apparently social music discovery is
what's in I'm Taylor Martin this is
pocket now and this is a first look at
Twitter music on iOS we all knew Twitter
music was nearing release and today it
officially launched for non-celebrities
it's available for desktop app music
twitter com but twitter also released an
application for iOS the hashtag music
app essentially it's a social music
discovery app or an application that
lets you know what all of your twitter
friends are listening to so long as they
care to participate it also shows what's
trending across the 500 million strong
social network when you install the iOS
app you're prompted to login to your
Twitter account and a Spotify or Rdio
account if you have one then you are
taken to the feed view Twitter music
tracks users music habits by using the
now playing hashtag and it separates
that data across four categories popular
emerging suggested and now playing the
left most popular feed is exactly what
you would expect the most tweeted songs
across the network where you'll see
widely known artists like maroon 5
Rihanna or city in colour to the right
of the popular feed is emerging where
you will find lesser-known artists and
bands that get tweeted about one more
page over is the suggested feed which
recommends related artists to those that
you may follow unfortunately this page
apparently takes some time to propagate
and we couldn't get it to work
immediately as we weren't initially
following any artists the next to last
page is the now playing page which shows
a feed of music that the people you
follow or tweeting about and in the top
right corner is a search button where
you can search for other artists
from any of these pages you can tap on
any track to listen to a preview through
iTunes however if you've logged into a
Spotify or Rdio account you can listen
to full tracks which effectively turns
the app into a DJ playlist based on
either popular music emerging music or
your friends taste you can quickly
switch between tracks and use the
application basically as another way to
indulge Spotify or Rdio if you don't
have an account with either of these
services though you can open the track
and itunes for purchase the rightmost
page is your Twitter profile which also
displays any recognized artists that you
follow with Twitter music there are some
caveats worth mentioning it's only
available for iOS and through desktop
browsers for now but an Android
application is in the making and we did
run into a few initial glitches some
tracks for example were unavailable to
be played ones that we tweeted about
directly from Spotify hopefully a future
update will fix that the application
itself is beautifully designed but the
idea of social music discovery isn't
totally new we've already seen this
through Spotify or blast out of him
however Twitter music has plenty of
potential end so far we really like the
new service that about does it so if you
liked the video be sure to give it a
thumbs up and subscribe and follow us in
all the normal places twitter google+
and facebook at pocket now you can also
find me on Twitter and find out what i'm
listening to at casper tech i'm taylor
martin and i will see you next time
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