Nokia's 5 cameras are all on the same side | #PNWeekly 321
Nokia's 5 cameras are all on the same side | #PNWeekly 321
you know there was a time when the fall
season meant interesting new TV shows
also do you remember when pumpkin spice
lattes weren't so much of a thing but
they're back now how about when the
weather used to turn cold well the only
thing that happens past September first
in our world was the Apple event it is
completely announced it's happening on
September 12 but in terms of other news
we've got looks forward to through the
holidays including five cameras on the
back of a nokia phone a four digits
Snapdragon four bonafide computers and a
fortnight cross-play across Android
devices no thanks to Sony no less oh and
by the way again the new iPhones on its
way all that and more as we settle in
for another show it's the PocketNow
weekly on this day September 7 of 2018
episode number 3 to 1 brought to you by
a pocket now and xda-developers from
smartphones to tablets to wearables and
so much more stuff you've dreamed of
having since you were a kid let's get
talking about all of that stuff I am
your host I'm sorry but hold on for a
second Brendan do you hear what I hear
do you hear what I hear
that's I think is d hear the repetition
going on here no it sounds just fine to
me ok I'm sorry no I think I'm being
dumb here and because I have the live
chat going on I forgot to mute the other
thing so I've been trying I've been
contacting as they hey we're still on so
just wait a few seconds and I was like
oh yeah I forgot to mute so sorry about
that folks
all right well in any case let us know
obviously in the live chat anything that
you want to know across our podcast
today but as far as our podcast is
concerned I'm your host for the weekly
it's Joshua Vergara what's going on
one quick thing I just wanted to talk
about doesn't I'm not gonna go in depth
with it but I finally did it I finally
got a black well this is a deep brown
skin but it is black and yellow now so
that is what I wanted that is always
what I wanted and we're gonna pop it
over to Brandon minimun the king of
Purusha good day sir
hi hey Josh here on the East Coast we
referred to pumpkin spice lattes and
jewels will know this as PSL
oh yeah I believe I mean I refer to PSL
as port st. Lucie and down in Florida
where my why my dear friends lives and
it's it's a fun place actually I I don't
really okay clearly I make my own coffee
and I don't go to Starbucks but I have
been to Starbucks when someone goes up
to the counter and says I'll have a PSL
and I just oh you did get the cringe the
cringe just happens that specific lotin
lisp that goes long there that really
killed unfortunately for jaime de Vetta
who is scheduled to be on today's show
he's having a couple of issues but he'll
probably pop in at some point but after
hi may we have of course our man in the
producers booth
Jules Wong in the oh it says here our
princely producer Jules Wong in the
castle that's because like I had the
whole thing because Jaime Rivera was
supposed to be the true king of queens
and then there's the King of Prussia and
reference to the Philadelphia area and
like I couldn't really come up with
anything except for princely castle
things so like that really fell apart if
he's the if he's the king and I'm like
the host because I don't have a
designation here on the scripts and
would that make me the Jester you're the
jack of all spades man ah there you go
all right we have a lot of news as
always this week and of course we're
gonna talk about the iPhones but that's
gonna be a little bit later let's start
off with the other phone that everyone
is clamoring for right now potentially
the one that has had the most leaks
recently the Google pixel 3 now we
already have a bunch of stories over at talking about how the
pixel 3d and the pixel 3 excel may or
may not have notches or anything like
that but we also have leaks that
occurred because a shipment of phones
was stolen apparently so we got actual
looks into the devices oh there's Jaime
hey there we go but with the pixel 3 in
the pixel 3 Excel there is actually a
youtuber right now who has been just
waxing poetic about the pixel the knotch
and just how much he really dislikes it
and while there is speculation right now
as to whether or not Google is
actually trolling us one thing is for
certain with this particular youtuber
Google contacted him and said we would
like to use a clip of yours for a future
that's a thing so with this in mind we
have the Google pixel 3 coming up right
after well potentially right after the
iPhone 10s if that's what it's going to
be called notches no notches the fact
that Google contacted this YouTube or
how do we all feel about this
development that just occurred all right
so just for more context here we are
talking about this youtuber it's
front-page tech and he has had an
serious rap against the notches every
time as leek pulled up sure enough that
he's been railing against it I mean he
rails against a lot of things and uses a
lot of clickbait anyways so I mean
that's his kind of style nothing against
him but it's like you know why would you
Google choose from your hardware team
choose this little clip that you might
want to use from someone who's clearly
anti notch who's clearly anti pixel 3xl
based on the leaks we've seen and you
know incorporate others who have had a
similar kind of dislike distrust us hate
well actual full-on hate on this design
aspect so yeah it could it be that there
is a no knotch
device that this these devices that
you've been seeing out in the real world
or actually do you think are actually
not the final product or actually not
representative of what the 3xl actually
is or could it be that you're going to
prove a point with that not saying that
just as with the iPhone 10 as with Apple
that there is something useful that you
can do because I don't think that point
has been made really strongly in most of
an Android lands case because for the
most part it's just been not for knotch
stake that the iPhone 10 it has this
premium this thousand-dollar design and
all of these emulations are just too
no no get get that dollar price up that
that dollar sign that really good
prestige II kind of feeling going on
yeah Brandon get a couple I feel you had
a couple thoughts coming in yeah um I
don't think that these phones with the
notch are fake in fact I'm trying to
think back to whether this has ever
happened before where a company puts
fake devices in the field to throw off
people and five iPhone 5 it was it was
almost clear that the design of the
iPhone 6 was going to be the design of
the iPhone 5 and apparently something
delayed them and that's why we ended up
with the design that we had for the 5
and the 5s that's the last time that I
remember something like that
hey everyone how's everything I'm a is
here as Jill said King the King of
Queens but he's back in Queens after
being horribly jet-lagged yet full of
currywurst was so bad there Brendon go
and finish with that record yes so I
mean there have been cases where
companies leak phones on purpose to
generate buzz I mean there's I can
remember a few companies that HTC would
do that a lot for example they would
literally send pictures of a device to a
publisher or an influencer for them to
leak it online to get the conversation
going about that phone well in advance
of its release but besides that and the
Apple thing there haven't been many
cases where where a phone company has
released a fake phone into the field
because that messes up the whole PR
marketing narrative and lets create
certain expectations of the phone so I
don't think that I think there is a
notch and I don't think it's well the
the the fact that Google's Hardware team
is trying to source a clip from this
youtuber can can point to two things for
me and it's the same exact thing just in
two different sides of the coin number
one it's either going to be a clip that
they're going to use in a video package
Google and Samsung do this or they get
influencer slash youtuber clips to
illustrate a point and that point could
be a look
you thought it was gonna be a notch and
you hated it but it's not or you thought
it was gonna be a notch and you're right
take a look a that's gotta be the most
horrible knotch design ever that's got
to be the most horrible chin design ever
where the speakers are not symmetrical
like they are currently with the pixel
to Excel but I think asymmetrical is
something very common lately with the
whole notch design anyways hmm
I feel that it has to serve a purpose I
just have you been following the daily
part of my argument is if I if I bought
a $2,000 pixel to excel it's not because
I bought a phone it's because I know
what I bought and so I just don't
