the AMD FX 6300 was featured in my
second ever PC build here on the channel
if you're super interested in watching
that's super all the video you can do so
by clicking the card right here but
brace yourselves in all honesty the
processor wasn't very different from the
i3 6100 I purchased shortly thereafter
and it was actually super cheap at 99 US
dollars you can probably get for cheaper
and now it features a unique design
three modules and two cores per module
effectively making it a hexa core
processor although each core shares
resources with another so it's
technically not a six core processor but
it is a six core processor separate
issue separate debate separate video the
CPU boasts a whopping eight megabytes of
l3 cache that's actually how much my i7
6700 K has by the way a turbo clock
speed of 4.1 gigahertz although I
overclocked mine to 4.6 gigahertz with
help from the ins EXT kraken x 61 and as
mentioned earlier the things cheap but
it's also quite old
bashira is a dying breed it's undeniable
the n3 platform is several years old the
chip flops 32 nanometer architecture in
the lineup isn't known for its
relatively tolerable thermal output so
with those pros and cons in mind we're
pairing the FX 6300 with AMD grade on to
newest release the our X 480 be a good
here's what you're about to see in the
graphs the FX 6300 paired with the RX
480 the FX 6300 paired with the 980ti
and the i7 6700 k also overclocked to
4.6 gearheads and paired with the same
amount of RAM 16 gigabytes paired with
both cards as well all games were
benchmarked in 1080p the FX processor
wasn't diggin 1440p and most of these
titles all of which were set to high
settings with exceptions listed
thereafter by the way I'll be using the
newest crimson driver update from AMD
with the rx 480 and all of these tests I
have confirmed I can confirm that the RX
for a DS power draw issue from the PCIe
slot has been corrected I threw it into
the same through infidel rig and all the
games ran perfectly fine even with the
$400 ultra cheap power supply we can
make a separate video on that but I
really didn't think it would be a bit
entertaining you're just gonna be seeing
all the games run and that's pretty much
it so that's why I threw it into here
don't worry
problem solved now if you've you were
confused in the $350 AMD PC build video
which you can check out right here by
the way because I included my i7 scores
I mean obviously the ultra t platform
didn't stand a chance but I included the
i7 because that platform represents a
quote unquote no bottleneck situation
now that's not to say that nothing in
the computer was a bottleneck there's
always a bottleneck somewhere remember
that no matter how expensive the
computer is there's always a bottleneck
you just you can't get rid of that
you're always gonna have one thing
holding back something else in the rig
but with the i7 in there you can get a
sense of how much the other CPU
bottlenecks to the graphics card I've
included a 90 DTI as well for the same
reason so you'll see four rigs and four
sets of graphs makes sense all right
let's get to it
first up as usual is Grand Theft Auto 5
which provides a great blend of CPU and
GPU intensive segments throughout here
we find the FX 6300 falling a good ways
behind the rest of the pack when paired
with the RX 480 so keep in mind however
this platform is significantly cheaper
than the other three rates you're
looking at here now the bottleneck can
be identified through various outlets
for one the FX 6300 plus 980ti combo is
yielding frame rates that are nearly
identical to the i7 + RX 480 combo so
even though the 980 TI is about twice as
powerful as the RX 4 80s have
demonstrated in a video you can check
out by the way right here the FX
processor is still holding things back
quite a bit and if you're thinking well
of course braids pretty obvious you're
pairing a $90 CPU with a $400 GP
I agree it should be rather obvious but
we're trying to gauge exactly how much
of a bottleneck of this thing is if we
compare just the 2r X 480 rigs it also
becomes very clear in Grantha thought of
five the FX 6300 is cutting frame rates
in half from that of an ideal CPU but in
case you're wondering when it comes to
strictly gaming the difference is
between an i5 and i7 when it comes to
the frame rates you see in most games
I'm saying most because a few of them
will take advantage of the extra threads
for the most part the i5 experience will
be roughly identical to the i7
experience I've proven that in a video
you can check out right here if you
don't believe me but take my word for it
if you have a decently overclocked I 5
or even one that just has a really high
turbo frequency you're going to be
yielding roughly the same frame rates as
I am with the i7 rig even though I have
hyper threading on board you may not we
should still be receiving similar frame
rate so even though we have different
CPUs so you're welcome to test all the
