iPhones more expensive thanks to Trump, Another Galaxy S10 & more - Pocketnow Daily
iPhones more expensive thanks to Trump, Another Galaxy S10 & more - Pocketnow Daily
Apple's price tags are about to get
worse if they keep manufacturing phones
in China according to some Trump threats
we get a new report that tells us what
to expect for for Galaxy S tens instead
of three and we get some patents along
with a concept design for LG's upcoming
foldable phone I'm Jaime meadow Iveta
and if you see my face in the need of an
app that's because I do and it's barely
Tuesday this is PocketNow daily
sponsored by swap up the official loose
today actually don't begin with deals
because I'm sure that there are already
people hurt after Black Friday and Cyber
Monday so let's talk about research as
we've got some global numbers for q3 s2
which is the best-selling company right
now when it comes to smartphones Samsung
continues being first with 19% but it's
on the Klein we've got Huawei on a rise
at 14% Apple follows with 12 and guess
which company is surprising everybody
with the amount of sales they've got
right now Nokia 73 percent growth in q3
that's insane now let's talk about
Google's project 5 probably by the time
you watch this video things have change
but there was a post in certain
publications that was later pulled
mentioning the project fire is now gonna
support more products like oneplus
devices iPhones and others there's a
full list so it's only a matter of time
I find that to be great as don't get me
wrong I like that it's a pixel thing but
the more products supported the better
now let's talk about LG and it's
foldable phone tablet whatever its going
to be there are some patents and also
some concept designs that are based on
these patents and you know what I
actually like what I see we've got a
single display that folds instead of
three screens that become one obviously
there is some functionality where you
use the tablet primarily but then you
can also have a keyboard and you know
and then the screen on the phone is
actually not so bad if you compared to
what we saw from Samsung let's just see
what we get now let's talk about the
Samsung Galaxy S tens as
there are some trusted sources that are
claiming that we're now getting three
we're getting four phones
three of them probably at the same time
at CES and then there is a fourth model
and then this fourth model is the one
that's gonna be no holds bar 5g in
addition to all the bells and whistles
that we've been hearing in teasers for
cameras etc etc they don't know exactly
how many cameras were getting on the
other ones but stay tuned
and finally the interesting and
disappointing news do they have to do
with the President of the United States
Donald Trump in tariffs for China
because according to Trump people in the
United States will have no problem in
paying ten percent more for their
iPhones because the whole deal is that
they want to implement tariffs
apparently they're gonna start at ten
percent as of January according to what
he said and they can go up as high as
twenty five percent so yeah I imagine
Apple's iPhones are currently a thousand
bucks imagine them being ten percent of
twenty five percent more expensive and I
understand the purpose they want high
phones to be manufactured in the States
and you know for that price tag I don't
know why they're not think about it is
what do you think let us know in the
comments I mean do you think that this
is a good way to I don't know boost
innovation because I find that I don't
know don't it's it's just the hard it's
such a complicated topic too grass I'm
gonna worst fall I don't know if I take
it seriously or not leave us a comment
down below we'd love to know what you
think and friends before we end this
video we would love to thank our sponsor
swap ofor making our content possible
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I'm hey Matt again I think so much for
watching we'll see you tomorrow
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