Windows 10 phone meets nerdy nostalgia | Pocketnow Weekly 135
Windows 10 phone meets nerdy nostalgia | Pocketnow Weekly 135
Windows 10 on a smartphone a G flex 2 on
the porch and fond PDA memories from
over a decade ago when that's the kind
of work day you're waking up to your
doing something right and if that's the
kind of podcast you're turning in for
you've gotten to the right place from
the studios of W ers in Boston
Massachusetts where we have 40 different
curse words for snow I'm Michael Fisher
I'm joined by a man who calls out
manufacturers on Twitter when they try
to cook the spec books chief news editor
is Stephen shank happy friday how you do
it legal I'm very well and by a man with
the finest accent imaginable and who
knows a thing or two about mobile tech
to from phonedog media cam Bunton to
welcome to the weekly sir good day to
you sir properly address a few tools
long as our podcast producer kicking the
tires and working the sliders as always
and the time is precisely 1246 p.m. good
afternoon and it will always be a good
afternoon if you can avoid a dreaded
case of the wallet but that's what I say
you know what I'm talking about that
paralyzed posterior you get when you're
sitting on that never ending class or
your cousin's for our production of
Medea your wallet is just brutalizing
your butt cheek well I've got a solution
for that this episode of the pocket net
weekly is brought to you by the LD West
original holster stylish functional and
secure solution to a problem we all face
daily and even if that's not wallet but
and it's the where's my phone problem
the LD West original is a suspender
style one-size-fits-all holster that
cradles your phone under your right arm
and your wallet under the left making it
fast and easy to get to either one
whether you're standing up or sitting
down every LD West original comes with a
richly detailed wallet and a phone pouch
in small medium or large size
beautifully made available in one of
five colors brown red black tan
or gray it's available exclusively at LD
West for 119 and dollars and ninety-nine
cents that's US dollars that's LD West
calm and I wear mine on every episode of
the pocket now weekly so do what I do
solve your phone bulge problem and give
your butt pockets a break pick up an LD
West original holster today at LD West
dot-com see that's the most time I've
times I've said but in a promo spot to
you great well done you know for as
great as this LD West holster seems to
be a fit for you and the say a great
sponsor for the podcast yeah expand into
this more pockets to put phones thing
could be like a cargo shorts
manufacturer to uh probably most
definitely yes yes yes yes yes and I
think cam was talking about some other
or some other wallet things with with
Tim Stevens on Twitter the other day
maybe he can chime in on a future
episode with that but before any of that
happens I want Steven to tell people how
they can participate in today's podcast
oh yes well as you after your familiar
listener of the podcast and we very much
hope that you are you know that you can
listen along live and Google Hangouts
and submit your own questions in our
live Q&A the other listeners the show be
able to vote up the ones that they like
the most and we'll take a look see what
the the crowds consensus is also some of
the questions are particularly pertinent
will discussing and we'll do our best to
answer them on the air now we're not
going to be able to answer everything
that you might want to ask so if we
don't get to yours or if you just happen
to think of a question after the fact
shoot us an email we drop the address a
little later in the program I think it's
pocket now podcast Michael yeah I'll be
so many emails and we will try to get to
it on a future show so please we'd love
to hear from you we want to talk about
the things you want to hear us talking
about so let us know and we will do our
best to tailor our show to your
listening needs we are versatile and
dynamic hosts and we are happy to do it
I just want to let you know folks if you
if you are not listening live you want
to send an email to podcast of make sure they're short
please the very first email I opened up
today for consideration was like 18
paragraphs long so
make them short if they want to be
longer that's cool to get other people
involved in the conversation leave them
in the comments post at its living room
comments of the podcast post right right
right all that business aside cam Bunton
what the hell is happening with you
special guest you I mean I people should
know you because of your excellent video
work but the first video I saw of yours
at phoneDog was a throwback I think of
the palm pre the best smartphone ever
made as we all know but if no one has
seen that I've just loved it I was that
was my first time seeing you I was like
who is this man he every time he speaks
I see I feel more relaxed I feel like
I'm being I'm being taken care of yeah
yes and part about dreamings knowledge
but tell the people who have not seen
you before where you're coming from what
you do how you do it and what you're all
about or just tell people what's your
name that's seven words or less that's
when seven words or less yes that's a
challenge mm-hmm oh man I'm cam Bunton
and I make videos for phoneDog how many
