mwc this year that's always a
winning question it is a winning
question I know well I'm waiting for the
HTC m7 that's the phone i want to get
I've been on HTC fancies the first
original evil I had the evo 3d now I
have the 4g LTE nice yeah what I love is
it about the rumors of the HTC m7 or the
AKA HTC one that excites you most um
definitely the screen quality and
ultrapixel camera
the older which we have today that it
might be called Z something I will VOE
yeah that is true yeah you think that
HTC will deliver on camera quality I
mean I personally tried to cut some
slack to HTC and I really hope the HTC
One X would deliver in terms of imaging
quality but it just sucked and I just
keep on saying this every time it's done
yeah I step off man he's got that good
as they wanted to sobe but I from their
mistakes right now and it's like I
cannot deliver cocoa ok guys i would
like to kindly ask you to mute your
microphones if you are not talking to us
so that we keep this thing a little bit
more organized thank you very much
friendlier mind after you Marcus all
right um yeah that that's what that's
really what I'm looking for too I didn't
WC ok now we we we talk about what we
wanted to talk about let's talk about
what you want to talk about um well I
want to ask you and Tony um what ways
you're the first one to two always post
something yeah I'm you wake up like
really early in the morning right cuz
I'm a time like every time I gotta work
I'm always so now if before I
gotta work on the past when I'm gonna
break at work when i get up work before
i got a scoop after i get out of school
and when I gotta sleep I'm always stop
talking now lenghas yeah that the first
thing I always sees your post you're the
first to post on the on the for the day
is yours the thing is I do wake up early
but not that early you see I am in
Europe and Eastern Europe and I am seven
hours ahead of you so right now it's 930
p.m. so when I wake up in the morning at
seven p.m. at 7am that's midnight
Eastern so I'm covering the overnight
news shift whenever I'm not planning for
mwc more
thing else and this is the reason why
you guys see my posts when you wake up
in the morning and that's the idea okay
um something else um I know you you're
big ipad fan I eat you if I can say
because you have the ipad mini and all
that stuff will you choose and Nexus 10
instead of up an ipad for the nexus 7
instead of an ipad 4 or an ipad mini
well no let's plan a nexus 10 because
they have both of these and if i would
probably allow myself to get nexus 10
and the ipad 4 I would run with both you
see that the good thing of this job
which which we all are doing is that we
whether we like it or not we have to use
everything which that's out there the
rest of personal preference to answer
your question I will be completely
honest with you I have not laid my hands
on the Nexus 10 because it's
unfortunately not available here in this
part of Europe so I I couldn't tell you
whether I would prefer the nexus 10 over
the ipad 4 if I would make a decision
only based on specific asians and
ecosystem i would still run with the
ipad 4 because the app selection which
is out there and which is important to
me in my day-to-day usage all right you
mind if i chime in sure yeah yeah any
nexus 10 um i Justi just had to do that
like twisting at night I got mine right
here um I just sold my my third
generation iPad and it's not because the
the nexus tin or anything like that it's
actually trained it and got an ipad mini
um but i would actually also choose the
ipad over the nexus 10 only only because
the display on the nexus 10 is so great
nothing really takes advantage of it
yeah i mean there's only a few apps that
actually really take advantage of it
watching movies is absolutely amazing on
it but you open up facebook which
there's no android tablet happy for
facebook to open up facebook or a
twitter app there or something like that
and it's just kind of hunkered down and
or ninety five percent white it looks
awful and that really takes away from
the whole experience it's a great tablet
i have someone you love it it's been a
whole lot of time with it but i would
still choose like that even if I like
that nexus 10 better well and i have a
nexus 10 right here and i really liked
it um the app selection is not that
important to me cuz the stuff that I do
here is not that you know how I don't
use Facebook that much twitter I use it
on my whoa I actually have a note too so
I understand yeah I'm like Captain two
phones Michael Fisher hahaha yeah I have
