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iPhone 6s 3D Touch apps, Surface Book benchmarks & more - Pocketnow Daily

iphone success force touch now use for other creative purposes benchmarks now show us how powerful the surface book is compared to the macbook pro and the LG v10 starts making its way to the US carriers with some deals I'm hi Mary vera and I don't understand why some people don't like Monday jokes and still hate mondays along with me this is parking out daily the official news today begin with Apple those of you waiting for the new Apple TV we just learned the two things number one the pre-order starts today the second is that there's actually two models there's a 100 $49 model with 32 gigs of storage and then in 199 model with a well 64 gigs of storage because obviously you can play games on this store everything and that's interesting and what will be ordered today you get it by November third or somewhere around there which is an interesting date we will keep you posted most likely i will be ordering line other interesting official news come from LG those of you interested in the LG v10 you can pretty much order it now on t-mobile and AT&T the case of a TNT though you'll be paying 250 dollars plus a contract or seven hundred dollars off the bat we're in the case of t-mobile you actually get in one hundred dollar discount at just six hundred bucks so for those of you interested there are carrier options but we do remember that there's a verizon variant as well have you thought that 3d touch technology on the iphone success was just for shortcuts well there are developers that are already taking advantage of it and there is this new application called the plum o meter and the idea is that well you can place a plum on top of it and you can actually weigh it so you use this for such to detect the amount of force applied by the you know whatever products you use and yeah there should be other scale applications coming very soon but for those of you that didn't know there's actually not new for the Huawei device that's also capable of for such technology and if you are on the ropes waiting for the new microsoft lumia is the 950 or 950 XL and you are in the UK there are some good news as there seems to be a drop in price of up to a hundred pounds in the Lumia 950 950 XL from the previous retail prices which is rather interesting we're not really sure if it has to do with the fact that Microsoft is just there is less than n they expected or they just want to be more aggressive I hope it's the latter because the these products are actually rather cool can't wait to review it and finally the interesting news of the day has to do with the Microsoft Surface book the claims from Microsoft that this product was more powerful than the retina MacBook Pro were true to some extent because well it is twice as fast as the 13-inch macbook pro but then again that 13 inch or if you do some benchmarking and look at the specs there's really very little difference between this product and the 13-inch macbook air if you beefed it up so yeah obviously the 13 inch MacBook Pro is not as powerful as the 15-inch model but then again I do feel that is somewhat of a fair comparison particularly because well the surface book is actually three hundred dollars more expensive so it leads me to the question of the day if you have to choose right now which of these products would you buy and I'm actually going to include the surface pro for the surface book or a 13-inch MacBook Pro which one would you pick in my case I stayed away from the 13-inch macbook pro because of the lack of the quad core processor back in the day but yeah I'm really compelled for the service book except for the price tag it was a comment down below we would love to know what you want friends as always you know the drill if we want to get the news earlier before this video was filmed make sure you fall was on bargain out comment subscribe changing channel as well and follow me on twitter hem underscore turi better on instagram at hind every better please give this video thumbs up if you liked what you saw I am hi Mary better thank you very much for watching I'll see you tomorrow
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