butternut squash is amazing I wouldn't
believe it if you would even try it
unless you show me and then I'll believe
all right well I mean yes that's true
but you have to make sure you believe in
it first and it would be awesome if we
would have some audio audio from that
chair as well when we needed to be great
I would love it if you would talk to me
across the table it's happening it's not
it's gonna happen maybe not this year
maybe it is well what is it
let's thing from Apple as for the
subject of a bit of back and forth it's
also one of our favorite below the radar
phones that desperately needs a sequel
give you the lowdown on that plus the
latest on Qualcomm and Broadcom and we
look forward to taking a ride on some
electric scooters powered by Android 8
yeah it's true
and it's all right here from the first
of two special MWC 2018 editions of the
PocketNow weekly recorded at 4:00 p.m.
approximately Eastern on the 24th of
February 2018 it's episode 290 of the
show that's all about smartphones
wearables tablets and anything you can
call mobile technology yes scooters
included from a cozy Barcelona apartment
I'm your host and Jules Wong and my
go-to colleague for this fantastical
trade show right beside me Jaime Rivera
say hello hello I am actually posting
this on Instagram relation doesn't care
it's like candid I do
candid photography and he's gonna get
into you please come up for posting that
Instagram photo of me in an undershirt
all right all that shut up and let let
our boss talk editor-in-chief for the
first time ever we've been face to face
for a few hours now but no you have to
try harder yeah good morning good
afternoon good evening everybody to me
better well that's amazing and it's so
good to have you back and I just want to
toss things over just a second for me to
tell people how to participate in this
podcast if they so choose so here's the
thing we have this awesome line of
communication that you can use it's
podcast at pocketnow.com send your
questions and absolutely everything you
would like to participate with us
actually during these days of mobile
world there's a lots of cover there's
very little sleep there are just too
many opportunities for alcohol a lot of
things we need to change we had this
ball I bought this freaking bottle of
horchata because what a Chapman you're
gonna you're the keep and I'm gonna keep
getting stopped in my tracks for a
bottle of milk and you get me on a chat
that Jules like really a bottle of
definitely a podcast at pocketnow.com as
well Twitter hashtag P and weekly we
also do that sue and maybe once in a
while like in and millennium will read
the YouTube comments and see what has
changed about them I last time I read
them it's kind of its kind of wash but
no we'll go on from that all right are
you guys ready are you guys height are
you guys excited motorcycles are you all
yeah start your engines is the this is
the moment with your
in the past in front of the VAR street
before through our party one when I was
in Athens for the first time I said that
there's no other city with more scooters
and then I went to Rome and I realized
that was wrong and then I came to
Barcelona and I realized that was even
more wrong so you've not been to Taipei
you have not been to Beijing that sure
you're not Buddhist let's just go
through a whole summary of things and
then we'll go through one by one and
then a talk things through so for the
week of February 19 2018 this is all the
mobile tech news that is fit to podcast
we start off with shiny supply chain
sources telling us about the I found se2
now this is something we've been
dragging in the background some
panelists have said that it's gonna
happen if these features either say
forget it not this year but apparently
you might see a sequel to the newer
smaller iPhone come out at WWDC in June
that said rumored components from 2017
don't make this as breathtaking as the
original a seat mule did you meantime
Apple's claimed to have had a field day
with its first wireless earbuds so much
so the air pods are set on some big
updates over the next couple of years
next year's can't bring up water
resistance to the dama with the best
2019 before they melt on Ewing before
they note on you again you just find
water on the fire than you but this
year's updated model that's 2018 may
include hands-free Siri access for
starters it isn't clear if a software
update could bring Siri to the first gen
air ponds though I was eleven point two
point six I was almost going to just go
through the number one one to six is the
latest update to come out and fix
something that went terribly wrong on an
iPhone a bug that caused a certain
character in the
in telugu language to walk out users out
of messages whatsapp Facebook whatever
other word miss with any lines that they
know has been sexton's may recall it
that will appease autocorrects nephews
in earlier editions of iOS 11 as well
Qualcomm has rejected Broadcom latest
offer for acquisitions yes Jennifer
raising the bid once it has now gone
down by four billion dollars to one
hundred seventeen billion dollars which
is still a huge sum of money that no one
will ever see realistically in their
Broadcom argues has welcomed UPS its
acquisition price of NXP Semiconductors
that the blue reflects negative legend
attack against the shareholders
interested to qualcomm consists though
