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Samsung Galaxy Note 9 smokes iPhone X in Speed Tests!

this is so unfair it's it's fatality so there was a very interesting study published by Oakland you know the makers of they said that not all flat ships are created equal doesn't really matter if you have the $1000 iPhone 10 if you have a device with a call come snapdragon 845 it will outperform the iphone 10 and data speeds I was like all right that sounds interesting but there's really only one way to find out we decided to put two $1000 phones to the test I'm hematuria better with pocket now and this is Samsung Galaxy Note 9 vs iPhone 10 data speeds from the most complex city in the world New York so bear in mind these are not our full reviews those are actually separate videos but I just I find goolies results so mind-boggling that the smartest thing to do is to bring both these phones and test them in the city using nucleus application and see how it goes so we are currently here in Rockefeller Center definitely one of the busiest busiest sectors of New York we ran the tests and I wasn't expecting great result from either device but regardless the results of the galaxy note 9 were significantly better than the iPhone 10 considering the fact that in the second test the iPhones and didn't even raise the bar at all it didn't even work it just got stuck there clearly if you are in a congested scenario like this one the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 is already performing better let's go somewhere else all right so we're currently in 57th and seventh for those of you that want to test the maximum data speeds of your phone I happen to know that there's a t-mobile tower here we ran the tests oh my god this was insane the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 got a maximum of 160 megabits down the iPhones maximum was thirty two point eight that is insane two phones on the same networks did you see that same price tag theoretically same capabilities for which are paying for you'd assume but note that the differences is just significant stop by 57th and seven run your test on your own we're going to continue so let's go through a little detail about the claim if you remember I had horrible complaints about battery life on the iPhone 7 plus when I reviewed it it turns out that the reason why was because the Intel modem that powered the data was not performing as well as Qualcomm modems this iPhone 10 on t-mobile has an Intel modem as well depending on your carrier there are some options that don't have the Intel modem but obviously this new Samsung Galaxy Note 9 has the new clock from stamp dragon 845 the new Snapdragon X 20 modem and so far of the results have been epic let's prove some more so we are currently in Union Square one of my favorite parts of the city I highly recommended we're actually going to another one of my favorite ones after this so far the test results are close but not quite the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is still on top in some cases we're running three tests and everywhere we go in some cases were five percent higher there was a test where it was 20% higher but still on top when compared to the iPhone 10 upload speeds are pretty much the same in most cases but down those speeds are significantly different and some of the tests that we've run so far and we've got more to go we're currently at the High Line which is on top of the Chelsea Market I love the sector you should definitely be here fun fact Chelsea Market has got the YouTube space if you haven't visited speeds Esper rather interesting for the first time the iPhones and Juan attest but then that only lasted one test the other two tests that we ran the galaxy note 9 one and by a higher margin than what the iPhone one definitely upload speeds varied but so far it's proof that we are still I don't know the note 9 is still beating the iPhone now any season New Yorker will know that the ultimate test is the subway there is no data between stations and there is some data in certain stations like for example right here in the 14th Street Station where you can catch the AC Andy close to Chelsea we ran the tests the galaxy note 9 won by a good margin in two of the tests only in the third test of the iPhone 10 beat the galaxy note 9 and by a significant margin and that has been the second test out of pretty much every single other test that we've ran all throughout Midtown and in this Chelsea sector so far definitely the galaxy note 9 is winning it proves a ton of things it is nearly 9:00 p.m. we are at our office in midtown 19th floor we ran the last test right now and even though the iPhones end shows a superior quality when it comes to upload speeds download speeds are still won by the Galaxy Note 9 and absolutely every single test we did and we've even seen cases like for example when it comes to Wi-Fi if I'm here in the office I will even notice that the Galaxy Note 9 will retain connection to Wi-Fi from a further location than the iPhone 10 so who's the winner where you gonna spend money on $1000 is definitely a lot of money and I guess my point would be that a device with a qualcomm snapdragon 845 is definitely a better Buy this is a clear example of real-world use from different locations around New York City let us know in the comments what you think which one would you pick what are your opinions overall the enhancements of Qualcomm has brought to the market lately and while you're at it make sure you follow us on social media subscribe to our channel as well for more videos like this one you follow me on Twitter hi managers go to get our and Instagram at home in Ravenna please give this video a thumbs up if you like what you saw I'm hi I'm editing it I think so much for watching we'll see you on the next one
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