hey guys it's Brandon Minnemann from
and in this video we're gonna show you
five subtle changes that are coming in
windows mobile 6.5 we know about the big
things right so the new home screen the
new Start menu the marketplace our app
stores some people are calling it but
what about the smaller things that are
more subtle well we're going to go
through those now so on the right here
we have a windows mobile 6.1 device the
sprint touch pro and on the Left we have
a windows mobile 6.5 running on the HTC
Touch HD this is the latest one from
xda-developers and of course it's an
early build so it may not be fully
representative of what we will have when
devices shipped but we think it's a darn
close so let's go through this now I'm
going to open up a file explorer on both
devices so we go into the Start menu
here and file explorer and likewise on
this side and we're starting in the
windows directory so we can see the same
screen across both devices now I'm gonna
do some flicks scrolling on the touch
pro here and watch what happens it works
but it's quite nachi and if you try to
accelerate your finger you can only go
so fast and it's kind of imprecise and
then if you get all the way to the top
which takes a long time you don't get
the kind of bounce-back that you would
get on the iPhone but if we go to the
6.5 ROM the flex scrolling is much more
sensitive and it's much more realistic
so we can flick our finger lightly or
really fast to move it along quickly and
it's skipping a little bit because again
this is an early build but you can kind
of get the sense that it moves much more
naturally when you slide your finger so
if we get to the top we can see that
we've got some kind of we've got a
bounce-back action like we have in the
iPhone which makes it feel more natural
and something else that I want to show
you in here which is the second subtle
element that's coming in 6.5 are the
soft key menus so if I press menu here
and then I press menu here totally
different story right so on the Left we
get very large soft key menus and to get
to the next items downward you can
actually flick your finger and kind of
carousel through the options you don't
actually have to tap on the up arrow or
the down arrow
you can quickly you know use your thumb
to move the whole thing up or down we're
just gonna really help with one-handed
usability whereas on the HTC touch pro
or the 6.1 rom you have to you know take
out your stylus or you can use your
fingernail to press on a certain item on
the screen which doesn't always work
because the items are usually pretty
small or at least not as big as they are
or they will be in 6.5 okay so the next
thing I want to show you again it's very
subtle is the new tab design so the tabs
now have a little squiggly line rather
than being completely flat as found on
the 6.5 ROM again a very very very small
change but it's it's a little visual
refresh that Microsoft has put into
place to help make things look fresh
something else that has changed are the
notifications so if I change the system
time here I will get a notification and
let me do likewise on this side and
you'll see the difference
so in 6.5 the notification is more 3d it
has a shadow rounded edges kind of a
gradient on the top area here it kind of
looks like a Windows computer to be
honest and again another subtle change
but it helps to really freshen up the
looks I'm going to click cancel and
cancel on both and finally the last
thing we're going to show you is the new
screen when somebody calls you now on
HTC devices you get a usually a slide to
answer or slide to ignore kind of thing
which is great because it prevents you
from accidentally answering a call but
windows mobile 6.5 or as it looks will
have this natively built in so I'm gonna
lock the device and I'm going to turn
off the device and call my phone
and so here it goes we have two sliders
one will answer and one will ignore so
we're gonna do ignore and again that
only happens if you are if your device
is locked at the moment so that's it for
the tour of the subtle new visual
changes coming in windows mobile 6.5 so
to recap we did the new soft keys the
new notifications the new scroll bars
and kinetic scrolling the new squiggly
tabs and also finally the new calling
screen that manufacturers can choose to
use if they aren't using a custom screen
to to answer calls like HTC does so
that's it for now for more on windows
mobile 6.5 be sure to follow us on
twitter at twitter.com/worldsdumbest
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