words was that so many 1400 as far as I
was concerned but no cam it's great to
have you and we're really glad you're
here to talk to us about mobile talk
with us about mobile tech today um
jammer you gonna get somebody in QA is
asking about mwc which we're not going
to be talking about too much because I
think we're gonna cover that in next
week's show but the Jolly Jacobs asks
what are your expectations for mwc I
expect to see some of my colleagues
there and cam you're gonna be one of
them right I will be there yes that is
fantastic if I lost Michaels audio there
this is not as entertaining as last week
where something went wrong with the
mixing board at any time he spoke there
was this awful like dubstep II
transformer talking feedback it wasn't
constant it was only when he's talking
now I'm seeing him moving his lips but
nothing's coming out which is less
interesting I mean Phileas lovely his
mug there but well could always just
listen to my relaxing British voice
that would mean again wonderful I would
marry as she would save us I've switched
the input to the old computer i'm going
to go ahead and switch back to the ATR
to USB and see if that helps Nathan this
is strange we did have a similar issue
last week you're right Stephen let me
hop back here and let's see if this
solves anything nope not not happening
he's breaking things come back to us
Michael alright um this is the look like
now I'm back to you we were so ready we
were beyond ready and then the board had
failed us I don't know I don't know what
the situation is but I'm back to the
built-in mic so there's that while we
iron out that difficulty I think Stephen
we owe the viewers and the listeners
well well what is the quote the show the
show must proceed something like that
yeah I had to fancy it up because of our
British guests you understand yeah yeah
so I'm the original saying is British or
anything right now what comes from there
we call all right we've got a language
from you we just put a fancy accent oh
that's right please some extra bells in
there every so often and it sounds you
know what it sounds even better um Jules
I wonder shoot usher us into the new
segment please and Ted that's they're
pretending it's there thank you sir
while it's in we're gonna work out some
stuff Stephen take us into the news and
tell us what's been happening please o
co first thing we got our hands on some
hot new hardware there was not a ton of
super compelling flagships that
premiered at CES with a lot of
manufacturers holding out for mwc in a
couple weeks one of the few standouts
though was LG with the follow up to it's
not even last year's it's technically
2013's kirby looking g flex with the G
flex 2 oh that would be awesome enough
just for being a another curved display
LG phone we working out some of the
issues that we had with the lousy screen
quality on the first one but also maybe
the most important thing about this for
now at least until mwc comes along and
we're flooded with similar models it's
powered by a Snapdragon 810 which is the
crème de la croque of smartphone
moment if you don't believe all of the
overheating rumors which are seeming to
be largely overplayed there have been
some benchmarks done on the development
harder from Qualcomm that are making it
seem like overheating is not really the
issue we thought it was a performance is
super killer but more importantly we
have our hands on one of these guys now
and I guess Michael has it so why don't
you tell us a little bit about what
you've seen with the Skyway hoping to do
next with it Michael yeah yeah I'm with
you sorry I'm trying to be a cowboy and
trying to work with real microphones um
yeah I do have it but I don't have it on
time and I don't have it with me so the
copier you didn't bring it dude here's
the problem um we were slated to run
some coverage on it today and then the
circumstances regarding what we were
allowed to release about it so not to
get into too much detail but this is
suffice to say we thought we were we had
a green light to publish anything we
wanted it turns out we can only really
talk about stuff that we learned at CES
which of course we know already from our
CES videos so then that right now so
we'll be we'll be handling it on next
week's suits actually does have any fun
yeah well we hopefully will be another
next week at least at least an in
podcast form because we are I believe
going to have our friend flow on and we
will have a gadget and hence I've met
with the G flex 2 but I'm happy to
answer some questions in the Q&A now I
can do that this is not a total blackout
so submit your questions about that cam
are you going to play anything with the
G flex 2 or somebody else in your team
going to handle that I'm presuming that
it'll be someone else in our team
because i don't think it's made its way
across the pond yet yeah it's tough to
say I mean the release footprint on the
thing is stuff because it's like all
right where it's going to be ready and
then three weeks later it's like it's
gonna be ready halfway through the year
it depends on what mark in your
etiquette it's already out in South
Korea isn't it though right yeah there's
only at the end of January yeah I don't
know the only thing I can really focus
on is my is my UPS tracking tracking