fishers like now captain 12 phones or
side yeah I have my note 2 in my HTC
before guilty and my nexus 10 here you
go you have a mind that my daily driver
driver right now is the note 2 I had to
change um account with my carrier so I
had to get the note 2 but I'm looking
forward to for the HTC and seven I
really want that phone yeah I want that
phone to it I'm just a little bit afraid
that it's gonna be 2012 all over again
when the HTC One X was such a great buzz
and boom and wcnn samsung came and boom
killed it at birth with the s3 we're
excited about the m7 and I'm afraid that
the s4 is gonna just wipe it off the
floor maybe I talked to HTC at CES i sat
down with him twice actually and talk
with him and they said that's one of the
reasons they didn't do anything at all
at CES all they did was talk with us and
one of the reasons was that they don't
want to be shadowed by Samsung or a
whole entire tech conference and that's
one thing that's one reason they're
probably not going to be very active it
in mwc either it's going to be mainly
this event on the 19th yeah looking
forward to that yeah me too yeah that's
how I established my relationship with
HTC I best this sucker before it came
out nice Marcos thank you very much for
joining us we'll just have to keep
moving forward and talk to more and more
people but we're waiting for you to come
back next week all right thank you very
much for having me today and I just want
to say thank you to I mean nothing yeah
thank you you guys and welcome welcome
Adam and wait Taylor entail yeah pain I
forgot your name Josh I just I used to
see you I your your other side too and
people were complained that you weren't
good at videos and stuff like that but I
really like the videos that you had over
there to a nice really good to see you
here yeah they've done a lot for me
taught me some things yeah you have
improved a lot and keep up the good work
guys thank you thank you keep reading
all right I will and watching okay I
think it's your turn now sorry and
dehydrated um okay because joseph has
been like he's gonna like lose his arms
if it doesn't matter so I'm not even
gonna try to pronounce your last name
either so cuz I'm really bad at
pronunciation and and phonetic stuff no
last name I swear it's fine how's it
going gone good actually siren anyone
remembers this holy crail yeah Harris
Wow oh yeah actually don't let me take a
shot out of that is it is it Acevedo
yeah yeah you got it boom I think
there's a baseball player with that name
so that's your reason I know so I mean I
guess you can call me another captain
two phones there you go oh what a what
HP is that it's the pre 333 baby i'm a
little jealous just a woman I like the
dog you know whatever the life comes up
ruling and whenever I see an HP fo diced
art drooling so yeah yeah man I'm
actually I also have the touch pad I'm
like trying to get get it on to have
jellybeans in it you know get signage in
my den and blasphemy well I mean I
already have it here and I want to like
try out jellybeans oh whoa wait let me
get this straight you want to have an HP
tablet that runs android I've got good
news for you anyway so I even cut you
out there go ahead yeah like um also
because of the app selection that's kind
of been killing me this whole time you
know I got worried well i say i have i
have a touchpad am i actually to touch
pads I have one in my wife has one and I
got one for my wife for her for her
birthday last year and the first thing
she wanted out it was draw something I'm
like seriously okay so fine so I put cm9
on it and I booted it up in the CM night
and she hasn't looked back since but my
touchpad still running the original
webos I've still and actually i'll give
a shout out to one of my Chicago peeps
mark creeping me and George burry both
put ubuntu on my on my touchpad so i can
i could run the a bunch a bun to card so
that's pretty sweet and i use i've
actually recorded something with
audacity in a bun to on my touchpad i'm
very proud of that so so yeah I took
steam 9 off of my touchpad I haven't
looked back since because it was just
too much of a pain to go back and forth
in between oh I want to use glimpse so
I'm gonna go to webos now and no now I
want to do you know words with friends
so I'm going to go back yeah it was too
much of a pain so I got the I got the
gs3 so that kind of filled my android
fix I took cm9 off I haven't looked back
so well I don't have my android pick
until maybe about May because i'm
planning on getting the HTC one i'm
calling it the one because it'll fit the
