Sense 2.5 Mod: 48 Quick Links with Sliding Panels & More Appointments
Sense 2.5 Mod: 48 Quick Links with Sliding Panels & More Appointments
what's up guys it's CJ lips true from
paki now calm and today we're showing
you a cool new hack for sense 2.5 as you
know since 2.5 added some awesome new
features but as we've learned from XDA
developers over the last couple of years
there's always room for improvement so
if you recall the home tab on sense
features nine quick links for easy
access to your favorite programs
contacts and bookmarks well some users
feel that this amount should be
increased another feature that could use
a boost is the appts bar you can only
display one appointment at a time here
which is disappointing for anyone who
has multiple appointments each day well
over on XDA developers they have
actually managed to squeeze some extra
features into the home tab so let's see
the transformation after this new mod is
applied okay we're back after applying
the changes and at first glance it
doesn't appear much has changed but
check out what happens when you swipe
down on the screen now it actually
expands the appointments bar to expose
up to four of your next appointments and
if you look at the Quick Links they're
actually 16 now instead of nine which is
great but if you look closer you'll
notice there's a small indicator in the
upper right corner of the screen this is
a reflection of what quick links panel
you're on you can actually swipe from
side to side to navigate between three
separate panels for a total of
forty-eight quick links which is really
amazing a small registry edit can
increase this amount to 75 although that
seems a bit like overkill to me and
seeing that there are tons of new
shortcuts to attend to now the developer
has actually made it easier to rearrange
icons just tap the indicator at the top
and then drag any icon to swap it with
this eliminates the need to go to menu
remove and so on when you add a program
you'll notice that there's now a grid
view instead of the traditional list
view so this mod is still in beta and as
you can see it already works pretty well
and the animation seemed natural and the
user experience has been enhanced you've
got to love the work they do over at XDA
i'll post more information on pacquiao
com that's it for now thanks for
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