
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Use the Apple Card to buy a Huawei P30? | #PNWeekly 351

oh there we go I did a whole countdown for the for the live and then when she hit start broadcast another prompt comes up that's like are you sure I'm like I counted down alright um let me get this read up everybody I just want to apologize for our tardiness for this and had a few technical difficulties but also I have to apologize as well give me let me just pause that real quick um I just have to apologize a little bit because I too have one other guest on here just wanna give him quick shout out before we start the actual show David Emmel I calculated his timezone incorrectly he's out in Morocco right now so if you saw his tweet you said that he was gonna go somewhere really weird so review the p30 we're gonna talk about that device a little bit later but I just wanted to give a bit of a peek behind the veil a little bit there my bad I told him 10 p.m. it's 7 p.m. where he is right now so shout out to David Emmel I'm bad at math alright here we go the weekly is supported by the Oregon State University eCampus do you want to take the fast track to your career in computing you can earn your computer science degree 100% online from Oregon State and tap into unlimited career opportunities in any field learn more at eCampus Oregon State edu slash now hello everybody and welcome to the weekly brought to you by pocket now and xda-developers on this day the 29th of March 2019 now we have a whole lot of stuff to talk about today this was a weird announcements week that's pretty much what I called it this week and we watched every single announcement that was happening there actually a lot of them even Sony Playstation had their own but we're not talking about that one what we're talking about today are going to be Apple's announcements my guest today has a lot of opinions on that we have the Apple announcements but then just the I think it was the day after was huawei's announcements and of course that has to do with the Huawei P 30 and the P 30 Pro however I do want to focus not only on the phones from Huawei but also all of the other products that they announced because there's a lot to get excited about just in terms of a just in terms of just the products that were announced on stage and that's outside of the smartphone itself in any case we do have one guest on our show for today last week we had a high me and David Cogan the week before it was just me and you as well so we have our two-person podcast back with thundery of bored at work what's going on man I'm good a good how are you doing doing okay got my got my coffee this morning I know you you tease me all the time about about coffee in the morning yeah yeah you know I'm drinking water how to work out ready to roll I've talked about Apple with Kwan on his his podcast on Monday I'm gonna relay some of those thoughts here but before I even do anything I have to excuse myself briefly because I need to plug in my Sony a7 three before it actually dies fair enough I have mine set up over here I wish everyone could see the way that I have my camera setup right now because since I'm always in a hurry leading up to the broadcast of the the weekly I have to like Jimmy up a bunch of song right now I have a 1 plus 60 box McLaren Edition I have a nest thermostat box I have a me 9 box that that's the next phone I'm reviewing by the way the show me me 9 then a bunch of books that also includes the bulletproof diet all stacked up and then the cameras on top because I can't feasibly put a tripod on top of this table here uh this is actually where I do my overhead rig so right here is my my overhead camera and also one thing that I wanted to put out there EW I'll show you again in a little bit but to any of our our geeky fans out there just wanted to show off this tee shirt real quick spoiler alert my brother got me this shirt I thought it'd be really funny to wear it on that on the show yeah no I see the shirt I was gonna say you can get a mini tripod I'll send you a link no I have a mini tripod I just had no time to set it up I always never I'm gonna set it up after this that way I could just clip it on my mini tripod is forever on my on my desk right there okay yeah all right so Monday started off real interesting I remember waking up it was kind of early I remember it being like it was it was kind of an early announcement I remember waking up and I watched the entire thing by the way Apple doesn't broadcast their keynotes on YouTube they don't use any Google services for that Twitter you can now watch on Twitter and you can watch it live off their website which is what I did which I was having trouble like chrome casting it from my xiaomi to my TV like I was having trouble trying to figure that out so eventually I just found there were a bunch of people just ripping the stream just putting it up YouTube yeah that was hilarious um but okay let's go ahead and do this like little by little so everybody in the chat by the way let us know what you think about all of these Apple announcements we're gonna start off with the first main one that they had and that was Apple News plus magazines there's all about magazines in this case now they did give a big shout out to the Los Angeles Times I'm from LA it was actually one of my dreams growing up to actually work at the LA Times so I always have do they always have a soft spot of my heart so to see that I was like cool LA Times like going more and more digital but far as magazines go and all of the rest how did you feel about Apple News plus there's your reaction right there yeah I mean I mean it's nice and dandy but somebody said I think what does Engadget if somebody had an article about you know the fact that you know these magazines are doing what they need to do but is it the best things for them to do plus I think we also are in the situation I was having this conversation with Sam about how magazines refused to to evolve you know I mean I like I like the idea of a curated magazine section I wish I wish Flipboard did it not Apple I wanted somebody to do it that is away from anybody's ecosystem I'm gonna be great you know if Flipboard was the one who had done it I would have at least liked it a little bit more but again it's magazines one of the things we talked about was like magazines refused to adopt a formula that fit into social media that's what has killed them you know I like car driver you know I like Motor Trend I like those magazines and they have a YouTube channel but you know for me I'm going if you got a lead up to a long review on the site that goes into detail breakdown right you have a website oh yeah an app that has a DT that gives me the detailed written breakdown everything you do why are you not teasing the fact that you're just testing out the brand-new Camaro right on Twitter show a couple of clips there you know give me a head by head comparison with the older Camaro on YouTube I mean that's a big magazine that they will give them those cars it's not like it's not like small I mean it's not small outlet like you know they get these cars for like three four months to spend time with it right so if you're teasing that stuff for me I will definitely be checking it out because I'm like oh okay zero to 60 in the Camaro okay I see that it's a short clip on Twitter and then I'm like you know they're showing me Camaro versus a Tesla Camaro versus support like that's the stuff that gets me to now go okay I want to buy a Camaro now let me look at everything that's in there in depth and that's how you generate traffic and I feel like they just have not grown so Apple has the opportunity there's nothing wrong with Apple doing this stuff it's it's cool it's nice but I think if you move down a generation it's passed in the sense you know and I think that's I mean I could be wrong you guys can tell me the chat but even though yes I'm I'm you know I'm on the upper side of the Millennials we're technically I'm not really a millennial but you know for me magazines just don't make any sense at all yeah I mean speaking as people who live on social media like I shudder to use the term influencer but we understand how all of these different platforms work like if you are a publication you need to make content that caters to each of the platforms so you have something for Twitter you have something for YouTube you have something for Facebook you have something for Instagram and a lot of these brands tend to do that but the magazine format kind of betrays all of that because if you have that information in plenty of other platforms to begin with what's the point of actually subscribing to a magazine when all that info is easy to find on their website anyway but that's that's for the fool that's why to me a magazine it's it makes sense if you do it a way where you're leading up to a very big detailed expose it's for a car driver friendly I use contracted with this I like car driver but I will also want when that monthly issue comes out I see the full breakdown why the new Camaro is better I see horsepower torque balance I see it on different tracks I see on D like all you're teasing me is one track and that's just one video that we hit how many hundreds of thousands of views or maybe even close to a million because they are the first ones who have it right you know that's the kind of thing that's why I said that when you build up to that then it becomes something where your big your big reveal is a full breakdown of of the car of the month plus a big review of the month then they also because they do this is contract they do this six-month review of a car like after driving the car for 30,000 miles then I can see then I should be seeing content written content on that and a short of five minute video about somewhere oh yeah somewhere else on YouTube but it's still linked to this that's how you connect it like you have to build it so that at least as a car driver fan I know I want to get that broken I don't know how will work for every other publication out there but I think making it where the the the user receives all that information constantly logo there is Android Central there's Android authority this pocket now right you still go to the website the website is the magazine let's just call it what it is yeah it's missing right the website is the magazine except in this case you guys still make content on YouTube you make content on Twitter there is some Facebook content you know this Instagram content but we still wait for the big stuff we wait for the big break down so you know big for the written stuff out there I mean like Windows Phone central is a prime example right they make youtube videos I still go there and read this stuff because they do a very different breakdown on the website yeah I just don't get the whole magazine aspect I mean it's cool to look at it on you and to me that's the software that is all just a programmer making a nice presentation layout which your Apple does a good job and all our program has to do a good job for you but well it was obviously all ecosystem stuff right so what what Apple is trying to do is get all of these big brands and we're talk about big brands first off with Apple News plus speak of Babel news plus there's a couple of stuff a couple of comments in the live chat in many ways Peter Hayden in many ways I feel like News Plus is what Apple News should have always been that's kind of true for a lot of evolutions of not only products but services also like this you actually have all of these big brands these no I wouldn't say brands but publications that they do act like brands a lot these days though you have all these big publications coming in actually adding to the ecosystem Apple is gonna get a huge cut from a lot of these people trying to represent high farm 30% that's a big cut that's also what they get off of actual applications so for the big publications to come in invest not only their content but also some other money into being in this ecosystem I mean that kind of makes sense I can see where people who are actually reading magazines on the regular feel a little bit better that everything is in one place which is also common that some people said here like where is it again Peter Aidan I genuinely believe that for those people who read magazines and there are a lot of people out there this service would actually be interesting for them I agree but I want to move a little bit away from like the actual big publications KooKoo and the price is $9.99 a month that's right this is one of the few services that actually had a price point throughout the entire announcement but we also have another one that came out the moving away from big publications and moving into the Indies this is what this is one I'm really interested in hearing from you um indie game developers investing their content and some of their revenue to be part of a new exclusive ecosystem that Apple has created for their iPhones iPads and Mac's called Apple arcade like where do you land on on this not only from a gamer standpoint but also from a developer standpoint because if you're really struggling to get eyeballs on to your content yes having having placement in Apple arcade helps people get to see your game but does the trade-off of the 30% or whatever how much actually matter it matters so you get to spend sighs that's literally what it is I mean there's a reason why you will not see epic in there oh yeah no it's not even just in these really just games right in general but I know they've got a focus for indie developers because they know those are the people they can poach on it's just all you know Pub GE in the EAS with asphalt those even all the the big RPG games you're not gonna find them on there because it makes no financial sense and I just want to hearken on that 30% just because this week also Spotify dropped a video explaining why they are taking Apple to task in Europe because they say hey look Apple is a direct competitor against us and they are taking 30% now yeah which we tend to forget which is true you should not be doing that so they basically basically if you think about it if Apple Spotify basically comes out and has Spotify music right and to be on the Apple Store having a subscription that goes to the Apple Store Apple takes 30% if you sign up through 3 that I mean through the 3 or Foe I believe that's exactly the way it is now iTunes music comes along and Apple is not subsidizing basically Spotify is subsidizing Apple's own service which is absolutely wrong I don't care whether you like it or not you should you can't be doing that that's something that they would have to not do so with developers you're looking at that in that aspect where every game you make you're losing 30% Apple makes most of his money like this it's not selling iPhones never has been well this is the end this is the methodology for companies out in China like Xiaomi you have 10 cent and WeChat it's all based upon like the cut that they get by having content on their platform so I mean this is just America catching up to what has been be successful I've been doing this forever this is how they've made most I mean iPhone oh yeah I agree yeah always been a big sale but the Apple the App Store has been the main