Wow introducing the first action camera
built for day and night usage this is
the Aurora
right what is it photo
that cool have you ever desired
superhuman powers
Aurora delivers with this full-featured
ip67 action camera with an integrated HD
o LED a personal night-vision psyonix
patented ultra low light sensor
technology she's twenty times relative
performance enabling you to capture
stunning video from noonday Sun to
starlit nights it's a day and night
difference capture your experiences in
every sense of the action with Aurora's
still high-speed burst
slow-mo time-lapse are full HD video
settings with stereo audio the Aurora is
great for daytime usage but if you find
yourself in the dark we have you covered
with three available modes day Twilight
and night it will make the best use of
any available light not only is it
compact and lightweight it fits
perfectly in one hand for smooth
operation out of the box ready to hunt
ready to go so this right here will do
that faster than anything else
the Aurora is able to withstand water up
to three feet deep for thirty minutes
even if your goal is getting lost it's
good to know where you are the Aurora's
built-in positioning tools offer an
optional overlay function to keep you on
the beaten path or help you make your
own with Wi-Fi capability and an app for
iOS or Android you're able to share your
adventures on social media so no one
misses out this is the Aurora
life doesn't stop when the Sun Goes Down
have you ever found yourself camping
hiking or hanging out with friends and
you want to capture that perfect moment
but it's just too dark the aurora was
built for that action cameras today can
do some amazing things but they don't
see well in low-light night-vision
equipment sees great and low light but
it can't do what action cameras can do
the aurora is a marriage between those
two worlds it's the first product that
provides all the features of an action
camera but can see in pretty much any
lighting situation you can see from the
noonday Sun to the moonless night
psionics has been developing the aurora
for about 18 months and we're just about
ready to launch but we need your help to
bring awareness to the product ramp
production and build all the accessories
for your life's adventures thank you so
much for your support and hope the
aurora can bring your night to life
how to be twice as smart focus is
something that every one of our stars
most of us don't do as well as we could
we spend a third of our lives focusing
at work how well we do depends on it
yet we neglect it knowing that we
focused is good but it's not enough we
need to begin to understand how our mind
can work better nobody is even thinking
of using the most powerful part of our
mind our subconscious with foci we want
to change that for guys our biometric
wire or for tracks your subconscious and
helps you tune into deep focus clipped
your waist
the biometry captures your cognitive
state it's a stream of colored orbs
inspired by pixels inside out to help
you visualize your mind understand
you're Savile better this biometrics
powers the AI language the closest thing
to a real coach it picks out mistakes
you made and provides real time advice
to optimize your mental performance you
will not only know exactly when you lose
focus but also access techniques with
easy-to-follow steps to make focus your
second nature we want foci to help you
get into what psychologists call flow a
state of deep focus where your
subconscious empowers you to process
focals based on two daggers you rasberry
research which established how breathing
passes mirrors of Conti States who have
pupils move device that you can clip to
the ways to track your breathing while
you work with machine learning vocalist
of breathing characteristics and the
right personal insight
well time to lose your focus
over the last few months we work with
Cambridge enterprises project the alpha
tester with student s4 from here
the results are very positive now I want
to share this powerful technology with
everyone we want the Kickstarter
community to help us shape what we are
building as we build it with your
support we can together help people
better understand themselves and tap
into that potential this year marks the
140th anniversary of the phonograph the
brainchild of Thomas Edison paying
tribute to the original Cosmo phone is
bringing back the iconic shape with a
horn style speaker design but with
modern touches from the present and the
Cosmo phone has 360 degree sound
delivering the uniform high-quality
audio to everyone in the room on the
other hand if you prefer to use your own
audio setup Cosmo phone can direct audio
to any output you desire we made cosmos
speaker portable so it can go anywhere
you go just remove it from the turntable
taking it outdoors great it has its own
battery and connects to any device via
bluetooth for all-day adventures we
designed a leather case to carry and
protect your Cosmo speaker Edison
probably never imagined his phonograph
having a holographic display at the holo
store on our website you will find an
extensive hologram database where you
can download Holograms onto an SD card
so we can be displayed on your Cosmo
phone Kickstarter customers can have
access for free we believe Cosmo phones
should fit your personality express
yourself by personalizing your Cosmo
phone to make it all your own we have
been working relentlessly for the past
year to turn all our ideas into reality
now all we need is your support to bring
Osmo phone to life
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