understand how it's been found on the
subway in Canada or it's been left on a
lift and somebody didn't just go
ballistic I mean some hot publication
must have already bought that thing and
made crazy amounts of leaks about it I
mean we've we've seen it for so long
people buying you know these like dummy
phones from iPhones to publish content
on them so why why why is there so
little buzz there is buzz but not as
much as I would expect from a product so
hot I guess well I've been talking with
some of my reporting sources and some of
my colleagues in the industry and
they've been talking about how oh these
leaks this guy that actually offered up
and like he was from Ukraine or
something he was actually offering up
these phones that were in that shipping
container full of pixel three excels you
know to these publications and they kind
of you know passed on that the
publication's passed on that and when
several weeks went by before the next
big kind of leak happened based off of
that shipment so but this would there
has been some they wouldn't this would
make any small publication or small
youtuber so big so that's the reason why
it's like fine the large publications
turned it down because of the iPhone 4
story and how this one got back to his
moto back in the day I get that but then
there are so many I mean I think
you would never be able to get into that
google event anyways
exactly before like achieve
relationships and like that yeah totally
I understand yeah exactly does make
sense um and we've been trying to get
with PR with Google to see if they have
any more room with that October 9 events
in New York
I mean we're gonna be there anyways
because we're just close by so it's like
if we're not gonna congregate there for
like the actual event we're just gonna
be there for fun so I mean no it's your
move Google that's your room
alright well from Google we're gonna
move on to the competitor and a little
bit of talk about Apple but we're gonna
get more a bit later into the iPhone in
particular right now we're talking about
the Apple watch okay so here's the thing
Apple is the usual leader when it comes
to smartwatches and they continue to be
the dominant one with 41% of the market
share but apparently Samsung and fossil
have kind of fallen off and in their
place or competitors like Fitbit with
their versa which we'll talk about in a
second but apparently even though they
have 41 percent of the market share a
lot of users are trying to save a little
bit of money by getting an Apple watch
without water resistance without GPS
without cellular capabilities and in
that case they're springing for these
series one unit after all this is a
pretty expensive watch oh there any
Apple watch users in our panel right now
may know I don't buy that thing oh my
god like the first generation Apple
watch was the worse the it's a composite
and I apologize for the phone I can turn
that off and it's not a landline god
it's the worst because I know it's a
spam call you have been selected for a
new car no I don't because they're all
machines man what conversations do you
have I don't have to the whole AI
conversation that we had this morning
but I like I talked to the real people
in the call centers and we have a nice
conversation well here's the thing so
the first generation Apple watch had a
slimmer screen it had like I have it
right there I wish I wish I could bring
it up like the composite back
everything would scratch up so badly and
then the aluminum because of the 7000
series alloy or whatever that would be
it oxidative a that the watch will not
last you more than a year and let alone
I'm just talking about the exterior oh
my god the the apps don't work like
every time that I that I get people I'm
like literally for a hundred dollars go
for a serious three like if you're gonna
buy an Apple watch like listen for that
amount of money go buy a Garmin Phoenix
or something like that you could
probably get like the glass version for
for a lot less money if you're serious
about fitness the Apple watch series
three would be like the good it's good
enough for fitness but the series one is
not good for anything it barely tells
the time if it didn't hang Oh and it
takes like five minutes to boot it stop
with a list right now and this whole
price disparity thing when it comes to
smartwatches interesting because my
brother is the kind of person who buys
$4,000 he only has two by the way $4,000
watches that are automatic and they're
like really high-end they're timepieces
right and people are wanting to like get
the price of smartwatches down when when
you think about it even a four thousand
dollar timepiece doesn't have the same
amount of stuff that a SmartWatch has so
why are we all griping so much about the
price of a SmartWatch with the
difference that my dad has a 30-year old
Rolex that still ticks whereas what
guarantee do we have just think about
the amount like the two or three people
the two or three celebrities that bought
the $17,000 Apple watch Edition that
gold watch like what do you get for
$17,000 you get a class in college it's
it's just ridiculous like I wouldn't pay
that much amount of money for tech
because of planned obsolescence if there
was a if there was such a thing where
it's like it's $17,000 but then we
guarantee that that Hardware will be
taken care of for 10 years or more
sorry I mean I would totally do it but
not not or they're gonna swap the
internals or give me another golden
iseman two years three years down the
line if anything happens to that thing
but otherwise I wouldn't and let's not
forget that that four or $5,000 Rolex
will actually appreciate in value
exactly where whereas the technology one
depreciates tremendously almost doctor
zero at some point think about the
differences in capabilities between
series 1 and series 3
first of all apps actually load on
series 3 where they don't unserious 1
yeah well uh Brendan I feel like I
interrupted one of your thoughts I
really I just want be sure that you were
able to say before we move on to our
next topic oh the thing I was gonna say
is I actually have a serious one and I
agree with everything Jaime says I'm a
do they still make the sport version of
the Apple watch yeah yeah I got I had
both the stainless steel and the sport
version of serious one and my stainless
steel got destroyed just by wearing it
like yours but the sport version super
interesting because it's really
lightweight compared to this to the
regular it is really lightweight but
again it scratches horribly I mean just
watch my after the buzz video I think
are after the buzz of that series one I
was just so disappointed because I
actually bought the watch it wasn't a
review unit I actually pay for it and I
just so I I have never felt so bad about
throwing away 350 bucks in my no $400 in
my life like ever it's such a bad
investment back in the day it's cheaper
now but it's still bad well I mean if
there's one thing that's clear like you
know props to the industry I mean with
the Apple watch we have a lot more
competition a lot of great smartwatches
have been coming out and even just other
wearables in general I mean the Fitbit
Versa is on the list and I'm not
surprised personally to see that Xiaomi
subsidiary amaze fit show me in general
to be honest is third when you have
people buying up things like this me BAM
3d like crazy right now so I mean the me
man if you've never tried it out I would
highly recommend it but it's the back as
well that too well that's part of the
reason why yeah yeah misses by the way
by the way this is a great sleep tracker
let me just put that out there for a sec
in any case we are going to get into
some processor talk as well as
snapdragon is going to hit the 1000 more
apparently call comms latest SOC has
been benchmarked allegedly over on
Geekbench and it looks like it's getting
some pretty amazing scores and what we
see here is that the device it was
tested on was an android 9 Android Pi
device at 6 gigabytes of RAM and it
scored over 10,000 but there is another
score here that is available if you
scroll down as well on that particular
story I'm talking so that's the
Geekbench of benchmark here and a single
core 3700 and the multi-core score which
is 10,500 and I believe the general
areas that we are dealing with for the
845 are just under 9,000 or something
like that so no Vegeta crushing the
power meter there but this is kind of
this is kind of amazing and there has
been questions as to whether or not this
would be a competitor in Intel or
against Intel with the u series chips
that they have for until Core i5 s i3
Zeiss Evans and what not so this is what
might be termed the Snapdragon 1000
there's also another model there we go
is out the 80 180 which we're not sure