list and finding out exactly where it is
on the truck you know how much does your
UPS delivery guy love you you must get
packages like every single day it seems
I do I get packages very very frequently
but normally it's fedex and I actually
appreciate that fedex is the morning
delivery and UPS teams have them all day
with him it if it's not the LG G flex 2
it's what some mistakenly purchased Star
Trek cards mistakenly purchase you seem
to Brecon I am I was not regretful one
of living a wonderful part of my youth
less I actually that's um that's another
bit of the fun story Ness I got a
notification from UPS last night that
the g flex was going to be delayed by a
day I said shot it and then I went and
had some very potent a beer and about 22
golden monkeys in my you're a god buzzer
at the door and there was a G flex 2 and
it was 90 at nine or whatever and I was
like I'm not that's num not sober enough
to do this unboxing so we're not going
to be doing this anyway we I'm having to
work from memory on the run down because
apparently if a site is down because our
internet connection is fine but the
pocono itself is dead luckily I have it
loaded here Thank You Stephen continue
to take us through I think the next
thing we're talking about is it is a
development on a rather well a rather
notable platform this week yeah the big
windows 10 technical preview for
smartphones has landed we knew it was
coming sometime in febuary Microsoft's
being a little coy about saying just
when but for the past week or so rumors
have been saying I osgood me today and
then they shoot it down no no it's gonna
be tomorrow I shoot it down well we have
it now it dropped yesterday it's only
available for certain models will be
talking about that a little more later
later on dial ever fail but if you have
one of these supportive devices which
are the Lumia 630 35 36 638 730 or the
830 and you sign up for microsoft's
windows insider program you can go ahead
and install this guy now there's some
very very small risks of this because
it's just a preview right now microsoft
admits there's this infinitesimally
could muck up your device while flashing
this you're probably fine and what's
even better is that there's a a rollback
tool or if you're not loving this
because it is a preview it's very very
rough around
microsoft does nothing to hide this if
it's not working few as a daily driver
and there are some big things that are
broken and a VPN support isn't working a
lot of other little things you can roll
back to 8.1 no problem and then wait for
the finished polished Windows 10 release
to come along but Michael you've been
playing with this you are you filmed
your first interaction with this what do
you think of the preview so far indeed I
have and I i find the preview a lot of
fun i know we're going to talk about
this a little bit later statement about
which devices got the release which ones
did not but it is so far it's fun to
play with this at this stage but it's
always a little more satisfying for me
and i'll ask him if he has the same
opinion in a second to be able to have
some sort of conclusion for a video even
in a comparison where it's like i don't
i don't generally like to say would
who's the winner who is the loser I at
least like to have a conclusion of some
sort that says you know hey this one's
good for this kind of person this one's
good for another kind of person or in a
review this is crap or this is awesome
with a technical preview like this it's
like impossible to do that and these are
some things this is what they are now
they might be different things later
that will rightly we write exactly yeah
and so early and and I'm actually really
pleased that it came out this early
because I was not expecting the
technical preview yesterday when I was
waiting for the for the other phone to
land certainly and so when it did when
it did appear and it was popping up on
my 8 30 against all of my like prior
luck to the you know in this area I was
like oh my god well I'm going to do a
video on this real quick so you have to
learn it as quickly as possible upload
the video and you know I I think it has
some nice elements of potential but it's
so incomplete I didn't get to try the
new outlook the new office the idea what
would oh the new browser the new maps
like there's just a lot of stuff that's
on Joe Belfiore is 15 20 that hasn't
made it to the technical preview yet
you'll see cam of what you've seen I
know you were just working with a 400
series Lumia over there but from what
you're looking at what what are your
thoughts on the Windows 10 so far on
phones yeah I think there's a there's
obviously a lot of good things about it
a lot of improvements that Windows Phone
I guess features that it should always
have had and I think the most exciting
thing potentially is the universal apps
the way that you've got apps that have
built to run across your pc or small
tablet annual smartphone sort of all at
once they don't have to develop separate
apps i guess so you can have the same on
the move as you've got at your office at
home it just creates that better feeling
or of an ecosystem that's supposed to
work together rather than having a
Windows Phone that's separate from
everything else that you have I like the
quick reply I think from what I've seen