that is forty four billion dollar ten
forehead MSP is a valuation to the chips
in horizontal Rock'em started in all
gone they don't we got the first wheel
John thirty years the Android enterprise
recommended devices program that has
announced the first set of devices
certified for we use a lot of such
devices are said to be suitable for
workplace and employment with zero touch
enrollment and carry on and lump cell
service related regions LG has announced
that as it Tunes the third one and the
joysticks for the enterprise program
market it will also update which will
prepare for
and of development for its wake Martin
company will no longer support its
Android and iOS apps as it has been
really difficult with most recognition
areas to describe us they want acquired
decline of the first generation software
tickets for 100 million dollars in just
get yourself dude have you noticed like
in Romania because I notice it it with
us all the time like I'm probably
driving behind a motorcycle and the
reason why I can't go any faster is
because the guy is checking his phone no
no usually in my country just people
with bikes in scooter just go way faster
than you do then the middle of a
straight dude it's just they're checking
their phone while they're on a
motorcycle and these are like the clutch
based manual motors I have traffic
enforcement in Honduras oh it's it's
it's a good first on you because you can
pay for the bribe yeah but then for the
average bus driver forget it let's go
back up to iPhone se what do you guys
think you're looking forward to one of
these things and do you think June might
be the appropriate you did see it June
of spring ish 2016 iPhone se so the tip
is so there are two tips one is for the
feature of batch of iPads which are two
and then it's in the case of the iPhone
se but they're they're not from the same
source and they're claiming WWDC but
apparently it's not like if the product
is not ready now because it seems like
if they're not changing the design it's
just getting less bezel point 2 inch
screen increase for how much Apple sells
that iPhone se I'm sure they would
it's just that's probably one other it's
not their best-selling iPhone but you
know it's it's did it I know a lot of
people that love their s ease they don't
want to move away from them and they
that device deserves a refresh so think
about it I mean the company still
retains the iPod lineup which is still
using an a5 chip I believe I do believe
that this is like one of those legacy
products that the company is gonna
continue pushing it's not going anywhere
it's just the rumors were that we were
getting an iPhone 10 like the vise
forget about that
I think we're looking at this the wrong
way like let's look at the facts when
the original of the original the iPhone
se first generation came out what was
Apple's flagship it was the the Sarah 6
or 6s yes and they recycled the five for
DSC now that we have the iPhone 8 and
the iPhone 10 it would make a lot of
sense to recycle the iPhone 6 or the
iPhone 7 as DSE - yeah bring a fresher
design to an SE class phone which would
be cheaper and then that would warrant a
raise in price tag I mean 500 ish has to
be has to be below 550 oh absolutely
considering what angry the offers for up
to $500 yes and and considering the fact
that you're not getting top-of-the-line
specs it's the a9 not the a not v8
infusion maybe it's the sorry the a
insides the eight-time not be a 11 by us
yeah it's the alcohol sorry it's it's a
are capable yes okay
it's just not as good this is supposed
to be carry over because you know iPhone
10 profits record profits biggest
progress in the world third quarter for
one quarter right now they're they're
struggling and unit sales are going down
we're staredown because more than the
trend lines
prior to because I think that for the
galaxy I can buy a new MacBook for that
price it's just let's face it and let's
be honest here right now one thousand
dollars for a phone makes no sense which
is which is pretty much what probably
Samsung will ask for yes my blush this
is the cracks like is this gonna be a
good carry is this gonna bring back yes
I was just at the cost of the average
sales price no I think that whoever
wanted to buy the iPhone 10 or as they I
don't know limited edition 10 years of
iPhone Steve Jobs memorabilia that cream
already bought and there's not going to
be another iPhone se
so whoever bought it will probably hold
onto it for 3 4 or 5 years until it
breaks and the iPhone se too in my
opinion will now I listen as an iPhone
user since 3GS I can't tell you how
disappointed I am so obviously I
reviewed it and for iPhone users yes
this is the best iPhone you can buy but
I disagree with it I I'm sorry I for me
it was hard to go from the 8th to the 10
because the 8 does not have the
beautiful display and whatever you want
but it's got the most insane battery
life for an iPhone and then you go to
the 10 and then it's it's crap I know I
know yours is different Tony you got 0
apps but like for the average user who
has more than the stock apps you're not
in that list I'm just saying if it
happens I believe it will be a recycling
of a fresher design like the iPhone 6 6
s yes yes if it happens I don't I don't
and so the rumors are that the design of
the of the se is kept there just
reducing the Bessel's on this which
would be a big mistake