last year thing a bit more
okay what what happens when you'll get
the HTC one in May and google announces
android 5.0 key lime pie in may i don't
know i'm not i don't really like care
about the newest thing all the time as
long as i get what I've wanted for a
while you know what I mean yeah but you
know it's gonna be a major release it's
a five-point oh it's not a point release
yeah that's that's always the ones look
lady creek here since five that's what
I've been waiting for all right I always
tell myself that that you know I don't
need the latest update or anything like
my door I nice important as I've been
updated yet I haven't got 4.2 that too
but every time I say that it's like
there's that one tiny little feature
that I know i'm going to use maybe once
or twice a month that i just it kills me
and i always end up updating or
something so i also cannot wait for a
boon siew i can't wait for open level
west yeah i actually can't wait for that
um library 10 is actually pretty
interesting to me i think i think that
they'll actually jump over windows phone
mmm all right tall order yeah let me get
let me say something so that will switch
to me i am up to date i'm sorry i'm
still not on 4.2 point2 so i'm waiting
again I'll check the bugs fixed on that
exit seven does I heard that there is a
lot of issues with it when it updated to
4.2 point one no I don't have any
problems with it well Michael's been
complaining and the other guys on the
team that the dragon you have they bury
Michael over and over again with that
truth be told Michael uses the nexus 7
as his daily driver I'm using it as my
second tablet so I'm not that used to
knowing every frame of and every
response time of every icon and every
that oh yeah and I got my brother
getting the next 27 by the way
which one is the next I got him with the
nexus 7 I think it's 16 gigs it's the
black one because he's racist we're not
allowed to say that here wow it's it's a
little technology joke I have okay we
got it okay let's move on you just
completely kill the conversation there
chief stay here okay let me drop you the
MVC bomb tell me your predictions for
MVC I think that we will see nothing
from HTC like I think they're just going
to stick to that one their own thing now
because like Samsung's doing it apples
on it for years okay how badly Rangers
or low end phones I mean HTC oh we're
always has at least two or three phones
in their portfolio yeah yeah maybe that
but like I don't like it you're just
you're not gonna see much buzz from HTC
and nwc nanami who's gonna who's gonna
win the show you may fear samsung no MVC
I mean Samsung is gonna be there yeah
probably with a couple of dozen
mid-range phones and the new tablet but
yeah what do you think who's gonna be
the real winner of NW NW c i think i'm
not sure honestly yeah points the thing
is we're not sure either yeah yeah wha
wait you have zetian yes ed you've got a
done a bunch of different manufacturers
but i know this already have a stake
here tony was like taking over to yes I
was mad rush I was there trying to film
some some phones and I literally had
people grabbing the phones out of my
hand while shooting video I'm just like
are you kidding me this is insane yeah I
was liking that dl butt-flap
that was Brandon that was Brandon okay
Joseph thank you very much for dropping
by and please come back next weekend
yeah I'll make sure that could come back
every week have a great weekend you too
my way ok whose turn is it I think it's
utonis yours it is d ok then let's talk
to you I'm gonna screw up your name bruh
oh you're from Japan Oh from something
like a hiatal high 80 ok hi no you're
not I i was seeing you so small in the
thumbnail and I thought that you are
from Japan and from your name where are
you from um I actually am half Japanese
but I'm in yes yes I didn't make a total
fool out of myself just Apple welcome
how is it going that's pretty good are
you guys we are awesome let me know what
you want to talk about uh you guys in
China moving anything that crosses your
mind really well you guys are just
talking about mobile Congress though I
don't really know what else to talking
about really oh we can we can talk about
that meteor that stroke in Russia yeah
we saw that earlier and how nobody was
like a pole or scared or anything or
just like sweet look you know that money
thing it's when I woke up in my morning
it was probably some around midnight
Eastern and I turned on the TV and every
news channel in Europe was was of course
relating on the news and when the u.s.