what that would refer to exactly just
yet and this but that one's in a Windows
Home machine that's that yeah well okay
maybe maybe I could be wrong on this
because I'm a geek match could be
measuring Android to Android and Windows
- windows so these numbers could be
differing just a little bit here and
actually not only that like the
architectures got really different like
porn chips are RISC processors I believe
in risk actually stands for something
and a desktop processor is a completely
different ballgame the fact that Windows
10 was emulated to run on a snapdragon
835 and now the 850 which by the way
Thank You Jules for the heads up why
well we were a tea because I was
able to play with the Lenovo 850 variant
but it still is an emulation it's not
really it is Windows but it's not
Windows twist reduced instruction set
computer is
and then you have the full complex
instructions exactly exactly and so it's
it's a an ARM based processor is one
thing and so even if the metrics are
huge even if it's a 7 nanometre chip in
the case of what Huawei is coming up
with and the rumors of the iPhone it is
still an ARM chip it's not a full-blown
you know like the other ones
yeah and you know what I just I just
look at this and I see Snapdragon 1000
you know it I'm more of an existential
type when it comes to tech I I remember
when it was the s4 pro I have to say
like I am just you know I've been using
the note 9 since it since it launched
I'm just I'm so happy with what the 845
has done for this year I think the last
time I was so happy with a you know the
performance of a processor was the
Snapdragon 800 with the Galaxy Note 3
that was such a good processor great
battery life but then every single
processor that came after it lacked
something either battery life or heating
issues with the 810 yadda yadda yadda
and it's just it's not until like the
835 was good but the 845 is so much
better yeah and you just just imagine
what's gonna happen if they keep that
momentum up for a 4-digit Snapdragon
processor I can't even believe that
we're here now yeah 1000 is just gonna
keep going up from there any thoughts on
this new processor Brendan um yeah it's
interesting because the 800 I agree was
a great processor that the 801 was cool
the 810 was a complete disaster because
of the overheating issues but they went
from cool to hot right yeah and then it
went back to cool with the eight 2821
the eight thirty five was fantastic the
eight forty five has been really great
in terms of battery life and performance
so I'm really excited for the 1000 as
long as it's coming into a phone
something by the way Josh I have mighty
nice I'm on coffee this morning is ec4
the rest of you it's the afternoon for
me it's still the morning
all right so moving forward to even more
speculation over a new Nokia device okay
so we have been we have been hearing at
least rumors and we saw a render of a
Nokia brand it found two had five
cameras but now it looks like we
actually got a real picture of one now
that Zeiss logo is telling but it is in
the middle of this pentagonal shape
where you have five cameras a sensor and
a flash wait a cell there's not five
cameras there why does everyone keep
saying that
let's count the lenses there's not five
can't we talk about that one two three
four five and then you have the flash on
the left of the Zeiss and then though to
the right of the Zeiss is some sort of
sensor it might be the laser autofocus
probably oh the one on the right isn't a
lens okay there are four there there
must be a Photoshop issue as well I mean
look at this thing go like like it does
look a little and you know you never
know perhaps there's a dual camera there
so this is why I think happening here
you have two cameras above and below the
Zeiss logo and then you have the two on
the side and someone just copied and
pasted more underneath it's so weird it
looks like it looks like acne honestly
on like it's so I mean how many we've
had this conversation a number of times
already how many cameras is too much and
like did this configuration doesn't even
quite make sense to me like in general
to begin with
speaking of camera mount I am waiting
for a package and that package might
arrive during the podcast so maybe we
will have a live unboxing okay awesome
because it has to be here in 20 minutes
and it's a phone with a lot of cameras
let's take a look at this like okay what
would all these lenses even before like
according to this article according to
our article I should say there will
apparently be one for telephoto one for
black and white color and then blur in
addition to multi lens pixel synthesis
capabilities it's just like there's so
many things each one's mochila and pixel
synthesis that sounded so scientific I'm
well here view is now under the hmd
umbrella so something's gonna happen
with the new camera whether or not it's
a bunch of lenses of true nose but some
things happen here's the thing
I think Nokia I love the way Nicole
Scott pointed it out in the podcast that
we did with Miriam recently where I
haven't seen her in forever
I haven't seen Miriam and forever but
I'm actually gonna be in her podcast
soon that's gonna be great but but in
the case of it's just nokia has like
completely revitalized with the whole
age of the approach beautiful design
Android one no complications they're
focusing on beautiful hardware and now
that they have the patents to bring back
great photography this is literally all
that Nokia was missing to start making a
dent and so I'm really looking forward
to what they come up with I like I don't
really care I feel that Nokia deserves
more exposure here in the United States
and I'm one of those people that I'm
like you know I already talked to their
PR like whenever you guys have stuff for
the US you guys let me know starting
with that banana phone if you can't send
me the banana phone version again I'm
not willing to test anything else that
you have the banana phone begins because
my favorite movie of all time is the
matrix and I spent years wanting to
afford that banana phone that I couldn't
buy back in the day because I was broke
AF well we'll see what Nokia's coming
down the pipe and like it is if it is a
Penta lens I can't believe I'm saying
that word Penta lens why would we even
oh my goodness in any case it's the
summon the pure view devil from I just I
just think that from an engineering
perspective it's probably not possible
if you want to fit things like a battery
unless that phone is like really thick
because of all those sensors being
matched up plus you know it's just not
gonna be a small phone oh no this could
be five use three five lenses with a
1000 million power back if you think
with two seasons they don't need like a
battery like you know you remember the G
the LG g5 which has magic yeah
I still have that magic slaw what do you
mean yuck that phone was not that ugly
remember the build quality issues there
was like a seemed like oh that phone
introduced the white angle that's all
that mattered exactly and and bear in
mind for those of you you weren't at the
briefing but I was in Josh and I were in
like the very early briefing in
Barcelona and the prototypes that they
had there were not sharp in the corners
like they were well built and they had
issues with like the final manufacturing
of the phone but not the prototypes the
prototypes worked great mm-hmm yeah yeah
all right so maybe one of the carriers
that a Penta lensed Nokia would appear
on in the US would be Sprint but if
that's not enough I mean we could all
dream we can all you know imagine this
fanciful landscape full of phones that
every single carrier in the world can
have but you know what you know what
that I came here expecting a serious
conversation and I get you guys like
really I was I was going to ask like
halfway into this story does anyone here
even user like sprint I got my answer
I have sprints and I have this plan well
my problem with sprint is not their
service my sister uses friends and she's
happy with them my problem and they've
got like good deals like I their iPhone
forever planner their galaxy forever
plan where you can get a new phone every
year and stuff though that's great my
problem is just having to slip us you
know I live in a you know I my day job
is testing phones and I can't have a
phone that's stuck on one carrier oh
yeah that's my issue too you know so
that's project rhizomes that's my
biggest problem but other than that
whenever I'm on five for example I've
noticed that most of the time here in
New York I'm connected to Sprint and
it's fine well I mean maybe being locked
to one carrier is one day
true but Sprint is trying their best to
make it as the trend incentivizes crazy
but what they're adding in on top of