it was just an increase in screen size
exactly Lakes gonna work but it's not
clear if that I think they'll do it I
mean the whole purpose of the iPhone 10
is get a larger screen on a smaller form
factors so it makes sense for them to do
it with the SE 2 and let's not forget
the rumors about the glass back and
Apple wants to go all in and world this
source says metal so maybe not then if
this source says metal I'm saying this
this rumor is not true well there's only
one way to find out let's go I've never
used their butts
I do want yeah but I never use their
probably we could skip the topic and
just go to the next one anybody I do
it's just no nevermind bear in mind
every single person that I know that
uses air pots loves them I guess they
don't see themselves in the mirror that
often because first of all it's just the
fit I don't get me wrong for those
people that love air pots that's great i
it's just I've tried other options from
Jabra from you know the samsung gear
icon x20 18s which provide true Wireless
sure they don't have the w1 chip which
pretty much is only useful when you pair
the air pots and then after that that's
it you know I got the designers is is
just like really Johnny you've done so
many great things Johnny I but that this
is one of those that's just not it I
like the rumors where we're getting
water resistance I don't understand how
the first version that was too late yeah
I'm like really like every single other
wire true wireless headphones our water
is that glucose tracking heart rate
monitoring what
that's going on behind the scenes of
them can't do what I'm probably part of
a small very small which is probably not
the right way to put it
a minority who doesn't really care about
what it does behind the scenes or how it
looks for me it's all about the sound
and I'm sorry Apple but your earplugs
sound like tin cans and this is to my
ears of course but there are so many
options out there which sound better
yeah I I have to agree with that I again
we can skip the topic is don't get me
wrong I have nothing against the people
that own them I've nothing against the
people that are anticipating them I just
can you can we please get that that like
little pogo stick design can we get rid
of that and just come up with something
smarter I'm sure Apple can do that like
for you to get like true swimming
earphones the design is like the
weirdest thing you require it require a
separate module and it's just I didn't
have problems but I don't use
autocorrect and I think in my personal
opinion this but I might be the
exception but for me that's not
important for me it's important to see
that and this this we know that for
years Apple has been committed to fixing
and improving constantly on iOS yeah
they're nobody's perfect I mean it
happens there but you know they identify
a bug they push out a thick sweater
that's one a week or one a month but
they are committed to improving the user
experience or
it's not just you know it's not just
about that and it's not just about being
reactionary you have to put in the
keyway I get it I get it I mean for what
you're praying for what you're paying
for something like an iPhone 10 the last
thing more care less I get it but men
name I mean you have never seen any and
this is not me defending Apple by the
way you have never seen an app update on
anything like it doesn't matter if it's
Android or iOS where the beginning title
of the description of the app update
doesn't start with bug fixes yeah like
every single company has bugs they just
exist that's the thing yeah you know and
the whole jailbreak community exists
existed in the past because of bugs is
it's not every system is opposed to I'm
gonna ask you guys a question this is
just a personal you know it's funny when
Tony looks at my phones and he's always
like dude you have so many apps
installed on your phone do you really
use them and I don't know I don't know
about you guys but I feel that there is
this app apocalypse happening where what
it's just know so here's the thing like
I understand the whole concept of
developers wanting to bank more meaning
we're not gonna sell you a game but
we're gonna charge you in app purchases
up your hiney and it just I'm sorry I if
you think about it I pay for YouTube TV
plus Spotify plus Amazon Prime once you
start adding up all Micha bills
exactly exactly and all developers are
starting to do that in a way where it
just becomes annoying
I mean I've important you're pouring on
choruses of everything so I didn't mind
for example the whole concept of paying
$10 for Mosu per Mario run I didn't mind
it but then but then the app didn't
really deliver on the fact that I paid
$10 for it but I can't play with it if
I'm offline so if I'm on a plane I can't
use it and that's really when I played
most of those games and so here's the
thing I feel that many app developers
are just so concerned with the whole
concept of making money and I get it
it's a business but it's just irritating
people up to the point where I notice
that people just stick to a certain
batch of apps and they don't leave them
and so obviously this is not good for
business when it comes to Apple because
they depend on that 30 percent they
depend on that 30 percent in their App
Store in revenue you know yeah yeah and
Apple music hasn't really gave the
popularity of Spotify well there's some