stuff on your own that's why I show you
all the settings and everything like
that for every game
so that you can go and do this on your
own and see kind of where your stacks up
to this rig right here that you're
looking at and a rig that features the
FX 6300 and the RX 480
ashes of the singularity tells us a
different story the multiple threads of
the FX 6300 to keep it in the game
yielding an average frame rate of only
10 FPS lower than a processor that's
over three times its price it handles
the 90 DTI fairly well - and the 4.6
gigahertz overclock goes a long way here
now in the case of hitman I would regard
this game as a very GPU intensive one
and here's why it doesn't stress the CPU
to any unorthodox degree confirmed via
MSI Afterburner
however in DirectX 12 mode those
minimums can get pretty low regardless
of how expensive your rig is this
doesn't happen often in fact you may not
even notice the occasional dip at all
but it's there and was experienced in
both platforms this is another case in
which the FX 6300 holds its own while
obviously not i7 comparable the 6300
plus 480 combo produced an average frame
rate of over 60 FPS so impressive in its
own right the CPU also handle the 980ti
admirably check this out only an 8 f PS
difference between the two averages the
same margins exist for the maxes and
mins as well this game shocked me in a
very good way so then let's get to the
bad news CPU intensive titles City
skylines is one of them much like the
Total War and Armas
series this game led to some fairly
depressing results here the graphics
card choice didn't really make much of a
difference folks if you want proof of a
CPU bottleneck this is it a $200 price
difference and graphics cards made
almost zero difference in frame rates
thanks to our FX 6300 much of the same
can be said for rise of the Tomb Raider
here the minimum of the 6300 plus 480
combo is rather pitiful as is the
average which considering the moderate
settings didn't even approach 50 fps
swapping the card for the 980ti improve
things quite a bit though sings though
the average frame rates for these two
are within 5 frames of each other the
minimums aren't as great but again this
scenario is still very playable to be
fair the 6300 plus 480 combo is also I
guess playable but only if you're
comfortable with sub 60 FPS gameplay
I've included csgo by popular demand and
this one reveals its CPU intensive
tendencies as a rule of thumb higher
frame rates typically require more
efficient central processing units in
this case the FX 6300 isn't technically
bottlenecking anything but simply
switching to the i7 and ddr4 gave us an
extra 70 frames on the average so at
this point I imagine a few of you are
ready to chew me out in the comments for
what you just saw yes I'm well aware
that one platform was using ddr3 and the
other was using ddr4 yes I'm well aware
that Ram frequencies were vastly
different do keep in mind of the ddr3
boast significantly lower caste
latencies which also plays a huge role
here and yes I'm well aware of the price
differences between these platforms the
goal here was not to start a price to
performance war but rather to analyze
the bottlenecking potential of the FX
6300 and it's corresponding platform
with roughly everything else equal
you're looking at anywhere from a 20 to
50% framerate bottleneck with the FX
6300 compared to that of a modern i5 or
i7 with decent clock speeds the rest of
this conclusion must be sculpted by you
in your opinion did the bottlenecks
you've just seen with the FX processor
justify its extremely low price point
and three platforms are old I mean they
come equipped with pcie 2.0 slots and
while that alone may not reduce frame
rates by any substantial degree it's a
testament to how old these parts are
even though you might decide to purchase
them quote-unquote brand new as for me
personally I cannot wait to get my hands
on some Zen whenever that decides to
show up if you liked what you saw in
this video be sure to give it a thumbs
up give it a thumbs down if you feel the
complete opposite
or if you hate everything about life be
sure to click the subscribe but if you
haven't already and stay tuned for a
change here in the studio I'm sick of
doing graphics card stuff I'm gonna give
that a break for a while I do have a PC
build coming up sponsored by feed cool
and cable mod but for now we're gonna do
some other things I don't like doing the
same stuff over and over just like I
said bring in this towel dried zits
pretty much done for at this point the
RX 480 is a great card in my opinion I
would not fault you at all for
purchasing one of the 4 gig or the eight
gig depending on what you plan to do in
the future
stay tuned for all those new things that
you're about to see on the channel be
sure to leave feedback in the comment
sections below stay tuned for the next
this is science studio thanks for
learning with us
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