their unlimited talk text and full speed
data take that for what you will you
will also get a free title Premium
Membership a free Hulu limited
commercial subscription and even an
Amazon Prime subscription now now I will
say this being a prime member yes that
is it's such a pretentious by putting
about being a prime member I looked up
because I remember Prime going up in
price and I was very sad about it I said
I don't care it is still just to give
you an idea I broke my gorilla pod right
now and on the trip to on the trip to
Berlin and so Brandon has an extra
gorilla pod I know and I was like shoot
if you wanted to overnight a package
this big it would be 60 70 bucks if not
more just to overnight this which is the
price of the gorilla pod and it just it
was just three dollars to get it here
the next day and in in in the near in
not-too-distant future you'll be able to
get it within 30 minutes with a drone
can you imagine that oh my god yeah the
throne as well but yeah out of the air
like this mine well the Amazon Prime
membership every year is I think it's
$60 but every month it's $12.99 so every
year is 120 what did I see 59 maybe
that's the student 1 maybe that's Amazon
students do know I need a student I'm
gonna call my son for him to give me a
suit like when you put all of the cost
together I mean a $90 Sprint's monthly
with all of these services in it like is
this I use Hulu I use Amazon Prime I've
never used title before but I could like
what is this enough to like get people
in the door 50 gigabytes of LTE data for
a hotspot like I rely on that okay
that's like like for me the deal is
sweet and if you think about it the
thing about Amazon Prime is it's not
just one person you can have two people
on the same crime account so you know
that's when it starts stacking up if you
do the math yeah you go to Whole Foods
you save 20 percent or something and
then you got like Amazon knows
yes--you're yeah hang it right to area
wait I need to start doing whole foods I
totally forgot about that yeah ma'am
it's hard to remember because you have
to go into like the cart or something in
the Amazon happened then there's the
code yeah those benefits like I'm
seriously just you know talking about a
competitor I was not really much of a
fan of t-mobile until I did this video
of the of the note 9 versus the iPhone
10 and data speeds and I just realized
how good t-mobile has become has become
ban mine I'm using that phrase but it's
just one of those things where you fly
on Delta for example in of the you're a
t-mobile customer you get unlimited yeah
the Go Go Go Go I'm like you know it's
those kinds of things that make me wanna
I wouldn't bring in AT&T SIM card close
to a plane anymore because of things
like that so these are how to used to
have they used to have I think free 10
gigs of data if you bought at at use the
tablet through that was amazing
exactly and so you know for me it's it's
oh and then you get unlimited roaming
which is which is on it's it's terrible
because of the speed but you don't care
at least it could serve for messaging
and so and they just start getting LTE
roaming passes anyway so like we're
forgetting about t-mobile Tuesday's and
the whole thing with that like they give
up free you know I just started I think
they want everybody to forget about that
because I haven't heard again to be fair
they've been doing it every week and the
start of it was pretty you know chaotic
and they weren't able to serve everyone
because of the overwhelming demand but
they've since you know have you fallen
into a rhythm everything's more normal
let me download it I totally forgotten
I'm not an on dudas I just love it or II
about sprint turned into a t-mobile of
first lol potentially but I mean there's
a lot more to love than AT&T or Verizon
individually so a well speaking of
things that we're not really big fans of
the big speed and so much shade in this
oh boy this is hilarious
okay in any case was there is in the
actual debt like like like Dadis of all
because like he he's the late you see
the oldest or late who's the oldest of
this group oh don't bring this
conversation or responding about I have
a I have made many bones about the
Bigsby button not because I actually am
that big not not because I'm that much
of a hater of Bigsby like I see words
usages are she's I don't use it that's
the number one thing but the big speed
button should have been there should
have been an option for it to be like
the active key from the active line
because you're able to program that as a
shortcut well apparently the Bigsby
button itself might be getting an update
and that update might eliminate the big
speak so there was a user out in Germany
that was that went on like a Twitter
rants and in God and was basically
saying I'm so sick of accidentally
hitting this button and please samsung
de because that's for Germany please do
something about this
I just don't think remap it or
deactivate it please do something and as
it turns out samsung Deutschland said we
are working on it deactivation of the
Bigsby button on the lock screen unlock
screen take that take that for a grain
of salt on lock screen should return
until end of September so big speed
button how about like we're three three
out of the four people on this panel use
the note 9 how many times a day do you
hit that button 5 and it's and it's
every time that I would like if I'm
pulling the phone out of my pocket or
oh I've gotten used to pulling the phone
out like this rather than on the sides
because yeah well yeah the only time
that I've had a real problem with the
Big C button is the only time I get
annoyed by it is I'm trying to lower the
volume again like that yeah it gets you
it gets super awkward because like I'm
like sometimes when I play youtube video
I maxed out the volume because I like
I'm listening
- Weezer cover Africa for the 50th time
but then but then I go when I go then I
go to play another video and I'm like
I'm like I'm like laying in bed am I
like why fell asleep and I go to play a
video and it's so loud and I try to
press volume down to like save her from
waking up and me having to sleep on the
couch that night but instead I hit the
pictures already have like this dent
pretty much a daily occurrence you know
no well so my problem with Bixby really
is it's not just that it's optional like
I did a video on Bixby I think last year
with the no date look at this thing damn
it there were a ton of things that I
liked about Bixby by the way I'm
currently almost done editing our review
of the note 9 which is gonna go live
hopefully tonight and my argument and
the review really is what happened it
was actually not a bad service and
lately it's gotten really bad like
really really bad like it can't even
respond to you naturally anymore
it never gets things right and in the
past what I liked about Bixby was you
can enable Bixby labs and so it actually
learned things or you can program
commands but lately it's become I both
sluggish mechanical and like if I tell
it set by screens did not turn I didn't
have to say specific commands for it to
understand like screen time out I would
just don't let my screen turn off in 10
minutes something like that and it would
do that now it doesn't do that now you
have to say a specific command or your
EFT do you think that Bixby hasn't
gotten better quickly enough or are you
just comparing it to like Google
assistant I'm comparing it the like I
actually use this thing like I actually
liked waking up in the morning and being
like hey whatever good morning and so
with the good morning command it would
automatically you know give me the
weather it would give me the news it
would give me a ton of stuff that I
cared about you know early in the
morning or good night it would set my
alarms I would love those kinds of
commands I actively used it and it's
gotten worse yeah III found that like
all other assistants actually have that
kind of feature the morning briefing
automation for me is great
it's though it's the like if you're
trying to get into a good mindset in the
morning for me the using the hey
whatever good morning is actually the
worst thing because I'm so bad at
calendaring that every morning I get you
have no appointments today which is a
complete lie this is my fault I'll serve
is my fault okay so before we get into
our mid show break just a little bit of
news for the gamers out there for
tonight I mean for most people that's
all I have to say and everyone gets
excited for tonight on Android
apparently is getting even better not
only is it becoming out or rather
supporting new devices it also is
getting a few new options
one quick feature that much that many
many people really want it is the much
needed voice chat function so you can