woke up that you guys got the news in my
Twitter feed like crazy but it is old
news for me well yes I saw the one video
of the yeah it's it's a car video right
and just you know pulls up to a stop
sign or whatever and you just see this
light just mmm is it and then the car
just like huh and then just keeps going
uh-uh no what's vibrating here a hat
don't tell us what what are you using
phones what phones what tablets what
platforms um well I'm gonna nexus 4
right now and next is for men except on
the nightstand and a nexus 10 of course
yeah and then she's got HTC One be with
her 1v that's right that was I thinking
to use that last year's MWC yeah that
was it yeah as it is it the one with the
small chin yeah yeah yeah yeah that's
the one yeah yeah it's actually a really
nice low end phone and it has he a solid
structure it's a great bill aldi when we
were with hi May last year at mwc they
were showing it off but they wouldn't
let us touch it and we went to the
Android booth which I understand that
this year will be missing and there we
could have some really short hand zones
I really like the phone especially that
was an iteration I think wasn't the hero
which had the first Qin uh yeah I think
so yeah let's wanna go into it on ever I
think yes one of its kind so you guys
are Android guys and girls yeah yeah
definitely with if there was if there
wasn't android on this planet what would
be your platform of choice ah loved one
well i had i hadn't i had an iphone
before i moved to android but i don't
think i'm gonna be doing that again so
uh windows done oh no I'm not not too
big on windows phone but I I kind of
like I like the HTC 8x and Lumia 920 a
lot of choice like those and actually
both of them yeah there you and Lady not
blackberry why not blackberry I got dere
very unimpressive even with the z10 I'm
not really impressed is it because of
your day-to-day usage you think you
wouldn't find all the applications you
need or is it they
a thing blackberry's never been
impressive and they don't have a lot of
apps anyway they're just stealing from a
android market mmm yeah poor thing over
let's use that that's okay i say ceiling
to so must be an interesting I like the
I like the blackberry hub feature on the
z10 a lot but that's about all it's got
my eye that's the one thing I miss about
blackberry is universal inbox where I
can get text messages emails and
everything in one little central
location yeah miss that so much okay
then uh unless you guys have anything
else to talk about I'd like to wrap it
up not before welcoming the brig lady
beside you she's the first lady to join
this hangout ever so yeah out to her
yeah thank you very much for joining us
and if you have time next friday will be
here and join us again we'll talk more
yeah but thanks a lot thank you have a
nice one my baby again hey take care you
today okay Adam your turn all right I am
gonna go with Oh see here it's a oh man
uh Gee Gee orgy last name starts with aj
the stats as first I'm gonna take it I
dare to promote that yeah you've been
even if it's it normally you're just
very patient you know it's good you
haven't been waving your arms you've
just been sitting there just like pick
me pick Mother's annoyed love you left
me too all right well there you go so
you've been rewarded what do you wanna
talk about and you you go to the hook
you need to figure it out when sitting
at our quiet that whole time I didn't
think of one thing you wanted to ask us
no no no really okay all right that's
right then tell us where are you from
and what are you using and what's your
platform of choice your apps of choice
we have plenty to talk
okay I'm from Georgia that's why we may
be so complicated it's not talking at
all and I have a historical piece here
look oh my god is that Wow sony ericsson
k850i key hold on kyle is showing 12 oh
it's the same phone is that the same
phone oh my god wow that's all for us
let me switch back to Georgie so now is
that now let me understand that is that
a keyboard that only has like ten keys
on it i don't understand that look thank
you got it oh my god no i don't know i
don't even know what that is it's 90 AD
yet with the team hey letting us
providing time travel thank you very
much I'm here all week all right all
right so okay so you've got that phone
there with the with all ten keys on it
let's say you drop that phone in the
street and it gets run over by a
steamroller now you need to go out and
get a new phone and are you gonna go
smartphone you're gonna go you're gonna
go another ericsson you know another
like a feature phone I want to go home
but not that here okay all right so what
what what do you have available in your
area what's what's what's out what's out
there negative 4 is really available
here come on haha but if you if we
calculate the currency it's like four
times more than the original price or
time I can't live with that but at least
it's available ok I will go talk because
over come on come on come on seriously
you know the slightly related but not
completely related note i saw a story
yesterday about how dobby creative suite
premium god mode is available in
australia for like i want to say it was
like 2,000 or 2,500 dollars more than it
