hey guys it's brandon minimun from
pocketnow.com and in this video we're
going to take a look at the settings on
the samsung omnia pro be 7610 there are
a lot of settings that you can change on
this device so let's get started and go
through them I'm going to go into the
settings application and you don't get
the usual windows mobile settings in
fact I haven't found a way to get there
yet and that's actually not such a good
thing because there are some things in
there that I I wish I could change but I
can't so if anyone out there knows how
to get into the regular settings please
respond to this video with a comment or
send us a message on YouTube anyhow
let's go into each of these things we
can start off in sound settings where we
can change for example the ring we can
change the type of ring and we tap on
that we get a drop-down list different
types of rings how it will vibrate
there's a rhythm equation I don't know
if you can hear that but it's it's it's
vibrating at different frequencies so
that one's a little bit faster very
interesting to see different types of
vibration for the ring it's kind of cool
actually let's go back we can do the
notification sound when something
happens if you have a new text message
you can can play a sound or not play a
sound a much more spur stuff interface
compared to the standard wind windows
mobile settings you don't have
checkboxes you have these little green
dots that go inside of these little
looks like a little LEDs almost clip
cancel we can change voicemail SMS and
so on and so forth we can also change
the touch alert you may be hearing a
sound after every tap and right now I
can turn that off if I want none so now
it doesn't make a sound when I tap
things but I'm going to leave it on just
so you can get an idea of when I'm
actually tapping the screen we go to the
hardware buttons tone so when you press
one of the hardware buttons it will make
a sound and right now that's turned on
so leave it like that let's go back to
the next item display and light so we
can change the wallpaper and it goes
into the photo picker so you can choose
your own picture or you can choose one
of the more good-looking i think samsung
omnia wallpapers you get quite
variety to choose from and these are
some from the the omnia to that you may
remember and these are some snow
pictures that I've loaded onto a micro
SD card so we can change the wallpaper
you can change the theme to various
windows mobile themes basically it'll
change the color of the top and bottom
bar but not too much else although if
you're using the default Windows Mobile
today's screen you'll also see a
different background based on what you
select here we can change items on today
and we went through this before so right
now I've Samsung today turned on but if
you want to uncheck check that and go
back to the standard old windows mobile
today screen and due date and messaging
and owner info or you can just do the
titanium interface which is windows
default you can check that and it will
uncheck everything else I'm going to
click click OK we can change the large
indicator and what that means is up at
the top if you tap on any of those icons
you get these larger buttons on the
screen this is actually the pretty quick
change the system volume and you can
turn that on there off if you want it to
go back to the default Windows Mobile
look but it makes a lot of sense to have
that finger friendly a notification area
we can change the brightness on the
screen what's interesting about the
AMOLED screen is that it doesn't require
a traditional backlight the traditional
backlight helps when you're outside
we're going to go through a few other
steps to get the backlight to be turned
off you're going to see that everything
is still quite visible if you turn off
the backlight you're going to save a
tremendous amount of battery power that
said outdoor visibility will probably be
pretty bad but if you spend most of your
time indoors then it would be a good
solution so let's get out of that lock
screen you can determine if you want the
lock screen to show up when you press
the unlock button on the side I have
that turned off because you're already
unlocking the device while you need
another step to get into your today
screen so I'm going to click ok and
finally main menu you can choose the
style two different styles of the
special Samsung main menu let's go back
into general settings we have the
wireless manager which looks pretty
simple like the rest of the skin we've
data filter which allows you to change
sort of how the data data can
Shin works in different scenarios we can
go to launcher and this is kind of silly
actually it's a it's a launcher that
opens up when you slide open the
keyboard that let you compose it it's
like a quick link to compose an email on
SMS but it slows down your device so
I've left that turned off we go into
power we can take a look at battery
power and this is where you turn off the
backlight so I'm going to turn off the
backlight and it's not off yet actually
think i have to turn it off and turn it
back on to get the effect to work ok
right now the backlight is off and yet
you can still see things on the screen
and if we leave the backlight off like i
mentioned you're going to get a
tremendous increase in in battery
performance on an already very well
performing device in this room so
keeping battery power keeping the back
leg turned off may be a good idea if
you're really trying to squeeze a lot of
a battery life out of this very
interesting how it does that and we have
some settings for battery power and I'm
going to turn off the device to get it
the backlight to come back on you
probably just saw it come back on
last-second there kick here we are and
we can also do some cpu throttling so
you can change the cpu performance too
high normal or low in our test it seems
that having this on auto is it makes it
as fast as if you put it on high or
normal if you do it on low things get a
little bit slow you get some better
battery life but auto seems to be a
really good setting for it really rare
for a device to have cpu throttling so
that's a very interesting addition going
down a little bit we a button and you
can assign a button this device has a
lot of hardware buttons but only two of
them are programmable and actually it's
technically one button that is
programmable this button right here so
you can have a tap and hold or you can
have a tap so right now I've said so if
I tap on this I am launched directly
into email because I use email a lot
very convenient or you can do a tap and
hold to do the test switcher so it's
nice to have that that capability we can
change the up and down control but this
doesn't really isn't really relevant
because there's no d-pad we have wake up
which determines the wake up behavior
and finally we have the
button we can end programs forcibly by
tapping the X button in the upper right
corner rather than it having to go into
hibernate and that's a really good idea
on this device it doesn't have that much
free ram so you want to check that off
if you get this device okay let's go
back and continue down the line we can
align the screen we can change the
setting for the USB connection this does
have TV out if you have the proper
cabling for that you can register divx
but i really don't see the point because
you can play divx video whether you
register or not owner information and
you can change the language to many
different languages okay so let's go
back and let's go to the next thing
which is phone settings and this is
where you get into your default sort of
settings for for windows mobile devices
so we're not going to cover that in
depth then we have some settings for
motion we have the etiquette mode which
comes from it from HTC really so if you
turn the device face down the the sound
is muted so if you're getting a call you
want to be polite you put the phone down
on its face it stops raining ringing
it's a nice thing to have turn that back
on calibration so we can calibrate the g
sensor although that's really not
necessary unless it starts acting a
little wacky down a little bit more
we've security settings and we can
change it so that there is a a security
lock or a pendant you have to put in
when you turn on the device network
settings and here we can kind of change
the operator settings Bluetooth Wi-Fi
all of that sort of connection stuff and
finally down here in memory settings we
can see our program RAM which is
extremely low and yet the device is so
fast it's very strange only 50 megabytes
free right now and there aren't that
there are a few programs open actually
three programs open and the device is
still snappy it must have really good
memory management so we're going to
click done main storage you can kind of
take a look at of the 512 megabytes of
RAM how much you have left although
obviously you're probably going to want
to get a storage card which I have done
here with an eight gigabyte storage card
you can format it from the screen or you
can clear memory on the entire device
and finally there's another tab here
which really doesn't have anything
terribly different we can
into some system settings turn on
ClearType turn on enough error reporting
this is some of the standard windows
mobile stuff but we can't change the
text size which is a shame because if
you go into email the text is way too
large for such a high resolution screen
and we can also go to install items and
we can go to connection for sort of the
browser stuff so that was a look at
settings on the samsung omnia pro be
7610 so samsung gives you a lot of ways
that you can customize this device which
is really fantastic i just wish there
was an easy way to get back to the
standard plain old windows mobile
settings so there are some stuff in
there that will be nice to change so
that's it for now and be sure to watch
out for the four of you coming up soon
on pocketnow.com that's it for now
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