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7 Sleep Devices and Gadgets to make waking up a little bit easier

sleep is important the value of the sleep is something that you realize when you're losing it first you lose your focus and then your good spirit but also it will go to severe healthy Sue's at the end but upside here is that we can also affect positively your health by improving your sleep so we started making studies to find the solution for it I am proud to introduce why don't sleep this device is one-of-a-kind there is no other active noise-cancelling earplugs but you could use for sleeping there are the devices for the sleeping purposes like a foam earplugs the problem with that is that they can't really cut the snoring sound there are some devices which are creating more noise meaning of this kind of masking noise that you can hide the snoring but then you need to listening the noise what that device creates so we are making silence the first product was already massive hit it went all around the world and got a really really positive feedback from different segments especially for the frequent travelers but also the people who are working in the noisy environments but still we found some room for the improvements especially for the sleeping our new device is more it is soft it is optimized for the snoring sounds it's also have two modes there's hearing mode and sleeping it the great feature of this device even though we went really small that they're still enough battery life so there's 20 hours in a single charge I'm privileged to work with this kind of device which have the major impact on people's lives sense have been our started an IndieGoGo cold air and order your own thank you for supporting us this is Lea two minutes and she's out but you you've been trying for two hours I'm sure you've tried every trick in the book like trying to stop thinking stop thinking stop thinking stop crap I thought or trying to relax oh it's not that these techniques are useless in fact they're actually pretty good unfortunately you probably had more important things to learn at school this here is history relaxing fast is his thing just look he focuses on his breathing and he progressively slows it down and by slowing his breathing all the way down to about six breaths a minute he stimulates the barrel flicks a physiological mechanism that allows him to become completely calm in just a few minutes and when it comes to not thinking he's pretty good at that too he can concentrate on his breathing for a really long time and remain undistracted by buzzing thoughts but you are not his room even in bed you struggle to focus on your breath for more than twenty seconds at a time actually your attention span is probably more like balls than his runs that's why we've designed dota it helps you fall asleep by making you almost as chill as his room I'll have one of those you synchronize your breathing with the light projected on the ceiling by focusing on something outside your own head you'll pay less attention to the thoughts that are keeping you awake at the same time just like a metronome doto helps slow down your breathing from eleven to six breaths a minute which helps relieve your anxiety and so in less than eight minutes you'll find yourself ready to doze off dota won't turn you into a Buddhist monk but it will help you fall asleep faster and that's probably all you need can't sleep noises keep you up at night your journey to a better night's sleep starts with a nightingale nightingale the first smart-home sleep system clinically proven to help you fall asleep 38% faster comfortable sound blankets are optimized masked noises so you sleep better and wake up refreshed nightingale is controlled from your smartphone or PC which immerses your bedroom and blankets of comfortable sound specifically to for your rooms acoustics plug the units into your bedroom wall outlets download the app input your room type and get ready for a better night's sleep nightingale integrates with popular smart home devices giving you custom voice alerts save the night to sleepless nights get nightingale now how well you live depends on how well you sleep yet one-third of the population has trouble sleeping the solution lies within the brain where sleep is regulated for the past three years we've been developing a neuro technology solution that truly understands and works with the brain to improve your sleep introducing dream brain and body sensors track your sleep with superior accuracy which Naples dreams features to perform effectively starting with a set of audio biofeedback techniques to help you fall asleep faster like guided breathing exercises that naturally slow your heart rate or series of words that help you detach if your mind is racing then we address the most restaurateurs part of the night deep sleep inspired by a discovering neuroscience dream uses sound stimulation to improve its quality and in the morning dreams smart alarm wakes you at the optimal moment so you can ease into your day the dream app delivers sleep data and personalized tips to help you understand your sleep and adjust your lifestyle dream the science of better sleep at the end of the day we all come back to one place our beds it's our greatest comfort and that comfort it all starts with our sheets introducing slumber sheets obsessively engineered luxury sheets that don't break the bank we use only single ply cotton yarns that make our sheets stronger with less piling and snapping tug and pull to your heart's desire use our all-natural sleep mist to freshen and kill bacteria on your sheets it even helps you get to sleep better everything is super easy to set up slumber sheets are extremely breathable which means no more twisting and turning no more sweaty nights slumbers sheets feel softer and lighter than any other cotton in the world we source and use extra-long staple cotton grown in Egypt that is certified and responsibly grown no harmful chemicals involved so you can sleep comfortably eco-friendly packaging so that everything is reusable or recyclable you've been led to believe that higher thread count means higher quality slumber sheets legitimately use 300 threads of cotton per square inch our tests showed that this was the perfect thread count for quality sleep the best part every single standard slumber set is under $100 that's right under $100 we nailed the quality the comfort the durability and the price we got rid of every single markup that didn't contribute to quality you don't need fancy packaging branded labels or any other unnecessary charge no BS you just need quality sheets we even provide free shipping to the US we believe everyone deserves better sleep slumber bedding made simple get the sleep you deserve get slumber calm the world is evolving and changing every day we are living faster lives and are more connected than ever before this leads to increased levels of stress and anxiety no wonder 50 million Europeans have trouble falling or staying asleep every night levia blanket was designed for your everyday use and your everyday needs the result is that levia will help you fall asleep faster and easier levia will naturally keep you asleep all night those who toss and turn will experience kamar and deeper sleep periods this ensures you wake up refreshed and ready to conquer the world the levia blanket does this by influencing hormones in your body now the tonin and serotonin will increase while decreasing cortisol a stress hormone the levia blanket is made with the highest quality materials giving it a fantastic look and feel so why not try something new we want to eliminate restless nights so you can gain mornings with clarity take action reclaim your sleep try levia and see how it changes your life you
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