everybody's michael fisher with pocket
now calm here at the ubuntu booth at CES
2013 in Vegas checking out you're going
to mobile OS is evil oh yeah has just
given a really really long demo of this
and we don't want to put them through
that whole thing again I'm anyway we've
seen that before we want to ask maybe
for your top three or four you know
elements of this UI that you really
appreciate right I think well when we
say it's all four hours great as I may
then we actually talk about the four
core elements of the old new design
which are the four edges so basically
the whole experience is designed around
all the four edges of the screen of the
experience you don't see any hard key
buttons no soft key buttons using
basically interacts with the phone are
you using the edges of the screen so for
example when I would use left I
eventually go immediately to my favorite
apps like we've see that many people
don't use all the rats all-time favorite
apps right you can select your favorite
exactly i said later so
I will BB lock screen so the will be pin
lock as opposed to sleep protect private
data right exactly so for someone I want
to add a note or go to the browser very
quickly I can just go there super fast
yeah that's basically my walk upstream I
can show a variety of information weeds
messages missed calls as I clear decide
which you chose you and the user can
decide that right right so it's a
personal visualization of it can be the
one that you like the most right and it
is missing this artwork kind of changes
with the user / time exactly exactly so
it's like a very personal feeling to
your phone right doesn't that's never
gonna change right so for example today
I received for tweets yesterday 12 and
it builds up all over the past month i'm
lisa how many tweets i have received
yeah it's like a yeah it's like a data
visualization of my personal data
querida yeah so when i unlock again I
can go here too don't scream I just
messed up stream so i can go after
different um screen videos am i running
apps my process of noms feeding people
and music right organized like my
recently yeah they you could customize
well I can I think I said exactly so for
example when I wouldn't launch it for
app now what's really cool about the
BOSU as we both have native and web apps
as equal citizens right so Facebook is a
web app now and the gallery is native
apps like you know open them the the
cannery up and I can show you also the
free other key points on the experience
right so for example when I start
strolling all the content goes away
right so this completely optimized for
the contents when I open a picture still
full screen experience what I want to do
something with the picture is the bottom
edge list the bottom edge basically and
again pretend want to edit the picture i
want to share HD picture
I can hide it again as well so well his
grip and I to go so this is what the
buttermilk sauce I can't go back back
into the gallery we also found was that
when users are using apps sometimes they
want to change settings right so you and
chase sound you want to change the
volume or for triple Wi-Fi whatever I
basically run that goes back to the home
screen course in settings have that time
very deeply we had a much faster way of
changing settings it is one of top estas
I used top edge for your messages sounds
network for example data time battery I
want this battery chases brightest bring
it back up back in my hat and it's
always available regardless always
available I ever ever am personally very
much pause my message for example over
here is aggregated few of my messages I
would basically want to reply to miss
Cole or pads a message I do I'll do that
bring it back up yeah basically some
math is asked these notifications and
everything right so for example facebook
messages as a moment our integrated here
as well so even though its web app is
completely integrating over the web
exactly exact right here interesting
between two applications their previous
completion right so that's what the
right edge stars right so we also saw
the people are sourcing really often
between the last year's apps so for
example over here you see the gallery
app and now I want to force everyone
lots of camera I don't you get my rice I
can take a picture oh and then what I
want to do fishy there when I want to go
back to the gonna react I just used to
write ash right there you go so as you
pay me back the wrong and now it's
really it's all my so for example
Facebook that thing anyway well
basically exactly exactly so well I mean
if you want to go back to another I've
really fast you can always just let that
right just go here camera if you want to
but otherwise if you keep coming back to
the right it'll just carousel around
exactly exactly so the fort's offerings
of the Buddha phone I'll 4h especially
right that's it right so other one we
have SDK all available and we hope to
release like on two phones I made a
mission fail about later this year but
anybody know
it will run on any hardware that has six
packs there you go thanks a lot
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