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A (Likely Unpopular) Response to JayzTwoCents...

I want to start this video off with a disclaimer I absolutely respect je 100% I've looked up with the guys since the inception of this channel I still do and much of the work I've done with custom loops in particular has been import thanks to his tutorials and guidance and much like myself Jay's very headstrong and opinionated I'm sure most of his followers already know that he isn't afraid to speak his mind and I think so people like about him I also respect that but it doesn't mean that we have to agree on everything in fact I encourage disagreement to an extent it promotes healthy discussion and exchange of ideas something we don't see much of in modern politics so in this video I want to respond to Jay's recent tweet regarding corporate mining I usually don't do these kinds of videos but I think this one beckons a video from me because I also like to call it like I see it and I just don't see eye to eye with him here he said quote Z mine mining farm 1,500 GPUs this is the that I will never get behind condone endorse etc casual miners making money off of their idle time isn't the problem these guys are the problem and here's my problem with that now I get it we're all frustrated with the current state of graphics cards in both the new and used markets gtx 1070 still cost what 1080 TI is it at launch which is just a bit ridiculous and even the competitively priced cards that occasionally show up on Amazon and Newegg go out of stock almost as quickly as they show up so what should we do should we blame all miners should we just a blame the corporation's buying in bulk who is the real target here and my response to Jay on Twitter was this I have mixed opinions mainly because I don't want to bombard him with nine tweets in a row he doesn't follow me I don't want that and also because I think it's a difficult topic to discuss or surmise in a single tweet Jay immediately resorted to bashing large corporations right the easy scapegoat responsible for bolt graphics card purchases which we know is happening and saving face with the little guys you and me right with a brief disclaimer about how casual minors are not really the problem but I find this slightly inconsistent why blame only the large companies they're the easy scapegoat and I feel like people do us all the time without thinking about it if the goal in the end is the same which by the way is to make money why should it matter who is doing it or in what quantity here's how I see it if we're gonna be consistent when playing the blame game we've got to make sure that all parties involved or at least mentioned or called out if one person steals fifty bucks from a person another steals fifty thousand from a bank should we only blame the bank thief I'm using this rather extreme example on purpose because it seems as though some of you feel robbed like your precious graphics cards were manufactured only for gaming with a strict agreement attached and that is simply not true look I want graphics cards for everyone I'm certainly pro graphics cards if you want to call it that but I don't want to profess my pro gamer stance because I don't think that it should exist gamers aren't entitled to graphics cards any more so than the casual or professional minor it sounds harsh and I know that most of my viewers are avid gamers I respect that but I'm not gonna sugarcoat it you aren't special in the eyes of Nvidia nor AMD you're just another customer and at the end of the day as long as the sales quotas are met papa green and Mama red are perfectly satisfied in fact these two peeps are more interested in their shareholders than they are in you so Jay we aren't entitled to anything as gamers now I know that you know this you're like come on Greg you're just you're just grants but when you ward it like this J it sounds as though you don't by the way I don't mind I've never mind and I never will it's also just as hard for me to get graphics cards let alone for free now I find it very distasteful for her he were mine with a bunch of graphics cards he or she did receive for free but then again it wouldn't be illegal for them to do so and the same goes for these large mining companies at J's targeting here sure you can be upset you can even publicize it publicize your discontent the same way J did but you can't call them the problem not unless you're prepared to call all miners the problem to some extent they want profits just like the average Joe who mines with a single R X 480 does in fact I'd argue that manufacturers are more at fault here than the consumers so let's shift to that for a second consumers are just doing what consumers are allowed to do but if Nvidia or AMD cared that much about their gamers they'd eliminate bulk purchase options for unaffiliated businesses and find other ways to ensure that cards went into gamers hands only which i think is what many are asking for but I don't really agree with so in closing I disagree with J when he says that larger mining farms are the problem they're not doing anything illegal or even unethical they're just a buying cards I'm certainly not taking their side and shunning gamers I think that's ridiculous but I'm not gonna blame them I think that they're more or less the effect not really the cause the way I see it you have to blame the big-box manufacturers they are the source they could have chosen withhold bulk stock from these companies but they did not because much like mining farms in question manufacturers care about profits to arguably more so than they care about the little man you and I with that if you agree with me you can thumb it up if you disagree you can thumb it down you can complain in the comments tell me how wrong I am but at least you know my stance I'm not anti gamer yes it sucks I get it but I don't think that the solution is to blame miners or band miners or whatever you guys are trying to propose in the background with that I will prepare for the minefield that will be the comments in this video if you want to subscribe you can do that I'd appreciate that we do many things other than just talk in these videos those are just something I wanted to get off my chest because it has been bothering me for quite some time this is science studio thanks for chatting thus
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