yell at the people that you're killing
in about very vitriolic ways but of
course but of course Sony's still not
allowing people on ps4 to cross play
with gamers on other consoles or other
platforms but Xperia players are mixing
in with iOS and Android cohorts so
that's great but you know sony sony is
kind of in their walled garden still but
it's the one kind of cross play that
sony can't stop I just wanted to make
that point that's all that's all yeah
yeah there you go
but in any case for any of you fortnight
players out there it is getting better
if you have a device that it was not
supported on already I'm not gonna go
through all of them but your your device
might be supported by now so all of the
Xperia devices are actually getting it
from the X is e to the X es xz1 and X e
to potentially the X e3 which was just
announced at Aoife which I'm a was able
to take a look at yeah so we have we
have for tonight getting its much-needed
updates that exceed that eggs e3 is so
cool it's it's so hard to say their
names half the time but I actually like
that phone like that sure you want to go
and record saying that I'm not gonna do
like you can watch my review of the egg
z2 and I'm like it's a nice phone but
like it looks obsolete and not the case
here like it looks it looks like a pixel
to excel from the front it looks like an
experienced e2 from the back I like it
that's just an ear well until you look
at you became Tony what
do you mean I would have to change this
photo by the way like Tony and I know
Tony has far better English than that
but it's funny because every time we're
together we talk to each other in
Russian accents so his fake is loving me
and I forget well you know wait since we
don't we actually don't have a mid role
for this episode we don't have a mid
break with an ad reader and whatnot so
why don't we just jump right into a
couple of check-ins real quick
I made some thoughts from Aoife some hot
takes from what is I'm never gonna be
able to say what Aoife stands for but
some hot takes from Berlin International
funk international folk a sterling do it
you do it Jules international phone call
sterling Berlin thank you very much
mentor Michael Fisher God out of all out
of all people know it was great to hang
out with Fischer was great to hang out
with the group kind of difficult because
obviously I was there alone most of the
time I miss you Jules like seriously
like well I mean like did you get at
least take a few pictures up on the
fence at home the furniture I did but
there it was all at night because I had
a video to edit so I had to be but okay
so things that I liked about Eva it
actually did a little more for mobile
than previous shows I like that
blackberry used it as the show I like
that honor had something I like that you
know Sony also did something like I felt
that something like I felt that you know
that Samsung wasn't really missing I
wish that it was a crazy year relatively
speaking for an ephah mobile kind of
thing like nine phones in the first like
the we had a day - one in addition to
add a zero at that show it was weird and
then LG came up with mid rangers for me
honestly I think the highlights were the
axon 9 Pro oh yeah as baby because
fun fact I had actually seen a very
early prototype of that phone and I was
like what does it have to look like an
iPhone so these things
if you can move that away and you can
focus on the fact that we get another
phone with more refresh rate on the
screen that the the OLED is actually
really good I feel that like I can't
wait to think of it a try I've you move
away from those things you've also got
the dual drivers on the audio so that's
great but for me honestly like the
coolest thing about ofoh was that Nubia
alpha like like brandon reached outs of
it he's like dude go look for this thing
and I'm like what what are you talking
about he's like this was just announced
and this and this and that
and I'm like but I just met with ztm so
I totally forgot that Nubia detached
from ZTE operationally like four years
ago and so mutti still owns a little bit
of it but mint but the company is
separate so I went to their booth I wish
I could've touched it I know that it's
not gonna work I know that it's gonna
suck but if they are but if they're bold
enough to launch that thing I'm willing
to give it a try and just prove how much
it sucks while I still use it yeah there
you go
and and it's still a concept that I
would love to see happen cuz I remember
way back in the day I did I did a thing
on the lobe and and that was an ePaper
bracelet which to me it seemed like a
perfect idea I mean I was a pebble user
so of course I loved eating candy paper
but so I mean I would love to see like
this full wraparound concept happen
where the most of it is a screen yeah I
don't want to remember at Neptune that
had like also had a camera I was like he
responded line the pine that was trying
to be the you know the full functioning
smartphone on a watch but it would
retain that traditional watch form
factor and didn't really well well it
was supposed to like transform into
different form factors or something like
so I feel that there were a lot of cool
things that you know probably don't fall
in our scope but they were so cool like
that project throw knows from Acer
that was like a really cool product the
project throws like that laptop with two
screens from a sous it's funny because
when I looked at it I was like but then
you know I actually started playing with
it and the whole concept this is not
that stupid it's actually it is if I'm
if I'm gonna have this
like huge trackpad like I do on this
MacBook Pro might as well add some
functionality you know yeah exactly
Brendan had some thoughts about watches
now that we're talking about what we saw
it Aoife in terms of the newbie alpha at
least but what did you want to talk
about when it came to watches yeah so I
have a very complicated relationship
with watches and I want to hear what you
guys have to say about it
I'm not sure about Jules's history with
smartwatches but I know Josh and I may
have used many and used them on a
regular basis so back in the day I was
so excited when I I used smartwatches
from the very beginning because it just
made so much sense like why should I
have to pull my phone out of my pocket
to action on a notification to read a
message so SmartWatch was perfect and
then they brought dictation and
scribbled to smartwatches so that it
just became easier and easier to do text
input and so it was great because like I
left my phone in my pocket most of the
time and phones were getting bigger at
that time and I just wore a wristwatch
and the and the watches got longer with
battery life so you would charge one
time at night and it would take you
through the whole day but then something
changed I'm curious if you guys had a
similar experience I got slack and then
I got hangouts then I got WeChat and
then I had I started to have to use
facebook Messenger boy Josh requires
facebook Messenger to talk to him and
then I got inbox and you know I was I
was just doing something driving or
playing with my kids and buzzbuzz
buzzbuzz buzzbuzz and it and then I
thought like this is becoming a very
push style situation where everything
from from my phone's going to my watch
where as I want it to be more of like a
pull relationship where it's like okay I
want to see if hai Mei has messaged me
I'm gonna go on slack and see what he's
saying when I'm ready to do that and so
I haven't worn a SmartWatch in a very
long time I used to wear a pebble
because that was probably the least
intrusive watch I like that one the
original was so good and they're so good
see in the time steel or whatever they
move it yeah yeah one of the few people
who have the - I actually have the
pebble time it is yeah the time the
Rhett I would read one I have the
so what kind of relationship do you guys
have with your SmartWatch oh I'll give
it I'll give a quick answer okay so I
have the me been three here okay and one
of the reasons why I even moved from the
pebble to the me BAM three is because
the tools for the me band are really
robust there's one particular feature
that I love the most about it there's
there's a certain setting in that app
called me ban tools where you can set
notifications to come in it'll vibrate
based upon parameters that you give it
and that parameter is one simple word
ISA my girlfriend so the only time this
goes off is when I get a message from my
girlfriend that's at that level of
customization is exactly what I want out
of a SmartWatch where I can use it not
as a place for me to do things with
notifications but as the filter for it
so yeah if it goes off that means I get
the phone in that respond now the the
thread of the different notifications