was in america so it actually some
and some one did the math and they
figured out it was actually cheaper to
fly to Los Angeles by the software and
fly home then it would be to buy it on
Australian soil so Adam Levin don't tell
you a little secret yeah is he or not
from a country that needs a visa to
enter the u.s. so I just so maybe what
you could do is you could you could hop
on a plane and fly to you know draw you
can fly to Georgia USA and pick up a
nexus 4 and then head on back and you
know you save some yourself some green
there you go the body that is none of
the side ship into our country we have
to mail it in the US and then they have
to fly lower back here that's how it
works wow that's crazy there's only does
it cost four times as much it takes four
times as long to get it to it probably
does but I don't know why your practical
hi George I have a question because I'm
desperately trying to find somebody
who's in my same and the same shoes with
me do you have all the services
available in the Google Play Store for
my service do you have because I can
only buy apps and that's it no books no
mp3's no videos nothing no content in
the Google Thor yep I can't practically
buy anything on the Google Play Store
bit it always tell me it's not available
in my country on everything even on the
flu you act so so you have a selection
of music for instance or you can
purchase videos or you just have them
listed and you cannot buy them because
they're not available in your country
have them little bit but I can't buy
them so it's the same set finally thank
you somebody who understands me that's
awful that's terrible yeah it is
absolutely i buy so many movies and
things from google play I would and how
much would i use my Nexus Q I have an
excess cute what else would I do with it
Georgie thank you very much for joining
us in the heavyweight weekend ok see ya
bye bye take care
who goes next either i think it's yordan
its Taylor yeah it's me and I'll be the
last one wanna I don't know it depends
may it might be the last call it might
be the one before it I don't know I like
I can't like blind pig can I have no
idea um ET meeny miny moe it or
something what's a coin I'm gonna pick
the one I can pronounce their name and
okay yeah those are bad there was a bad
choice I'm out any of these names I'm
sorry um we're gonna go with the med I
think you've been in here for a while
too haven't you imed yeah one major
assault hello unmute there you go hey
welcome Andy with me here on the first
episode right from Malaysia yes uh yeah
my memory still works yes yeah nice how
Alicia oh it's good nice of this yeah I
was actually thinking about actually
visiting actually i am from Saudi Arabia
but because I said it um I'm sitting in
Malaysia that's why i live now I hmm I
was actually gonna visit Malaysia with a
friend of mine but now you're gonna go
to Saudi Arabia a lark dr malaysia is
very nice that's what I'm really really
very very nice in this well i'm pretty
jealous right down cuz we just had the
nice blizzards that rolled through the
Midwest and then up to the northeast so
I got a ton of snow here if you want
something I could ship it to you use it
Adam FYI bacon by their own snow yes
i watch The Amazing Race I know so
I've you bring in the snow it will be
Mel diet go it's very very hot in Middle
East yeah it's smiled Here I am I hate
it there are no seasons here anymore
it's just mild all year long it used to
be really hot in the summer really cold
the winner and now it's just kind of
straight shot across the board ah ok so
after this short live weather report
what do you want to talk about it's
either each other we talk about what you
want to talk about or we'll talk about
what we want to talk about actually I
will start with a windows phone tablets
or Windows Phone ah sorry when the
windows 8 tablet or Windows 8 laptop I
was thinking is there any laptop that is
very powerful like the old laptops
something like GT GT 70 from MSI or
toshiba cause qosmio something like this
now this is a very tricky question first
of all because all the windows 8 that i
have seen now it's really is something
like a notebook it's it's not that
powerful laptop something like an old
laptop has an nvidia graphic card has 16
wrong there are 16 gigabyte I need
something very powerful I will give you
an answer which will disappoint you we
can talk about laptops is not a problem
but because they are not our scope of
coverage we are not on top of news and a
personal even if not if a tablet darn it
yeah if it has to be windows power then
you have to choose between the surface
pro or the surface RT or any other
tablets running Windows 8 or Windows RT
at the back end if V is specific here
windows 8 pro with this I of T is
nothing okay you said it but okay so out
of the way windows do you have the
surface pro available in your country I
don't think so ah no not yet I samsung
has a couple of offerings running
Windows 8 bro if i recall well they
introduced them at Aoife they even
showed it off at CES then i think a sous
also has some if you guys have any
specific models and mine Taylor or Adam
please feel free to interrupt me yeah
actually I was searching this morning
about this laptop from toshiba I just