whisperings there there's a growth rate
interchange going on that's apples
exception faster than Spotify the
boolean vaccine with actual numbers when
they eventually let's move on to
something that you might know as a
person that has been to Hawaii San Diego
all other places that Qualcomm is
announced they're being nosy because
innovations because they are important
the 3gpp announced their standards for
5g they pounced on that they can work on
the next with the Boeing for years now
there's this jockeying going around
because when broadcaster will lodge
itself into the situation quantify the
I'll say number two sandwich there's a
there's a lot of things that that have
been going on for many companies
we know that Broadcom is not a US
company while Qualcomm is and so their
their domicile and Singapore but they're
but okay so it's not a US company and
let's face it I mean let's face it I
mean how many how many companies provide
like right now innovation comes from
very few companies in the world and I
have to say this I mean from everything
that I've seen from anything that we've
seen since the days of CDMA call come
has been it from modems to the you know
the creation of CDMA and then pretty
much pioneering everything that made LTE
possible how come is a major player and
it's it's interesting to go to their
campus and just to see that there are D
is probably at least ten years ahead of
anything that will ever see I've seen
products from drones like they're doing
more 5g travels they're gonna be the
next listen it's just I've seen them
like their their demos their demos
include anything from smart driving
they're investing in R&D and just about
anything you can think of not to be and
so going back to your book going back to
your point I I did it's not like if I
notice Holcomb employees being like oh
yeah we're we're waiting to see what
happens with Broadcom no I see a company
that's like oh yeah this is happening
but then it's like for them its Qualcomm
is Qualcomm and they're working on me
welcome what it is and right now let's
face it I mean the major push in 5g
which is pretty much gonna start next
year we've got spectrum coming by the
end of this year we are most likely
gonna have smartphones powered by that X
50 by next year so Qualcomm is pretty
much at the head of it so I I do
understand Broadcom is intent to buy and
obviously if they can get a majority in
the stakeholders that's fine xx what I'm
saying is if stakeholders would wouldn't
accept to sell Qualcomm this would be
probably the worst time like fine with
5g around the corner Qualcomm pretty
much is providing the whole IP that
makes this possible and so would you
really sell your company at its best
performing exchange no no don't be sure
don't base your impressions on the whole
rumors of well no not on the whole
rumors on the whole lawsuit with Apple
and everything no no Holcomb as a
company as what they are literally I
mean their their operation is mainly
based on selling reality to deal that
has in our sector period period tech
world period like here's the thing I
mean maybe a public company but I mean
how much of their how much of their
existence really depends on on
shareholders just think about just how
much money the company is making through
IP alone just the fact that every single
product that we have on this table has
at least one Qualcomm chip so you know
their sales alone are
what I'm saying is what I'm saying is I
don't even understand why I call calm is
a public company because they kind of
don't need to I mean this is just funny
but I did not know much of this until I
participated in the first event and I'm
like you guys are kidding me
I you know I walked into the room and I
had no clue that Qualcomm was pretty
much in charge of building CDMA I had no
clue I just walked in and then I saw the
Moto with the Motorola v6 do you
remember that time and then the v6 TI
and you just you know all CDMA
technology and then what they did with
LTE is just just their R&D alone think
about it which are the companies that
are thriving right now at mobile samsung
how much do they invest in R&D they
invest a crazy amount of money in R&D
Huawei they invest a crazy amount of
money in R&D ziti when it comes to
mobile spectrum so did Nike Alan
Microsoft so did Nakia as well and you
know Apple obviously they've got their
own thing but let's just face it I mean
when it comes to innovation in the
United States I mean even if Broadcom
would would be able to convince
investors do you really think that the
Federal Trade Commission will allow
something like that standard there was
you remember that it was TDMA or city ma
was gsm cdma became one of the most
famous ones through horizons let's not
forget that companies buyout each other
or merge for several reasons among which
are also the following just to put a
competitor out of business true just to
obtain there which is the reason why you
have the Federal Trade Commission that's
obviously looking to avoid that why why
the Google purchase Motorola just for
intellectual property
might be Microsoft and not yet if
anything which lets lets wonder this I
mean right now every single Android
phone that we have is powered by a
Qualcomm chip every single one safe for
DX inocentes some others true but even
even that I mean but fine what I'm
saying is if it's not the modem it's
