hey guys Michael Fisher with packing.com
recently on our youtube account we got
the following comment I love this guy's
they have tons billions of phones and
they never do giveaways haha having and
don't helping the needed well XD Jose XD
2010 you might have a point it's been a
little while since our last giveaway was
a galaxy s3 so why don't we change that
it's pocketnow.com it's a new giveaway
stay tuned for the rules ok so here's
the deal we've got the full Terms and
Conditions the full rules the full
everything at pocketnow.com will drop
the link in the description for you so
you can go look at that it is really
really important that you go do that
because this is just a quick rundown
this is a giveaway that we're doing in
partnership with our friends at amzer
seen there on this card pimping their
new shatterproof product which we'll get
to in a minute there are three grand
prize winners or there will be in this
giveaway and each of them will win an
eight gig Nexus 7 tablet from google
this is an m0n pocket now partnership
giveaway there is a third one of these I
just don't have enough hands for that in
addition those grand prize winners will
also receive one H a jelly silicone case
for their Nexus 7 i'm not much of a case
guy but all my devices are scratched as
a result so if i were this is one of the
ones that get seems pretty cool and
finally each grand prize winner will
also receive one of answers new
shatterproof cases we have a link to
their video actually with an embedded
video on our site showing what those
shatterproof cases can do normally I'm
not into screen protectors but they seem
really cool so here's the deal those are
three grand prize winners there will
also be three runner-up winners who will
only receive the shatterproof cases
screen protectors but those are awesome
as well and it's all free and it's all
wonderful so here's the deal I'm just
going to do a quick rundown of the rules
here how to enter first things first you
absolutely have to
go this do you can you happy no matter
what prize you want to win you have to
do this go to answers facebook page and
answers Twitter account will drop the
links in the description as well like
them both you have to like the Facebook
account and follow them on twitter if
you don't do this you can't win any
prizes Grand Prizes runner-up prizes any
kind of prizes whatsoever you also need
to tweet the following contest
announcement from your Twitter account
it should read I've participated to win
3 Nexus 7's in the ad amzer Inc hashtag
shatterproof nexus 7 giveaway on at
pocket now tweets participate now and
there's a link once again go to our
announcement and you can just copy paste
this and click buttons as much easier if
you only want to be entered into the
runner-up category to win the
shatterproof protectors that's all you
need to do you're already entered and
will randomize those and three winners
will be selected if you want the grand
prize you're probably here for a tablet
you want the nexus 7 you have to do
something a little bit different every
day during the contest period the
contest period is three weeks long every
day we're going to be putting a clue
it's a little hint it's a one-word clue
at the end of a post on pocketnow.com
could be a news post can be a video post
it could be a an editorial post any of
the posts that appear on our front page
the clue can be in it's always going to
be at the bottom and so is going to be
in a really distinctive font with the
little pocket now hint symbol next to it
so you'll know it when you see it there
will be five per week 1 / business day
on Friday you've collected all the hints
from the week you string them together
into a sentence they will they will make
a logical sentence and then you submit
that sentence five words to contest at
pocketnow.com each week for three weeks
we will select a winner we will only
select whether they'll be randomized as
well but entrants will only be selected
if they have submitted the proper
sentence that is strung together from
the hint words it seems a little
complicated it's really not at all once
again go to the post and to see the to
see it all spelled out in black and
white there those who follow the above
directions will be given one entry into
the contest duplicate entries will be
discarded sand onto that and at the end
of each week will randomize responses
using random.org
give away one nexus 7 per week for three
weeks with the accompanying cases the
grand prize winners if you have
questions about this awesome contest
leave comments on the post at
pocketnow.com don't leave them here on
youtube or you can but we won't get to
them probably so leave them on the post
at pocketnow.com generally speaking this
time around we're not going to be
answering podcast questions we're not
going answering contest questions on
twitter so don't tweet at me with
contest questions because I will not
respond but you should follow us at
pocket now tweets for the official
account you should follow me at at
captain two phones because you will be
advised when we've selected winners if
something has changed that the post is
updated if whatever so follow us there
make sure and follow amzer as well at-at
amzer inc and also like them on facebook
remember you have to do both of those
things in order to win anything so do
those first visit the posts you can see
all the terms and conditions i'm not
going to do all the legalese you get
through all that about five minutes
worth of reading and you know a couple
minutes worth of investment of time
every day and you could win yourself a
brand new Nexus 7 8 gigabyte from google
or you can go pay two hundred dollars
for it I mean you can go do that too but
we're giving these away and that's fun
guys thanks for watching please leave a
comment on the post of pocketnow.com if
you have a question something critical
throw us a like here on youtube if you
like the contest and good luck we'll see
you on the other side
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