posted on the shot
qosmio x8 70 series the transients but
it's very powerful has third generation
processor from Intel also one terabyte
ah invitas you sources what what will
you do with that much power what is it
that you do that needs that much power
do you at videos multimedia rendering
yeah multimedia and during programming
many things like this understood so I
noticed my university is only like this
yeah I stay out of laptop discussions
I'm just I'm just a mobile guy that the
best i can recommend you is an apple
product and it's not because i'm trying
to imply anything it's I was a Windows
user my entire life since my first
computer up until last year when I made
the switch razor edge we hear it from
Gregory thank you very much but I have
made the switch to the apple ecosystem
and I'm finding I am more productive and
I can for instance I was rendering
videos on windows using Sony Vegas Pro
on a six core computer which I built
myself for years ago with two gigs of
video ram and the 32 gigs of ram but it
turns out that on on an imac i can
render the same video in maybe one third
of the time and that means a lot to me
when I'm pressured and I need to have
content out there for instance when I'm
at mwc or Aoife I shoot something I need
to upload as soon as possible yeah
actually I have no problem with a
billboard that but I have to switch the
windows if I want a gaming or other
multimedia so that is true but you can
run windows an apple product yeah okay
one more question is about tablets do
you like if you want to buy a tablet you
will get windows 8 pro or Android or iOS
which one you prefer okay Taylor I'm for
me are
as much as I hate to say it I pad just
because the apps are there there's just
so much more content if I had my choice
if if app for Android had more optimized
applications that would go with it all
day hands down for a tablet but the
applications just aren't there yet
there's just so much I guess lack of
optimization so that's where that's
where the ipad really has I guess an
edge on the rest of the competition in
the tablet market Adam uh it's actually
funny I had a friend of mine asked me
right before Christmas he was looking
for for a tablet you know for his family
and he asked me you know what do you
recommend and I've just say olive and
it's such a question so what ended up
happening was I ended up writing a very
long email just kind of detailing like
here's what this helmet has here's what
that habit has blah blah blah um what a
what a boil down to was I came down to
either an iPad or a nexus 7 mostly
because the nexus 10 at least at the
time wasn't available I don't know if it
is these days or not but I mean it
really depends on what you want to do
with it I'd say the easy answer the
comfortable answer is to go with the
iPad just because it's what it's what
everybody has it's probably the best
supported tablet out there but you know
at the same time you know the Nexus 7 is
a very very awesome tablet it's got you
know the google now is there and you
know there's a lot of apps there i mean
it's just a mat it's just a question of
what you're what you really want to do
with it also the nexus 7 does offer the
app possibility of sideloading flash if
that's important to you so if you've
made me choose of tablet right now
here's what you're going to use at least
for the next year I would go with the
nexus 7 but that's mostly because I hate
everything Apple so it's a it's a it's
it's a completely it's a completely
unjustified bias and I acknowledge that
but there it is I would probably go
nexus 7 myself yeah I kind of want to
add just a hair to mine if you're going
large tablet i would say iphone or an
iOS ipad if you're going on a small
tablet i have ipad mini and the nexus 7
i would actually go Nexus 7 so there is
that I agree with Adam on that if you're
going smaller tablets yes i would go
next 27 if you're going full size 10
inch ipad just for the optimization I've
met do you have your answers how about
your answer ah my answer okay so um I am
an Apple user I'm using the iPad but if
I had the opportunity to have the google
nexus 10 available here i would probably
use the nexus 10 i would also give it a
shot on a short to mid-term to the
surface pro and probably leave my ipad
and the drover for the next six months
so there's there's my answer thank you
with that I think we we ran out of time
Ahmed thank you very much for joining us
and thank you very much everybody for
joining us we apologize if we didn't
manage to get to everybody in time we're
limited to one hour but we are trying to
do our best I know that there are
several people we didn't talk to hope to
see you guys next week thank you very
much again for joining us thank you
taylor Thank You Adam and this was this
was one out live episode 3 and next week
we'll have episode 4 michael fisher and
myself will be in barcelona so you'll
probably see a split screen or so you'll
see michael fisher here beside me or
we'll just use different computers but
we'll definitely be here for episode
number 4 so with that thank you very
much again everybody have a great
weekend and see you next week right now
Thank you Thank
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