hey everyone it's jeff arena with pocket
now calm and one of the devices that's
been stealing a lot of the spotlight
lately is a samsung device it's
available on verizon and that is the
samsung continuum so let's go ahead and
unbox it and we're back with a nice view
of the samsung Continuum's box now as
you can see here it is a galaxy s phone
that one really cool thing about this
device is it actually incorporates a
second screening or a ticker if you will
which we will take a look at further and
one of our software overviews but just
come taking a quick look around the box
just to hear containing the package is
going to be the device itself a
pre-installed eight gig micro SD card
the wall charger battery warranty
information and all that fun stuff so
let's go ahead and get this guy open now
we have the actual Samsung continuum
device here we're going to add and put
it aside real quickly and we're going to
jump right into the box itself first up
we're going to have the USB sync which
is a micro USB so it is good to see that
almost all if not all the Android
devices are now using the micro USB
you're going to have the wall adapter
which will give you the option to plug
in that sync cable there lithium-ion
battery which looks like it's going to
be a 1,500 milliamp hour battery and
then we're going to have the actual
manual tips hints and shortcuts so let's
actually go ahead and put the battery or
in the device itself get it booted up
and we'll take a quick look at how it
first appears when you turn on for the
very first time okay and we have now
booted up the device and as you'll see
here it's loading the typical samsung
galaxy s logo the verizon logo pops up
was really cool was that ticker was
actually animated the entire time and
that's going to actually display the
clock down here for us it shows a lock
symbol so that's actually a kind of a
dual notification system will actually
go ahead and get this device unlock now
this is the first time we've actually
turned it on this is a raw setup which
we're going to skip for now and once
again that was the backup assistant and
we'll also skip the Google setup is for
the time being we want to give you
quick look at the actual device it does
give you some tips on how to actually
use it it's basically going to show
notifications which are going to involve
email SMS updates messages instant
messages voicemail RSS feeds etc in the
future on that ticker screen once again
we're going to skip through all of this
here just so we can get to the home
screen right off the bat we're going to
see a typical samsung touchwiz style
interface as far as the menu system goes
which will let us scroll left fry it's
going to give us the seven home screens
at least default right now we're in the
middle you can see these dots up here we
can scroll to the left three screens and
to the right three screens as well as
typical fashion a lot of the devices now
becoming pre-populated with different
widgets and applications we will give
you a further look at the software this
device in a future video but for now
this is just a quick look at how it
actually appears when you first turn it
on ticker and all that will be one of
the very cool things are going to
actually take a look at is going to be
that ticker and we'll show you how it
actually works in a real world use case
scenario so as always thank you very
much for watching everyone if you've
liked this video please give it a thumbs
up and make sure you stay tuned for our
future coverage of the Samsung continuum
from Verizon Wireless thanks everyone
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