The best ways to share pictures between iOS, Android, and Windows Phone
The best ways to share pictures between iOS, Android, and Windows Phone
so you're out with some friends and you
take a photo and they ask you to share
it with them but they use a different OS
how do you send it I'm Taylor Martin
this is PocketNow
and this is how you share pictures
across mobile platforms taking photos
and sharing them instantly has become
the new way of being social you're out
with your friends and you want the world
to know what you're doing to see what
you see but it never fails you snap an
awesome shot and your friend says hey
send that picture to me and it's at that
point when the fabric of the universe
begins to tear because sharing a small
file between two devices mere inches
apart can sometimes be insanely
overcomplicated it's even worse if you
don't use the same mobile OS as your
friend yes an iPhone you have an Android
device and a third friend who also wants
the picture just so happens to have a
Windows Phone suddenly you might as well
be around the world from one another
because sharing that one photo which is
probably only a megabyte or two is no
simple task if your friend also has an
Android phone with NFC they could simply
tap the back of their phone to yours and
the photo would transfer using Wi-Fi
direct or Bluetooth the NFC chip acts as
a proverbial handshake between the
devices that initiates a transfer you
can share small files between Android
and Windows Phone using NFC such as URLs
but not large files the photo transfer
is not compatible and no iOS devices to
date come equipped with NFC so there's
that you could MMS or email some photos
to your friends compose inner recipient
or to choose the images and send the
files transfer practically around the
globe and land two feet away on your
friends phones it works but it's archaic
and it uses precious data that could be
saved by a local Bluetooth or Wi-Fi
transfer oh yes bluetooth you can pair
your phone to your friend's phone
assuming you're using Android and
Windows Phone and send files but it has
its own set of problems you have to pair
the phones you only have to do it once
and after setting it up the first time
it's a very simple process turn on
Bluetooth connect the phones choose the
files and send the transfer can
sometimes take a while and it just feels
like a hacked way of doing things
especially since the NFC handshake could
seriously add some polish to the process
not to mention it doesn't natively work
with iOS if you have more than one photo
to share there's another option that
well works but again it needlessly uses
your data cloud storage most pictures
ever taken with my phones are sent to
Google Plus and Dropbox but I have it
set to only automatically upload over
Wi-Fi and a pinch you can upload a
select set of images to cloud storage
and share the link with your friends the
problem with this is the application
support Dropbox box copy Drive and a
slew of other cloud storage options are
only officially available on iOS and
but official clients for these are not
readily available to Windows Phone
third-party clients are available and
they sometimes work but the experience
is often far below that of the official
app for instance file box for Windows
Phone is a Dropbox client but you can
only batch upload all photos in your
camera roll or upload one file at a time
and you can only download files one at a
this method like all others is hit or
miss and our third-party file sharing
clients for iOS and Android such as bump
or hacker these works sort of like the
NFC handshake but do not have the
hardware requirements again with no
support for Windows Phone this may not
be the best option and in our experience
it's not always the most reliable method
phone safety issues aside what's our
point in debunking all the available
methods to point out a few things one
cross-platform photo sharing which is
important to many is antiquated it's far
more difficult than it needs to be or
should be
I shouldn't have to send my photos to a
remote server to share them with someone
I can reach out and touch yes some OEMs
have innovated ways to share images with
people nearby if they use the same OS
and sometimes even the same brand device
galaxy to galaxy droid to droid but what
about iPhone to Windows Phone Windows
Phone to Android or Android iPhone there
are ways to make it happen but all of it
fills circa 2000 it's 2013 and we're
still hand turning cogs to share a few
megabytes to someone a few feet away so
we ask you how do you share your
pictures with friends who use different
operating systems Android to Android I
use NFC and I typically use Dropbox or
email since those don't require any
action from the other parties but there
isn't a single method that
actually like to use that's going to
wrap this video up if you enjoyed it be
sure to click the thumbs up button below
to let us know and subscribe to see more
videos in the future you can find us on
Twitter Google+ and Facebook at pocket
now I'm Taylor Martin you can find me on
twitter at casper tech and i will see
you next time
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