iPhone battery issue plan, Pixel and Nexus Portrait Mode & more - Pocketnow Daily
iPhone battery issue plan, Pixel and Nexus Portrait Mode & more - Pocketnow Daily
Apple begins replacing batteries for
less money even if your phone passes the
tests there seems to be a walk around
for those of you wanting portrait mode
on older pixels and Nexus devices and it
seems that the Huawei p11 is gonna grab
another name and a change in design I'm
hi Natalie that up happy new year and
hoping this 2018 is as great or even
better than 2017 this is parking out
daily the official news today begin with
promises made promises kept oneplus has
been doing an amazing job at software
updates and being timely even if Oreo
has been in the market for a bit oxygen
OS is currently on beta for the 1 + 5 t
those of you interested in getting it
you can follow a link in the description
and learn more so far I am happy that
means it's actually just you know hey
it's gonna happen in 2018 and they
delivered on the first day now let's
talk about Huawei and the p20 those of
you that were waiting for ap11 it seems
that things have changed apparently
there is a name change and we've got
some leaked CAD images that show as a
device with three lenses at the back and
we're exactly wanting to know what the
company is planning with three lenses
let's see how that goes
let's move the spotlight over to the
last generations Google pixel pixel x-l
the Nexus 6p and the Nexus 5x if you've
been wanting portrait mode well there is
a famous developer called Charles Chou
who has brought a lot of the modes from
the pixel to in pixel to excel to the
devices that I mentioned earlier and
apparently portrait mode is the new
thing obviously this is a workaround
it's not the official application but it
just proves that Google could do it if
they wanted to so you can learn more
about that in the description as well
now let's talk about throttling
batteries for those of you that wonder
if the reason why your Galaxy s7 is so
slow lately is because Samsung is
throttling your battery well we've got
OMS like HTC Motorola and Samsung
confirming that they do not throttle the
processor speeds in order to give you
better battery longevity with this whole
thing that's been happening with Apple I
kind of don't believe it because I do
notice the slowdowns and some of these
devices particularly
from Samsung but yeah it seems they
don't and finally the very hot news of
the end of the year because this didn't
really happened today the news are being
slowed to catch up with all the chained
in year and everybody coming back from
the holidays but Apple has a decided a
few things for those of you that didn't
know first of all if you want to replace
your battery the company will do it for
$50 less meaning 29 bucks to replace the
battery on your sick success and there
is a list down in the description the
details more even more important if you
go to a Genius Bar and even if the phone
passes the test
apparently Apple will still replace your
battery it's interesting that the
company has won apologized that number
two has come with this solution it leads
me to the question today do you think
that the smartest thing is free to
change your battery or we just leave it
as is you haven't really noticed any
performance issues in my case I have
noticed performance changes in iPhones
after not necessarily after the buzz
I've even been thinking of doing after
the buzz videos after a year just
because I've noticed all of this
degradation and performance and not
necessarily just iPhones but other
devices but that's just me leave us a
comment down below we'd love to know
your opinion friends again if you want
to get the news early or follow us on
find out our comment subscribe to our
channel by hitting this button up here
you can watch the last PocketNow daily
from last year up here and our review on
the iPhone 10 down here you can also
follow me on twitter and underscore to
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please give this video a thumbs up if
you liked what you saw I am highly
metally but I thanks so much for
watching we'll see you tomorrow
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