bread and butter remember if you don't him down now though yeah doubling down earlier this year Tim when they had that revision and everybody was scared about Apple and the stock price dropped and Tim Cook said look we're gonna focus more on services everybody thought they were gonna offer something new and fresh this is Apple they never do it means that we're gonna double down on what's already there so news is now news plus it was already something that's there every time yeah the the gaming arcade is just a solid vacation of we have games on the App Store that's literally it really it's it's not just but they have content that's gonna be exclusive that was actually a huge word during the announcement was exclusive content exclusivity exclusivity and so sort of harken back some people in the chat were asking where Jaime is he's actually traveling to South America right now so he's in the air currently while we're doing this cast I do want to harken back to something he said while we were talking about a bunch of gaming content over the last number of weeks the problem with games on mobile platforms is that Sochi on Android they're available for so many devices that it's hard to pinpoint them for pistorius specific audience like that's on Android now on Apple you literally have games that are only available on Apple arcade and you know this is why I may was saying like if you create exclusivity when it comes to games it actually makes them more desired makes you want to have the thing that makes that game possible and in this case it's iPhone iPad Mac oh no I definitely hear that and that's very very cheap here's the thing about gaming and we're talking about exclusive concert look we'll go back to Stadio google says they'll have exclusive content you can say you can have exclusive content and look at gaming truly Microsoft has had a hard time making exclusive content Sony has had a better luck but we all know who's the king of exclusive content its Nintendo oh yeah exclusive content is not about content it's about recognizable IP and ya know but nobody nobody shows more love to Indies than Nintendo yeah yeah I mean no recently though recently Microsoft is the one who used to show a lot of I mean they still do actually but Nintendo because of the way the switches but but going back to Apple yeah it makes sense but I might what I'm saying here is that I don't think this is a service that will do as much as the hope I think the news will actually do for a a large number of iPhone users because there are a lot of older people who use iPhones when I say old I mean people were literally only 10 years older than me and they they tend to be dumb switching to anything else and I'm calling my friends out there when I say I'm not trying to insult I'm just saying that the big kind of lazy in switching you don't want to list a feel comfortable so those are the kind of people that would get that the games I think it all depends on who you are but I think a lot of the games that are big are not gonna be affected and what people spend a lot of time on I think you'll see a good significant pickup I think what they will if you're smart enough if they focus on children's games Apple can now say this is games for your kids that we have checked and it's safe then the parent will pay $9.99 a month for those games that's where they can make it make them money vote for it yeah we're getting a lot of messages in the chat about like what the price would be for something like this because you're paying a month you're paying for access that's the thing so this is everything is becoming a subscription thing so your paper access is gonna be monthly and then you get access to these games you can play them all you want and one thing that I did like about the apple arcade announcement was that you pay for the access you download the game but every game well I'm this is what they said on it was kind of vague with their language on on stage but apparently every game is going to be playable offline so these are necessarily online games so as long as you're paying for the access you can play the games however like just as much as you want they're offline blah blah blah so so a couple people were saying like thirteen ninety-nine a month that seems like a lot for Friday yeah I would say $9.99 but that $13.99 it's gonna be interesting because right now microsoft offers xbox live arcade way I think over 100 games right now so 100 games but it's adding it for $9.99 a month hmm these are these are console quality games but I get it like I said if you do towards parents that might be something that it makes sense now somebody had a comment in the chat said $5.99 5s egde if they do that they watch the news customers they would absolutely want it because people could now get whatever phone they want mm-hmm be fine you know oh yeah I think that's funny if they if I message was a paid service oh my god you have any idea how much backlash there would be people will get so mad and then what if they made like I miss people who are on free iMessage for like a dumber shade of blue compared to people who know if you could move iMessage over what you do is you do you do $9.99 for the app and then a one dollar a year service fee perhaps by the way all these people who complain okay I've seen I've finally seen it firsthand I know a lot of people who complain about the green when they talk to people on my message who are on Android phones like it's it's kind of smart on Apple's part to make that green so disgusting but at the same time I'm like why does it bother you so much you know the only thing I get with iMessage which is useful is whenever you send video you get the full resolution of was a friend sent me a video and I looked at it and I was like yeah cuz you know I have text and then he sent it and I'm like I'm gonna watch this it's all it's all crunched out so I get that aspect of it but I don't see that happening yeah for sure okay now before we get to like the main one that I know you have so many opinions on would you okay are you I was on Twitter the entire time by the way one of my tweets went absolutely viral and that's about this particular subject I'm not looking forward to the days I live in LA you're in Brooklyn so we live in two particular places where we know that we're gonna see people in cafes in bars and restaurants and we're gonna hear this phrase a lot I get there are some responses to my tweet and I get it yes it is a MasterCard but you know you're going to hear people say oh do you accept Apple card do you said Apple card Dubcek Apple card I'm not looking forward to that at all on Twitter I did see a lot of people say like this is ridiculous but I'm gonna get it were you one of those people enough dead I don't need I don't need any more desks so I mean the card is made I get it it's very synergistic to your iPhone that's what I don't like like I hate I personally hate being close to the ecosystem I'm a windows person and being a Windows user makes you so susceptible to open markets right you want to use your stuff the only way I get it so this is basically the evolution of Apple pay to say if Apple pay doesn't work you can use a card but here's the downside of Cardon everyone kept on forgetting right is that there are no numbers on the corner like oh yeah because it just uses like whatever it gives you a random number each time I'm like true except when you try to swipe it it doesn't work mm-hmm I got a plan you have to say like let me see your card and then you show it to them and you're like oh hold on you got to take your phone out you got to go to the app and like here's my number number exactly and that's EMS and that's the thing and I was and I was talking to someone I said look I had this experience so I'm doing a PC build once you get a clamp to bend the PCB PCB pipes I'm out of Home Depot with Sam and we get a clamp we get there I scan it and I was like I should use Samsung pay but like not like let me just it may not work I don't know if because some separation should work everywhere unless you block it that's the thing you know it's true everywhere unless the company actually blocks it because I tried it in an Apple store II work the first time the second time it doesn't work because he blocked it so I put in my chip didn't work then I swiped didn't work and the guy was like what's going this is like I can see the card because I went through self checkout then he typed in the number yeah didn't work oh really dirty work and it sounds like Sam something and I went work that's like I should ban you from the very beginning now does he look spaced better about the saying that you were run into weird situations like that where the MF ST radio signal works with the credit card swiper because it couldn't actually swipe properly but it can read a signal if it came through and the number punchin didn't work for whatever reason and the chip wasn't working you're gonna run to some of those issues especially when you go into smaller towns and smaller places because when you get abroad yeah when you get when you get the card you want to use the benefits you know this cash back and all that kind of stuff so I get it you forget it's Apple it's a credit card that has some benefits so you want to use those cash back benefits and when you get there you can't use it and also when you use it as a card you're gonna get 1% if you're using with Apple pay you get 2 or 3% so they're trying to force you away from that and there's no late fees on the card which is interesting so which is not nope not true not true because if you have a late fee they add to your interest your interest goes up your engine stop if you write yeah not nothing late fee but the interest goes up yeah and the other thing here too is that because this is Goldman Sachs first card and also because of all my socks is the issuing Bank I can guarantee you that it's not gonna be for a lot of people it's gonna be for people with a credit range of maybe I would say seven eighty eight hundred up just to ensure that you know you have people who can pay I just thought of something um all of you out there who are getting really excited about the Apple car just because there's a logo on there like I'm not I'm not trying to say that this is gonna be a bad card I mean they're gonna be some issues like like Anna bong was saying just now but um but the thing is like if you're if you're into this card so much that you're going to apply for it immediately don't do that because applying for a card already puts a ding on your credit score if you don't know that right now you don't you shouldn't be applying for this card I don't want there to be so many people out there who all of a sudden have lower credit scores because they're doing credit checks just to get this card look just make sure that you get your credit history up and when and then you can get either the the chief what can wait to get yourself the Chase Sapphire or you can get yourself an American Express black card so when your friend drop the Apple card you can say my card we eat your card your money your life so take that away yeah all right so before we get too long into these I want to get into the meat of the Apple announcements okay they were already they already peaked my interest during Apple arcade when they brought in one of the makers of Final Fantasy but the name-dropping they took it to eleven ones Apple TV plus became a thing and then here's where here's where I and I were having so many conversations about like what what does this all mean well does this all matter we were I was I wasn't okay I'm gonna let you go ahead and I gave your opinions on it because I was gonna say I wasn't quite as upset as you were but I don't think you about upsets not the word I think like you just had a lot to say about it trash absolutely trash okay I've said probably is the word yeah it was a waste of so for me the whole press conference was two hours we see time yeah it was a long it was a long one and I remember thinking like a lot of her friends were there like super staff was there Michael Josh was there and they were like what are you going to do videos on like our fellow youtubers are there what exactly are you gonna do if anyone even I couldn't do a video on it reacting to all of these announcements because I figured we were gonna do it on this podcast but they had nothing to do they flew out there just for that mm-hmm no I mean I think what it was like to me this is something they could have announced the new stuff they are Apple arcade could be an announced online actually as a press release the TV stuff could have been a shorter announcement so here's the thing Apple is getting to the TV game right is Google going again to TV game now Google is actually moving out by the way YouTube is no longer doing premium original content didn't scan that right now Microsoft is not even smelling in this area Microsoft has some shares in Netflix so I guess they are okay with that the own part of the company so the question is that whole announcement what was it for what's the service the I think the biggest annoyance was the fact that didn't announce a price or even when they said fall so sometime around the I guess even around the iPhone 11 launch or after the 11 launch you know maybe in October or something like that is when this will come through here's why I called a complete trash because Apple does not understand entertainment so they invited Spielberg who by the way made all this brouhaha about Netflix you know what you know maybe maybe he still feels the same way it's just that he's now making money from Apple that's fine as long as he comes out and says look whatever I make here should not be should have even I'm late for an Oscar exactly exactly then I'm cool I get it divided up women they invited because Evans was there you know there were a lot of stars even JJ haysoms JJ Abrams come on Gianni who's announced whose actual teaser by the way was the only one that made me feel like I should get this cuz that story that he was announcing up there about the I wanna say Pakistani immigrant who like ran a hotel all by himself because his parents yeah they're deported or something that's so that's it that is an actual story I got I got so annoyed that I didn't pay any of that I was like this is just rubbish because there were no trailers you showed me nothing right it's true that's trauma and yeah granted I might check out it I might see his show I mean I don't even know here's the thing here's the big thing that a lot of people and a lot of techies sense amidst which is why I always find funny whenever Apple announcements come out Apple is facing up uphill task with TV plus it doesn't matter whether you have in an installed base again content is king hmm what does Netflix do every month they they filter stuff in and out yeah in and out but but now they have more original content every month if you noticed is starting from last year with bird dogs there is one key Netflix movie every month you may not I can't Ameno begun but it's always been there right bread box was fun it was interesting they had the just had the one with Ben Affleck here tonight there's another one coming up with Kevin Costner there's a couple others and these things don't cost them