this processor what guarantee do we have
that is going to continue because
especially with that I mean you know
every company has got their own mystique
well I'm just gonna say I I I hope that
Qualcomm continues doing what they're
doing the more that I've been exposed to
what the company has done over time the
more I'm like let's continues all right
I hope this continues well no no
anything that has less than four wheels
is not for me funny you should bring it
up I meant two years ago here in
Barcelona a couple of buildings down the
street we went with that awful joke you
remember which one three guys on a
scooter and a selfie stick
listen I mean Android is ubiquitous it
works on anything I have an Android
power projector there are Android
powered toasters refrigerators that can
yeah I mean I like the fact that the
that the operating system is so
versatile you can apply it to anything
what I am right a scooter dude I mean in
New York City you kind of need tools
like that I mean there's just no parking
so it I'm not saying it doesn't make
sense I'm saying it just so long as the
price is right and they figure out a way
for it not to be intrusive and truly
smart why not I mean I I have nothing
against it
no I was about to ask does it improve
your life I mean seriously you know car
Tony you're in Romania where below I'm
in New York I have all the services of
everything I'm riding on a scooter okay
so why buy angular you have a does that
make me my ride my bike okay so that's a
valid question it's a valid question but
in cities like New York that's the
reason why concepts like city bike work
you pay a hundred dollars a year and you
have a bicycle that you're able to grab
it and as long as you know where you're
going but obviously here's the thing I
mean New York City alone is just such a
complex city where if you don't know
what it's like to try to grab the e
train oh I'm never going or the C train
debating this Peter at peak like you
can't even scooter no I'm not debating
the scooter I'm debating the Android
powered version of the scooter well why
not no it's no use on a scooter
I mean it's it's illegal to text and
drive it's probably illegal to do a lot
of things I get while driving in a car
not to mention a scooter
that's a good point that's a good point
what's the added value it's it's still
hard to predict it's just values that
good software of any sort that allows
GPS or navigation and to see it it's
essentially hackable the page it's just
I guess that's a good thing
true but you know I let's hope this
circuit is there anything wrong with the
whole concept of Android being
everywhere I mean I think that that was
like it is in my mind it is because
we've been hearing all of these reports
that Android pretty much like every
other OS but since Android is a huge
chunk of the market more reports come
from Android that Android is vulnerable
don't get me wrong
every OS is but because of their spread
in the market they're more vulnerable
than others we actually participated in
a meeting today we can't talk about but
you know there was a lot of talk over
just how the just the dominance of
Google and services and and just how
much companies want to avoid that
there's nothing wrong with the great
service that the Google provides it's
just the fact that you know they they're
pretty much everywhere and so I get your
point Tony I mean what is the point of
an Android powered toaster or you know
it's just funny when I see those Samsung
announcements of your new Android
powered refrigerator yeah look wait you
Twitter on the fridge and I'm like
really like do you do you imagine
yourself just doing something like that
nobody nobody does it's about the
ecosystem Android already has the
crystals recognized
it's about the interface which is very
familiar unless you really really take
the pains too so we were having this
conversation today as we were commuting
to another one of those meetings that we
can't talk about today pretty much the
old day just one more thought
just one more circuit casting thought
now you wake up in the morning you
commute to the office or to school or to
campus and you forget your phone back at
heaven forbid you're not trackable by
certain people but yes water your your
trackable by your girlfriend sponsored
message looking to move through the club
don't know where to begin check out the
podcast advocates answer questions in
the weeds and talk to the GCP team's
customers and partners about best
practices from security to machine
learning and more hear from
technologists all across Google about
trends and cool things happening with
technology you can learn more and
subscribe to the podcast at G Pepco
slash GCP podcast and work back alright
so we're here in Barcelona for a reason
right right for the something called
mobile world communist I heard it's
addicted to that
kind of had to fly lots of miles just to
get here and enjoy it continues being my
favorite show I it continues being that
task where I convinced entity that he
has to come the year three year after
year year after year all the beef the
beef is this is not a culture well the
problem is most of it is still in Fargo
recording we can't really talk about it
so I guess we won't be able to share
much of it until the next podcast Jules
when does this go live this should go
live basic same Easter Monday 6 a.m.