that it should vibrate for has kind of
grown over the years it starts with ISA
and then after that it's like you know
mom dad you know I think I put a couple
of you guys on there at some point but
you know I'm making it I'm making it
when I started here I definitely put
high me and brand in there because I was
like we can you talk about the podcast
and like it but in any case yeah I can
change that thread anytime I want to
only be notifications that I want
how about huge bills cuz I'm gonna
hijack it after that oh yeah well no I
was just gonna say that I used the LGG
watch our for time and it's still over
here at the contacts yeah yeah
heavy-duty watch I recently the most
recent watch that I had after a long
hiatus off because again those charging
pins decayed was the LG watch sports
the latest one out there I originally
sent it along with an LG g6 - Adam diode
for his birthday and got the watch back
because you know he wasn't using it and
there was a reason why he wasn't using
it and I could see why Android wear 2.0
was shall we say crap it's oh yeah
I do want to know yeah go ahead and have
to announce something first up go for it
Jules so someone is actually in our
super chat on YouTube gave a generous a
little little portion and it's Peter
hatin longtime friend of the show who
had a couple of questions about phones
so sorry to take it away here do you
think that any of the flagships we saw
this year could actually compete in the
market as interested as we are in them
so any of the more obscure types they
are not Samsung or Apple or do we even
have some confidence that the novelty
phones will even work out no for one for
one simple reason
you are using the Polka phone right now
Jules if I'm not mistaken and the
biggest problem with that phone which
could sell like crazy is that it's
not only the band's to be used in the US
but it's also not even available in the
US availability is the biggest is
everything yes yes yes that's that's the
problem there are some really cool
phones in China that technically work
here but they don't work here as they
should officially they're not yeah work
it's hard for me to review the polka
phone because I can't even use it on LTE
so yeah I mean if anyone's wondering
where those were that coverage is that's
the reason why but but anyways going
back to the topic of smartwatches so
here's the thing Brandon I I have been a
SmartWatch user since the first
generation pebble it back in the day I
was like really into fitness and so I
had to use this like chest strap in
order to be able to calculate my amount
of calorie burn and so for me to move
from that to a SmartWatch was great it
was great the problem is that they you
know smartwatches aren't great there is
only one SmartWatch that I would say
gets it right gets most of the essential
things of a watch right except looks and
it's the Apple watch series it's the
ugliest we're SmartWatch you could ever
buy from a visual perspective but it's
the most useful it's so one thing that I
about the concept of the Apple watches
you can you can put on a bet you know
rubber bands on it go for a run and it's
it's got a great GPS I think the GPS is
ask accurate as the phone it's that good
the antenna it's really good
it's uh it's it does great power
management management when you're
training you can actually run a full
marathon and you'll be you'll be fine
and then things like in the in the case
of fitness like it was the only one that
had its own built-in services so the
biggest problem is like in the case of
Android wear let's move over to Android
wait why does Android wear suck first of
all the operating system is just
terrible the notification services are
terrible and then when it comes to
fitness like google fit is the worse
there it's just the worst like it's it's
got this mode for like situps I'm like
I'm not gonna spend 30 minutes doing
situps you moron but I think you need a
six-pack I want want modes like weight
training and the cycling and I don't
want a push-up mode why doesn't me just
why do you guys even train do you even
lift go go then then when it comes to
Samsung and and so here's here's
probably the most important segue of why
smartwatches suck the problem is like
Google does something really good which
is like like voice like walking
navigation if you or and the Apple watch
also does really good with that but the
problem with like the galaxy's the gear
watch is the galaxy watch for me these
are the better-looking ones these are
the better material ones but like it's
always this walled garden of it has to
talk to Tizen or it has to talk to
Google or it has to talk to the Apple
watch and here's the thing like
companies like Apple for example or
Samsung will not give you the same
experience if there aren't apps written
for it so you'll get notifications like
cropped up but like if you want to
interact with whatsapp on the Apple
forget it it's it just doesn't work it
has some functionality but it's really
about it's it's like if they try to
force companies to create apps for the
and know this is why I love the original
pebble because nobody had to create
anything for it it just works it's not
like they're trying to get companies to
make watch apps they are wanting company
exactly exactly exactly but it you know
for me I think that the I think the
companies are going in the right
direction when it comes to fitness in
the fact that fine let's let's stop
trying to reinvent the watch if we're
not gonna make a Rolex here let's try to
make it a really good fitness machine
but then like third-party apps get it
wrong with the exception of Nike on the
Apple watch and so we're going through
this period where we this is like the
fourth generation fifth generation of
that of the SmartWatch and companies are
still experimenting with so many things
it's really hard for me to sit down and
recommend them that's the problem yeah
like I'm very clear to everybody you
don't need a SmartWatch you don't it
would be really cool if you got one
because I like for example having one
watch served me for sleep tracking
having that same watch just swap the
bends use that watch as an elegant watch
and then swap the band's again and use
it for training but have it be just one
watch in in the current state of Android
wear forget it like wear OS forget it
that is not the watch for you the gap
the galaxy watches is closed it's just
there there a lot of things in the in
there software just not the best for me
honestly that's one is still the Apple
watch and I hate to say that but each
other look at if you don't work it's you
got to look at these watches from an
ad-hoc perspective because that's
exactly why I stick with the pebble and
the me bands for one particular reason
the strongest vibration motor because
this is what wakes me up in the morning
that's all I care about
have you ever used an Apple watch no of
course not the problem here's the thing
about it it's not even a vibration motor
it's that taptic engine it's like if
it's touching your skin and nothing
here's the vibration oh cool like so
here's the thing everybody can hear this
watch vibrate if I'm using a stainless
steel band the galaxy watch but if I'm
using the Apple watch it doesn't matter
what band I used nobody can hear it and
remove it and the moment that it starts
vibrating in the morning like it's so
good like it it's just oh good like the
stupid elemental things are gotten right
Apple I hate that you told me that
because I never knew that about the
Apple coolest tap it's the coolest
engine ever and I'm telling you I could
use any where OS watch and I have them
all I can use any of the galaxy watches
and I have them all and I will still
drift back to the Apple watch it's funny
because people are like wait a second
are you reviewing an Android phone and
you're using an Apple watch I'm like yes
if I'm at the gym I will go back to my
Apple watch Saturday Big Apple is on the
YouTube chat so tell us how you really
feel about smart watches I feel that I
want I would love for another company to
get them right and one of the other one
of the other users said rip wearables
wearables I wish that Samsung got it
right because for me Samson does the
best design by well I just wish they had
got the software better and the rotating
bezel is so good yes but see I see this
is one thing that I loved about Michael
Fisher's review of the first generation
Apple watch when he was still with us
where he was like okay this makes no
sense like why is it that I have to use
the road.the the rotating crown on the
Apple watch but then I have to interact
with the screen why can't I use the
rotating crown and just press the button
whereas this button search for me to use
Siri which I'll never use or to or to