too much money but they spend money for this kind of content they are building their content library even if yes like yeah we know daredevil and the rest of them are gone but how weakens our concern oh they now have content they're building their own superhero library because they went and bought a comic publisher to actually make that stuff there that's why then the biggest behemoth is coming in the fall Disney no that's right Disney is coming and let's put it this way every parents I know we'll have a Disney account just automatically because you have kids second all of you there want to watch all these Star Wars shows that they have they've got two already coming up already shooting as it is right now and then we have coach all coming Knights of the Old Republic which is gonna be a huge then we have every Marvel TV show now there they're doing plus-x ma'am they finally got the rights to X minutes yeah so so think about it this way if you don't think about the dollars you're going to spend on on stream II most likely you already have Netflix that's what Disney is gonna eat up your number two right there you're thinking is Apple gonna take over that or will I go to Hulu or or what he has a trick who owns roughly about 55% of Hulu guess which company was it I can't I can remember off the top of my head well that's right Disney because yeah so they own ABC they're both Fox right now what that means is that most likely Disney will either have Hulu as a bundle package maybe an extra five bucks or some small amount with your your Disney package that leaves Apple in a very precarious situation which is why if you look to write Google pulled out not just because they can't do it on you know I have money it's just not a feasible landscape plus the amount of content that's going around then Amazon is also there to Amazon is there because it's tied into your Amazon subscription number one Amazon is gonna be dropping a lot of rings show end of this year I believe again it shows that blitter you take me go oh I want to see it yeah you know that's why all the then we have CBS all access yes they have a Star Trek a few Star Trek fine you're gonna get it and then there's another I mean like those are the kind of things that they need to show me like I didn't see I saw a brief trailer real and I was like okay this is nothing this is just literally three second clips three or five second clips of things that I don't know what this is about I need to see trailer some of these shows and go okay what's your sci-fi show what's your trauma what's your thriller what's you sure that I don't understand what it is but goddamn that looks good yeah exactly that's that's what you need to give me and they will learn that lesson but right now they're not going to get which is why they they're gonna face the problem that they're facing with iTunes the fact that there are more people on iPhones modified that would I choose music I think the only I think the only Apple original content that was actually interesting enough to make me think do I want Apple music was like carpool karaoke but nothing that was announced on stage I think that was teased on stage I should say actually gave me that whole feeling of like oh I actually really want to watch that it's it's something that I could like really watch on the regular aside from the community on anything but that wasn't like a highly intellectual level like the all of the content that was up there was like on this weird intellectual plane that only people who live in the Bay Area would like totally be into like well think about it right I like it that's the problem look at Netflix we've got our season Aziz Ansari um the other guy that does Patriot Act what's his name again Hasan Minhaj Hasan Minhaj is show which is basically a comedy show around news yeah I mean again it's it's like Comedy Central except this is stand-up right he's doing a standard version of that it's hilarious and it's there I mean like that's the kind of stuff that I mean Apple I just if you showed like if they should content that I went oh wow okay yeah all right I mean I might have to get this service and or just watch it on my samsung TV sure you know but they didn't and I'm not saying they won't have don't get me wrong it's gonna be a hard battle to get there that's a different because here's the thing people will still be paying for the HBO's hmm right it's not gonna pay for their Netflix because Netflix is not gonna be on the service obviously people are still gonna be paying for the other streaming services and you're right like they're also stacked that TV Plus still doesn't have anything so compelling that it would but the thing is it's gonna be another this is the reason why I harp on the whole thing of like it's all subscriptions subscription subscription subscription this is why we talked last week about Google stadia about how like you're just gonna add another subscription there aren't gonna be a lot of people who are just like alright put it on my credit card like there's another monthly fee yes so this is why I look here I look at that and I go I think even maybe Microsoft might have a better idea like a lobby but say Microsoft we're gonna go full subscription for gaming and I don't think so hmm I think I think what Microsoft is gonna give you is a weird mix imbalance is that number one you can stream you're right now you can stream your Xbox games directly yeah that's nice but instead of you paying for subscription service you pay for xbox live game past and you get the game's not the subscription and and that keeps you in your own realm offline as long as my xbox is you know the allowances Power Save mode on or whatever you want to call it and then I'm good or the set up a proper mode that just says okay as long as you have two parties in Xboxes in this mode whatever you have on Xbox game live you can actually play what I extreme in from their servers or from your xbox it all depends on C's but eventually by 2020 you're gonna get into the very quick subscription fatigue kazamia let's let's do the math right now right I pay $14.99 I pay $15 for Netflix because I need to have the 4k Netflix then I pay hulu hulu I think $9.99 for Hulu no no the the ad-free version I think is 11 or 12 let's go to $12 $12 for whoo right there's that then there's also HBO which is another 15 bucks right there right so you're looking at 30 plus 12 42 42 dollars in there then I've got Spotify right which is another $9.99 for Spotify Premium I believe because I want I better buy high res audio you know higher than shitty quality audio so that's another 10 bucks right there that's making you fifty two dollars on there now granted if you're thinking you're going man your pain a lot well I'm smarter I'm sharing all my services so I don't pay all that amount but it does but if I were to even go further luckily I have crunchy and I'm an opera Hulu and Netflix do have a lotta enemy but I couldn't get crunchyroll and come on my anime fix or something no I was $9.99 for no ads and HD or you can get the free version but if you want no ads in HD you go that's fax it up then if I were to add in any of these games descriptions yep right PlayStation now Xbox Live Apalachee right in there oh and and Quan bought up a very good point big gaming subscription it says how will that affect net neutrality because when that kicks in and that gets higher it's in their providers gonna say hey look you know what Google study you need to pay us more money because you're using a lot of bandwidth right but here's the other part for us consumers you do know that you actually have a cap for you Internet users at home you say you never reach it you actually have a cap the internet hope somebody thinks about three to five hundred gigabytes if you are streaming games I guarantee you hit that in a week yeah yeah that's what's gonna happen but they does all of the all of the internet providers are just gonna have to they're gonna to find a way doesn't leader your internet bill is gonna go up too and that's on top of all the subscriptions you're paying and all of that so it's crazy okay before we get too far on this one we do have to get to our while we talk so this was all of the stuff you just heard was day one of this week this was just Monday the next day was walk away so we're gonna get into that but first we do have a little bit of a break all right let me get into this one if you are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of remote controls you have cluttering your entertainment space then you should check out the control center by kaavo the control center simplifies your home theater so you can control everything connected to your TV with one remote that includes voice control plug any media system into your control center even your game console and it will take care of the rest one universal voice remote controls at all just say what you want to watch and you can enjoy every second of your viewing time without having to lift a finger and search for other remotes this is a big problem in my house actually my parents have this thing where they press the buttons way too hard on the remotes and then they become inoperable that's part of the reason why I needed to get something like this and it also made all five of our remotes just become what check it out for yourself and get 40% off the control center with the promo code weekly that brings the price down some 5995 from the original 99.95 service plans are required but the first 45 days are free control center is available at CAA and best buy control center by kaavo one remote that does it all all right cool can I ask you a quick question either is that shirt an apple shirt oh no iPhone name of company it's a luggage company oh okay cuz the same exact font I've been looking at that this all tonight yeah I mean they base their base out in the west coast okay so before we get into the hallway stuff I did want to have one other guest on here at the very least who had like the p30 in hand because I'm getting my my review unit sometime next week you had Dani sin go out and he has it right yeah but my Union is coming in tomorrow so expect more videos it's gonna be a barrage of videos coming in more than likely yeah next week is gonna be really crazy and then a week after that we have even more announcements that we can't talk about yet but just look forward to the next couple of weeks now one thing I did want to touch upon because since we have you know the self-proclaimed quote-unquote gamers here um did you watch Sony PlayStation's state of play event did you like watch it back after the fact because I know you you asked me what I was watching when I was tweeting about it no no I I'm not a big PlayStation gamer oh yeah I'm really okay I'll confess I've never been a fan of PlayStation at all my whole life I was a Nintendo diehard so when PlayStation came out I refused to get a Playstation now my first PlayStation was the PlayStation 4 nice yes that's how good but I still played games in my friend's house with Playstations and stuff like that so I'm not the biggest playstation game okay I mean God of War fantastic you have it I have iconic spider-man yes I haven't touched you I've not had time I need just like to spend time in places that's how I feel right now like I'm playing a sec you know shadows died twice right now and I know I heard that game is difficult it's so hard like expert in local game and I'm not I'm not first in Dark Souls or blood-borne games so I'm I'm coming in doubly blind so I'm dying left it's also okay so the state of play event it was another announcement that happened it actually happened right after the Apple event which is the reason why I wanted to bring it up for a second it's great to see that everybody's starting to do these like live events this was basically Playstations version of like what they call a Nintendo Direct yeah but not nearly as good so they did do some announcements around like Mortal Kombat 11 and all that stuff so I mean I just want just to give you further context audience as to just how much of an of an announcement week this was like that was another one that came up even yesterday I don't know if you have any uh any thoughts on this Borderlands 3 so oh yeah so like there's so much stuff going on this week but of course probably the biggest one aside from the Apple one is the hallway announcements so I was not there at the event didn't really work out this time for me to be able to go but I did see a lot of our people including Jaime were out there and that's and again the reason why he's not on the show today is because he just came back from Paris where they had the announcement that he's flying back home so he's just traveling and traveling and the guy the guy is such a such a trooper when it comes to the podcast most of the time but if he's in the air I mean obviously we can't get him on so but if he was jet-lagged all to hell he would still try to be on alright so you were not there you did get a look at the phone though you did do plenty of plenty of looks at the device I was hoping to have somebody on who actually has it on hand but you have way more information about this fund than I do I just I'm just working off of everything that was on YouTube boom but I mean so we had a pretty briefing early so a lot of people working I got this in my first video they were like you're using gadgets Matt's video I was like well look we there were only a couple of devices available I'm yeah yeah here and you know we know Michael Josh oh we were just and he was basically mourning for us just pretty much it but the devices is nice I mean the it feels a lot like the p20 in a sense you know now has the dimple notch it's the front-facing camera I'm concerned about most because while we spar 15 cameras are atrocious ly bad for my skin color they make me look pale so it's lld are low low dynamic range does I so I've got a test that out more but the cameras in the back I mean at the pre-briefing event it was good I mean like the zoom functionality is really good it is on point distel you know they've got that 5 5x optical 10x hybrid 50 just for the for the front of it and you saw that if you go on if you go on Instagram you can check out all the guys who were there you know pink out Fisher Tim Schofield the the ultra photos zoom into the Eiffel Tower and from a distance where you could read the lettering yes it was fuzzy be still read the letter e yeah exactly there are a lot of there are a lot of side by sides that people are doing and just give a shout-out to one homie out in Hong Kong Ben's sin he he did one immediately a moment he got back to Hong Kong and he had one with like it was the p30 Pro the s10 and the I want to say the previous the p20 or the meet 20 I forget which one well yeah he was like zooming into a bunch of signs in Hong Kong and it's like it's crazy how much detail is in there and that's what I find so interesting about this this announcement like there were always marquee features for the last 2 or 3 Huawei phones that we all got excited about I think the p20 was the first one to actually properly do that night mode and then so that was fun and then the May 20 came out and it was night mode with the wide angle now what's exciting about the p30 Pro is