Eastern which is after the Huawei event
right after the Samsung oven so we can
talk about the Huawei event we can talk
about that
awesome awesome laptop we've seen you
and I liked because hey it's gonna be
yesterday's news
by Monday yeah just don't upload of
these earlier true all right chief
scheduler is
it's a service time I like a windows
powered laptop just by looking at it
just listening good speakers and just
reading the spec it was really nice this
is the big book X Pro fog on last year's
maple X which already hired like a
decent running that was always first
laptop which was already a pretty decent
remnant so now we're seeing this crazy
new design limited bezels the camera in
order to accommodate the bezels yes to
fight against privacy which is amazing
oh yeah that's oh here's the thing I
guess some innovators so what do you do
so just imagine a really thin laptop
that's uh that's very pretty I mean it's
very well designed but they bring their
full vision display to this laptop so
that's that's awesome I mean that on its
own is great but then you know that the
concept was like where is the where is
the selfie camera like the the video so
where is the webcam where's that webcam
and so everybody was like oh it's behind
the screen oh they figured out a
technology other than that no it turns
out that so by the way I have this Dell
Precision Pro that if you're saying this
up to be a disappointment you know right
with your words well but here's the
thing here's the thing so I have a Dell
precision Pro which is pretty much an
XPS 15 with much more powerful specs and
it's got the camera at the bottom and I
feel it it's like the most Awkward
design because you you're typing and
you're just blocking the camera with
your fingers this camera is baked into a
key within the keyboard there is a key
in the function area where you press it
and you pull out the camp it's a spring
load it's just like the the flashes on
certain cameras pretty much pops yeah
and so and so here's the thing and when
they when they shut it off I'm like oh
this is this is bad like I was like this
is really
I'm gonna be watching up my nose oh
really I'm gonna have to be cleaning up
my nose all the time like alright fine
you should do every so often but the
thing about it is when they started
talking about things like privacy I was
like oh that's true I mean a lot of
people watch the Snowden movie and are
like oh yeah putting stickers on their
camera and so here's the thing no more
behind a camera is not available unless
you push it out
there's literally no way for the camera
to be activated by anything unless you
explicitly pull out Pitka
push out the camera and push it back in
does it actually activate change the
logic no it'sit's springload of the
thing about it is it's it's it doesn't
really work on it even if it would
activate itself it would just show you
you see a nice image of the main board
exactly exactly so I thought you know I
looked at that and I was like okay
that's not a bad idea that's not a bad
idea okay yeah yeah Ruff's applying for
this yeah perhaps the wrong way for this
the design is great we saw a new mini
app at m5 and the 8.4 and the 10 points
okay so I did the mini iPad last year at
Aoife and I was sad that I have to
return it not because I like Android
tablets just those speakers were insane
like for you know talent server content
consumption is the reason why I like the
iPad yeah so this is the reason why I
like the iPad pro so much because like
the speakers are insane they're great
but that media that was really good and
so this new one is great the larger
variant has a stylus support with tilt
and everything which I wasn't really
able to test in the demo but fine
it also has keyboard capabilities the
keyboards not included but then going
back to the topic of content
consumption and speakers do those squat
speakers on that maple yeah they were
insane like I was like wait how do you
make so much great sound come out of
that little thing
the MacBook does that by the way like
the MacBook has great speakers but like
they make you not even need to carry a
portable speaker and since this will go
live on Monday after the other embargo
I'm just looking at an article on pocket
now published on May 4 2012 by our
esteemed ex colleague Michael Fisher
currently mr. mobile the headline goes
like phone names are out of control and
if you guys remember if you got to
remember all those crazy Samsung Galaxy
S to Epic 4G Touch phones
oh my god let me give you the LG please
30 that's where I was that's what I was
fishing for where's the box
it's C LG v 30 bloody 30s Plus think
thank you thank you
I mean without this okay so obviously
I'm preparing a video that's gonna go
live in a few hours so by the time this
podcast goes live the video would
already be live
it's literally only 30 it that's what it
is it's got new color options 62 bytes
of RAM and storage options that start
with 128 gigs and then 256 and
absolutely everything else hardware wise
at least it is the same phone when it
