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Top 5 New Crazy Tech Inventions 2017 You Must See

the hover bike is a result of years of research and development we combine the freedom of a helicopter with the simplicity of a motorcycle to create the world's first hover by developing a hover bike is expensive and challenging and we need your support to make the Surrey Elgin the hover bike flies like a helicopter however it is rugged and easy to use it represents a whole new way to fly we created a 1/3 scale of a bike drone to test a new quad hero dynamic concept how drone will allow you to see and feel just how it will be to fly the full-scale hover bow and will help with raising the funds needed to bring the hover bike to market we have moved to a proven quadcopter design and this is what our second-generation hover bike looks like trains should be friendly and approachable l drone has ducks around the propellers that protect bystanders from the blade tips and allows us to safely operate near the vehicle we designed a large payload Bay that can be easily adapted for different uses a real multi-purpose tool we felt it important to keep Jones fun safe and accessible to as many people as possible I like other most doctors are spikes down to a third of its size and be easily transported in our custom multi-use bag we don't think the world of senior just how useful drones of all shapes and sizes can actually be the Ducks come embedded with LED lights for brilliant nighttime fly we and our large community of supporters around the world are really passionate up the idea of cheap safe airborne transportation with your help to back this project we can continue to develop the world's first flying motor bike with your help we can take another small step in the evolution of light you we've all been there the language barriers where things get lost in translation those tangled cables the flexibility poor audio quality introducing click the smartest truly wireless earbuds with live voice translation the ability to translate different languages with the translation deliver to the earbuds in real-time language will no longer stand in the way of efficient interaction of it was a future can you hear me with your earphones amazing oh yeah via here the notifications that are important remember to pick up Charlotte when syncing your smartphone click the deliver notifications like text messages coming directly to your readers Michael is calling but this also comes with a single USB so you can charge a smartphone tablet accent it's designed to be highly organized so you won't experience that telltale soreness that often comes after a day of wearing uncomfortable earbuds the click delivers a crystal-clear movie of quality with noise cancellation to hear back what we've recorded live you're getting the studio sound through your ears quite incredible explore the world with no limit if a revolution for your ears in some situations paper will always be best for unleashing our creativity and sometimes we just need technology choosing between paper and computer is a matter of context today we can have the best of both worlds the pup is the first ever connected pocket scanner it is mobile tiny lightweight Wireless with a long-lasting battery the pup is very simple to use thanks to its unique button it is smart it automatically takes care of every step from your sheet of paper to its destination on the Internet the pump allows you to stay comfortable where you are without moving around you don't need to worry about paper dimensions anymore your documents are automatically and safely routed where you need them the pop is so simple to use choose your scenario fit the laser to the pages and press the button that's it your document has just been transferred according to your choice so much words matter more than others they deserve to be saved and shared instantly with your loved ones the pup is always ready to go it is incredibly fast and easy to use the pump brings you closer to the ones you love the pup can scan everything it even works with books it is smart and automatically fixes any reflection or page curve issues the pup comes with its own lights and does not rely on the ambient lighting you always get a sharp image the puppet is your Nomad companion it follows you everywhere it takes care of everything and lets you focus on what really matters to you the pup will bring you new creative scenarios every day certainly you can stay up to date with your favorite networks Facebook Pinterest Instagram they can all be reached in one click it will even help you import your documents into Word and Excel we are proud to introduce first step we've been working for 18 months we've a sales team of engineers and designers we work hard we have created another cool type to offer you unique experience and made us and available to everyone thank you for backing us on IndieGoGo to make web Scout a reality you
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