that you get that night mode again and then you get this zoom which is really high quality you can use the night mode with the zoom and it's like wow like it's crazy just how how yes to this thing so guess who bought the company that developed that zoom lens is well I remember seeing it first with up oh yeah but the company I know besides release the device yes yeah so Samsung bought the company that developed the periscope yeah the develop not to spare car they I thing like the way it's actually implemented so I think they bought them earlier in January or something like that this year oh is that right I don't think it's gonna be the no but I think the 11 next year will probably have it that's ridiculous like thinking about everything that the s10 can do you add an S Pen and then you put this periscope in there what are we going in phones right now like so that kind of leads me to a question that I had I this is another one of those videos I wanted to do at MWC but it just didn't come together when I went to the Oppo events and all they had to announce was that you know we have 5 g and 10 times ooh we played with the prototype that had the 10 times zoom in there it was definitely interesting it was a little creepy but it's 10 times optical zoom and in this case a hybrid zoom that gets you up to what you say 50 at the most yeah how useful is that to you to begin with though so yeah that's the question I got from a lot of people because I did a video we did a video comparing it to the s10 plus a lot of people like us curve mode creepy mode you know all that kind of stuff yeah well yeah here's the thing I live in Brooklyn where I live we're going to start I have I have a bathroom of the city I can see from One World Trade Center up to about 92nd Street like that I take a picture of any phone right now I don't get that land I don't get him get what I see yeah exactly now I can now I think now I can do even with just 5x it's a much better landscape for me to now take that and go here's because I'm gonna do that I'm gonna I will do that for you guys I'll show you what that means for me it's that here's here's here's standard is fine and here's Ted and here's 50 right in front of Empire State Building I can technically zoom I can see all those buildings from where I live so for me with my eye I see them really clearly when I capturing the phone I'm like uh yeah it's terrible right yeah so that's what this affords me and this will afford for a lot of things like that you know where you can if you want to take a big picture of something online mark you're you're a bit far away and like oh wait okay nevermind done I don't need to walk all the way there to do is the same thing with a wide-angle lens I need to step back it's just it's the reverse of that he knows we all go I love wide-angle lenses yes it's great because you don't want to take five steps back to actually get the same shot now it's the same thing when you see something you go oh that's really nice you look at it and then you zoom you're like okay that's actually better done yeah there's a there's a comment in the live chat let's give one person huxton I prefer wide-angle zoom those are two different things men but also under that period I guess that's the name of the person it's useful for stocking your crutch from IG from far away yes okay but look at restraining orders with the p30 Pro all right yes well guys remember when you have a camera right a regular camera DSLR or even a pointing sheet they have zoom you've used it before it's not like film so this whole thing that people are thinking it's now creepy mode and I'm like no it shouldn't be it should be it should be look I'm standing here like I'm standing here I live on the technically tenth floor and you know there's a sign or something they're like I want to take a picture of that sign I can zoom in and do that as opposed to if I go downstairs my perspective is lost I have to get it allowed to get any better perspective I don't need to do that now I think a lot about just Missy I'm not not missing but I'm maybe a play with that fact that it's a creep ohmmeter yeah well so the the thing that I'm really excited to try out I mean this is sort of becoming a bit of my my brand on YouTube these days is like blogging with the smartphone so I'm really excited to try that out so she if stabilization is actually that good on the zoom because wide-angle has always been my favorite I'm always going to be a fan of wide-angle however getting tighter in having more of that background compression is actually really useful to have especially when you're doing something like video because like I wonder if I can show it off right now let me try this real quick oh yeah look at this see me here yeah look at that and then and then it's yeah you do a better job of focusing in on your subject yeah exact point where is my setting is that it that's it there you go so now if I were to move back a little bit well this is yeah but you get the idea like refresh it you don't see as much I'm far in all right let me push mine to the max and see what I get oh look at that also I didn't have autofocus on so that's one other reason but again I'm using the Tamara I'm using the Tamron 28 to 75 lens which gives really good bouquet so so here we go the would you consider so here we have vise nose in who actually donated thank you so much you donated and asked the question not just slash holes or an invented problem thoughts like so I'm gonna I'm gonna have us answer that question real quick but also is it a regression for huawei to still be putting notches on the pro version of the phone when we've already seen like hole punches and other ways of like getting away from the knotch yes and no but I think that because the zoom really took everyone by surprise no one's really talking about that and then not I mean the the dimple notch is fine it's not it's not there's nothing really wrong with that to me and to you to the question from Vashon know Zen it's sort of an invented problem I think the idea I think notches because of apples apples not really was one that threw everything off really because if you think about it before the iPhone came out we had the what's that essential phone and it had that beautiful temple not yet it was a little bit bigger but it was a nice dimple not and everybody was like you know what if we have this before we go to bed less phones this is great right this is an Apple came and gave us this bastardization of a haircut you know and you know and then and because Apple did that you know a lot of engine manufacturers followed not just because they followed because of costs would you mean if if Apple is taking huge orders for that to make any screen like that will be cheaper for any other phone out there so that's one of the big reasons why and then we've got a lot of the you know you know the weird haircuts for phones which destroyed our view displacement when we were going on the path that it looked like it's either we had thicker bezels thinner thinner than our dimple notch and then no bezels and then up or showed us that we can with the find X and then you know they're more opportune oh the Reno's gonna have the same thing too so those kind of things that I think I had been in invented problem the one thing I'll say about the hole punch stood Susie knows point is that I find it just much better than a not for whatever reason especially if it's on Islip in her eyes on the lower right hand corner I it just gets lost in the scene of whatever I'm watching so mmm okay what else about this okay so with the zoom we also got that not sure you were just discussing the worst of really anything else that was particularly different right so this for camera lenses of the four camera modules at the back a tough the tough even though the US but Richard he was on stage going tothe camera by the way I have to give Richard you so much credit like he's he's he may not be the best showman that we've seen in tech onstage but he is a hundred percent excited about what he's talking about when he's up there it's great yeah yeah the the tough lens was which is something I think we're gonna see more a lot of Android phones you know like Samsung has on the 5g galaxy which would give you just better depth placement overall you and I think you can see from people's bouquet photos not not the color on the high dynamic range but the way the graduation of the bouquet looks is a little bit more more like a DSR and less like what the pixel is and all the people like the pixel pixel just blocks out the back it's like take it or leave it that's really what it does from computational analysis but you also have every sensor is new they accept the right angle I think it's the same wide angle 20 megapixels the 40mm for no there's no what is it the Sony 40 mega pick someone that we've loved no there's no Sony 48 but it's a also a brand new 40 megapixel sensor that is they are yyb sense yes now was kind of cool like that's an interesting take on it because if yellow is able to get more light into the sensor as compared to green which in a way kind of makes sense like when you think of the actual white balance spectrum like you can get you can get more in a yellow color diode but that doesn't make a lot of sense I thought that was interesting not a lot people are talking about that cuz it's so low level but yeah it's it's it seems to be working pretty well yeah and then then you also have the periscope a class zoom which is a module I think somebody I fix it's not a tear out of it you can actually see the module in there and that that's eight megapixels and the f-stop of 3.2 so a couple of those bus it also has reverse wireless strategy now like the mix 20 and and it's got the far strategy it's got all the things you expect following the mate line it's the photography's change where they've now got an AI not it so this is the AI photography for your auto mode which is kind of now built in a little bit and then you've got the AI assistant for video as well to give you better civilization and also better look like video quality yeah the low-light stuff with the a is the the AI image stabilization I think is the fulcrum for that one thing that I said in my video over in my channel when I was reacting to these announcements was like some of those photos that people were getting super excited about like the nighttime photos the Star photos and moon photos and all that like keep in mind like you're just just to make sure people are actually looking at the fine print this isn't just a photo that you go outside you take a picture it looks like that underneath that photo it said it was a 30-second shutter so everyone should kind of just be sure to know that there's going to be a long shutter speed in order for you to get that night mode to work at its best so that's that's kind of the the thing that I want to put out there but those photos did look it pretty they did look pretty incredible I will I will say okay so the phone itself very exciting by the way we have a funny thing I'm sure some people in the life Chad noticed that Jaime just appeared so he wasn't in the air per se but he's about to be he's in the United club right now which is what he told me so we're gonna have him come on but not for the actual show what we're gonna do here is a thunder he and I are going to continue on once we end the show quote-unquote we're going to leave the live broadcast going get Jaime in and we're just all gonna chill out for a little bit with all of you so we're gonna have a little bit of fun two three of us just chilling out for maybe 10 15 minutes post show so this is just for the YouTube audience so something something kind of fun for you guys so before we do that not a lot of people are talking about the accessories so you have the free lace headphones I don't know if you have a neck band earphone near you so we can kind of like illustrate that quick one from this is from let's see Dan on EJ Mundell mkb she says twitted air power canceled I don't know which is interesting you know we all know that's the the vapor we're from Apple oh there's the other thing too like okay not to not to get too far back into an old topic but clearly there was nothing for our youtuber friends at the Apple event actually work with and that's because air pods to quote-unquote were actually announced right after and not announce but even launched I mean you even have the air pods to you right now you so yeah I don't know I don't know about this TechCrunch for Apple castles air power products I see inability to meet high standards for hardware mmm well that's the thing about wireless charging in general right like it's there are a lot of expectations for charging and wireless standards just can't really get it yet alright so let me make sure to send the chat link over to Jaime first so that he's ready for us when we're done but I want to get your take on these accessories because I got really excited over mainly the smart eyewear like it's actually coming from a reputable company that is not Bose Bose was kind of the first one but this is going to be I think this is something that could actually be a good step forward for wearables in general you have a gentle monster in Brooklyn don't you I don't know I think there's one in New York it might be in Manhattan but I know that there's one here in like Beverly Hills in LA but gentle monster is a Korean eyewear brand so this is uh they make some really stylish glasses the ones that you saw on stage may not have been amazing but but I know that they have some good-looking ones but to have glasses that are developed by a company on like Huawei that actually have all the bits and pieces inside to make it smart that really excited me I don't know where you stand on that you don't wear glasses so no I mean I do have I've got the bows I'm getting the phone call North bifocal the ones that are augmented I got I got size for them I actually have to go pick them up and I like the idea of like for me wearables which is why I I think maybe we had this discussion amigos with Danny Wingate I was talking about the fact that Android wear and I got this me and Sam got these arguments not admin but discussion going on where we said Android wear needs to be we're not a watch if you wear wear sorry then it needs to focus on the wearables you've got glasses and and Bose is good to both started off with just audio that's what they do so that's that's what it is but when I found with that to it was really cool was I was using it to navigate while walking around New York I was looking for there's a restaurant and I was looking for and then it said turn right and you felt like somebody was whispering softly in my ear saying hey I should just take a right here I was like this is nice everyone there's ain't I kind of stuff but but having wearables that are connected you know like you know Nike in the past had those things where you could put in your shoes make you where's my she that tracks my running right so I don't want have to wear watch you know where's my clothing they can check my heart rate you know like it's that stuff but meanwhile we're busy busy trying to make a watch do things that are what should you do we're busy trying to put screens on everything that's always been