comes to software we've got Android 8
that's great finally LG thank you but
the the I guess the most interesting
part is what they're doing with the
camera so on one okay so on one end they
got this bright mode where so the bright
mode pretty much enables what I think it
was the HTC u ultra that did that where
it had a 16 megapixel camera but
it would create a 4 megapixel photo
downsample Thursday it wasn't a damn
sample that was actually actually used
the pencil it wouldn't come from our
line it would create ultrapixels pretty
much very much so / by you know and
square it would be in the square it
would it would allow that so that's
that's one thing the bright mode and
apparently that bright mode works also
in video haven't been able to confirm we
were we just power down the phone and
we're gonna play with it but the second
one is up just like the HTC can do that
it also has a feature that we've seen
from Huawei where you point the camera
so they talked a lot about AI and what
they're doing but they I what they're
doing is pretty much what wall we
already did with the cure 970 n and if
Google and Google lens was trying to so
here's the only thing that's interesting
for those of you that have been
following the news of the Snapdragon 845
really these are features that are that
were coming with the 845 but LG is
pulling them off at the 8:35 so that's
interesting that you don't have to wait
yeah you don't have to wait over the
next few days for the galaxy as mine to
bring that I'm just building their
narrow machine yeah and it's all baked
into the chip like it's they doesn't
really depend on the clouds that's all
these are all great things but going
back to the topic
it's another underestimated LG need 30 s
plus thank you thank you you're welcome
I mean so I so I like the name think
queue I was like or think or think yeah
I'm sorry I like that that's that's a
cool name concept could we just give me
thank you and just could we remove the
LG v 3s plus whatever like really when
there's branding in the box that also
says you plus like what you plus is a
which is Oh
snap snap snap snap scream burn what oh
geez this after two hours of operation
well this is the always-on display it's
going away
but hold on oh let's let's turn it off
again let's turn it off let's turn out
it's image retention fine
it's gone it's gone but it remains there
I'm sad I was so yeah and here's the
thing like there's so many things about
the V 30 that would have made more sense
with the 845 processor like the 845
processor supports a wider color gamut
it supports you know it has its neural
and separate neural engine but most
important it supports 10 bit camera
sensors so for those of you that didn't
know like the LTV 30 brings a 10 bit
camera sensor but the processors are not
capable of taking advantage of it but
let's not forget this V 30s is not the
2018 LG flagship and if LG has plans for
a flagship this year I mean if I were LG
and I would have a flagship whatever its
name is downgrade on the line I might be
looking for the full 845 for that I'm
not saying I'm not saying it's it's just
this the whole concept and the purpose
of this phone is I feel a little out of
its time I feel that the 845 Snapdragon
will be more capable of doing what LG
wants to do with the phone you know
there's a lot of people who who might
have criticized LG for this I don't know
leapfrogging and skipping the flagship
now for a point iteration this is this
is so good Apple does that
yes and again this is up dude this is up
to the company to decide what their
policy is I for one I think this is a
good move because I really like the g6
last year and I think that LG made a big
mistake in announcing the g6 so much
time before the Galaxy s8 that by the
time the s8 came and stole all the
headlines and the bus the g6 nobody
remembered it was the first 19 by 8 or
18 by 9 screen the to island 2 by 1
screen the first round of cornered phone
of 2017 let's face it I mean LG you know
with all the love I have for them
because I do you know that I love their
televisions and I love that what they do
in this place
I'm sorry LG but I'm sorry the Samsung
invest so much money in marketing
there's just no way that you're gonna
garner the same amount of popularity if
you play the Shadow Warrior here I don't
even think LG is directly competing with
Samsung I mean that they're they're from
the same country yes they make pretty
phones but they're not direct
competitors I think that LG I don't know
the current numbers but last I checked
it was the fourth or fifth om with Apple
Samsung and guava being in the lead so I
think that LG has yeah I think LG has
another fight you know I feel like ok so
we have a new president the new
president was announced a few weeks o
for the mobile division I think that was
necessary because the property here's
the thing for Samsung they're
semiconductor business isn't business
their TV business is a business their
Android power refrigerator businesses of
business all these things receive the
