hey guys this is adam lame from Park
geun-hye com we're going to take a look
at another windows phone 7 program this
one is called polyglot so let's check
out here we go we're starting it starts
up really quickly and we have our
choices of languages over here and what
we want to translate it to over here and
you can flick and scroll these guys I'm
going to choose English up there and i
will type
I me notice I'm not getting any
prediction in this keyboard which is
unfortunate okay and then you press this
button down here to here on the buttons
that's what they mean this one is going
to translate it and it is selecting
Lithuanian but we can change what
language we wanted to translate to and I
notice this button is grayed out what
does that one mean again pronounce so
we're unable to pronounce that language
but we can pronounce other languages
translating that then we go and now
appears and we heard it let's try a
couple of the languages
kind of a robotic voice
on a site
Oh came to discuss
or not gettin any help
so that works pretty well there's no
history so you can't really save
translations that you use often this
languages button I just kind of
collapses them okay so you're only going
to be translating from English to one
language and get more room that's kind
of cool in this swamp button will switch
between what language you want to
translate from and to so right now we're
translating english to korean so that
one's just swap it and that's about it
for the polyglot not bad not great could
be better but uh there you go nice
design that's it for now
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