my complaint so like that's always been my thing give me one sec I'm having a little bit trouble getting this link my friend and my friend just I guess she's in the chat watching here she said gentle monster monster New York flack store is on 70 Wooster Street knew I worked there straight okay so there you go finally got it Thank You royal flush we she ate it yeah yeah for sure anybody else in the chair with some comments on the on the accessories um let me see here not a whole lot there was some talk about EMU iodine Oh everybody has like their thoughts about EMU I I actually have never really hated it to be honest like earlier on May 10 well it's not a big fan of that PETA and May 10 Sochi before that but yeah um yeah that I I agree with you there that like wear has to be less about the screen and more about the smart functions in established form factors and that's exactly what the glasses are so they're not trying to go so far it's like at a screen so that you have stuff to look at and it messes you up like that that always that always pissed me off about where where OS is that it when that when that watch goes off and I look at it it's the exact same function as me picking up my phone and looking at it anyway hmm so that always got me that's reason why I use hybrid smartwatches most of the time or even fitness trackers that just vibrate and I look at it gives me maybe like one little icon to tell me what it is but even then I might not even look at it if it vibrates a certain amount of times like maybe two or three that tells me oh my girlfriend messaged or you know our work chat message or something like that it has to be programmable in a way that that signals to you rather than being the replacement of the original thing that's what it's been my whole thing sure I mean but in terms of the accessories just going back there a little bit is Ramon's excited for the charger the portable charger but I'm somebody said he was going to be 300 bucks I was like no thank you the 40 worth portable charger just like a fast-charging super fast charging on a power bank the USB type-c headphones were cool so okay there's one I wanted to ask you as the headphone guy the fact that one of the earpieces can disconnect and then you get a USBC connector right there I agree that that's pretty ingenious tech like I kind of like that but I don't know I don't like the fact that I can pull apart that's that's my one worry with it is that you can actually lose that part you know people complain about air pods that you could lose one of your ear pieces this is this is this version of that kind of sorry do you have one that doesn't it no no no I have one that I have one from Plantronics that is interesting so it's it's a neck bag right Wow and it's also got a and C built into it see it right here if you guys can look at that so that's cool but what's interesting about it is the caning a charging cable that it has so you've got a regular cable that has micro USB on one side right and then you've got this USB 3.5 millimeter cable so you can plug in the micro USB and if you're on a plane you can plug this to listen on the plane so you can do many things with it what I was hoping was for something kind of like this from them where even though you plug in via USB type-c they should just be like a little attachment here so that even if you don't plug it it's always gonna be no interesting I see what you mean yeah so even if you unplug it and you like oh okay fine I'll just plug it back in and then I'm good that's true that's true I mean to be fair though five minutes of charge on those headphones for four hours of playback like that's not that long so I mean that's no that's pretty good you forgetting it it's the problem is biggest thing you're doing stuff you say you plug into like your iPad pro right you plug it in you set it down I gotta run to something and you come back and I gotta go you see plug to your phone I'll meet your iPad you just pick it up and go and then you realize oh and it's only one half yeah exactly all right cool well before we go too long here I know I said that like four times on this podcast already we're gonna go ahead and call it on this one all right so on that note that is it for the weekly our theme music is bloom by Minerva courtesy of a royalty-free license from Argo Foggs you can learn more in the episodes description follow our crew on Twitter we only have thunder I hear thunder he is found at bored at work that's what two O's in and we're gonna have Jaime on in a little bit but if you want to follow him of course Jaime is that Jaime underscore Lavetta you'll see him in a few minutes and then I am of course edj VTech T you know me I'm J V I love tech and I love to drink me some tea this is bulletproof coffee though pocket now is ad pocket now on twitter facebook Instagram and YouTube in English and espanol where you can find more news on the pocket now daily and pocket now add audio every weekday you can catch up on what the weekly is talking about at slash podcast also make sure you make your voices heard by emailing us podcast at we would love your feedback to reviews and ratings on Google Apple Spotify overcast and wherever you might be streaming us because without you we wouldn't have been able to make this show for your eyes and ears for now over 350 episodes we will see you on our next episode however stay tuned if you are in the You Tube live edition we're gonna go ahead and bring hi mater that a back onto our podcast for a little bit this is gonna be just for you guys so if you were on the youtube version thank you so much for sticking around and if you were on the audio version you can check out our little post show celebration or festivities whatever you want to call it on the youtube edition so as far as our main audio podcast is concerned we will see you next week bye alright cool so II you can go ahead and stop your recording cuz that's already deed that is the main podcast for us right now so now our live audience it gets a little some extra extra since we have Jaime up in here I I may have sent you the link go ahead and click it come on in bro alright so Jaime is actually like I hope his internet okay again this is this is just gonna be for our YouTube audience just have a little bit of fun with us maybe 10-15 minutes oh I emailed you the link man is on a phone yeah all right so I emailed it to him hopefully he's cool and there you go yeah like what your is this can't hear you bro oh man yeah make sure you're not muted or your mic is selected can you hear me Wiggy hmm I can hear him I can hear it I can hear you I guess your horrible audio sir okay I guess I'll come back into the chat I'll be right back hey Jaime what's up can you hear me Jaime yeah there's latency that's what that's what I'm a just message you oh I know they can hear Jaime though but oh they can hear okay yeah I'm hungry all right BRB we can hear you okay good I so talk away and ask questions okay I can't hear him you need to cheat you need to change your mic settings you let me know your mic you're not not you Jaime I mean you're good Jaime you'll be out tomorrow I guess I'm the middleman here know what's going on yeah because I can hear you guys just fine yeah I Josh jump out and jump back in I'm trying to it's funny how he can hear me and I can hear Jaime I must have some powers yeah I'm fine I want people together it has nothing to do with that t-shirt you're wearing because I'm beautiful inside of course ringings from the glorious United club in New York International Airport oh yes yes your favorite place I hate this Airport Lord does anybody have a drink uh okay but since we're talking about the p30 pro and you spent the most time on that device and yeah you have it in hand you mean this one oh you've got the red one oh my god you know what forget you of course forget yeah how about we end how about we just end this call right now so what do you think about the p30 Pro uh guess what I have here two P 30 pros another community oh man okay so judging by the photos and I just finished filming a video in Paris about my experience using it um I love the concept of the losses flume but if I just I'm having a hard time noticing a difference between the hybrid zoom that we had up to 5x with the previous May 20 Pro does that make sense um I disagree though I mean he's just from images it's my mate xx hybrid zoom I didn't like that at all exactly and so it's cool it's good but I can't say that it's like wow great well okay I mean I would have to see more for myself because I'm saying that I even the images the Daniel took and sent to me I was impressed they are impressive don't get me wrong I was just never impressed with the mate 20s hydrogen I'd even like it yes but it was better than anything else out there you have to you have to agree with that and so it's like the p30 pro is better than anything else out there I just I don't know man it feels like if they still have more work to do with the software in order to make that zoom more usable not just from a sharpening perspective there are things like for example the AI does certain things like it'll oh hello Josh can you hear us can you hear us I can hear you I just I can't do two calls on the same computer so that's why I gotta go here okay oh man it's it's just interesting like for example if you switch off master AI it'll jump between a 1 X 5 X 10 X and then you can push it all the way to 50 but then if you switch on master ai it'll detect what it sees and be like you know what 5x is to ship is to prop then let me give you a 3x tier so it's really hard to figure out how to pull that and I wish that they had like more options and so it's not like you know when you grab your camera lens and you you know you carry that you grab the human zoom ring and it has a very practical way to move in and out of a subject and you can notice that it's lossless this is like it's periscopic but it's a direct jump from point A to point B and try to jump in the middle is is the user interface it needs a little work yeah but I don't even think they can jump into the middle of that well the beginning is periscopic you're going through different lenses right exactly so why shouldn't it be possible it feels like that's what I'm saying it feels like that instead of 3x like on the May 20 Pro it's 5x it's just it doesn't feel like if it was a periscopic thing it just feels like if they jump 225 millimeters directly boom Josh look really good twice man oh man that's kind of freaky it's it took you forever to actually recognize that they must have cloned him twice okay so alright so that's nice there's some things to work there what about the main sensor it's got that our yyb sensor which we should be she should give us more light right so what about I will send you some photos dude I'm sure daniel has sympathy already but it's like I have photos that I'm gonna use for this video where it's like well I had to take a screenshot of the viewfinder because if I don't you just won't believe that it's true like you have photos like this where my viewfinder is like pitch-black yeah can't see anything and then if I show you the final photo you're like no that can't be possible dude like this thing is just shocking like it feels I love that Huawei did the demo in the presentation here it is this is the photo that it took that is the photo that it took then you see it that was the pitch black yeah it was pitch it was a viewfinder shot and look at look at Jenna right here look at her detail hold on try to damn it you see her face yeah I can see it I said okay dude you have no idea and this is not with night mode actually this is oh no it's just Auto it's just an app the photo it's if you use night mode actually it'll it'll because of because of the long exposure and people are moving it'll do a worse job with night mode then if you just auto like that it's it is it there's no other way to describe it than shocking like you thought that will you saw in the presentation was BS you thought that it was just something staged no it's not it is not it is real okay jaimé could you toggle your camera on and off I'm just I'm hearing that your your video is not showing I'm talking via the me9 right now so well I'm just I'm waiting to see if it actually comes right I can see you but I don't think oh there you are you're back yeah you're back yeah you know the United Club Wi-Fi is the best food there are like 700 people in here and there's only seating for like 200 oh nice by the way in our live chats and so having some fun here DJ DJ John's to Joshua's this is the worst time line we talking about man is the best time line guys boy am I the only guy that's drinking is it isn't this the after podcast so the camera is good right I am it's stunning and anything else that they added to your device that was new and different other than the fact that we've gone okay we've got reverse wireless charging which is reverse wireless charging they had to get rid of the stereo speakers because that one of them is that you know it's like the same it's like the LGG a where it uses the screen but the screen doesn't emit audio and so it's only like if it were bone conduction and they except the the g8o uses the screen and one of the speakers at the same time so exactly both on this phone doesn't happen so just it's a mono speaker it's a mono speaker it's very loud it's not bad it's just if you cover it that's it that's you know that's the only bad part it's just a very like tiny sled that little tiny area at the top that little slit right so there's not a whole lot emanating yeah but here's the thing like Michael Fisher did a call like he was on the phone for like 20 minutes over I don't know what he was talking to her who he just hung up the call and he was like this was a surprisingly good phone call like way better than I expected that was I still haven't made a phone call with this thing so I can't tell you I'm about to land at a country where people actually do make phone calls so I'll let you know okay all right so you like it so what about the p30 how different is that from the 30 bro if somebody's thinking no if you want a p20 Pro and you didn't buy it go for the p30 Pro don't you do okay really if you if you wanted to be 20 Pro but you didn't get it just go grab the p30 Pro it's got it's got everything that the p20 that the p30 pro chef had like a headphone jack like a standard earpiece I haven't checked if it's got dual firing speakers though see this would have been a good thing though cuz like okay if if it wasn't so late in the Philippines we would have had ISA on my girlfriend she has the p30 not the pro but the p30 so whatever yeah she's not I have a p30 here it's just I've been activated it the peak the peak 20 pearl right now is four hundred and forty dollars I just saw the price today oh yeah yeah so it might just be better to get a p20 Pro than a P 30 right uh that's a good question we're gonna solvent for under 500 I mean for under bucks it's just I don't know man it's like the see the peak the peak 20 Pro felt like like an iphone flown in so many ways from the nagy to the and then it's like a blend of a chin that makes it look like a pixel it was this like really odd design that I didn't like this phone is badass like it feels