hey guys this is Adam Lane with
packing.com next up we're gonna look at
the lockscreen
the Start screen and the programs menu
on Windows Phone 7
so here's lockscreen
and it shows a nice big clock and the
day and your next appointment as well as
some new messages down here those little
icons represent different email accounts
or text messaging or missed calls
so those show up right there and that's
really useful because all I have to do
is turn your phone on to see this type
of information okay if you tap it it
gives you a little animation indicating
that you can slide this up in order to
unlock it also happens if you press the
start key see bounces so that's your
indication that you guys slide this and
here we are with the Start screen you
probably already know all these tiles
you can move them around you can
customize them so I'll have to do is tap
and hold and then you can drag them
okay if you don't want to unpin it you
just hit this one right there
so the Tabet hold there we go okay and
then you tap off to the side to apply
that so you can rearrange all this
according to what you like what you want
most of the top and now over here you
got your programs menu as you can see
you can slide it just like that
or you can tap this arrow and this is
where all your programs live except for
the games which live in the game's hub
and you can see it's really smooth
scrolling there and let's go into
settings so this is where you can change
I'll sort the source of things there's a
ringtones unfortunately you can't add
custom ringtones there's no it's just
what's been pre-populated it seems ATT
has been able to add something but we
don't know how to do it manually yet so
you got all these options new text
message new voicemail new email play
sound lock and unlock let's shut that
off now shut off the key press to theme
you can change your colors dark light
happens right there accent color happens
right there
airplane mode will turn off all your
radios Wi-Fi Bluetooth here you can set
up your email accounts see your lock and
wallpaper so we can change our wallpaper
let's go with that one
all right
location services on sure automatic
brightness you can change your keyboard
leap language there we go
I don't have English though it was your
region information speech options phone
update no updates um found find my phone
I'm going to say yes share the location
for better mapping here's about
informations it's the HTC surround and
if you swipe to the side you get
application settings so these are the
same settings you might get to from
those applications okay you can change
your office username
I press that
all right we don't have any games out of
the Burtka Connect Express hilarious
not a whole lot of options for each
application here's a good one people
this is new you can show all Facebook
friends or only add Facebook info to
existing contacts
there's your picture options auto upload
the sky drives on attach location info
to upload pictures and here you can
change your quick upload account so if
you want it to automatically up to
upload Facebook instead you just let
that and then whenever you take a
picture it's going to go up on Facebook
so be careful with that
there's your radio options and search
use location yes so that's it for the
settings next we will take a look at
some of the hubs and what happened
that's a frappe
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