OnePlus 6 biometric changes, iPhone 7 gets Apple sued & more - Pocketnow Daily
OnePlus 6 biometric changes, iPhone 7 gets Apple sued & more - Pocketnow Daily
apples slowing down iPhones has landed
the company a couple of class-action
lawsuits new rumors point to the one
plus six showing everybody how on screen
fingerprint scanners should be done in
the next generation Apple watch is
reportedly going to take fitness and
health seriously I'm hey meadow Nevada a
fun fact this hammer brothers t-shirt
was my first ripped apparel 10% discount
in the comments down below this is
PocketNow daily the official news today
begin with deals as carriers are
definitely stepping that game up spring
test now also landed a couple of BOGO
deals for the case of the iPhone 8 and
iPhone 8 plus obviously there are a
couple of conditions for you to be able
to land these you can learn more about
them in the description now let's talk
about the probable next generation Apple
watch we saw a couple of weeks ago that
Apple and the third-party supplier were
able to figure out how to bring an EKG
band but the reports are that apparently
Apple is going to bring full support for
an EKG functionality that's a way to say
it's it's who the next generation Apple
watch how is that exactly going to work
whether it's gonna be part of the sensor
or it's gonna be a optional band it's
still hard to tell but we will keep you
posted as soon as we learn more now
let's talk about the iPhone 7 and
success something I never thought I
would talk about in a pocket now daily
of so much later but we've been talking
about the whole issue of Apple
throttling the processor just to
preserve battery and well it turns out
that the company has already landed two
class-action lawsuits over the fact that
well the company hadn't really told
consumers that it was doing this and the
biggest question is I guess what will
happen going forward is Apple going to
change its policy and allow phones to
just turn off as apparently that is the
excuse why Apple is doing this or why
not just allow consumers to switch their
batteries Apple as somebody said on
Twitter today let's see what happens in
the end
let's move the spotlight over to some
very interesting developments according
to some research that happened in a
university in Tokyo it seems that they
were able to find a new type of glass
that is self-healing it actually self
heals itself in two hours without the
need of heat
apparently scientists were working on
this polymer to be able to serve as an
adhesive and that ended up becoming this
self-healing glass in the end whether
it's gonna make its way to smartphones
or tablets or whatever it's hard to tell
or how early will that happen but this
is cool news and finally the very
interesting news today have to do with
the 1 plus 6 which is most likely not
going to launch until mid next year but
we've got some trusted sources claiming
that oneplus once the innovate yet again
with something different apparently they
want to bring this whole on-screen
fingerprint scanner that both Samsung
and Apple had fumbled with to this next
generation one plus now it's hard to
tell if that's actually going to happen
or not obviously we've heard companies
work on this for the past two years
without success but we have synaptics
claiming that we should see something
really cool at CES so let's see what
happens it leads me to the question
today would you consider that it's smart
for oneplus to move that fingerprint
scanner that's currently already at the
back back to the front
under this condition or would you prefer
that fingerprint scanner at the back in
my case
that's a hard one uh I actually prefer
fingerprint scanners at the back but
this is just me leave us a comment down
below we'd love to know your opinion
friends again if you want to get the
news earlier follow us I'm talking about
comments disrupt our channel by hitting
this button up here you're gonna watch
yesterday's parking out daily up here
and I'll review of the Google pixel to
excel down here you'd also follow me on
Twitter Jaime underscore leave it on
Instagram at high metal data please give
this video a thumbs up if you like what
you saw I am hi metal B that I think so
much for watching we'll see you again
after the holidays
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