launch an app launcher which I will
never care about like it makes all the
sense in the world like in the case of
the rotating crown I hate the fact that
I have to rotate and then touch the
screen and the worst part about these
watches is because of their power
management being so bad you have to use
even if there's an always-on screen you
can't really use it because it'll kill
your battery quicker and so you you're
walking around with this like switched
off really smudged out watch that looks
terrible and I hate that I think that we
have very many unresolved issues from
this discussion so what I think they
should do what we should do is wait
until next week because we have actually
a special video podcasts lined up for
you next Friday
oh yeah yeah with the Qualcomm events
that's happening on September 10th
you Joshua and Jaime are gonna be there
along with a couple of other guests
Danny wing it and believe in Devon is
that right or no way oh no John Velasco
actually John I made John Velasco and
any wing it that's who I am that's what
we have scheduled at least well yeah
this is one of those awesome
opportunities where I as JV and then
Jaime as Jaime and PocketNow are going
to an event together and you know so of
two different entities in a way kind of
going but it's gonna be so cool because
the last time there was a new processor
for smartwatches with what was what two
years ago almost three years ago so I'm
really looking forward to see what we
get here yeah for sure
waiting for 42 seconds more like 14
seconds yeah 42 split the difference 28
all right you were saying that the
battery life on where devices is bad
with you have always on display on right
yeah I found the secret to fixing that a
long time ago you can keep always keep
no no no keep it on but turn off tilt to
wake yes yes so I always on display on
took to wake off I tried that Brandon so
we go back to we go back to the most
elemental basic thing when I do this I
want to see the damn time well you have
always on display turned on so you see
but it doesn't really like like or if I
get a notification I just I feel that
companies should work harder and getting
that right and that's another that's
another one of my gripes with Android
wear and with one or less and this
galaxy watch there's only one company
that gets that tilt awake right you know
which one it is
Apple Apple I see these these are the
stupid things that I hate to say but
it's just it just is the thing I have to
give them props for getting the stupid
things right which are the reasons why
people either love a product or hate it
I hate like this morning I was cycling I
was training and I kept trying to see
how much my calorie burn was because I
always said like a goal of burning more
calories than the amount of time that
I'm training dude I kept doing this on
the watch and I kept getting
notifications and it just yanked me out
of the app and so I got like really like
common sense man I feel like we could we
and the podcast right now and that would
be a great place to do it but we do have
one more big topic to talk about
speaking of Apple we'll just skip right
over well that's right ask max plus
names it's gonna be out $700 $900 $1,000
maxi-pad oh well that's the thing that I
want to know that's a different day
that's twelve point nine inches Oh God
okay okay we have hopefully Apple will
continue that momentum and get Hymie
still saying I hate that Apple did it
right with the watch but we're gonna see
how they do with the phones and I do
okay plug for fur from my video on
pocket now about the rumors about the
iPhone so okay so clearly Hymie covers
all of those stories on the daily so
it's not like I'm trying to jack the
daily or anything like that I'm just I'm
very it was a great compilation then oh
thank you I'm just I just want to be
able to recap the leaks and the rumors
that have come out maybe like a week
before it so I am going to do one on the
pixel three as well all right but this
is the thing uh I'm not the kind of
person who likes leaks and rumors like I
tweeted out about I had tweeted out the
video and said hey everyone it's a new
world and talking about leaks and rumors
and we've we've mentioned him a few
times Fisher like responded said I can't
I can't fave this I can't I can't hit
heart on this tweet because I hate leaks
and I'm like I agree with you but you
know what like I wanted to have a
constant show on PocketNow and this is
gonna be what it is like I'm embracing
it I'm embracing it and here's the thing
I mean if you think about it this is the
way Apple retains the spotlight for the
rest of the year it's called leaks and
rumors the iPhone excess is gonna launch
and there's a fire truck coming sorry
about that the iPhone Xpress is gonna
come out it's New York jewels put up
that photo he made it oh and guess
what's gonna happen the moment the
iPhone whatever launches we're gonna
start hearing rumors of the next iPhone
yeah there that's this is the way the
industry worked it's hilarious but the
best-selling iPhone for Apple for the
longest time was the iPhone 4 and it was
because it was the most heavily leaked
and I think that Cupertino realized that
leaks aren't necessarily bad
yeah well that event is coming up on the
12th okay that's time I can't believe
that yeah and unfortunately for whatever
we might have planned I'm not gonna be
there I'm actually I did not know that
the 12th was going to be the day for it
so I'm actually off to a family vacation
that has been planned for months this is
the thing like just just a small behind
the curtain Brant that I've always had
in this industry no matter who I've
worked with I always hate that the
invitations for things happen all right
right after the the price for flights go
up you know it's like they know this
it's like they know to do that and then
you know whereas I could have bought a
ticket to New York for $1.99 off now
it's like $400 no it places it pisses me
off because usually it's just ten days
at most flight it's not just the ticket
prices but also like we have other plans
like I don't know how you know you know
single youtubers do it because it's one
of the main reasons why I'm just so
happy you know Josh that you join them
and then we continue working on adding
more people to the team because it's
very difficult for just one person to
cover all mobile technology and
everybody wants to steal the spotlight
from the others so I just recently got
an invite that I can't talk about yet
but that invite is happening pretty much
at the same time that I had already
committed for something else and so what
do you do like those plane tickets are
already bought and stuff like that and
so what do you do you have to pick and I
had already picked and so you know I and
they were like oh so I wish you could
make it and I'm like I wish I could make
it too guys I mean you guys should talk
to each other it's like they three a
FIFA you know this Josh where every
company wants to make their events on
the same effing day then all of them
want to make their parties at the same
time yeah very separate venues and
Berlin is huge and it's like COD
companies just come together
stop trying to compete with yourselves
because that launch time yes it's
relevant but come on yeah help us out
here for just like we really want to do
our jobs and cover you guys but if you
guys all pick the same time it's like
really or or or pick like so you know in
these cases like Fernando Levin I'm sure
there are no plane
tickets anymore yeah that's true it's
getting pretty tough there have been
occasions where and I think it was for
the original pixel where a company
actually changes the date of their
announcement because of another
company's announcement I think the
original pixel announcement was going to
be in September a few years ago but then
the Apple announcement was it was going
to be in September - so they pushed it
back to October and then that kind of
stuck now we see the pixels in October
usually yeah okay so back to our story
there's really one like we've we've
looked at all the leaks we've looked at
all the rumors already personally I
don't really care like I would prefer to
be more surprised at the event or during
the live stream but I'm okay with
looking at them now because they are
interesting so you know I'm not that
salty about it but when I am selling I
look too hard otherwise you'll get
sucked in yeah never be able to get back
but you know what I am salty about is
why why max why I this is just I've
never liked the word max as part of a
phone name you know you don't enjoy the
HTC One max no it wasn't didn't ZTE make
like the grand X max plus or something
remember I'm pretty sure that was the
phone like that was the name that was
the name for it yeah but max why is it
