hey everyone it's anton speaking from
pocketnow.com and today we're going to
show you another video of a sliding soft
input panel so far we've seen Brandon's
presentation of swype I did a video a
few days ago about slighted and today
we're going to show you shapewriter
which is right here on my screen so
let's start by trying to type the same
sentence as we use to test before quick
brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog so far so good perfect let's try
with a longer sentence let's for
instance try to compose the same email
as we did when I presented you slide it
this time I will try to focus on speed
and we will check how accurate this is
dear sir thank you for the file we have
sent me I appreciated regards Tony it's
perfect so it does it's not better than
the last video with shown you it's done
better i think that swype so far as far
as I'm concerned this is the winner
shapewriter i'll post a link on
pocketnow.com on how to get it so far
shapewriter has worked best for me but
it also has one downside as opposed to
slide it with supported custom language
packs this one does not so if you're not
living in the US or another country
which uses English as their main
language you have to write an email
message or a text message in your own
language you most probably will not be
able to use this lighting feature so
thank you for watching this was Anton
from pocketnow.com stay tuned for more
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