Samsung Focus S Approved By FCC, Mango a Week Away & Dell Leaving Windows Phone? WPV
Samsung Focus S Approved By FCC, Mango a Week Away & Dell Leaving Windows Phone? WPV
the samsung focus s gets approved by the
FCC mango seems to be just a week away
and our thoughts on why Windows Phone 7
doesn't make the dual-core League all
this and more coming up right now hello
everyone I'm hi Mary letter with and welcome to Windows
Phone view the show we wrap up all this
week's good and bad inside the world of
Microsoft's Windows Phone platform let's
start this week off with what's good
let's face it mangles probably one of
the most anticipated operating systems
of the year and while a lot of us really
can't wait recently the Windows Phone
block came on record to confirm that
mango will be released as of next week
or probably the next other week kind of
bag though is how it will be released
we're not sure if carriers actually
approved that are not yet so hopefully
they did because you know it's going to
be really odd and ugly for some of us to
get the update on certain carriers or
unlock devices and others not now
hopefully it'll be sooner or later but
we still don't have any written
confirmation and how it will happen and
while another interesting note is that
the phone Windows Phone Blair was
actually very specific on the fact that
if you're like me and you have Windows
Phone 7 mango unofficially on your
device you better uninstall it go back
to your no do update and then wait for
mango when it gets released or you know
downgrade whenever mango gets released
for you to actually be ready for the
mango update as things could actually go
wrong and to keep the unofficial version
speed of a mango release date the still
unknown samsung focus s recently got
approved by the FCC and well so far
everything points out to a significantly
better device then the great focus that
we already had it sports a 1.4 gigahertz
processor it supports 4g data
connectivity and it has this massive 4.3
Super AMOLED display etc the best part
is that the device will also make you
look really good because apparently
it'll keep that samsung galaxy s2
designed with a really thin profile so
if you want full specs on what we found
on the FCC make sure you hit the post on
our website and well hopefully that will
be our next device or at least mine out
of this week's coverage make sure you
watch Adam lanes recent video
on a very cool puzzle game called
implode and well Adam also wrote this
really great article on why Windows
Phone 7 doesn't have dual-core
processors neither now nor with mango
coming out it's really interesting to
see that Microsoft did a great job in
making windows phone 7 a very efficient
operating system and also speedy so you
don't really need dual-core processors
on a device as long as it works really
well so read the article is really good
things to learn about and hopefully well
if Microsoft chooses to stay on single
core as long as the thing works well I
don't really care and speaking of
Microsoft and software with the recent
windows 8 release we've got something
really compelling and very metro UI for
windows 8 coming up now interesting
enough well it does a really good job in
working on tablets and you know real
laptops and computers but the
interesting note here is that we did see
some live tiles with the ability to make
phone calls so not really sure with
Windows Phone or windows 8 and windows
phone 8 will bring to the table most
likely this is some sort of skype
functionality but really cool things
coming in it does seem that Microsoft is
following the whole metro UI from here
on which is actually really cool and
aside from that a really cool
application that's currently in beta
testing privately is whatsapp whatsapp
messenger is probably one of the most
famous messaging applications out there
for iOS and Android to communicate with
blackberry users and others and well
it's really cool to see that what's
happens finally getting to our devices
to be honest with you that's going to be
the killer app for me so hopefully it's
coming out soon and sadly I wish they
gave me the opportunity to test it hey
guys beta and while the industrial
designer Society of America just granted
the people's choice award to Windows
Phone 7 its team and Microsoft for the
really great job they did with bringing
the Metro UI to Windows Phone 7 to be
honest with you most of us that have
been from windows mobile to the past
we're not really even waiting for
something like Windows Phone 7 and we
have to admit that Microsoft did a
really good job in allowing everyone
with the design and making something
that's actually really cool and
delightful so a really great prize and
along with that there are other two
prizes that they've also want
or the design so really cool to know
about that and well hopefully Microsoft
will use that price and all that
expertise to bring something even better
for the following designs of windows
phone seven or eight coming out in the
future okay so that doesn't really good
let's continue on with what's bad and
well sad news for all of you that were
after a dell venue pro like the one I
enjoy pretty much every day because it
seems that well Bell could probably be
exiting the Windows Phone platform
nothing official yet but sadly in the
past you could buy a dell venue pro from
the Dell store or AT&T and t-mobile and
probably get a subsidy or buy it
unlocked but apparently as of now you
can only buy it unlock you can't buy it
for specific carrier with a subsidy
obviously it's actually very cheap
unlocked right now it will only cost you
about 300 bucks and then actually get
the bands for tmobile or AT&T whatever
you want but but sad needs to see that
dell is actually pulling off services
and well let's hope that it doesn't have
anything to do with the fact that
probably dell could exit the market
because let's face it i mean the dell
venue pro is probably one of the best
windows phone designs out there I could
probably want it without the keyboard
but still it is cute so well let's just
hope that Bell stays in the game as for
Mango because well we don't really know
if bills actually bringing devices to
mango or not haven't really heard
anything official yet so let's wait and
see let's hope for the best that's it
for today she'll thank you very much for
watching I'm Hyneman iveta remember to
give us a thumbs up if you liked what
you saw that's it for now
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