hey everyone Daniel Webster here with
pacquiao calm and today I'm going to
show your new application from the touch
pro 2 that was recently reviewed at
world mobile conference 2009 in
barcelona spain so the program is just a
simple calculator but it looks pretty
cool and it's very touch friendly so go
to that ok so as you can see i click on
the keys on the screen it works very
well it's very responsive to my fingers
clear that and it has all the same
functions as a regular calculator so
divide multiply subtract and addition as
well as clear memory clear memory call
and memory plus so we'll just do a
simple confucian on each one of these
and i'll show you how to do that so go
100 let's see 100 minus 25 ok that
equals 75 course clear that 25 plus 30
so we all know that equals 55 ok so
clear that so let's do 15 times for and
that should be 16 k perfect ok let's see
a 45 divided by 5 there you go nine
perfect ok so then let's try adding
something to that 36 perfect and i'll
just type in a few numbers because i'm
going to show you a cool thing about
this calculator opposed other windows
mobile calculators the left ok so we'll
just go down here to copy and go to
start menu of course and then go to
notes i'll take a new note and then just
paste it and as you can see it pays
perfectly and it copies directly from
the calculator so click out of that i
like to the calculator real fast i can
show you one more thing another cool
thing about this is that it works in the
landscape mode as well so you can see
that and it works pretty well and
actually gives you on all of your
trigonometric functions of your tangent
sign cotangent all that stuff all that
great stuff over there and gives you pie
and it's a consist it turns into a
scientific calculator so that's very
nice ok and it allows you to type in way
more information that you would like to
type in so that's the touch pro 2
calculator and i'm daniel webster i'll
post a link on pacquiao calm thanks for
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