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Windows Phone 7 App Roundup 15 Mar 2011

hey everyone Daniel Webster from pakka calm this is another episode of the windows phone 7 app roundup and which review five applications in 30 seconds each so let's get started share shopping list that allows you consolidate all of your shopping into one application so that your friends and family don't buy the same exact thing and put in the fridge so you don't end up with like a 4 gallons of milk in the fridge or so that you know exactly what you should be getting from the grocery store so what you can do is you can add your store so I like to do is add an item and once I have purchased that I'm all have to do is check it off but the cool thing about this application is it syncs with the other users on your account so that they know exactly what to purchase and what has been purchased score mobile is a free application bill in the windows marketplace that allows you to view practically any score of any major sporting event in the world you can also be live sports right here I have NHL hockey selections click on this and I can view the live scores so now I can view the scores of today and the time period and what the standings are second let's go back and from here I can load my favorites onto with the dashboard so I do is click on one of these hold it down and then move it into this box and then it will be assigned to my favorites on my dashboard and I can also view my favorite teams by clicking on the star wind phone alpha is a free application but on the windows marketplace the ledge compute practice any calculation so this is kind of tied into wolfram alpha so all I do is click up here and once they learn to integrate something I can integrate and I can just go here and add a number soldiers do 3x and now just equals and wait for this to load and it also saves my results and now we'll show me right with my results through Wolfram Alpha and I can just click here to view the steps and to see exactly how that was derived traffic cop is a free game available in the windows marketplace the object of the game is to either speed up or slow down the oncoming traffic and what you do is to control the traffic but if you hit a tank it doesn't really make that much difference so I'll show you this now let's say I wanted to stop this car here in the middle of the intersection I can do that I can also speed them up by clicking on them and moving them across so the game continues on like this and becomes more increasingly difficult until you have an accident and then something explodes and it shows that you've crashed our sea air sim is a light and paid remote control flight simulator game so this does cost two dollars and ninety-nine cents for the full version so the way that it works is you have two controllers would have left and then right so what you want to do is control your aircraft and fly it through the air unfortunately this is the reason why my parents didn't buy me one of these when I was a child because I would have crashed it on the ground so we'll try that again and let's see if we can do this a little bit better and probably not and once again I've crashed into the building so you try it out yourself so this has been another episode of the windows phone 7 app roundup and if you like our videos make sure you give us a thumbs up and also leave some comments down below to get the download information for all these applications and get to zoom microsoft tags all you do is follow the link in the description to be direct to the pocket now where we store the microsoft tags and zoom links and you can use download those directly to your computer or snap a picture with the microsoft tag app thanks for watching
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