5 Crazy Gadgets For Womens You Won't Believe Exist | 2017 New Inventions |
5 Crazy Gadgets For Womens You Won't Believe Exist | 2017 New Inventions |
don't you just love getting your period
I know I do
it's a great time to do everything i sat
on the bench father burden is unbearable
I used to worry that my period was that
me from doing my favorite activities but
now I agog oh this is painful
what the hell am I on a beach right now
this is the last place I should be
I could take pills but they take a long
time to work and usually they don't
eliminate the pain just reduce it and
then in a few hours you just are stars
or I can use Libya Libya is the
drug-free solution for menstrual pain
how does it work
simple menstrual pains are result of a
connection between your brains and your
lady parts preneur native parts get
ready for some pain no brain no but then
Libya stops this connection with pulses
Genta Don's antenna Dada take that pain
signal wrong sir results Livia
considerably reduces and could even
completely eliminate the pain unlike
pills Livia reduces your pain instantly
its effect lasts as long as you use it
and you don't develop a tolerance to it
all you got to do is take these cute
stickers attach them to where it hurts
and turn Libya on
there's even an adjustable button to
control the pulses according to your
pain and the whole thing is totally
discreet oh and it's also very cute and
colorful Cooper girls get Libya today
and move from this all that is rainbow
ah today
introducing P Pocket the revolutionary
new urinary device exclusively developed
by a team of doctors for use by women
all over the world the P pocket is a
single use waterproof bundle that allows
women everywhere the remarkable
advantage to release themselves while
standing each unit comes in a discreet
package that conveniently tucked away
into an easy-to-reach accessory and
every packet exists a hygiene issue wipe
and a small disposable bag t pockets
durable high functional trifold design
create a remarkable fit every time which
eliminates wet hands or bottom and when
you're through toss the P pocket away or
return the P pocket and wife to the
disposable bag and discard P pocket was
clinically designed for use by athletes
travelers the elderly the disabled
pregnant women post-surgery patients and
more people provide the relief of
knowing you can have the relief of going
anytime anywhere but don't take our word
for it
try to talk it for yourself and find out
just how handy it is to stand when
sitting is not an option here's how to
what are these girls doing they're
taking a stand against in equality
they're also taking a whizz that's how
they're taken to sands for millenia men
have loaded over women their unfair
advantage of simply being able to whip
it out and go to town just whips and let
her rip
meanwhile she has been forced to six in
an uncomfortable a mobile and vulnerable
position bound at the ankles or knees by
her skirts as their panties often on
toilets so disgusting that only the
tedious process of mummifying John makes
them tolerable then turn our backs on us
and go wherever and whenever they want
while women have to either wait for a
usually nasty bathroom or get out of
sight and then drop slots and sport does
this look equal to you we're both just
peeing female friends everywhere for
years you have not been able to pee
really but today you are free to pee AB
you please with a great equalizer of men
and women Liz wins MS Wiz is a female
urination device the modern woman's
weapon against any quality and
unsanitary toilet she's the quick clean
comfortable way to go when you can't or
don't want to sit too cold Miz Liz over
your business and you're in business
you be the hero enjoy the freedom to pay
standing up ms whiz is the safest
cleanest way to go in an unsanitary
and this ways of made of hypoallergenic
silicone aerodynamically designed so
there's no slow back splashing of silt
Miz Liz loves the great outdoors whether
you're camping hiking skiing biking
boating whatever way Lanny gift your
no more interrupted fun to go find the
bathroom with mid with all you have to
do with learn how to Aang join the cause
take a stand and take a wig while you're
at it click here and get miss with today
or go to mid winds calm ms Woods puts
the fun and funnel if you couldn't stand
going to the bathroom before we
guarantee you can stand going to the
bathroom now ms will see you quality
because the quality is never going to be
naked may look like a mirror at first
glance but it's not like any mirror I've
ever seen when I look into other mirrors
all I see is a reflection I see today
but the truth is so much more than that
naked shows me my truth my truth is
sweat early mornings
one more rep one more mile one more
I'm stronger than I think I can go
further than I thought
the honest naked truth is that what I
look like today is not a moment frozen
in time my body is the reflection of my
journey my choices
that's where naked helps me see my true
self naked is a 3d fitness tracker that
keeps me motivated by showing me my
progress I can instantly get my exact
measurement body fat percentage and
weight and with heat maps of muscle gain
and fat loss side-by-side comparison and
time-lapse of my body's changes I know
where I am where I'm going and how to
get there
I'm on a journey to become my best self
this is me naked did you know that women
are four times more likely than men to
say that recent sex
unpleasurable in fact studies have shown
that men are twice as likely to have an
orgasm storing steps than their partners
we called it the pleasure gap and we're
alpha sixes neva is the first cam 3
strap free not intrusive control
vibrator which a woman can wear during
sex even the unique designs features
dynamic wings which tucks under the
labia allowing the vibrators to stay on
top of the clitoris without getting the
way its penetration research shows the
two most important contributors to
women's pleasure and climax or physical
contact like kissing and touching and
control simulation 70% of women knee
control simulation to orgasm but most
vibrators are distracting or creative
barrier during sex between the partners
because even small hands-free completely
external love you and your partner keep
the focus on each other
the problem with holding a vibrator
during sex is that it can really get in
the way and detract from the experience
this was just not obtrusive at all it
was like as far as he could tell there
was nothing you know there was nothing
in his way I definitely notice when
she's enjoying herself more and I get a
lot of pleasure out of that I didn't
have to think about folding it down you
know I could focus on my partner and
doing stuff with my partner while also
having no sensation at same products our
missions create phenomenal sex toys the
study of sex has been alice's lifelong
passion and i'm an established
mechanical engineer who decided if i
want better sex toys i guess i better
making myself
with our powers combined we think we
have a unique opportunity to bring your
original sex toys to fit the real needs
of women and the people they have sex
Eva doesn't work like anything else in
the market so it doesn't look like
anything else
we used our fleet of 3d printers to be
able to iterate quickly on form and get
a lot of user feedback to get Eva to the
shapes fit and strength that it is today
Engineering Eva's wings was an
interesting challenge because they have
to be flexible enough to fit a range of
women and arrange positions but also
sturdy enough to hold the vibrator in
place we've selected a small motor with
a powerful kick then gave it three very
distinct speeds from gentle to almost
anything Eva fits in the right place
vibration is always comfortable if I had
this product I think I would probably
wear it all the time we believe that
innovative designs committed better sex
and happier couple staff are so excited
to bring your Eva your support will
allow us to order tooling in our first
round of production any additional funds
will enable us to grow as a company and
a brand to bring you even more awesome
products we're just trying to make the
world a happier place one vagina at a
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