like it's own thing that's not trying to compete with anything jaimé jaimé you're you're there there's a FedEx probably around the corner how about you drop that send it to me here I'll take good care of it right and when you come back to to New York I'll give it to you maybe am I really the only person who actually doesn't dig that red color like yes you are going you have not held it that's why I'm even wearing a red shirt to match man that's because when I saw so many of like everyone's videos going up including yours it was like okay so this red one's really cool and the first thing I thought was like salmon that's a sockeye salmon and like that's cool but like it doesn't it doesn't jazz me up the way it does most of you guys I don't know what it is do you have to hold it man it's like Joshua it's okay let's move on you don't need to complain this is we enjoy your and and a bong what camera are you using are you using the Logitech the Brio no nabis in my a 7-3 oh I hate you and this is the G this is the GH five as usual yeah I need that switch than you guys have because this I didn't pack the Brio because I was like I could I can barely fit my underwear here in this bag he tells us yeah and so uh dammit I left the camera and this MacBook Pro even though it's new has a camera from what 2002 oh yeah I miss it you know sweating you mentioned that I remember I was talking to a couple of PC manufacturers and give me some gaming laptops and I asked them I was like okay if your gaming laptop manufacturer why don't you just take out the camera and offer us something else that we can buy and attach because the cameras in in laptops are terrible they're trying terrible there anyways with doesn't someone make doesn't one of the gaming brands like that is it razor that they have their own webcam right yeah do that camera that Logitech Rio is fantastic it's logic has one too it's just a large camera but it's fantastic yeah it's yeah yeah this is a BRE oh oh okay you know I do need to update mine if it is that good it's a it's a 4k camera highly recommended one of the questions I just wanna be sure anybody who stoned the live chat if you're still hanging out with us for this little post show thing anyone who has questions go ahead Brian Rendon says all the wats on the reverse wireless charging more or the same no that's a good we don't have that information on the spec sheet so we're gonna have to test it don't worry guys I have a video for you on Sunday yeah but in art comes in soup into unless you're trying to charge a pair of headphones don't expect much yeah I mean I remember one we had that made 20 even with the Samsung like even with sm+ we were trying to charge each other's phones it went nowhere well so I know that you can usually the Samsung you can and the Samsung and when I did my video people it's it's it's as fast as Apple's wireless charging so don't cause those I want you to look at this photo okay this was horrendously dark Oh eyes I again these guys are in the mode of rewriting the future of photography and whatever I kind of dig it man I'm not saying they have obviously I need to like I pull the photos into the computer they look great but I need to make a couple of comparisons with a couple of our GB sensors because yet I don't like this phone has a crazy insane amount of dynamic range and you know and you know what's more interesting so there was this guy in the presentation who is the photographer that went on stage and the guy is like we were talking with with David Cogan about the the ISO that it was four hundred nine thousand I don't know what the guy was like actually it's eight hundred something thousand and I'm like no dude this is what they told us in our in our video he's like you have it wait for it wait for it there's more I'm like eight hundred thousand ISO like seriously well it is looking good for like low light stuff but we have a comment wall does they need to work on the colors though I looked at in a few comparisons that we're already coming out recently and I will admit the color science on the Huawei stuff does seem to not be supernatural even you were saying earlier that like Sochi on the front-facing camera for somebody like you the color science is still not all there yeah I'm sure I'm sure it makes me look try make me look way I mean come on Michael Jackson what do you think oh I don't know Rita sure problem the problem right now in Paris it was horrendously gloomy like it was New York weather pretty much it's gloomy in Paris mr. sunshine in California mr. internal sunshine um so I wanted to get better photos I don't think I got the photos that I wanted because of just you know there was just no sunlight it was gloom every single day there was rain but for the most part I you know I like what I see do I I guess the biggest the biggest comparison and I highly recommend you guys look into this because I'm not carrying mine with me I highly recommend that once you get your units you compare the results with a mate 20 Pro ah definitely so here's here's a 15 you can see this image this is what Danny took I love this photo come on share managers between these cameras is crazy like like me the one I'm talking into right now looks so horrendous compared to my actual hangouts just kind of froze on me it's still working with it but Danny ring it has a photo of the Eiffel Tower and he's kind of like dead center and you can see the colors of the Eiffel Tower so clearly and then the light beam cuts across I know if you can go to just go to his Twitter page it was like one of the last two posts with it I might be again this is crunch down from Twitter - oh yeah which is I love it I love it when people are like oh but the detail on your photo is trashy I'm like you guys know anything about compression like you know how that works like seriously all right all right so my chrome is crashed but I'm still here so you're putting your chromis trash it's crashed so basically I'm using Chrome for the hang of hangouts and it's crashed completely yeah so yeah you're talking about this photo yeah I'm tell my laughs oh yeah yeah it's again it is a great photo I don't know Eagle Oh whatever I so for example things that I didn't like about the the b20 throw is that colors were overdone they were oversaturated they they looked like a cartoon most in most cases yeah very funny okay the Meher 20 pro toned that down significantly and now the p20 parted then the p30 pro does it even more like I posted a photo of a coffee of you know a cup of coffee that I was drinking and I the reason why I post it is because okay I can see that like toned down film like grain really well here and so I see more of that with the p30 Pro which I really like on the May 20 Pro so you know I feel that they're they're going in the right direction obviously this is new man I mean how long have they come up with this whole ryy BIA I'm even thinking like Syrian but you know when they talked about that whole change into sub pixels that are yellow I'm like the yellow is not a primary color how does that work that's true ah yeah it's not a primary color I can't remember if somebody had the oh I know who has my cam my camera guy Mari and I told him and he told me about splitting green and I can remember what it was but yellow still takes me more light than green so that's well and you know like smartphone cameras even though even though you know they do all the tremendous work that they do whenever you know an on process photo from a cell phone is fully green just pure green yeah and then software comes in kicks in and does all the processing that the text what color is what and everything sort of like a negative the negatives are are I forget what color they are in a standard photo and then in a smartphone they're green so I wonder if that changed in any way yeah you know what you might be right though because so I I don't I don't know if you guys let me know in the comments I can't see it but so Daniel did a a cinematic video which we do all the time anytime we do any of these events with Huawei so he did a cinematic video of Paris and things were looking a little more yellow and green yeah so I mean you know what I'll put it up tomorrow get up tomorrow do it guys do it let's see one of our live chat people this is a beside the topic that we're talking about right now but you know we're not even this isn't human life this isn't an actual show someone in the chat wants to know is that a clear back know me or no 10 or rather sorry no.9 no.9 yeah um you you you it's the I'm waiting for the Galaxy S 10 version of this - exactly I want I want that so bad as well yeah you know I think I can trader of red thank you I could try to read P P 30 Pro for that I sure sure the problem is no response after that I'm sorry I got interrupted right now I apologize it's probably the the red flare on the camera [Laughter] quick thing I I don't know if you finished the daily up for today but did you hear about this whole airpower cancellation no Apple canceled the whole air power sorry but uh sorry but I had to free record the daily because I'm still flying for another six hours yeah so I had to pre-recorded what are you serious yeah oh my god yeah my the kiss yeah there you go Mike the Detroit so yeah they said one yeah it won't it won't it doesn't it they have some sort of standard that the air power just won't meet so there you go what did the the reality distortion standard that Apple usually pulls on people or what yeah that's true I mean I was saying that wireless charging there is just something about that standard that is really hard for every everyone to meet you know by itself it still it obviously it's it's we did something we've been waiting for for a long time air parts to finally came out with a wireless charging case but now I don't I don't understand the hype for air power what was so special about it neither you wanted to have you know what's one of the cool things about the design of the p30 Pro that it can actually stand on its own oh snap because of the over the way that the body is built at the top of the bottom they could stand on its own oh nice yeah are you showing you an example I don't see it did it come on fix that camera viewers can you see it oh there you go it's a one-to-one s migration here okay okay so what's special about the air power I mean other than the fact that it tells you on your iPhone what your stuff is charging it's just that you could charge three things at the same time but then Samsung pull the charger with the no.9 I mean come on they also just people just wanted an Apple created I just wanted it to be an apple charger because you know Apple users don't trust anything that doesn't have that logo on I mean I mean it's just three coils why can't you three coils to be done no I know that's exactly right which is the reason why this is such an incredulous announcement for them to make like it worse the announcement it's it's a lot of people reporting a TechCrunch just reported it I think got that puppy has recorded in right now yeah that is so unlike Apple damn it Apple officially cancels aircraft okay they don't because their power they did need apologize this week for MacBook keyboards yeah right official apology so yeah fashionable charging after much effort we've concluded that air power will not achieve our high standards and we have canceled the project we apologize for those consumers who are looking forward to this launched two of them we continue to believe that the feature is Wireless and are committed to push the while experience forward send Dan ratio Apple senior vice president of hardware engineering ok yeah a whole snap do you see we should do casual lives like this more often because we just got a $50 donation from I am blur and you know what I got like the shouts out to you bro because not only did you don't made you also shout it out my new channel that's awesome but the biggest tech news of the week is Josh's new gaming channel JV plays games that's what's up oh yeah definitely do you actually do you actually play bro yeah I'm on I've been playing on we were talking earlier just to give a quick shout out to because you know just just to connected to pocket now in college doing like currently I actually released a video this morning without a thumbnail because I haven't but I released a video this morning that was recorded off of the black shrug to playing LG mobile so if you guys want to check that out searched AV plays games I don't know I mean do you actually play like when are we gonna play and see I need to test all my new gaming hardware man dude Logitech really hooked me up the oh man that that mouse and that keyboard are fantastic like why don't I bring why don't I bring my my capture card next week cuz they're all going to be meeting up next week we can't say for what yet but we're all meeting up sometime next week why don't I bring my capture card and we'll do we'll do some JV plays games together all right is that horribly horribly messy sounding mechanical keyboard do you have a good wired or wireless which one man I'm not using I'm not using one right now I don't know though that keyboard that you have is it wired or wireless which keyboard where the one that you're always using this noisy AF oh it's wired it's why yeah okay okay good because the mechanical ones that Logitech sent me is also is also wired and I'm like oh okay all right it's school Wireless and mechanical keyboard don't quite go together yeah they're trying to make them but it's weird like they want to have that end and key rollover and it doesn't work at wirelessly it does come back let me solve that problem module SEC has a wireless gaming keyboard that is very good shot um I have to find it but it's it's just really large I know it's when you it's large and it doesn't have backlit keys because the batteries so that one uses two double-a batteries it lasts for a year but if you throw in if you throw in LED backlights then it just dies like in no time I am blurr just donate another twenty two five Jaime can't play games bro his hands are too damn big thunder eazy-e's are even bigger in this fool that's why he's on xbox because a PlayStation controllers I make em seem that all the times like you has another mine I don't need in the asian guy on the podcast I'm I'm not even gonna try yourself come on but yeah I know no you're right one sec does make some really cool accessories I love their stuff man you told me about them and then Diego kept insisting that I had to make the move to Logitech and damn like my response is like damn it is I really like the tech or I mean SteelSeries is coming not done see you shoes ok so here's the thing right in terms of audio I give SteelSeries better audio than all of them right now in terms of game keyboards and back to razor and the original switch is not the other stuff that you doing is between late razer logitech gaming mice like batman that 9:03 is delicious man I'm leaning towards the launch is that because you have a 9 yes over the wireless Pat and I have the pad I have the wireless frickin thing and the coolest part about the pad is you can choose if you want a soft surface or a hard surface you can choose whatever you want then it's the coolest thing yeah so I mean I do Razer has something