iPhone 7 color options, iMessage on Android & more - Pocketnow Daily
iPhone 7 color options, iMessage on Android & more - Pocketnow Daily
iPhone 7 color options even point to
some iPod like changes to come
one developments show the Moto Z moto
mods that now include the optical camera
and it seems that tablet market share
keeps getting a hit I'm Jaime Rivera and
since my son decided that his avatar was
going to have to do with the dark side I
had to join this is sparking out daily
the official loose today begin with new
developments those of you that were
worried that the Moto mods that we saw
yesterday weren't really at all
compelling we were actually expecting
that sort of like optical zoom camera
that we heard about it's actually going
to happen we finally get to see that
moto mod it's apparently going to be
available at some point it even includes
a xenon flash there's also this
adventure mod that makes the phone
completely waterproof in ways we cannot
wait to test we'll keep you posted and
for those of you that are worried about
the future of the Moto X or buying one
right now it seems that the phone is
actually going to continue the Z is the
new flagship but apparently the X is
going to continue up to the point where
company executives are mentioning that
the x-force is still on sale and yeah it
could just be that motorola plans to
leave it as the secondary phone you can
get in addition to the Moto G given the
fact of the Moto G's pretty much only an
India thing right now for those of you
that are wondering how is the feature of
tablets going believe it or not it
continues on the Klein we've got some
statistics that claim that number one
it's still on decline ten percent year
over year number two Apple continues to
reign supreme as a product so if you now
about iPads then yes they own 39 percent
of the market but the problem is once
you start narrowing down platforms
Android currently owns 64 percent of
that market the profits continue to be
on the Apple side and we to know that
there are a ton of cheap Android tablets
out there but these are very interesting
developments over how things are going
and speaking of necessary changes we are
expecting a lot for WWDC 2016 and we've
got some interesting rumors number one
apparently Android applications made by
Apple are going to improve like for
example in the case of Apple music now
users will be able to download
music into a microSD card which is great
even more interesting we don't
understand this one but apparently Apple
is going to bring iMessage to Android
yeah I message to Android a lot of
people really rely on iMessage but
apparently Apple feels that it should go
cross-platform we cannot wait to see if
that actually happens and wonder exactly
what Apple is planning here and finally
the very interesting news today have to
do with the iPhone 7 we've got some very
trusted sources that have nailed
previous rumors on color options for
iPhones that apparently these are going
to change and listen to this the first
phone that's getting ditched or at least
should I say color option is Space Gray
apparently it will not continue with the
iPhone 7 it seems that we are now
getting deep blue I know deep blue it's
funny like all my friends everybody that
I know is currently using a Space Gray
iPhone and now we're just going to
completely move away from that and go to
blue I don't know if that is actually
going to be a good color option
obviously these are just rumors but then
again hey it's really interesting to
know your opinion in the comments down
below which is your favorite color for
iPhones if you were in the market for an
iPhone which one would you buy to be
honest I've always chosen Space Gray for
two reasons number one because I like
the darker tone number two because I
like the black display I feel that it's
more immersive but I don't think I'd be
able to go over to blue I don't think
it's gonna look that good but leave us a
comment down below we'd love to know
your opinion friends you know the way it
goes if you want to get these news
earlier before the video was filmed well
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this video thumbs up if you liked what
you saw i am high metairie better thank
you very much for watching we'll see you
next week
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