OnePlus 5T leaked on video, iPhone X Face ID fooled & more - Pocketnow Daily
OnePlus 5T leaked on video, iPhone X Face ID fooled & more - Pocketnow Daily
1 plus 5t continues to find leaks now on
video ahead of its launch more proof
shows us that you don't need a Mission
Impossible mask to full-face ID on the
iPhone 10 and believe it or not we get
more complaints of the Google pixel to
excel screen I'm high memory that I'm
enjoying Monday with friends in New
Orleans how are you enjoying your Monday
this is far canal daily the official
news today begin with deals Black Friday
is coming up and Samsung has already
announced what we should expect from
them in addition to being able to get
either a gear VR or a deck stock in the
case of any new Galaxy smartphone and
I'm talking about the higher ends you
also get options on deals for
tablets and even Samsung's variants of
Chromebooks but I'm not gonna bore you
with specifics you can read more about
them in the description now let's talk
about Apple I don't know if any of you
still remember that there's a home bod
that is supposed to launch by the end of
this year it's been forever since Apple
announced this product and we are
expecting it at some point in December
but we hear that generation 2 should be
a lot better than generation 1 asked
with every Apple product this time
apparently we're getting faced ID on the
speaker for reasons I don't really
understand how we're gonna just approach
the speaker and look at it or what the
plan is but we should learn more soon
and speaking of face ID it seems that it
is easier and easier to fool this
technology we've got a cybersecurity
firm that just proved that you really
don't need expensive mass to be able to
fool face ID apparently with the silicon
nose and certain other things you can
simply fool it and you know what
obviously your average human is not
going to have this technology but the
problem is that whenever somebody is
willing to pay to unlock their phone
they will be able to should learn more
soon now let's talk about the Google
pixel to excel believe it or not there
are still complaints about this phone
there is a video showing sensitivity
issues on the border of the pixel to
excel when it comes to you being able to
touch it obviously it's very hard to
replicate and I haven't really been
having these issues on our review unit
but we will be looking into it as our
review is coming very soon it seems that
LG and Google are really not cutting a
break with this phone and finally the
very hot news is they have to do with
the 1 + 5 t obviously we're waiting
until the events that happen on Thursday
but we already have an unboxing video
that shows us pretty much everything
from the box to specifications to the
design definitely a change in the front
and a lot of things that we can't wait
to see officially on Thursday but it
leads me to the question today what do
you think about the design changes they
pretty much follow all of the leaks do
you like what you see that you want more
change leave
a comment down below we'd love to know
your opinion friends again if you want
to get the news earlier follow us I'm
talking about comment subscribe to our
channel by hitting this button up here
you can watch yesterday's or that would
be Friday's parking out daily up here
and our thoughts on the pixel excel -
down here you know so follow me on
Twitter Jaime underscore to be better on
Instagram at high metal Iveta please
give this video a thumbs up if you like
what you saw I am hyuh metal but I think
so much for watching we'll see you
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