similar which is good I think the sense on Logitech is just slightly better if you know when you get into like a lot of just hardcore games and that kind of stuff but doing doom on it I love it to pieces it's good stuff it's really good really good hardware going back to one other thing we were talking about Greta or a Christensen Kristensen are there or are there any good charging pads that can charge up to three devices that way no just two which is the Samsung the same someone yeah didn't what though there's a wireless charging pad right like there's like it's just it just looks like a mouse pad you just keep playing so so so the biggest problem with what with any wireless charging pad is like for example I have a lot of products from raft power they send me a lot of their stuff and there's a reason why I didn't do a video on them I love their battery packs up to the point where the battery pack that I carry with me permanently this one is a raft power that I've bought they didn't send it that's a is worth every penny but then there are wireless charging pads they either overheat and when they overheat they stopped charging um that also happened to me with the spigen one I think that the only company that gets fast wireless charging right but they're in mind I haven't tried the shower yeah the one that was included in the box I haven't tried it yet um the only company that gets it right you gotta have a cooling fan like me yeah you have a cool show me one is the film again I just like there's actually events on the bottom so to give you to give the audience a little bit of it does yeah no ventilation is necessary for this if you want fast wireless charging you need ventilation there's just no way around it and it's not like if you can stick a fan beside her in there it has to be in don't don't try to invent it doesn't work that way yeah exactly it's not making your own it's like making your own whiskey if you mess up you go watch what kind of whiskey have you been doing there's only a guy who tried to distill his own whiskey and then he drank it and he went blind he it was cuz I think you can really mess up your body by drinking like pure I have a really good friend who started making his own beer he now sells it it'll do it as and yeah that damn prompts your friend man how's this vision lately by the way we're getting a lot of love from the light a Chad for this post show stuff we might do this more often we'll see like we'll see what's up because literally in the air stone no no no so I have a five hour wait and I actually I actually was able to intercept the phone that was sent to me right now that I can't tell you about until not next week but the week after a week after yeah the week after I believe that all of you are gonna get one too so we we have good fantastic so I was able to intercept it today okay before before before we wade into that dangerous waters um there are there's one thing I wanted to bring up this is again close show stuff this is something I want to talk about on Instagram video actually there are a couple of companies I think it was Facebook Microsoft and one other one that are saying that they are they're banning April Fool's content did you see this like they're a bunch of companies that are saying they're not going to allow April Fool's jokes anymore because they provide it because it makes them have like it gives them undo new cycles like people are looking at the wrong stuff on their websites when the news comes out is because about it's probably because some of their stuff is boring starting with Facebook damn it no no I mean Facebook has to do that because of the the past election cycles we all know how fake news has just being the prominence we're not even just that people don't know how to research news you see a headline we don't read headlines I mean you don't read articles anymore so no one jumps in to read no one goes to go who else wrote this story right is it on a bigger side that stuff like that so yeah at least for them I know Facebook I understand they're fine they're like nah nah we don't want touchless I get it but but you know Google I guess maybe also just because on the news feeds and stuff like that so so sorry the kernel will make an appearance this year that's too bad what is this all gonna be endorsing this time private jets or I mean you can't now you know now they've locked him down you know what wait a second you mean you mean the colonel has married to his fourth wife number seven remember oh but simultaneously right now is it four or is it all seven I gotta check his calendar I'm not sure I thought my parachute it a few on a recent helicopter test you know would have been really funny is a single a card yeah parody that book or oh yeah yeah I'm trying to do her so there was another point that I wanted to make by the way I realized what I should have done in the beginning doubled up on my feeds so camera coming from the pocket now account audio coming from Mike literally cooking to different places trying to come what other news that kind of came out earlier this week oh hi mate we might as well ask you since you're on are you gonna get an apple cart no thank you why would I I mean I don't know I I noticed like for example they say they have no fees in this leg of bait Apple really need to here's the thing some somebody asked me the other day like wide oh shoot I was in the Apple Store swapping this computer and the Apple Genius asked me why don't I use Apple pay and I do use Samsung pay and I told them because I get really producer bit did you work for you I'm like I get rewards for samsung pay I getting nothing from Apple what's the point about having Apple pay I mean come on man I get rewards on every single one of my credit cards I get nothing from Apple come on when just did you Samsung people work in the Apple Store oh I didn't try that I you know but he's like do you use I will and I'm like now I use Samsung pay for everything he's like why and I'm like I get the points and and they give you deals depending on the amount of consumption that you do on Sam's like they were as on Apple but you don't get nothing man I love that like just the inherent tribalism of of all of that for you to take out like a Samsung phone the Apple Genius is like contracted to be like why are you using this guys I don't know do you find I don't except for the convenience of pulling out your phone but what's the difference for me and pulling out your credit card what's the difference okay yeah maybe because if you do get like cash back rewards for using Apple pay Apple cash in general or oh but the card itself the Apple card itself I don't really know I mean and and then there's the funny part where I have a hundred one of my credit cards is from wonderous still and it's the funny part where my hunter and credit card has had NFC contactless payments since 2014 in 2015 and that still doesn't exist in the United States so my walk in toner you do have that I have that with my paypal card I'll show ya good and so and so like for example every single time I'm in Europe like I have no problems in paying with my conch don't cover that yes I mean okay that's pretty much it yeah it's right there but it doesn't work everywhere well either that's the thing um III mean in the United States a doesn't you go to Europe dude it works everywhere from the subway to any restaurant it was like I was telling them I was telling you know the folks in and Josh about my experience and why I used Samsung pay I mean the points are great and all that but I was telling how like I had a great experience when I went to Home Depot I tried to use the chip it didn't work I tried to swipe it didn't work we try to punch it in it didn't work and then we use samsung plays MSFT and that works yeah and i was like that is a good point actually they left the apple cart itself that titanium might be titanium you're probably gonna pay like $200 a year for that but like the the card itself should have had like Apple pay like some sort of shipment in order for you to like do tap pick it doesn't have tap pay and also no it doesn't have your number on this so you can't type it in if there's an issue with the machine yeah I would some people I always tell people I was like I use Samsung pay because I live in Brooklyn the only two ways you pay in Brooklyn either old credit card machines or cash that's it I mean no one has I mean there are people who use square payments but nobody nobody's really using Apple pay or NFC payments or google play it's literally square cash or super old credit card machines because why change it yeah Brian Rendon USA is liking payment a hundred percent like I'm a just said in Europe there are so many different ways that you can pay they all work and in Latin America they're everywhere it's hilarious because Michael Fisher when Michael was still working with us we were trying to pay for parking and Vegas at CES when we landed and his the card system didn't have a chip it than have anything it was only contactless which is flairies I don't know why or you pay cash and so I'm like oh give me a second deep I tapped it and this was like 2015 man 2015 or something like that he's like how do you have that I'm like no I mean okay Japan had contacts those payments since 2007 yes no no my bad started earlier with the old Nokia phones you could still do that too because they had NFC um early 2000s so I mean we we are way behind in the stuff yeah yeah weakly you don't have NFC payment with bank accounts here with your phone banking app or the bank pass over there it's super it's like it's like a rare it's very selective like meanwhile in the UK this will be one of my favorite stories from the UK I do you don't have to buy an oyster card anymore to use the subway if you have some sort of contactless payment like Apple pay Google pays em some pay because you just tap your phone to the same terminal the same exact terminal and it would just take the money out of your out of your pay account you should make a payment in the in the United States and the MTA do you like any Subway's also and MTS conferences payments is coming this spring yeah it's coming to spring to four stations man there are 800 miles of no no here's the thing though what if MTA still uses a swipe mechanism right swipe yeah but it's a very thin card from that most Samsung with Samson thick no no so unless you load your card in there or something like that then what would be really I mean if you could refill your MetroCard directly from Samson hey that would be genie oh no I didn't have your card in there yeah I'm losing Metro cars all the time and I have no idea how much money I left yeah to stop by one of the machines just to know how much money you have and I'm like dude I'm like dear dear MTA this is New York nobody has time for that and yeah nobody has time to stop and see honey you have to you have to get a special kind of one which one that which you you can refill and then you can check online to see where I found which card it was but somebody was telling me about it so mmm it's a special one you can actually get let me actually open my window here I get some light there's one there's one comment in the live chat for behind me MJ a Jaime not saying his name in the daily is an April Fool's joke can you imagine that on April 1st you should do that where you go I'm and then it goes right into the intro my name is I'm now and this is I'm using other people's names gonna give everybody odd you know because they're like you didn't say his name oh boy and I would see how much more time do you have before you fight anyway oh my god one hour okay one hour one hour before we board okay well I'll tell you what let's give it maybe 5 10 more minutes anyone in the chat still around like any more questions just amount of wine I mean they a lot of people left here so I mean we can you can chime in okay yes Jaime we talked about Apple TV only plus and all that stuff I I called it trash your thoughts what do you think about it oh my god so I did any of you see dieter bones video in the verge I know you have to watch that video from theater man theater is awesome and he's like I don't know why I got invited to this thing it's like what just happened right now like we walk in and it's you know it's one of these presentations where you get to see a lot of services that are not alive yet and some of them are not gonna be live until August and the only thing we can talk about really is Apple news Plus and then everything else we can't even test so what just happened he's like we just had a like Apple just announced a couple of iPads and a new pair of ear pods separately why wasn't it backwards why didn't they do an event for those iPads and the air pods and do their music things separately or whatever it is that we just saw everybody you I think what they should have done was actually announce all those products and talk about how entertainment focused and how you can watch all the shows on your brand-new iPad in brand new I you know like all that kind of stuff we would say hey at least now we have an ecosystem with our products and with our services Thank You Sun use its argument and I have to agree with it is I think this was just present like their stock has been down their sales have been down this was this was just like you know what company you know what investors were doing something just we need more time yeah like it was a flex it was literally a flex I got all these Hollywood people in and you know what to that to that point earlier like you know what I was I was actually kind of in it for a while like I was happy to see Jason Momoa I was happy to see Camille Nanjiani I was actually trying to think intellectually about the content of the pad and then they had Oprah who's like Oh doh Oprah's there and like the the Hollywood craziness and I'm from LA like even I get annoyed with the way that Hollywood can be being from here like when Oprah went up there and she was like and we're going to do this with Apple the moment she said that I was like I can't do this I can't yeah okay has her own network on YouTube premium like I'm not I'm trying to understand like she's just one show on Apple Network we're just one show so in speaking of flex I'm looking at his stock chart for five the last five days at the beginning of the announcement in around 1p 12:30 that day the stock hit $190 per share drop down and it always drops initially yes drop down to $3 then went up the next day to 191 and then it dropped down again and now it's a little bit on a steady path about a hundred and eighty nine so it's gained about a dollar roughly as I was saying yeah but which is not what they wanted so the probe they're flexi Ariston they didn't flex the right way they didn't actually do the announcements the right way in terms of like if you look at like Disney Disney has not officially announced this service Disney whatever it's gonna be called their stock keeps going up they keep going up because what they did first was said we're pulling all our stuff away from Netflix everybody's like Disney service is coming right and then through the trades in holiday they announced there is a Loki TV show there's gonna be a they're filming right now adays this coat or this Loki yeah the