Max Plus was fine yeah it wasn't even
plus it was the plus symbol so the word
mercy Max is short for maximum which I
phone 10 maximum this doesn't like Mac
what what is maximum about it I don't
anything it's gonna be max I mean I I
gotta go more for the rumors of iPhone
10s iPhone 10s or iPhone 10 iPhone
tennis and the iPhone 4 the other one I
mean they already did it with the iPad
where they removed all monikers they did
it with the MacBook it just called the
netbook yeah you know so I feel that the
it's you know names just get really
stupid and people just lose the whole
concept so it's just you know yeah but
how about this other leak here that may
or may not be true and you know
I'm gonna I'm gonna just say on the
record here I don't think it's true
because I've been to China in the weeks
leading up to an iPhone release there
are always mock-ups and there are always
like plastic dummy phones that look like
this so I should say the story title on
this one is little off because this is a
single camera the 6.1 inch version of
the iPhone that's coming out this year
it's gonna be the most affordable and
many analysts including vinci quo have
said that it will come in multiple
colors so i wouldn't be shocked that
this $700 iphone as opposed to the 900
1000 would be getting multiple colors
we're sitting seeing a couple of those
right now with the whether they burgundy
and blue like that blue personally
that's a case i would get for a black or
white phone it's also Apple you're too
late you're two months too late to
freaking Independence Day so darn it and
I totally not notice that I just I
wonder what these people at Apple like
the pricing people are like you know
we're making a phone that's more
affordable like really like $300 less
that's nothing like but anyways I think
that if okay if the one thing that's
gonna pull me out of it because like
I've only really watched one or two
Apple announcements for new iPhones and
whatnot and I'll always remember one of
my most retweeted and liked tweets was
that comment that the Apple watched the
series one that was like $17,000 I was
like that gets you three units and
university like this is ridiculous this
watch cost more than an education at
this point and I remember saying that
and then it got retweeted a bunch and
there was one of the most viral things
I've ever said on Twitter but the for
this announcement if the word max does
come out I'm out like I guess I cannot
stand that but as far as these phones go
like my question here is why would a
phone that is potentially gonna be
called the iPhone 10 have only one
camera isn't two cameras like the
standard yeah but remember that the more
affordable one is gonna mimic the iPhone
eight for example like a smaller that's
the whole purpose of it so they can't
all be called iPhone 10 then is what I'm
thinking yeah there's gonna be AI 4 so
the rumor has
then iPhone 2018 would be the base model
and then the two others will be iPhone
10s or as I'd like to call them if you
like if you end up cutting yourself with
one of them and you you hope that you
don't get any infection the iPhone
tetanus what hey that's that's
interesting one of our that was a good
that was a good shot one of our lives
that commenter said the iphone air and
you know what at this point why not well
i am as far as my plug goes for my video
i am going to do my follow-up pretty
soon just sort of recounting what you
users wanted out of the iphone your wish
list i should say so we're having direct
conversations with you guys that's
that's the one thing i wanted to get in
on because jaime does a great job on the
daily recap but let's see here sorry
keep going I'll tell you later yeah
I made just got really excited something
that's really exciting
you can't all right well we're gonna
we're we're going to end this with one
fun story even though we've had way too
much fun on this podcast we're talking
about University credits huh you know
speaking of university apparently over
in university campuses there's a bit who
wrote this this is another why there's
another one in a series of stupid
surveys the first five words we came
across a stupid survey or we come across
the stupid survey but in any case in
this in this case you know for academics
apparently galaxy users are the most
likely to have a first class honours
degree what 28% of them reported in the
UK by the way so that oh yeah you know
yeah every University so much yeah
but apparently for uh what was the
metric for iPhone Houston's for Apple
users again I'm trying to find it again
yeah there there are many so Apple
obviously the largest contingent in
university this is a survey of 2000 post
you know something like in the past five
years or something like that Huawei
owners were second most likely to go out
and party drinking 2.39 the other week
on average
Samsung owners were the third most at
two times a week and then iPhone owners
at two and a half times the week they
take the crown for party freaks so
there's that you know what I buck every
one of these trends cuz back in college
I I did I want to say I did an equal
amount of partying and studying which is
to say not much and party for you
because I was maybe that's why I didn't
get invited to many boys around from
being having a blackberry was a fashion
well you really wanted to cook you
really wanted to carry that thing well
partying for me was like house parties I
didn't really like I don't like clubbing
personally and house parties were always
my favorite thing and you know what and
you know what if you asked me what like
a good time is it always will involve
eating like that's just that's just how
I am and I'm a good time served when it
comes to clubs man I don't want to see
him anymore
Brandon what fun were you using in in
college or in university as this article
statement I was using a bunch of obscure
windows mobile phones that I was
reviewing at the time so nothing really
that interesting like as using some
what's that brand I'm eight I was using
some I made from oh but that was HTC
duty kidding me that was great yeah so
mostly HTC phones that okay one really
remembers the I made the qtek you guys
really want to ask me this question yeah
and I was going to yeah I was going to
say it was not easy College oh my god
ninth so bear in mind the year 1998
Nokia - 50 amps okay what look for it
Nokia - 50 amps it was a it was a shoot
ABS me meaning analog it was an analog
phone you know you'll probably find at
2:52 like I've googled the 250 and you
you don't really find that anymore but
the 252 was pretty much almost the same
that was my first cell phone this was a
1994 release apparently okay here we go
another one so this one actually had a
flip so that was like the first
generation and they came up with another
one so look for the 252 was it was it
because it's not just the flip that you
need you need to be able to pull the
antenna out bear in mind you won't want
to laughs if you wanted the phone to
vibrate there was a special battery that
you bought that had the had a vibrating
that sounds like a terrible idea yeah
and so that's the Nokia 252 so that was
the second phone that I had but both of
them looked a lot alike look at that box
look at that crazy
it was gorgeous it was silver was the
best and so the funny part is that well
aside from the vibrating thing and all
it's just back then you would get
charged if you receive phone calls and
so and there was no caller ID so you
would still pick up the phone and you
know that that was gonna cost you a
couple of bucks but because you were
cool and to round us out Jules who
probably was in the best position in
college when it comes to using some sort
of phone what was your phone in college
lucky my phone was the HTC One m7 for
most of the time there one m8 I was
alone pocket near the Harman Kardon
Edition which was like badass you know
with an audiophile phone and I guess
that kind of fit with me because I ended
up going into college radio and that was
pretty much the best year of my life
basically I gotcha
you are your producer extraordinaire 89
yeah all right cool well on that note
thank you so much for tuning in this
week to a really fun pocket now weekly
it's great to have Jaime back and
everyone in the panel
remember the weekly is just as much a
conversation as it is a show so make
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Joshua Vergara and I am found ad JV tech
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making this show for your eyes and ears
for now 321 week straight with that we
will call it on this edition of the
weekly take care and we'll talk tech
again next week can you believe it we'll
have two shows next week this is gonna
be crazy
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