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Pocketnow's Weekly iReview - 04Jun11

say goodbye to rumors Apple has just spilled the beans on WWDC what's this about Twitter being integrated into iOS in our predictions on what the one more thing will be on WWDC all this and more coming up right now hello everybody I'm hi Mary Beth and welcome to the pocket now i were really sure we go through all this week school and the not so cool inside the world of Apple's iOS devices let's start this week off with the cool in the weirdest move in history Apple is just offered a press release where they make all their WWDC intentions public no more need for rumors the document states that none other than Steve Jobs will be releasing the next generation iOS 5 iCloud and Mac OS 10 lion no iphones were mentioned in the document but again this is the weirdest move in Apple history they never give out information on what's coming on their events so there could be one more thing and this could just be a game but again stay tuned for WWDC predictions at the end of this i review to tell you more on what we think about it well Twitter recently announced that there will be all about photo galleries from now on aside from tweets and well alongside with that rumors have just surfaced about iOS 5 bringing deep Twitter integration with photos not really sure what to make of it because anything that's deeply integrated into iOS is pretty much just a button somewhere that says upload the Twitter or tweet or upload to Facebook and that's just pretty much it again it could be just the rumor but it could also mean that iOS 5 could probably be deeply integrated not only to Twitter but probably to Facebook probably to YouTube in some other ways that we currently know so stay tuned in another weird but interesting move Apple has just released their I work productivity suite to work on your iPhone or iPod Touch meaning that yes Pages Numbers and Keynote they used to only work on the iPad we're now downscaled to work on your iPhone or iPod touch it's an interesting move because it's kind of weird that Apple didn't wait for WWDC to release this which could also mean that the Kino will be so long with new enhancements and good things that well they just pretty much thought that I work wasn't that important and they could just release it now so if you already had it for your iPad this is now a universal application all you have to do is update it and then sync it to your iphone or ipod touch and if not well it will cost you ten bucks apiece well that does it for the cool that's continuing on with the not so cool you'd ask how much music are you actually able to stream over the future iCloud service with the current limitation of only two gigabytes of data plans on pretty much every carrier out there now well the bad news is that you can pretty much only stream 45 hours of music over those two gigabytes and that's if you only stream music so that's pretty much less than two hours a day that's really not cool so we're really hoping that Apple pulls up something really cool off their sleeve for this event because two gigabytes of data are really not cool at all this not so cool section is dedicated to you carriers lighten up okay so just as we do for every Apple event what are our predictions for WWDC whatever we get right hey say we said it and whatever we don't get right low or not psychics cut us some slack so first of all for iOS 5 we do see that Apple will work on revamping the UI significantly we'll probably see that settings notifications and music are probably available all around the OS through the status bar just tapping on it or probably with some sort of gesture aside from that well we do see that Apple will bring some sort of multitasking you I enhancement that will look a little like expose looks on a Mac even expect some multi-touch gestures to bring that out as Apple moves away from the home button aside from that we do see Apple working on probably bringing widgets though remember that's something that android does so don't hold your breath on that one ever will probably work on making their home screen icons dynamic but that will also look like the towel base windows phone 7 so I really wonder what Apple will bring to the table because it's really difficult for them to no.8 over something that works really good on Android and Windows Phone 7 so let's see what they come out for iOS 5 ok so for iCloud we are expecting a whole revamp of innovated services coming to iOS devices first of all a full mirror of your device on the cloud now how Apple is going to negotiate this with carriers welder you just make the iphone either a little expensive or Apple will have to pretty much get rid of a little bit of their premium to have you know the device cost the same amount of money but then you'll get an unlimited data plan if you own an iPhone now within these services we do see a full mirror of your device not just wireless syncing but your device on the cloud completely we also see that I cloud will work to bring music enhancements to your iOS device meaning you'll also be able to sync your music fully to the cloud and Apple will bring you that enhance music for whatever pirated bad music you have there that's going to be kind of cool aside from that will mobileme will merge with iCloud so most probably iCloud won't be free rumors have it that it'll cost 25 bucks rumors have it that it'll be free rumors have it that it will cost the same 99 bucks that mobileme cost so we'll see what happens because given we don't see those many enhancements for iOS 5 our cloud will really play a big role in and if apple charges money for this they'll pretty much lose it so well let's see what happens we do see that everything works just like on the apple TV were your music will be streamed from the cloud and then your device's storage will be used strictly for apps so let's see what happens because icons of iCloud have already been popping up we already know how the logo is going to look so it's going to be kind of cool hopefully and well no apple event could be the same if Steve Jobs doesn't come on stage and says wait there's one more thing so what are we expecting for this one more thing to be we're kind of skeptical because pretty much Apple has already spilled the beans on what to expect for the event so given we think that this is a sort of game for stocks and for competition to underestimate what Apple is going to do we are expecting for Apple to release the iphone 4s we're hoping for that but not really sure what to expect but what if it is the iphone 4s well we are seeing Apple bringing the a5 chip to the iphone 4s or 50 whatever they're going to call it we're also expecting them to bring double the RAM double the storage for more app says apps get larger time and time again in the App Store aside from that we are seeing that it'll be the same I iphone for the design with the same Chace's only that with a larger screen and yes Apple will most definitely work on glass gate and antennagate now we are seeing that the iphone 4s will work on sprint and t-mobile as of this WWDC event but it could also mean that Apple will probably just use the events and the one more thing will be to launch the iphone 4 to work on these carriers and that'll be pretty much it again not sure what to expect so cross your fingers and hope it is the iphone 4s that will work on all carriers there'll be a world phone there will be a faster device and that we also get the same goodies that we also mentioned for the past iphone 4 we'll see what happens that's it for today's show thank you very much for watching I'm Hyneman better remember to give us a thumbs up if you liked what you saw that's it for now you
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