A Response to the Hate and Garbage Surrounding RYZEN
A Response to the Hate and Garbage Surrounding RYZEN
okay so this needs to be said I don't
make videos in regard to garbage that
floats around online we all know it's
inevitable you can't escape it read any
youtube comment section any forum for
that matter and you're bound to find
accusations that are so baseless they
make you laugh and cringe at the same
time and that is no more true than with
AMD rice and these three CDs have been
so misunderstood by so many people that
mislabel they've been the basis of
arguments fights even threats death
threats that I've decided to stay out of
that game altogether I will not be
reviewing the three rising CPUs in
regard to gaming performance just
because I don't want the same crap being
thrown my way granted this video itself
will probably draw a lot of that but at
least I'm saying something in regard to
you it's a rebuttal to all of the the
mess that so many tech tubers in
particular get when it comes to reviews
like these what sparked this video with
the insane backlash that I personally
saw from gamers nexuses review of the
risin line up next this is next hi
what's the plural of Nexus anyway they
came to conclusions that did not favor a
particular fanbase
I thought that they were well grounded I
thought they were based on fact and
justified but we all know at this point
any kind of opinion that doesn't follow
the opinion of the majority of viewers
watching your video is a big no-no
I find it ridiculous that our opinions
and our suggestions are being questioned
to this extent and being ridiculed the
way that they are based on our extensive
tests of these products and keep in mind
we're testing these products way more
than the average consumerism the average
consumer typically doesn't care to
compare because they have the new
product that's really all they're
they're worried about but we test these
things for a living we compare them for
a living and when our conclusions based
on data are in conflict with what a fan
or just a typical viewer might think we
are called out were ridiculed were
threatened in the same way that gamers
Nexus was repeatedly apparently which is
just pathetic
in my opinion that shouldn't happen we
shouldn't be in a community like that
that's so hostile that were afraid to
upload benchmarks because we know what
we'll get in return so what's happening
is a select few people from
both sides of the aisle from those who
favor Intel for X reasons and those who
favor AMD for y reasons are becoming
radicalized in the sense think of it
politically those who disagree the most
politically tend to have the most
extreme arguments right when when they
just can't see eye to eye on anything
those are typically the most vicious of
the arguments that we see and it's this
polarization that's making our community
as a whole
appear so hostile in fact it is hostile
in many cases just use this comment
section as an example oh but it doesn't
just stop there
surprise surprise there's quite a bit of
infighting particularly within AMD's
sphere I think largely in part because
the CPUs themselves that are already
released are being misunderstood many of
my fellow tech reviewers have already
compared the 1,800 X to the 67 7700 K to
the 69 hundred K so they're using either
price or core account as a basis for
comparison that's completely fine I
think it's 100 percent legitimate I'm
glad they did it but the problem is
people are taking these results without
a grain of salt they're not considering
the actual intent behind the 1,700 1,700
X and 1,800 X you don't buy 8 core 16
thread CPU strictly for gaming period
and I don't know why that's news to
everyone now because we've all at some
point reviewed this topic and actually
gone back and reviewed it multiple times
just to emphasize the point why people
are saying Oh Intel still superior Rison
flopped is beyond me the CPUs are more
content creation oriented actually aim
towards people more like myself who do
more video editing and rendering than
anything else that is not to say though
that these are not good for gaming
that's another thing that I found that
the community that's not really stacking
up is people are saying oh these chips
are bad for gaming don't buy them even
though you can buy the 1,700 for a
little over 300 bucks you know that's
that's around the same price as a 7700 K
you should still definitely by the 7700
K because it's way more worth in the
long run for gaming ok well the higher
IPC of the 7700 K is what justifies it
for a gaming CPU but if that's all
you're going to be doing find that that
that's where you can stop if you're
going to be doing more than that if it
can be live streaming if you're going to
be running I don't know multiple games
at the same time rank
machines if you're going to be content
creating in any in any way whatsoever
then the 1700 has a place in the market
and that's why these chips I believe
will still be very successful I do think
that the bit of over hype on AMD side
kind of hurt the momentum of these chips
had that happens with every product
literally from every category in
existence though so that's nothing new
but I'm also seeing some ridiculous
accusations particularly from the AMD
sphere and I'm calling you guys out on
this because this is something that I
guess you guys have had just bobble up
inside of you for five or six years
since the bulldozer architecture and
you're just ready to let it go and now
that you're saying that these three
chips which don't need to comprise half
of the Zen lineup don't perform as well
as Intel's best then you somehow feel
justified to to make these false claims
and they are false because I could never
imagine a company like gamers Nexus
being paid off by Intel to skew the
results or skew their conclusions based
on objective data I could not believe
what I saw when scrolling through
Twitter are you telling me that you
literally need verbal confirmation from
YouTube channels that they were not paid
off or persuaded in any way by Intel
if you're considering asking me that
question right now unsubscribe and block
me I frankly had enough of the garbage
surrounding this issue this launch and I
haven't even released benchmarks yet I
know that a majority of you do not feel
this way I'm glad because if you did I
would not be doing this I would be
looking forward to my engineering career
when I graduate in May but it's people
like this who make our jobs
occasionally suck are you kidding me is
this really something that we should
have to go through as tech reviewers I
could care less who comes out on top in
fact that in itself is subjective do you
prefer CPUs that aren't as powerful but
that are much better for your budget or
you prefer the biggest and best for a
premium price that's how it's been for
quite a while and I don't expect that to
change anytime soon so the next time you
think about accusing my channel of being
biased or being paid off do me a favor
and unsubscribe for now I will be
my AMD rising benchmarks not just the
gaming benchmarks but also the CP
synthetic and rendering benchmarks which
is news to my followers on Twitter the
community is too disgusting right now
and I'm disgusted with it while conflict
and controversy surrounding the
optimization of Rison with operating
systems and motherboard viruses is
largely in part thanks to AMD not giving
these developers and manufacturers
enough time to refine their products for
consumers I'm willing to give them the
benefit of the doubt and wait at least a
few months until these issues are
resolved then we will see which of these
CPUs is best for rendering and content
creation and which of these from both
sides of the aisle mind you are our best
for gaming with that best of luck out
there if I were you I would tread
lightly in comment section and on forums
it's sad that I have to say that this is
Salazar's studio thanks for learning
with us
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