of that and also the new voice to text
which is apparently more intelligent but
obviously I have not been able to test
it myself so I haven't been able to see
how good that is at adding punctuation
or choosing the number two instead of to
the word or two the other word with 2
o's so yeah it looks good and there's a
lot of good potential there but I
haven't played with it myself so I can't
have a conclusive opinion like a god and
yeah all right I think we lost our
Michael there um let's keep on moving on
with the news while they work out their
issues there let's see ah ah nokia had a
little update coming to here maps which
I'm happy to see that here is still
becoming a more and more nothing ever
wasn't a valid option but it's easy to
with when you have really great mapping
things like Google Maps it's very easy
to think okay I have this this works we
don't need anything else and certainly
when when Apple moved away from google
ad map provider with iOS a couple
generations back it struggled to make
apple maps work on its own Nokia's from
doing its own thing with here maps for a
while now this new update I just came
out it added in some new new information
on bodies of water roads turn-by-turn
navigation with more regions around the
globe ira flesh things out in taipei Rio
de Janeiro são Paulo Singapore
tastic vacation destinations for this
time of year if you're especially in the
Northeast where it's super cold like we
are Michael and I at least here is it
cold in England cam constantly yeah okay
so these are because if you want to go
to somewhere warm and nice here we'll
hook you up with how to get around there
these new updates are for the windows
phone and the Android version and
there's also some transportation public
transit updates where it's better at
keeping track of where the actual trains
and buses are moving around so using
that while you're out on the oh now you
can do it with your Maps been better
than you could before let the duh is
Michael back yet oh here on Ceres not
thanks come yeah well that's fine he had
a good run this is gonna be the whole
new pocket now weekly with Stephen at
the helm from now on Jon Stewart's
moving out of daily show I'm stepping up
to take helm of the that weekly
it's change isn't happening all over the
place uh that's at that okay uh let's
switch gears to Android for a minute
here valentine's Day is coming up
tomorrow if you're like me you have been
neglecting it and are waiting to see if
s going to come to bite you in the ass
but the girlfriend hasn't mentioned it
yet so you think you're okay but we'll
find out but if you're thinking of maybe
buying some tech stuff because your lady
is a pocket now listener and really she
should be then you've made the right
choices in life Motorola has been having
a Valentine's Day sale to help you save
a little bit of cash when outputting
yourself with the latest phones and
accessories the big deal was announced
at the end of last month and you could
stay up to a hundred and forty dollars
if you were spending 500 or more in
Motorola's online store that was a
really limited time offer you had to
register by Monday a week ago so you've
missed the boat on that going forward
though there was the opportunity to save
a little bit less still at decent amount
you could save a hundred dollars on that
five hundred dollar purchase or if
you're only spending 250 they would
knock $35 off your order it was gonna be
they only had until Valentine's Day
itself Saturday to take advantage of
this you know Motorola's like well you
know we're going to give you a little
more extra time in case you haven't made
your mind up just yet now you have
through the
17th yeah through next Tuesday to
finalize your purchase and well as the
the initial 140 off you need to register
and get a promo code or DeMuth this is
very simple no code you just go to
motorola's website throw stuff in your
cart if it reaches these 250 or 500 the
cut-offs you get the discount very
suppose that I mean really hello it's
Jules here I look at her like over here
why not finally I like this huh usurped
Michael here yes sir yeah I honestly he
had a good run but I think you've been
we've been grooming you for a while to
fill his shoes now well I haven't
received my first paycheck yet so we'll
talk about that letter little later
that's not the right Mike that's that
right leg so now you can possibly hear
me more when we can hear you before more
than we could save her and Michael
initially yeah this thing's still cut
off and all that but yeah I mean broken
wire is broken hearts what a lovely way
to spend this Valentine's Day sure sure
the only really disappointing thing as
far as I'm concerned is that some of the
prices and motorola's store or they're
still a little high I'm gonna go sleep
pardon still inflated there we haven't
seen big discounts is the problem I mean
this time last year they were cutting
motox prices left there right soon as
January rolled around it was saved 100
bucks here save 150 save 200 there I
don't think we've seen that this I mean
yet it saved money on a huge order and
granted the Moto X is going to run you a
significant amount of money buying it
full price anyway but i would like to
combine this with the discounts I am a
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