amount of limelight that they should
deserve from marketing can
and everything sadly LG is good about
their televisions they're great about
their you know their the the way they
provide hardware for other partners like
Apple but for them smartphones are an
afterthought this is like you know it's
like in the case of ZTE I had no clue
that ZT was so large and it wasn't until
I went to China that I realized that
really for them they're making smart
phones but they're not providing the
same level of importance to that
business as they are to spectrum and so
you know I have to hand it to companies
like again Samsung wall is another one
that their business when it comes to
spectrum is insane it's it's they do
that networking so that's great that's
important that's what is needed for us
the consumer to use that spectrum but on
the consumer side I think the first step
let's face it I mean it's marketing in
this world in any world the consumers
are driven by how much they know about a
product and that is marketing obviously
as reviewers we can only do so much I
mean our fan base is mainly niche based
I mean it's it's really just the guinea
mostly geeks like us obviously but the
average consumer which is really you
know let's look at dude I mean we've
gone through all the all the metro
system here in Buffalo now what ads do
you see on the metro system no selfie
photos dot on the iPhone oh yeah I can
attest I can assess it that the portrait
mode on iPhones sucks after anything
that you use this well I'm sorry but the
pixel just makes anything look bad if
this one like this portrait mode were
launched like two years ago it would
have made sense but ever since Google
just made this thing just this insane
bump in photography but point being
advertisement from Apple is insane
advertisement from Samsung I mean plus I
Catalunya they've got
like this boo where people gonna go
experience anything based anything
Sampson and it's right in front of a
half across the street from a cross the
street from the Apple Store and beside
of a vessel so unless you're aggressive
about product placement which I agree
it's a lot of investment you can't
become a Samsung or a long way without
that it's hilarious like it'll do this
right now
you go to absolutely every single
Airport in the country and it's full of
Huawei may 10 Pro ads it's full of it up
to the point where we like the whole
concept of huawei phones being cheap
that existed years ago no longer exists
like people actually aspire to get the
p10 or that they may send pro like the
people are actually like dude I want a
mate like what a beautiful design like
what beautiful this but what do you
think that comes from that comes from
advertisement of course and I'm gonna
say but that was stolen you probably see
you know what the biggest problem about
Jules losing a bag is not really the
aftermath no I would say obviously
losing a bag is sad and I'm so sorry for
you Jules
the most difficult part is finding new
clothes because Jules is about the size
of this apartment window yeah and this
apartment windows like really tall and
really wide what so you can imagine what
it was like to take this guy out to find
him clothes that was that was the u.s.
but it's Zahra
you're like a curtain sighs sighs you
can earn your bed sheet sighs these feet
long drapes of pressure such as a tripod
that now I have to use Tony tell me
something is where did you get that
tripod I mean it's the size of my car my
pickup trucks large you told me to buy
one which is to learn at me can't be
shown on video and you're left with what
so and let's face it it is I mean it's a
project fight has been behaving like
we're using both t-mobile and AM project
five-year like seriously if you are not
using project five I would highly
suggest you give it a try I work for
hours for sure
no but I mean from so here's the thing
protection here's the thing no but let's
let's focus on use services so the
biggest the biggest problem of project
five before the bill protection was
really the fact that it wasn't an
unlimited service it cost it would cost
$10 a gigabyte and so obviously once you
start doing the math the more gigabytes
you consume four people on unlimited
plans it didn't make sense but here's
the thing like from from a guy that
spends a lot of time in New York the
biggest challenge is for you to have a
network that works and so the cool thing
about having fly is it jumps through
three networks and so two networks that
I'm sorry is that a you butcher that
design and I've got point Jules you can
also see full details on all the stories
that we've talked about pet market
and on all the social medias and look
for the podcast section to get to this
episode you right there with us about
what you've been reading up on with Tosh
we're also be sure to check out hunger
of error at the pocket daily on our
YouTube channel like review us give us
stars and give us your thoughts or
Nuttall podcasts Google Play in
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