Star Wars series I mean they're not they're not messing around so when you mentioned those things in the trades everybody goes where's that going to our new service but we know we're not we're not ready to announce it yet that's the kind of flex you do that investors are ready plucks you now have all these movies you know Captain Marvel has come out and game is coming out and then they said Captain Marvel will be the first show first movie to be on their streaming service that's you know straight from theaters so you're going oh okay that's roughly in about five months right oh I'm excited like it's it's getting that buzz out where you build it up for people to get excited Apple just showed us a bunch of celebrities know content and I'm like I don't care if it's feel Birdman like I'm sorry doesn't matter I don't give it as JJ I don't see anything on strange I love your aqua man but sorry no this is not the same thing so I think that's where it's gonna meet you seem to see would you get their service though I love Disney 9 + TV plus I meant meant to TV plus all right man here's the problem I already have YouTube TV and I love it to death man I you know I can't be having 20 subscriptions dude you know you know in the end that's gonna be all about the content and so if they weren't able to show that today how's that runner's world working out for you it's just I suck I know I I have so many service that I paid for and I forget that I pay for and that I would at least expect them like crap damn it but yeah like I'm I'm not willing like I'll give you an example air pods - I mean if people it's the fact that everybody has them like everybody and their mother and even the grandmother of their grandmother in the grave is wearing a pair of air pods right now they still don't do it for me I don't find them valuable I was even thinking about going to buy one of those parrots just to be like okay let me see if there's anything better in this generation - and I'll probably make a video about it but if it's still within the 14th day return period I'll probably return them because you know once you try better audio it's really hard to go back man and yeah and so I tweeted about this a day ago like he's been a long time since I've just used wired in a good DAC I bought a deck I ain't you bought a deck and so I'm sorry like I other than the convenience of being able to connect quickly which Samsung is now figuring out and qualcomm is already providing I mean I don't know why why going back to services why don't I have Apple music because Spotify is superior mm-hmm I see the deck I agree yeah I do agree with you why me I think I think we talked about this earlier Apple's focus on services was the wrong one yeah it's basically if you think about all the services the news Plus is to say the new service they had now it's just more polished and better the gaming service which is nice it's just an amalgamation of here we have games on the store now you don't have to pay for each one now you can just pay $9.99 so it's not something that brings anything traditionally new or and then provide any pricing - yeah and yeah and no pricing now the service was the one service that could have brought in people who are not Apple users that was the main one that could bring in non Apple users if you show content if you showed like what Apple needed to do what the biggest mistake I made in that conference was they had no big I pee for for TV so think about it Netflix is not Netflix I'm Netflix or struggling for a little bit they got Star Wars they got Netflix TV shows right I mean sorry I'm Marvel TV shows everybody wanted to watch those Amazon has been trying to get a few things they got the guys who did top gear that brought in a crowd they also brought in they have a Jack Ryan show everybody knows who Jack Ryan is and now they're they're they're award-winning also helps yes marvelous Miz Mazal that's like such such an award-winning show Joe and then you now have Lord of the Ring show definitely gonna check it out just because it says Lord of the Rings you know so that's the thing that they like I was hoping for them to say oh and this book we're making whatever book or from the creators of Game of Thrones comes this then I go oh okay you know I'm I don't want I want to watch that yeah yeah something that people know because all these celebrities I've seen they're going it's nice for what are you showing me yeah yeah yeah you know what they call the Hollywood elite that's literally what they flexed it was like the Hollywood elite you're going to love it because it's Spielberg you're going to love it because it's Rachel Green you're gonna love it because of this the problem with the Hollywood elite you know what it is is that sometimes you're hot sometimes you're now when it comes to Hollywood man Sam Worthington was one of the best actors that avatar did so many movies Clash of the Titans and now nobody knows who Sam Worthington is he's not on you know that's the problem the problem is people come and go actors come and go their popularity is not permanent and so illegal so here's the thing Apple needs to understand that people have an emotional connection to the content that they construe why don't I move away from Spotify because I took the time to build those playlists the first thing that Apple needs to do is what every Android phone has done which is figure out a way to make it seamless for you to transfer your stuff from an iPhone to an Android phone that they need to fit if they want to pull people from Spotify to Apple music they need to figure out a way to make it seamless for me to not lose the service but then again if I can't follow somebody else's playlist if I call at playlist with other people I could give two craps about Apple music man or the following people's playlist was something because I remember I was talking to - Sam Sam song Google YouTube music now and he was like why do you like what if I was like look because look you know me I'm an old school music person I don't listen to a lot of new stuff but whenever I hear it I go what's that and you're like oh I've got a plate I was like yeah you know what send me that play this right now and so it becomes a social thing it's like a it's a subculture social social network for music based on music you follow each other yeah they are so I've been to places in Brooklyn here you go to a restaurant a little bar and I'm eating I'm like I'm like I'm like man I'm like who's this it's like oh the the waiter comes by is like oh it's my Spotify this is an hour-plus yeah yeah no he's like no it's mine like it's yeah - do the tunes you know in the in the bar I'm like real okay look give me that let me let me listen to you one of the prime examples of that is in Manhattan the Bauhaus if you want some good old school hip-hop Bauhaus playlist it's the playlist a play in that restaurant and exactly and the cool thing like for example if you go to any Starbucks and you're listening to a song you like they even have cards that tell you this is our Spotify playlist and that's playlist evolves over time that if you follow the playlist you'll get all the music and it's mostly Coldplay though I've discovered some really good artists using that and like for example why am i a big fan of YouTube TV the first reason which is for me the most important is that right now it doesn't matter if I have an Android phone and iPhone if I have an iPad a Windows computer if I have a television I can watch my YouTube TV now on demand here or there the second thing the second thing which is for me the most important is the fact is unlimited DVR for six months and so I don't have to be following the damn Jimmy Fallon show I could just watch it whenever I want you know it'll just record it and YouTube wins because I'll end up watching their advertisement whenever I get the chance and so I I don't see how Apple I'm not saying that I will can top that but when you have a beast like YouTube it's really difficult unless they're willing to invest the amount of time that it's taken to create YouTube the beast yeah yeah I think I think for them there's a lot they have to do and there's a lot of money they have to spend you know for them to win in this in this category you have to be so we heard that I think the rumors is Apple has spend like a billion or $2 for contents yeah they're spending in freakin carpool karaoke man no no it's not forget what even they're spending on right think about it this way billions to the hospital tents Amazon reportedly paid 1 billion for Lord of the Rings 1 billion for bunch o Netflix spends 12 to 14 billion per show we all know how much Disney spends for all their movies and stuff that they do you know so it's it's a matter of saying like you've got you don't have to spend 12 million but you got to spend more money and also focus on the right right selection if you will yeah a great agreement so that entire announcement event was basically them saying this is how we're going to fund all the content that we have to make Apple do that like they literally became the Steve ball the Microsoft from Steve Ballmer where we announced Windows Phone 7 Series in January but you won't get a product until October yeah I've never seen Apple do something like that and I I don't I do not understand the purpose I don't understand the point I don't understand like Apple is the kind of company that would rather rough it out and let people criticize them before announcing a product they're not ready to show well let's just go to what it is though I may have said this for years Apple is a company that doesn't have ideas let's just be factory I'll tell you why I say they don't have any I'm a seen as ideas as in being that they can't make something like right now be in a position where because when when when he came out early and said we are focused on services that was where it was really key I was like what new services are you gonna mention for us this year and ready you tell the services I'm going you don't have ideas you're basically just trying to enter our market because and they said it throughout the whole press conference we have over a billion devices and Oprah kept them shouting it all the tweets and videos you see she's like we can be on a billion devices you know Oprah does a thing and I'm going that's where their mind is thinking and it's very operational Tim Cook is operational guy there's nothing wrong with that there's absolutely nothing wrong with that but it also shows that that's where they're thinking okay look let's solidify the base yet let's let's make sure that base is secure instead of me going how do I get the Android guy to play here he doesn't have to leave his phone but he's paying me money but that but this is business this is the problem with Apple and here's the problem with Apple and this is where people Apple needs to act up into the way the way technology is evolving for Xiaomi the phone is a terminal it is not a way to make money yeah for Amazon all their services are a way to lock you in they're not necessarily a way to make money you get free shipping you get discounts and whole foods you get Amazon music you get Amazon Prime now how many services do you get for a hot 120 bucks so you're telling me that I have to pay TV plus news plus Apple music like how much money am I gonna have to pay over the fact that I'm paying you 1,000 bucks for that damn phone of yours mm-hmm yeah and good god obviously that's the thing to me the biggest thing if you're upset with Apple TV plus to get me in is for me to go and since you are a an Apple subscriber for whatever or you use this Apple product Apple TV pross is free if you have an Apple TV or whatever zactly exactly and then later or you can say now you can get Apple TV from this premium which is 4k for five bucks I think that Apple has written on a good stream of growth and that's fine but the fact that they believe that that stream of growth was realeased realistically sustainable forever is literally what's fighting them back because right now they need to focus more on continuing to keep their consumers continue to get their fidelity based on more than just their brand because a lot of companies are showing off that they could do just as good if not better for a lot less money man yeah it's not just the price though think about it this way and look at look at Microsoft you know they've not made that announcement yes there were rumors coming out that said Xbox Live will be available on the switch would be available everywhere Sony if Sony wants or them to release it Sony has allowed but Nintendo's allowed it on the switch the first thing that's taking that is cuphead we have xbox live into a new integration and Microsoft has now said look we have a cloud service gaming service coming and you can play anywhere we don't Microsoft has adopted that approach to us said office everywhere doesn't matter we don't care like please just I thought your inner in our use case ecosystem and you're there and that's how you make and book for them they know that half of that money is on the back end with their servers because they can make money there but it also know consumer doesn't care the consumer knows if I open office on my Mac and I switched and let's say I I mean in a pinch and I need to switch over to a PC I still have office it's the same experience and it's cloud connected I can download everything I saved in the cloud back on here and work on my stuff I'm good and my and Microsoft's marketing cap has surpassed Apple for the first time in how many years I mean Steve Jobs are still alive when Apple surpassed Microsoft yeah the thing about it is Microsoft has literally been banking on their start price because of how much they're dominating the market particularly enterprise the same as Amazon Amazon is not making any money and so Apple seems to believe that they still need to be that company that makes an insane amount of money for their start price to be high and Amazon is the perfect example that you don't what you know your stock price can depend on so many things with marketing the minions would market the minion is one of them you know I don't know and III it's not that I feel sad I mean I feel that Apple needs to learn a few things one of them is again man they can try to play for the elite all they want but right now that's not where the money's at I mean and companies like guar way and Samsung are not confused will Xiaomi they're not confused they know where the money said and it's not in the elite all right I hate to cut it off for anybody who is inside of him better exhausted on perfect timing okay so we went for a solid hour after the show so anybody who who joined in also I am blur for donating a couple of times thank you so much for that but yeah we're gonna go ahead and just sort of end the broadcast it's gonna be one of the first times we have a two-hour plus video on the channel so let's see how that goes but one hour of overtime after the show thank you so much for for for tuning in for sticking around if you did on the YouTube version I'm gonna go ahead and stop the broadcast now we might continue the conversation but we'll see the rest of you guys next week see you guys later guys
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